Chapter 79: Who is calling my fire element?

   "'s boring to see too many flames! Is it really impossible to get out here? It's boring!"
Annie was sitting cross-legged on the spire of the original Saffron Castle, with her little bear Tibbs in her arms, her two white tender hands were supporting her round chin, her eyes staring blankly at the red flames in the distance There is no sunset or sunrise here, except for a few meteorites with tail flames falling from time to time in the red sky above, this place is always this dull look at any time!
   The pure blood fire eagle Celia was standing beside her, taking care of its own flame feathers. It has now become Annie's exclusive mount. But it seemed to have nothing to do except occasionally carrying their new queen to patrol the territory and flying around twice. The elements of the Land of Flames have returned to their usual prison life for thousands of years.
   It has been nearly a month since the battle against the spider mother Bestilak. In this month, Annie easily conquered the entire Flame Land! Under the butcher knife of Chief Shanknox, there is no objection to her here!
After all, there is the spy Shanknox, the leading party and the Firehawk clan. After killing the spider mother Bestilak, in addition to suffering from depression, the gatekeeper Bellock, who is a little abnormal in his head, resisted being defeated. Aside from Tibbers' tumbling a few times, there was no one in the Flame Land who would dare to stand out and stab again!
   All the big and small leaders of the elemental creatures, under the witness of the magic contract, to their new masters, the new lords of the Firelands: the Queen of Fire, the great Anne Hasta! Sworn allegiance! And offered their loyalty! Since then, the Land of Fire has officially changed its new owner! Saffron Castle has also been renamed the Queen's Palace of Fire!
   I just don’t know, if one day, after the big screw comes back, how would you feel when you see the scene in front of you? It's just a long night's sleep, how can I think that its hometown is gone?
   However, it may never come back! Because Annie has re-reinforced the space barriers in the Land of Flames during this month, and added many measures to restrict entry. Without her consent, anything else can't enter easily! Especially the big screw! It will never come back! It has been added to the blacklist with restricted access!
   Among all the fire elemental bosses, the only exception is the ancient elemental creature called Lord Leolis! This ancient lava giant who lived for countless thousands of years and was almost the same age as Azeroth did not swear allegiance to the new owner of the Land of Fire. It merely expressed that he did not oppose Anne's rule here!
  According to its statement, whether it was once the Balrog King or the current Fire Queen, it strictly abides by neutrality and does not favor any side! It just wants to continue to stay quietly in the land of flames and create more and newer elemental lives...
   Originally wanted to insist that the old skater sign a contract, Shan Knox, who pulled it into the water, had no choice but to give up after seeing that Annie did not intend to force the ancient stone man!
From its point of view, this old thing said it was high-sounding, but it was actually a good calculation in his heart: if Ragnaros, Lord of the Flames, can return to this land of flames in the future, he will definitely not be liquidated. On the head of this old thing! This just wants to please both sides and not sin against each other! Still abiding by neutrality, it's serious! If you change it to a weaker one, Shanknox believes that this stone man would have come up with a punch!
   "Huh? What was the blue thing just now? Portal?"
   Annie, who was being bored, suddenly saw a small arcane wave on the molten wilderness in the distance, as if it had opened a small portal? Then suddenly, the portal disappeared immediately. There should be a fire element that disappeared with the portal? What is the situation? She unexpectedly discovered that someone could still open the portal here? Also teleported away a fire element?
   can't do it! This situation is very special! Annie hurriedly jumped onto the fire eagle Celia and directed it to fly down to the palace square below. She was going to find someone to ask and see what happened to the portal!
   "Hey! Come here!"
   Just after jumping off the fire eagle's back, Annie immediately waved her hand and called out two fire demon centurions who were patrolling the square in front of the palace.
  Since Shanknox retreated from Annie and successfully captured the entire Flameland, their fire demon, as the founding fathers of the country, naturally rose from the dragon hero! Not only did Shanknox become the chief administrator of the Queen's Realm, but its elite fire monsters also became the guards of the palace and some important departments!
   "Your Majesty, what can I do for you?" The two fire demon respectfully stood up in front of Annie, and humbled their waists and bowed.
   "Who knows where Shane Knox is? I have something to ask him!" Annie is very anxious now! In her opinion, the old fire demon should know what the portal that just appeared suddenly is!
   "Master Shanknox should be working in the general manager's office next to the palace. Would you like me to find it for you?" A fire demon said immediately, please.
   "No need! I will go by myself!" Annie flashed directly and disappeared in front of the two little fire monsters! She didn't have time to wait for them to find someone slowly!
   "Shane Knox? Come out! I have something to ask you!"
   Shanknox was drinking lava tea leisurely in his office, and the sudden emergence of Queen Anne was shocked, and almost did not spill anything on the floor!
   Since it conquered the Land of Fire, it no longer has to go out to patrol hard! Just staying in the office so graciously every day to enjoy the blessings, in the true sense of living the life it dreams of a clerk, Fire Monster, and even better!
   The job of training dogs has been handed over to several of its subordinates, and the job of patrol officer has also promoted a great guy of its own race! And the territory of the ember-web spiders has also been taken over by the fire eagles. They are now busy breeding small spiders so that they have enough food to breed more fire eagles... The land of flames is now peacefully developing steadily and healthily... well, it's actually restored to its original state! You don’t need it at all, the big manager to be nosy!
"Ah! My most respected Her Majesty, what can I do for you?" After seeing Anne flashing in, Shanknox quickly turned out of his position and dragged quickly. When she walked to Annie, she nodded and replied.
"I ask you! Why did an arcane portal suddenly appear in the Molten Wilderness? A small fire element was also teleported away? What is going on? Didn't you say that you can't go out?" The portal appeared under Annie's eyelids. She could see clearly at that time, there would never be any falsehoods! That is a portal!
   "The portal? There was a fire element passed away?" Shanknox frowned and repeated Anne's words before he realized it, and finally remembered what it was like!
"His Majesty! In that case, there should be a certain mage on Azeroth who summoned a fire element to help! That kind of portal is only temporary, bypassing some of the Titans' protective measures, and generally it can only It lasts for a short period of one or two seconds, and can only summon small fire elements. Larger fire monsters or lava giants will not be able to pass, so a larger and more stable portal is needed! Just like before It's the same when someone summons Ragnaros!"
   Flameland does not happen rarely, after all, there are still a lot of flame mages in Azeroth, and they will summon some fire elements to help fight! And the elemental plane of fire closest to Azeroth is also here in the Land of Flames, so Shanknox is no stranger to this kind of thing. Anyway, no one from the world of Azeroth would call it Shanknox, so it didn't bother to care about it!
   After all, there are more fire elements in the land of flames, there are hundreds of thousands without a million! On the high ground of the ancient flame mountain range, Leolis still used the fire element to play with it all day long, and now, the densely packed side of the mountain range is about to flood! If they like to summon, they can summon, Shanknox doesn’t bother to take care of these messy things! It is now the queen's chief executive, and these trivial matters can be filed and registered by the people below.
   "But that portal is the right size for me to go over!" Annie gave it angrily!
   You can't make it, but I can make it! How can I not be in a hurry? The space gem will not be recharged in a few months, she didn't want to stay in this place for that long! Since Azeroth looks so funny, she must go to see, it seems to be too! But..., the time that the portal exists is too short, and we don't know when the other party will call, which fire element will be summoned, there is not enough time for us to react! "
   Shanknox thought for a while, and thought Queen Anne’s idea was good, but it was a pity that it was too difficult to operate! Can't we gather all the millions of fire elements together and stare at it all day? But what if the opponent summons the lava dog in a different way? This matter can't be handled!
"Humph! You can't help but don't mean I don't! Then I'm going out and staring now. If I go to Azeroth, I will leave it to you to take care of the Flame Land! If you dare to mess around! , Look good with you!"
   Annie glanced at it disdainfully, took out a necklace inlaid with green gems from her pocket and hung it on her neck. This gem has been in her hands for a while, but she has never used it before, and it will finally come in handy for the first time today! All she had to wait was the moment when the summoned portal appeared. Whether it was one second or two seconds, even half a second, it made no difference to Annie!
   "Your Majesty..." Shanknox wanted to say something, but little Annie disappeared with a flash!
   got it! Now Shane Knox has been promoted from the Queen’s Grand Master to the Regent of the Land of Fire! From a patrolling sheriff to the sky in one month, he was promoted to N rank, and this is no one! Sure enough, there is some truth to the existence of the anti-skeletal boy, at least the gain is proportional to the risk!
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