Chapter 748: Set sail! set sail!

Its daybreak……
At the slaughter wharf on the Kegu Bay in Bilgewater, even if it is still early in the morning, no fresh sea beasts have been slaughtered on the gallows. However, due to the long slaughter for many years, the scarlet blood of a large number of sea beasts, It has already soaked every reef, every grain of sand, and every drop of seawater in this harbor... So, the seawater here always seems to be the red color with the stench?
Of course, after the waves continued to wash away all night, the red seawater in the dock has been gradually diluted, and it cannot be compared with the terrifying crimson during the peak slaughter period.
After the bright red sea and the early morning red sun in the distance complement each other, when you look around, whether it is the sky or the sea, it is red and red... Let the scenery here be and murderous. The tragic aesthetic feeling that can only be found in the battlefield... And this "seeing the sunrise in the harbour with blood and blue sky" is one of Bilgewater's most prestigious wonders!
It's a pity that no one here will be distracted to pay attention to this, because this kind of thing has long been accustomed to the eyes of the Bilgewater.
~( ̄0 ̄)/speed speed~!
"You lazy guys, hurry up and get everything on the boat for me, we will have them soon! Also, the big beard on the shore, look what you are talking about, hurry up! Untie it now The thick rope under your feet!!!"
"Hey! Are you a sailor? You have to untie the rope before sailing. Don't you even know this?!"
at this time,
In this slaughter pier, a medium-sized hunting ship swaying in the scarlet water is being driven by a group of incompetent, seemingly chaotic and busy sailors, and a little chaotic commander. Under the operation of the captain, he finally pulled up the dirty sails on three sides, taking advantage of the early morning breeze, slowly drifting towards the outside of Kegu Bay.
Yes, the captain of this ship is Queen Anne, you are not mistaken...
This medium-sized hunting ship, which was renamed "Greasy" and looks tattered and somewhat dirty, was where Annie was in a hotel in Bilgewater last night, from being poor to paying quickly. It was bought in the hands of the captain who couldn't afford rent and wine!
And the clumsy sea hunter crew members who are operating on the ship, the reason why they listen to a little girl so much is actually because:
Little Annie bought it with money last night. In fact, it was not just such a medium-sized sea ship for hunting giant beasts. In fact, the down-and-out captain also bought one, get one free, and gave her such a ship directly. It is said that he is very incompetent. He has gone out several times in the sea, but has not been able to successfully hunt any deep-sea behemoth, and then almost gave their former captain alive to the bankrupt sea hunter team? !
You know, here in Bilgewater, a hunting boat that goes out to sea repeatedly but fails to catch any giant animal prey is easy to be dismissed and ridiculed... and even considered extremely unlucky and unlucky. exist? And those sea hunters or other captains who go to sea to earn their lives often attach great importance to the invisible and vague things like'luck'!
and so,
Under normal circumstances, no sea hunter or captain is willing to take over this kind of ship!
If it weren’t bought by an ignorant and fearless little girl, it would be picked up by someone one day in the future, and then dragged to the shore at a low price for a house or other purpose, and engraved on the nameplate of the house’s door. Apart from its experience as an epitaph, it will never have a better ending...
There are exceptions to everything, isn’t it?
No, because a wealthy little girl who is extremely confident of her own strength and never considers any consequences in doing things, by chance, meets a destitute captain...So, the number of a bag is unknown. After the heavy gold coins were handled, the ship was dragged to Annie's name, and a group of sea hunters who almost didn't starve to death were given free of charge! !
It is here today at the Slaughter Wharf that Annie was able to command a ship of more than 20 people, and successfully put her own "Greasy" ship under the eyes of many Bilgewaters, curious, or mocking. The reason for leaving the slaughter pier and leaving the Kegu Bay! !
This broken ship, it was called the "Greasy", in fact, because Anne just used those greasy and disgusting things to tease some two bad guys who wanted to make money and kill them last night. When she came here to receive, after seeing this dirty broken ship, she naturally said such annoying words.
But actually...
At the beginning, she planned to call it the "Little Bear"... Unfortunately, due to the strong opposition from her family’s Tibbers, she had no choice but to retreat to the next best place, and randomly named such a strange name. They also used a broken wooden board to write its new name obliquely, and randomly nailed it to the sacred position of the original ship name on the bow.
Little Annie never cared much about this kind of troublesome little things, and because of her distrust of the new captain, the crew members who also did not have much hope for this time out to sea should be taken for granted. Instead of going to the very unlucky practice of changing the name of the ship, just let it go and let such a rich little girl with some strange spell abilities go around.
(Respected little master, what was it like when you ran out to sea early in the morning... The little one clearly remembers, like this slow-moving sea-breaking boat, you used to have it when you were in the Caribbean Sea. You have played, do you want to play now?
(● ̄ ̄●)
For a certain miserable little master who did not sleep in the luxurious room of the hotel for the first time, but came to play this game of going to sea early in the morning. This really made Tibbers feel very, very Puzzled!
Because, this kind of thing from the sun hitting the west really makes it feel quite rare...
Okay, it almost forgot, the Tibbers bear uncle, this is not any plane of the earth, if the sun comes out from the west, it doesn't seem to be too weird? )
"Of course it is to go hunting!!"
"That kind of huge big sea beast is so delicious, so big, and so cruel. People must have a few of them to have fun!!"
The corners of Annie's mouth twitched when she thought of the piece of meat she had eaten yesterday.
That kind of delicious food is not sold every day...
Moreover, the best things are said to be dedicated to the gang leaders and smugglers in this city to enjoy...It is the people above who have to keep them by name. Even if she has money, she does not necessarily Can buy those special offerings!
Besides, the harvest at the slaughter pier today is a bit poor. Early in the morning, until the sun rose, no sea hunter’s sailboat came back. Therefore, there must be no new giants in Bilgewater today. The beast meat is sold, and the ordinary sea fish Annie doesn't like to eat it!
and so,
After eating a not-so-good breakfast, for the sake of her stomach that is likely to be increasingly injured, Annie resolutely decided: go out to sea with this medium-sized ship that she bought last night and hunt for herself. Big fish go!
Moreover, she also decided:
She will never use her powerful abilities easily. As long as there is no such powerful monster appearing, she will only use the power of this ship and those dumb sea hunter crews to beat her. The kind of big beast I want, envy those guys who laughed at her on the dock when they set sail! !
Of course, if it is impossible to catch it, maybe...maybe...she would really cheat secretly?
(Hmm...Master, you just want to be happy...
I can’t stop it anyway. Anyway, the ship is now gradually moving away from Bilgewater. Anyway, I’m not very optimistic about Tibbers, whose crews who can’t even drive the ship are capable of catching big fish, so he doesn’t plan to talk more. , Let a horrible little master who is likely to have only three minutes of heat look around on the bow, looking at the rippling seas around and the seabirds flying out early in the morning to hunt. )
∑(△`)? !
"Hey! Drive well, why did you stop suddenly? Didn't you eat in the morning? Hurry up, hurry up and speed up, and go full right at full speed!!"
Annie went to sea to hunt today, not to go out to play!
If possible, she must hit a huge beast that is big enough today, just like the big octopus that she hit in the Caribbean back then! Therefore, she was very dissatisfied with the behavior of the crew slowing down the boat and floating slowly on the sea without her permission!
If it keeps floating like this, I am afraid that they will wait until next month, they will not be able to reach the nearest deep-sea hunting ground, and they will not even want to catch those terrifying super sea beasts! !
"That...respected captain, we didn't intentionally stop the ship...we just want to ask, have you paid the tithe for going to sea?"
This one who came over and nodded and humbly asked the little girl, was a legendary Harpooner named Lars who was additionally recruited by Little Annie!
Under normal circumstances, harpooners are the souls of a team of sea hunters. They are mainly responsible for shooting with harpoons or diving into the sea with other weapons to hook and try to kill those huge sea prey!
This kind of veteran old harpooner is often the most critical and core figure in a boat or a sea hunter team! There is no doubt that many harpooners are shooters with a hundred shots, or are brave and fearless freedivers! Without a qualified harpoon sea hunter team, it must be impossible to catch any prey, and this is the real reason why Xiao Annie listened to the persuasion of the down-and-out captain and spent a lot of money to recruit each other. .
"Pay taxes?"
∑( ̄□ ̄;)?
"Certainly, why do people pay taxes? Didn't you say that Bilgewater here is a free port, then why do you collect taxes? You guy, do you want to deceive your Master Captain, and then you can do that kind of deception? Corruption and fraud are hidden from you?"
"Let me tell you, I hate this kind of person the most, do you want me to burn you right now?!"
The reason why Little Annie was able to successfully recruit the legendary Harpoon Lars in front of her and command the crew members who had lost their lives in the city of Bilgewater began to engage in scams, kidnappings, and murders. Honestly Listening to her words on the ground, in addition to the gold coin offensive, she also appropriately disclosed her identity as a tall spellcaster!
So, now after hearing that the other party wanted to fool her to pay taxes, she stared at the other party’s big beard unceremoniously, and angrily grabbed a ball of orange-red light in the palm of her hand. And a small fireball of terrible heat.
These guys, don't think that her Queen Anne knew nothing when she was young!
If they thought that they could lie to her if they ran to the sea, then they would be very wrong! !
"My Master Captain..."
"Everyone who goes to the sea has to pay taxes, don't you really know that? In Bilgewater, everyone knows that..., as the saying goes,'no tithing is paid, the sea boiling mountain shakes.' It's not a joke, that's very important, even more important than whether our ship can hit those deep-sea monsters!!"
If you don't teach taxes, it will be terrible!
Those terrible experiences in the past have long made Lars understand: Whether it is when going to sea or when returning to the sea with a full load, tithes must be paid...If you don’t see the captain pay the tax with your own eyes, He would never continue to walk into the deep sea, or would never easily approach the Python Islands, a place closely watched by Lady Beard.
Anyway, if the small captain in front of him does not listen to persuasion, even if he unilaterally terminates the employment relationship without authorization and jumps into the sea to venture back, he will not hesitate! !
"What a mess of tithes, people have never heard of it!!"
No one has ever dared to collect taxes on her Queen Anne, whether it's a road tax or something else!
She really never thought that her ship came out of a free port, and she didn't do anything, and she had to pay taxes first... Is there really that kind of outrageous thing in this world?
Taxation or something, but now it is above the sea, and there are no ships around, so who should be paid? Moreover, if she refuses to pay, what can these people do with her? !
"Captain, that's a tax paid to the bearded lady in the sea..."
At this time,
Lars seems to have also remembered, this little girl mage is probably not a native of Bilgewater, because ah, the commission paid to them by the other party seems to be the gold coins from Noxus, not their Bill. The kind of unique golden sea monster here in Givert?
Therefore, although he also felt that the other party was probably an unreliable guy, he still patiently explained such a sentence to the little girl.
"Ms. Beard?"
"Oh... do you mean that big octopus? Where is it now? It doesn't cost money for its kind of monster, why pay taxes to it?!"
Mrs. Beard or something, Anne has heard it many times, and it also includes other names, such as: representing life, growth and eternal motion, snake mother, big sea beast, big octopus, etc.?
Since the opponent is also a big beast...
This made Annie's heart a crazy idea... she thought, if she could find it and take it back to Bilgewater for slaughter, it would be a sensation, and let her The entire city of Bilgewater knew her Queen Anne's prestige? !
When others caught sea beasts, she grabbed a native and went back. It was a bit exciting to think about that kind of thing...
(● ̄ ̄●)
"That's not why...because everyone has to pay taxes...the people who don't teach taxes are dead and dragged down into the sea by the deep-sea titan..."
"Especially... when the prey is captured and returned?"
"I used to be a harpoonman, I saw the'Hydrax' dragged down the sea by it...Everyone died, and I almost never came back alive..."
Lars slowly explained with a tremor of fear, he knew the horror of the Abyss Titan Not Tillers, and in the sea, no one would be his opponent!
Even if the little girl in front of him seemed to be able to do some incredible flame tricks, he didn't think that when she was in the sea, she would be able to defeat the monster like a monster of the deep sea, the ‘tax officer’ of the lady with beard!
Annie actually doesn't want to pay taxes, but...
"Let's talk, how much tax do you have to pay?!"
Although she was a little reluctant in her heart, in order to make these hired sailors work quickly and catch that huge sea beast, Annie still asked impatiently.
"At least one gold sea monster or equivalent property is needed now!!"
Lars held out a finger, paying taxes is a must, everyone must pay taxes!
Because, even in his own pocket, he always had a gold sea monster, which was his lucky sea monster coin. When he was the most impoverished, he didn't exchange it for wine... But if needed, He will definitely use it in exchange for a chance to survive!
The Golden Sea Monster or something, Annie doesn't. She only has gold coins from Noxus and Jin Jialong from Gringotts in Diagon or industrial gold ingots with different weights from the Golden Sea Monster. Something... So, she didn't know how many gold coins to throw, she simply took out an ordinary magic gem from her pocket, and threw it into the distant sea.
With a soft sound, all the sailors, including Lars, who voluntarily admonished to their captain, were very sure. They saw their captain heading to the sea, and paying tithes to Ms. Beard. tax.
"Here! Can we sail now?!"
Annie made a secret decision in her heart. After returning to the voyage, she just won't pay taxes. Then, look at that ‘Ms. Beard’ or Deep Sea Titan. What can you do with her?
(Respected little master, this is the sea. When the time comes, don't expect the little one to come out and fight with the enemies you provoke!!
Whether it is the Beard Lady, the Abyss Titan, or other native gods or something, it is not persuaded by Lord Tibbers Bear! However, the premise is that it must be on the shore, and the enemy can't fly and run fast without it?
But if it’s a sea full of sea water in front of you, then I’m sorry, it will definitely not come out to fight the enemy desperately, because Tibbers is a veritable
land duck
, not only does it not Swimming, and a little afraid of water...)
"Of course, the great captain, let's go sailing now!!"
After speaking, Lars left the bow and ran to the position of the mast behind, intending to continue to work and direct the sailors to sail to the deep sea area where the giant beasts were hunted. 2k reading network
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