Chapter 760: Colson, I will shoot up to the sky, you charge! !

So painful...
Good, so uncomfortable...
", you, are you, did you just poison me?!"
At this moment, Fitz was pulling his hands and feet on the position of his mouth and tongue, panting, his nose and tears were dripping to the ground at the same time...Look at her That exaggerated movement and appearance seemed to be like pulling her own lips, tongue, eyes, and even mouth all together?
Of course, her behavior aroused the attention of the surrounding Bilgewater people, such as idlers, villains, sailors, crew members, sea hunters, and dock gang members, and began to be surrounded by pointing cynics. With.
If it’s a sloppy drunk or a fishy-smelling sailor who wants to whine and go crazy on the street like that, then no one will take a second look, but if it’s something that is obviously not human For the aquatic amphibians, it is different, and it is enough to arouse people's curiosity.
"Here! Fitz! If you drink more water, you will soon be relieved!"
After pulling the other party's webbed hand like a frog to an open wooden barrel, Annie comforted the other party with a wide-word, and at the same time pressed the other party's head viciously. In the wooden barrel, the entire smooth blue head of the other party was immersed in the water, and all the onlookers around could only see countless bubbles popping out from the water in that wooden barrel.
Anyway, the other party can live in the deep sea and breathe freely in the water. It must be immortal... Therefore, when Xiao Anni is doing her hands, she doesn't need to worry too much at all. Threw the opponent into the bucket entirely.
( ̄□ ̄;)
"Hate! What do you guys look at? Haven't seen anyone eat spicy sticks?!"
When I turned my head, I found that I didn’t know when there were a lot of stuffed and idle guys who were doing nothing to join in the fun. They kept pointing and chuckling. Annie was angry and swung angrily. He warned against his white and tender little fist without the slightest deterrent.
'let's go……'
'Hey! Let's go drinking? ’
Under Little Annie's warning that didn't seem to be threatening, many Bilgewaters who were unwilling to cause trouble laughed for a while, and after reading Rare, they quickly left in twos and threes.
There are a few guys who seem to be members of a certain dock gang, but did not leave under the threat of the little girl. Instead, they continued to stand aside with a sneer, their eyes flashing with danger and playfulness, and they didn’t know where they were. What are you thinking about.
"Little bastard!"
"Dare to be so arrogant in our Okao boss's site, are you tired of living?!"
The members of the dock gang who had been ill-intentioned for a long time, after the onlookers around them gradually dispersed, they smiled and surrounded the little girl and the strange marine race creature with a bad expression.
They are now going to teach those two little things Bilgewater the rules, so that they know who they can't mess with!
Little bastard? ? ?
Annie frowned...
Hey! .
Is it because she hasn't done that kind of murder and arson for a long, long time, so these bad guys have begun to think that Queen Ann is a good bully Little Red Riding Hood?
to be frank,
Annie never thinks that she is a bad person who can do no evil, but she will definitely not be the kind of good person who knows to do good or save the world all day long! She is just a little girl who likes to play around in the endless world, make troubles everywhere, wander around, and act according to her own preferences!
If someone provokes her for no reason and really makes her angry...
"Ah~Ah! ’
"Wow, ahhhhhhhhhh! ! ’
‘Help! ! ! ’
The sound of heavy objects being thrown into the sea's water was heard from afar. Then, the sea in the distance began to stir frantically as if it was boiling...Obviously, due to the strong smell, As a result, the populations in the slaughter wharf were extremely developed, which led to the dispatch of razorfish, scavenger sharks, and aquatic tooth beasts that were often undernourished.
‘! ! ’
‘Go! Go! ’
‘What did she just do? ? ’
‘I don’t know, hurry up, let’s get out of here first! ! ’
at last,
Under the example of a group of pier gang members who did not live or die, they continued to stay not far away, intending to watch the lively idlers, this time they were finally scared, and they had to leave the scene as quickly as possible. Let this seaside street quickly restore its'calm', only the scary little girl who just shot some kind of magical thunder and another blue little creature that looks very embarrassed, they said together With a smile, under the gaze of some eyewitnesses around him, he walked slowly towards the downtown street in the distance.
The sun has risen higher and higher now...
The morning sun shines diagonally from the iconic natural building in Bilgewater, from the southeast of the'Butcher's Bridge', and successfully allows the shadow of the'Butcher's Bridge' to firmly block those due to time. It became hotter and hotter with the passage of time, more and more dazzling sunlight... It also succeeded in allowing this bustling Dockside street in Bilgewater to enjoy in the shadow of that magnificent natural'bridge' A rare and cool breath.
it's here,
Little Annie, who just wandered out of the slaughter pier not long ago, was wandering with Tidal Sealingfitz, who seemed a little weak, carrying the seastone trident.... Well, in fact, it should be. Is it a lawless and reckless little girl who is intimidating a little murloc like a grieved daughter-in-law who has been suffering to accompany her shopping and chatting?
On this road, the fine-skinned, gorgeously dressed little Annie and the aquatic Yodel Fitz are always curiously pointed or whispered by others when they are walking among the pedestrians and horses. Talking about...Those who are idle and do nothing, or have bad intentions, or more just people who are curious about the blue-skinned thing that seems to be the deep-sea shark tribe who came ashore. They don’t seem to know what happened before. People are still watching or mocking and laughing so unscrupulously?
However, the gleaming sharp seastone trident carried on the shoulders of the blue-skinned creature that is suspected of being a deep-sea shark has caused many unruly guys to converge a little in their hearts. Thoughts, before figuring out the details, in the case of unwilling to go into war, no one would dare, and would not be willing to use force with a murloc who does not know the details...
Of course, it may also be because there are too many people on this street, so that no one is willing to do things that can quickly reap benefits for themselves under the eyes of everyone?
"Fizz, the little fisherman, are you really not going to eat one more spicy bar? Look, it's fragrant and spicy. If you chew it slowly, it will be really enjoyable!!"
After tying the arm of her little bear Tibbs around her waist with the silk ribbon on her little skirt, Annie holds a large bag of delicious spicy strips from a supermarket on the earth in her left hand and one in her other hand. The long, red, translucent and greasy vegetable protein snacks, I ate a lot while walking...
It didn't matter if she ate it herself, she still wanted to fool the little murloc Fitz who was following her to persuade him to continue to try boldly.
Actually, good stuff or something, in some cases, her Queen Anne is still happy to share it with others! For example, this little playmate by your side, this little fisherman Fitz, who has never eaten chili and seems to be unable to eat spicy food?
Just now, out of curiosity, the other party asked oneself for one... Then, after sniffing it carefully for a while, he directly threw the whole one into the big mouth and chewed it. Chew it! Then... Of course, the other party quickly vomited out again, with his eyes rounded and his tongue stretched out to gasp, and he wiped his mouth, the eyes and nose flowing out together is really fun. Up! !
So, at the beginning, I didn't intend to share too much little Annie with each other, but now she is very willing and generous to express: Willing to share the happiness that originally belonged to her own little fish-man servant?
Of course, her happiness is now obviously based on the other side's unhappiness...
(Tibbers now doesn’t want to pay attention to its awful little master, nor does he want to tell him other interesting things...because its experience tells it, at this time, it’s best to treat itself Minimize its presence, and lower it a little... Otherwise, once it gets too active and attracts the attention of a nasty little guy, it will definitely become the kind of tragic fate that acts as a rag!!)
"I'm not a murloc..."
Fitz speaks weakly...
First, it was because she had been ashore for too long. This sudden change of her living environment made her a little uncomfortable? Although she is an amphibious Yordle, she can move freely on land, but compared to the dry, hot and crowded land environment, she obviously prefers the free sea a little more?
Then again...
The spicy strip that the other party tempted herself to eat just now caused serious magic, physical and real damage to her mouth, throat and tongue! !
For countless years, I have been living under the sea. When I am hungry, I will catch a big fish and eat some fresh sashimi. When I am thirsty, I will drink some delicious jellyfish body fluid. She has almost never touched the kind that only the worst human beings can touch. She is like a horrible food from hell. At this moment, her spirit and indeed have been extremely severely hit!
If possible, she is eager to go back to the sea, catch a few delicious live fish or large jellyfish, hide in a dark trench, enjoy the food that suits her, and comfort her for being violent. Hit the weak and small mind?
"Forget it, whatever you want..."
"You can call it whatever you like, but please take away the food that the devil only eats, and keep them away from me... Humph! Anyway, I will definitely not eat those things anymore. Yes, I swear, absolutely not!!!"
Fitz was a little hysterical, and said weakly...
right now,
She didn’t want to worry about the weird and messy appellation that the little girl would change to herself almost every day...because she almost didn’t spit out her body fluids just now, almost not because of her tongue dehydration and Fitz, who was traumatized and killed violently, now really didn't have much strength to fight or quarrel with each other.
She really wanted to stay away from the devil-like little girl next to her, away from this terrible little guy that even the ancient Nagakaboros's subordinates dared to grab and catch...If you can, She'd better plunge headlong into the sea ditches outside the street in front, and then swim quickly into the deep sea outside Bilgewater Bay, and never come back! !
But it's a pity...
Like the big Nautilus who is still sitting on the dock until now, he is a prisoner of the devilish little girl in front of him! Therefore, Fitz didn't have too many choices, and didn't dare to ask for it. She could only follow the other side honestly and hope that she was not played alive by the other party before regaining her freedom?
Of course, how do you say that... there is no harm without contrast? !
Involuntarily with a certain body, even the entire huge body is completely sealed, and now it is shouting that every day should not be, the earth is not working, even the ancient Nagakaboros has temporarily remained silent until the present action Compared to the hapless guy who was still not free for the slightest bit, compared to the Deep Sea Titan Not Tillers, Fitz was indeed much better to some extent.
However, what she doesn't know is... how long will the terrible and boring days like these last?
Although, Fitz has always liked to play, and she also likes to tease the captains and sailors at sea... For example: control the big beast to swallow the other's ship? Or, occasionally personally move their hands and feet, secretly gouging through the bottom of those people’s ships at night, watching those land people screaming and wailing, slowly being swallowed by the sea, and slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea. That kind of fun?
Anyway, what Fitz likes is to play with others and let others bring happiness to him, instead of letting others play with himself and then make others happy?
"By the way, Boss Annie..."
The word ‘boss’ was taught to herself by the other party. Fitz didn’t understand what it meant at first, but after the other party’s explanation, she probably understood the relationship between the hire and the hired? But Fitz swears that she never thought about being hired by the other party, she was forced, and she didn't want to call the other party the ‘boss’ at all!
However, since the other party asked her to call that way, she had no other good way besides being forced to accept it.
"I just saw it, and you seem to suddenly turn your head and go back. Who are you making a grimace with? I didn't even see anyone behind us at that time!!"
Fitz remembered that when they turned that street just now, the other party suddenly turned their heads and shouted and made a big grimace...At that time, there was obviously no one behind them. And behind it is a stone wall hewn from a mountain in Bilgewater...
Therefore, this matter has always felt very strange to her, and until now, when she slowly recovered from the poison of the devil's food, she asked with a doubtful tongue with her still tingling tongue.
"You mean the thing about making faces..."
"Hey, it's nothing! At that time, there was a strange fat aunt behind us who was playing voyeurism with that kind of messy magical technique. So, they looked at the opportunity and suddenly turned back and scared her. Big jump!"
It was precisely because I felt that the other party was only spying on herself with divine magic, and did not use that obvious or strong hostile spell, so at that time, Xiao Anni was a small punishment and a big admonishment and scared the other party a little bit. No direct or indirect measures were taken against the opponent.
Then, the matter is evened out!
That kind of thing is not worth mentioning for the little Annie who is doing important things and is preparing to eat, drink, and hang out! Therefore, after successfully scaring the opponent away, she continued to wander around with a little fisherman, Fitz, who has been suspicious of'fish' because of eating something that shouldn't be eaten. Here.
"Divine Art?"
So this is ah……
Hearing that it was the magic of the people on the land, rather than some interesting things that he originally thought, Fitz the little murloc replied in a sense of sorrow, and continued to carry the seastone trident on his shoulders weakly, Looking at his head and the broad-leaved'hair' on his head that had been vomited as ears by a certain bad girl, he reluctantly continued to walk slowly behind the other's little butt.
Now, after leaving the sea for a long time, not only the "rabbit-like hair" on her head became dry and shriveled, but even her skin, which has been moist and full of elastic waterproof mucous membrane, was a bit dry. And a sign of cracking...
She must quickly find some clean water or sea water to take a bath and soak, otherwise, if the sun in the sky continues to rise and come here, she will have to live to be dehydrated!
Because she has become accustomed to life in the sea, and now she suddenly changed her growth time and returned to the land to jump. This kind of rapid change made it difficult for her to accept it in the first half of the meeting! In Fitz's view, it would take at least a long-term adaptation process for her skin and body to slowly accept and adjust.
It's just that now she doesn't count!
"Boss Annie..."
"Have we visited enough? I suddenly feel tired, I want to go back to the bottom of the sea to sleep..."
Fitz, the little murloc, is really tired, especially when she wanders in such a messy street, the bottom of her fins has dried out and is covered with a thick layer of dry mud, making her feel Very uncomfortable!
After all, Fitz is accustomed to living and swimming in the sea. Therefore, whether it is shoes or clothes, the kind of equipment that looks like a burden, she has never worn...Her body, in countless A thick layer of skin, mucous membrane and stratum corneum suitable for free movement in the open ocean has evolved over the years, but it is obviously not very suitable for staying on the shore for a long time.
Just now, she really almost wanted to jump directly to those passing by from time to time, as if she had taken a bath in the big bucket of a carriage with clean water! !
"Fitz, the little murloc, it's just not long before the sun is up, how can you want to go back to sleep now? How can you be lazy than me?!"
Except for sometimes lying in bed to sunbathe buttocks, Annie herself rarely has the shameful behavior of running to sleep in broad daylight. Therefore, for the frenzied request of a certain little murloc, Without even thinking about it, she directly refuted it!
She just came back from the sea in the middle of the night last night, and only had time to hang out early this morning, wanting to take a good look at this Bilgewater, and now, the fun strolling action has just begun, and where can she let her When did you run back to sleep?
(● ̄ ̄●)
(Tibbers suddenly has an illusion... It seems that the awful little master of his family feels very honored to see someone lazier than her?)
"I obviously like to sleep during the day and move out at night..."
Fitz the Murloc suddenly felt wronged.
Because, no matter before or now, she herself is really a kind of night owl creature that travels day and night, and this is why in the legend of Bilgewater in the past, her tidal sea spirit always It happened at night, and no one has been able to see the real reason for her true appearance.
In fact, she is not afraid of being seen, nor is she deliberately trying to hide, but she really likes to play in the cool sea and breathe the cool night breeze on the sea at night, it's that simple! In the daytime, let alone her wise Yordle, even those sea fishes or sea beasts in the water are not happy to spend too long near the sea.
"I don't care, it just won't work anyway!"
"Hurry up and follow, if you don't hurry up, the sun will hit your shameless naked after a while!!"
Little Annie continued to eat the spicy noodles that she served as breakfast with one hand, and the other hand, which was full of greasy and chili powder, stretched out directly behind her, pulling a certain plan to strike and make trouble. On one of the long soft ears of the little murloc.
A badass in her family, Amorin’s mother, had taught her a long time ago. When dealing with disobedient guys, pulling ears is most useful! !
"Don't pull my hair, it hurts, let go!!"
His big and wide'hair' was caught by the other's dirty little hand, Fitz suddenly let out a heart-piercing scream, drew more Bilgewater people around to vote. A curious and puzzled look came over.
"The things on your hands make me uncomfortable, it! Let go quickly!!"
Feeling anxious and uncomfortable, the little murloc Fitz couldn't take care of too much. He directly subconsciously waved his seastone trident, using the sharp edge of his weapon, towards the arm of the little Annie boss Pierced!
"Wow! Do you still dare to say that those soft things on your head are not ears? If it is really hair, why do they still hurt?!"
Annie, who let go of her hand in time, didn't let the opponent's weapon successfully pierce her. Therefore, after avoiding the opponent's seastone trident, she unceremoniously once again began to judge the opponent's head.
Where in the world has such thick hair?
Moreover, if it is really hair or something, then there is no doubt that almost everyone in the world knows that if the hair is cut off, they will definitely not hurt or bleed! And now, if the other party is willing to let herself cut them, then Annie will believe that they are hair, otherwise, they are ears! !
The little murloc Fitz in front of him is probably not an amphibious yordle at all, but a deep-sea ‘ear monster’ with a head and ears? !
Fitz did not speak any more, she just squatted aside with her head in her arms, with a little bit of tears in her eyes. Now she doesn’t want to continue to sophistry with some savage little this issue...because she knows, that It is completely meaningless, and it is impossible to convince the other party!
However, the sea can testify:
The soft pieces of meat on her head are indeed her Fitz hair. Believe it or not, she can believe it, because it is true, not that she opened her eyes to tell lies.
∑(△`)? !
"Hey! Fitz, the little murloc, look, what the is that place over there?"
Little Annie, who was shopping and eating, had no purpose, suddenly pointed to a large house in the distance that was carried to the land by a huge wooden sailboat and exclaimed.
The little murloc Fitz, who was still holding his head and rubbing hard, followed the direction indicated by the little girl’s fingers, and also saw the one in the distance that opened a big door on the hull, and there were two sturdy men standing there. Standing guard, there are also many big houses where men, women, old and young are entering and leaving.
The expressions of the people who came and went were different. Some were happily walking out with their friends on their shoulders, and then leaving with friends and friends, and some were staggered and pushed out like death, and then Confused in circles? Of course, they gritted their teeth and started searching everything around them with their tricky and vicious eyes. They didn't know what they were thinking about...
And there are almost as many people as those who come out!
"I do not know……"
The little fisherman Fitz is not familiar with this seaport city of Bilgewater, besides, there is no sign or the like on the place. How does she know what kind of place it is?
Although she herself is also very curious now, but now she wants to return to the depths of the sea to go to bed earlier, and slowly heal the various wounds on her body and heart! Because it's not fun at all with a little girl!
"Those people are so strange, but they seem to be so funny... No, they have to go in and see the fun!!"
"Come on, Fitz the Murloc, let's go in and see Rare!"
Little Annie, who found something funny, didn’t care what the little murloc next to him was thinking. As soon as she reached out, she grabbed the other party’s webbed hand like a frog’s claw, and then accelerated to the front. The large wooden sailing ship pushed ashore and ran to the huge house converted into it.
"Yeah! Tap it!"
The little murloc staggered, and almost fell on her back on the rough and dirty rocky ground when she was pulled, causing her sea rock trident to draw a long track on the ground, and at the same time a series of waves appeared. Mars……
(● ̄ ̄●)
! !
Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!
boom! !
At this time, deep in the city of Bilgewater, in a certain street on the other side of the magnificent "Butcher's Bridge" on the mountain, there was a faint burst of fierce, almost resounding throughout Bilgewater. The violent crackling sound of special muskets and flare bombs exploded.
Just because she found something interesting, she was focusing her attention on the little Annie in the house of the big ship. She didn’t get distracted at all to care about the muskets and cannons that are often heard in this shabby city. The voice of time... She just pulled a certain extremely reluctant little fishman, and rushed into the gate under the slightly curious eyes of the two strong men guarding by the gate.
In the street outside a certain tavern, Miss Doom’s Sarah and ‘Quick Gunner’ Coleson’s breakout operation has already begun after the gunshots...
! !
Raising his hand is two shots. After the two Bilgewater bounty hunters or gang members who dared to stand beside the barrel and put bullets and gunpowder on their gunpowder to the ground, they didn’t care. Seeing the other party’s misery or death, Coleson hurriedly lowered his body, avoiding those round large-caliber bullets that had no trajectory and fluttered indiscriminately in the surrounding air and above his own head. She hid in a cold sweat behind a wooden box that didn't know what cargo was in, and hid beside Miss Doom, the temporary boss who was also quickly loading her weapons with bullets and gunpowder.
Snapped! !
A large lead bullet hit the rock wall and bounced to Coulson's feet, frightening him.
"Ms. Sarah!"
"Do you have any plans? What should we do next?!"
Coulson quickly changed the magazine of his pistol in less than one second. He just blasted out eight bullets in his pistol in less than five seconds. At least five enemies were hit, plus the two defeated by Ms. Sarah, who had just shot out. The two of them brought down nearly ten enemies almost immediately when they rushed out of the tavern, and successfully defeated them. With the arrogance of the opponent, the opponent dare not attack them as much as before.
However, confronting an unknown number of enemies on this kind of street is not what Coleson wants to do. In his opinion, it is better for them to get rid of those ferocious enemies as soon as possible, otherwise, their fate will definitely be different. Would be great.
Miss Doom, Sarah did not speak, she was just a little surprised to see the small ‘quick gun’ in Coulson’s hand, which seemed to be advanced technology from Piltworth? But, is it a bit different from Hextech’s energy weapons? This makes Sarah, who is very knowledgeable about gun manufacturing, want to ask the other party to study it...
However, she knew what was going on now, and she could only suppress the curiosity in her heart.
Boom! Boom!
"No! Coleson, I have no plan! We are now useless except to defeat them and break out of their encirclement!!"
Without getting up, he stretched out his hand directly from the top of the box, took two shots directly, and surreptitiously aimed at a long spear in the distance. After the cunning guy who wanted to stand on the ground and shed bright red blood on the ground, Sarah just smiled, while continuing to charge her double guns, she showed a cruel smile to her companion.
the fifth! !
This is the fifth bounty hunter or gang member she successfully killed after Miss Doom Sarah rushed out of the tavern! Because she knew that those unlucky ghosts who were hit by her large-caliber lead bullets decided that there was no reason to survive!
It's just that now is just the beginning. Today, if she wants to rush out of the net of heaven and earth laid by the other party, she will kill more enemies, at least more than ten times what she has killed now?
! !
"Are you sure, really don't have any plans?!"
After raising his hand with a shot, he shot a gunman who was aiming at the two of them from the window of a ship-like house. Coulson was alert to any place where the enemy might emerge. Some tremblingly asked on one side.
right now,
They are surrounded by countless enemies, and they all have weapons that can kill at will in their hands, and his new temporary female boss does not have a reliable plan?
You know, in the Bear Shield, even if they have strong strength and absolutely crush the enemy, they will make a reasonable and effective plan and combat arrangement before sending out field agents. To perform the task.
Boom! !
"Ha! Killing two birds with one stone!!"
Raising her hand with another shot, she directly shot two'brave' enemies who dared to rush out from behind the obstacle not far away, and after making two transparent holes in the chest that could be stringed together, Sarah blew herself proudly. The muzzle of the gun with the gun.
Thanks to the precepts and deeds of her mother Sarah’s famous gunsmith, she successfully repaired her mother’s two guns and used them to eliminate countless villains, criminals, enemies and the gang members who are now besieging her. Fellows.
The guys in the distance, if they think they can succeed Sarah if they have a lot of people, then they are very wrong! !
"Mr. Colson, please don't worry, now we are at an advantage, we can definitely get out!"
Boom! !
Just after speaking, Sarah didn't even need to aim, and directly raised her hand at the ear of the ‘quick gunner’ Coulson next to her, and fired a shot behind her at such a close range!
Hum! ! !
Coleson only felt that his ears made a ringing tinnitus at the same time as the gunshot! Then, he turned his head slightly, and found that a guy holding a crossbow fell directly into a pool of blood, and a long arrow with a trembling tail feathers was severely nailed. On the wooden pillar beside him, he sank deeply.
"Thank you! What shall we do now? They are hiding behind the carriage and the pile of barrels, at least a dozen people!!!"
After thanking the new female boss who saved his life, Coleson quickly calmed down, raised his hand and shot, and successfully forced an outcropping enemy back. Asked his basically trustworthy companion.
It is not impossible to have no plan, but if the other party has a good way, he will definitely cooperate with the other party because he does not want to die here.
"I know!"
"Colson, how many bullets are there in your'quick gun'?"
Sarah didn’t say much, but in the other’s somewhat surprised gaze, she took out two large alternative ammunition and stuffed them directly into her two scary-caliber barrels, and pressed the trigger. On the percussion medicine.
"I just fired two shots and there are ten more shots!!"
It was a twelve-round standard magazine. Two rounds were played, and ten rounds remained. Coleson was sure that his elementary school math scores had always been full marks, and it was definitely the kind without cheating!
This kind of life-related matter, as a Bear Shield tenth-level agent, Coleson, who has gone on numerous field missions, definitely can't go wrong! So, he didn't even think about it, and directly replied to Ms. Sara who didn't know what he was doing.
"Ten shots?"
"Enough! Later I will shoot at their position to cause a little confusion for them, and then you rush out and take the opportunity to kill them!"
"Remember, don't be soft-hearted when you go, but don't have one left!!"
Raised her two Doom signaled to Coleson to prepare, she was about to shoot.
"Wait! They are hiding behind the obstacles, how are you going to create chaos for them??"
If the opponent is holding a grenade launcher with a curved trajectory, that didn't say anything, Coulson will definitely cooperate!
However, now that the opponent is holding two large-caliber backward muskets in his hands, he wants him to rush out and fight with dozens of thugs armed with various deadly weapons? Please, Coulson is just an ordinary earthling, not an invulnerable monster like Captain America or Asgard! !
"Of course it was shot in the sky!"
"Mr. Colson, please don't look at me with that strange look, do you think I will lie to you?!"
Seeing the horror and incredible suspicion in the other side's eyes, Sarah had to roll her eyes and give the other side a patient consolation.
Now, Miss Doom is ready to use her ‘guns and bullets rain’ stunt, but the new guy in front of him dares to question her ability? This is really outrageous! !
"of course!!"
Shooting from the sky can disturb the enemies hiding behind the obstacles. Does she think she is holding a mortar in her hand? Anyway, Coleson will never believe it easily and make jokes about his life! !
That kind of outrageous statement, she will lie to the ghost!
Anyway, Coleson would never believe that the two backward gunpowder weapons in the opponent's hand would turn from the sky and shoot at the enemies behind the obstacle! If the opponent is Iron Man Tony, the monster technology madman, maybe he will reluctantly believe it?
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