Chapter 781: Detective Anne in black?

‘Ding Dong! ’
‘Dear alien travelers, this month’s last spacecraft to be2019y0726ke is coming soon. Please check in and board the ship as soon as possible for the alien travelers who are still stranded in the waiting room...’
‘Ding Dong! ’
‘Dear friends from alien travelers, this month’s last trip...’
"Hey! That idiot must not be able to catch up, but he is really a hapless guy!"
Agent j is holding a plain mug, leaning back against the door of a staff lounge on the second floor of the Customs and Departure Hall of the People in Black Headquarters, just looking at the customs hall in the distance. The busy black-clothed staff, the security guards patrolling, and the alien travelers coming and going, or the aliens in outer space who are waiting in line for clearance and inspection.
Of course, he also heard the crisp female announcer's announcement, and saw a soft-footed crawling alien in the waiting room working the smooth floor in the waiting room. When he crawled towards the ticket gate of platform 18 at a speed of less than two miles per hour, he knew that the alien would definitely not have time to board the plane!
Maybe, for the next month's flight, it can come earlier and go to the ticket gate early to wait? There is no other way around this. Who made it grow so many feet, but still walk so slowly? Moreover, the other party knew at a glance that it was marine aquatic life on a certain planet. Now that he came to play on the Earth, which has 71% of the planet’s ocean area, he must have never imagined such a situation?
j But I heard about that guy. When the other party came to the earth and found out that all the people on earth were living on land, it was said that he was surprised?
But fortunately, today is the 26th, and there are only a few days before the first flight next month. If the other party doesn’t want to transfer to another planet, I’m afraid they can only be on Earth. I have been staying for a few days...
Of course, before that, it’s better to spend a small amount of money on exoskeleton armor or Xiaofei moped or walking device? Otherwise, next time it might not be able to catch up with the flight to planet be2019y0726ke.
"Hi~ Little beauty, what are you looking at? Why, do you want to have a drink too?"
J, who was sipping his refreshing drink, saw a passing female agent staring at herself with her beautiful big brown eyes, thinking that something attracted him, so he smiled. With his mouth full of white teeth, he raised the cup in his hand and smiled and invited the other party.
I’m very handsome, but I’m even more handsome when I wear a black suit and black tie in the standard clothes of a man in black. Actually, I knew it a long time ago, so now I see Finally someone was attracted by his own charm, so he hurriedly sent out an invitation, ready to hook up these beautiful and heroic female agents in the hookup organization while he was free today.
"No! No need! Thank you for your kindness!!"
It seemed that something was certain. The female agent who was staring at the other party suddenly changed her face. She hurriedly raised her face while waving her hand, and then quickly stepped forward, twisting her big face. Ass, I quickly turned a corner and left here in a few clicks.
J is a little puzzled by the other party's departure. He doesn't understand why the other party's face suddenly turned so fast. Maybe... the little beauty is too shy?
That's right, it must be so!
After all, they are not very familiar with each other. Is it really easier to fail if they invite rashly? Besides, now in the headquarters of the organization called Men in Black, everyone is at work, but not everyone can take a full day's rest like Agent J.
"Hey! Look at me, I forgot to ask what her name is and where she is in the department..."
After a while, thinking of something, J reached out annoyedly and patted his head, and scratched his head severely with curly hair that was less than an inch long.
I don't know why, the coffee made by the four alien-like guys today is unexpectedly good? Maybe, it could be because Agent J finally had a rare day of free time today?
Anyway, this thing is very rare, because today a certain old man who is more able to exploit his subordinates than those capitalists, the boss of the black organization headquarters, the other party did not give him any more agent j. Arrange any new tasks with boss k?
This made him feel puzzled in his heart, and he was willing to accept that he could finally have time to rest in the headquarters for a day.
Since there was not too much time, he did not choose to go home to rest. Instead, he wandered around the headquarters of the man in black. He just wandered into this lounge and discovered by accident that it seemed that the four were in the headquarters. The Zerg guys who lay hands here are preparing coffee here.
In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to go back to his home, but because his home is far away. In case a bad old man has a convulsion and suddenly arranges a task temporarily, I am afraid he will not have time to come back...
And once he can't come back, he will inevitably be scolded again! ?
So, let this be the case!
Think about it seriously, since Officer Edward left his police force, he began to apply for agents in black and stood out from the elite candidates among the so-called elites such as the Marine Corps, National Guard, Air Force, and the all-pervasive fbi. And after getting the position of the man in black agent, he has been carrying out tasks intensively for almost a month.
From the streets of Manhattan above their heads to the headquarters of the man in black deep underground, from the hot South American deserts to the North American icebergs, from the forests of Europe to the savannahs of Africa, etc., the footprints of Agent J were left everywhere. ...
It can be said unceremoniously that Agent J has made great contributions to the organization of Men in Black during this period...Of course, he has also made many low-level mistakes, and has been caught by a bad old man many times. After a nasty scolding, he was almost kicked out...but fortunately, he persisted.
Today, he was unexpectedly promoted, and he became an official black-clothed agent from a black-clothed apprentice or temporary worker to be assessed!
From now on, apart from his boss, his friend and good partner, Agent K who is a good partner, and a bad old man Z, no one can accuse or threaten to expel him.
In any case, he James Darrell Edward finally used his own efforts to prove his own value and proved that he is basically qualified for the profession of the man in black agent! Of course, the name James Darrell Edward no longer exists in the outer world, nor does it exist in the world of the man in black...
Now he is called j, mib's black police detective j, that's all! !
‘Ding Dong! ’
'Dear travelers, the spacecraft at Barrio Station has an engine failure and a large-scale leak of highly toxic fuel. Now engineers are undergoing emergency repairs, so the Super Metro Line 1 and 13 leading to Barrio Station The line is temporarily closed, sorry for the inconvenience caused...'
"Hey! Breaking down again?"
"I know that those aliens must be uneasy and kind. Look, what rags did the Aquilon Empire sell us?!"
Engine failure of the spacecraft at Barrio Station is no longer one or two things!
Anyway, it was the second time he heard a malfunctioning broadcast during the time he came to work at the Mib Black Man headquarters... I didn’t think it was the aliens deliberately selling outdated spaceships. Give them the earthlings, is they deliberately sell some quality problems, so they can earn their earthlings repair costs and parts replacement fees with regular maintenance?
That kind of tricks, in fact, some unscrupulous manufacturers of their earthlings have played them so many years ago, those alien tricks can't deceive his famous new agent J at all!
"Hi k! Why are you here? Oh! How do you want a cup of coffee? Let me tell you, the four of them didn’t seem to be lazy today. The coffee beans are well ground and they taste very delicate. Try it?"
I was resting and watching the excitement of the aliens in the customs below, listening to the customs and the waiting room broadcast, and from time to time I pointed and teased j, and suddenly I saw his good partner, Boss, pacing. Stepping towards his side, he hurriedly said hello, and after taking a big sip of the drink, he raised the coffee in his hand and asked.
Today’s coffee is really good. He has drunk the third cup now, and he remembers that there is a little bit left in that strange coffee pot in this small lounge. If K wants to have a cup, That must be enough.
"Bugs' coffee? Still very delicate?!"
When k, who came by, heard his assistant j's words, he was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and looked at the coffee cup in his hand.
He was a little strange in his heart, so he took a step forward and got close to the mouth of the other person’s cup and smelled it. When he smelled some of the strange special'fresh fragrance' smell, he quickly changed his face and grinned. He grinned and took a small step back quietly.
"K, what's wrong with you, is there any problem with this?"
J has no idea what the K is doing, he himself learned from the other party curiously sniffing the cup in his hand, and then took another sip...
This is no problem at all. The coffee is still warm, and it is placed in that little strange silver metal heat-preserving pot. It smells good, and it tastes good, very delicate, and has a long taste... , Those four bugs must have been thinking about it? Anyway, in J's opinion, this cup of gadget in his hand is definitely not inferior to those of the best products! !
"Listen to me, if I were you, I would immediately throw that thing away, and vowed that I would never touch any silver ‘coffee pot’ on Table Mountain again?!"
Seeing that the other party dared to drink, Agent K took a small step back without a trace. After getting a little further away from the other party, he rarely cocked a small arc at the corner of his mouth. , And then stared at the companion in front of him who had gradually become a little nervous under his gaze with that very strange look.
"What are your eyes?"
Guru! Guru!
"Really! I think this stuff is delicious. If you don't want it, then I won't keep it for you. I can drink at least two more glasses!!"
Although he felt that the companion in front of him suddenly became a little weird, but after sniffing the mouth of the cup in his hand again and making sure that there was nothing wrong with the contents, he couldn't figure it out, so he just raised his head and drank it. After finishing up, he gestured to the other party with the empty cup.
Such a good thing, he must have no reason to let it go! Therefore, although he still doesn't understand why Boss K said that strange thing just now, he still didn't change his previous want to fight, that is: to drink up all the good things left by the bugs!
Although the truth of the matter may be a bit cruel, but after thinking about it, K is finally ready to tell the other party a very bad fact ruthlessly:
"Let me tell you so..."
"As we all know, the digestive systems of most aliens are different, and the digestive organs of the Zerg tribes are also very different from our humans? Therefore, they can't actually digest the food of our people on earth...Facts For things like coffee, they generally just drink a taste, and digest and absorb a small part of the coffee?"
Speaking of this, K saw the face of the assistant in front of him, and when he found that the other party was gradually becoming a little ugly, he paused and prepared to continue organizing the language...
Obviously, the other party is not stupid and seems to have realized something?
But, is it ready to be done to the end, or do you plan to explain things thoroughly so that the other party will not make such a low-level mistake again next time?
"Then, most of the food they drink, including coffee, will be pulled out again intact? Of course, it must be with some of their body fluids and excreta. It can be avoided..."
"And the silver'coffee pot' with a special mark inside is actually their special toilet? You know, they are so big, they are definitely not suitable for sharing the bathroom with us humans... You may not know, Under normal circumstances, our other agents would not touch that thing, but you..."
"You actually took the initiative to drink that thing?!"
After holding back a smile and talking about it, K only happily hugged his arm and turned pale at some point after he explained the matter clearly. He was already quietly covering his neck with his other hand. It seemed that the partner who was going to make some kind of action finally joked.
Agent K did not lie, because that is indeed the truth. Almost all the black-clothed agents and employees know this kind of thing! And why j hasn't known until now, and no one has reminded... Maybe it's because the other party's performance has been so bad during this period of time, and he has repeatedly made mistakes, so that the popularity has not been very good.
But it doesn't matter, as long as he sees that the other party is doing something wrong, he will always correct it in time, just like now? !
"Please, please wait..."
J, whose face is getting more and more ugly, now he can’t bother to continue talking with his own boss. He stared his eyes and covered his mouth, and dropped him on the table facing the door just now. After the empty cup, he rushed directly into the bathroom...
‘Oh~! ’
Huh! Gurgling! !
‘Oh~! ! ’
Soon, there were bursts of flushing sound and the tragic sound of a hapless guy vomiting in the bathroom...
Tuk! Tuk!
"Don't worry, you have been vaccinated, and the thing is not poisonous, you can't die if you drink it!"
"Trust me, you are definitely not the first person to drink such things by mistake. They have been proven to be harmless. You don't need to be so nervous at all?"
He shook his head, walked slowly to the door of the bathroom, and then gently knocked on the metal. K was very rare and comforted an assistant inside with a little schadenfreude.
'vomit! ! ’
‘K... Have you ever drank it? ! ’
After a long time, the voice of a feeble agent came from inside.
Obviously, J is in a very bad mood right now, and the good mood when I just leaned on the door to watch the excitement of those aliens and ridiculed other aliens just disappeared! However, if he can confirm his partner, his boss drank that thing by mistake before, maybe his mood is not too bad?
After all, in that case, they will never laugh at anyone in the future...
"No! No! No! I stayed in our mib organization many years earlier than worms. I know all their habits. I studied them for a while, but I saw them eat many times. What is it? By the way, the silver toilet where you poured the coffee, or I asked someone to customize it for them, how could I drink that by mistake?"
For K, who has been working with Boss Z for more than 40 years, it is obvious that there is no such thing as accidental drinking.
In fact, the bugs spent the years doing miscellaneous work in various staff lounges. As long as he saw hot fresh coffee that was not poured from the coffee machine, he would not drink it, nor would he easily eat anything. The extravagance that passed the bugs' hands and looked wrong? !
'vomit! ! ’
Huh! Gurgling! !
The sound of vomiting and flushing came from the bathroom...
Obviously, what K just said is a cruel fact for a certain Agent J who is tumbling inside...because, that means that his extravagant hopes of seeking comfort and balance have been lost.
It is conceivable that many staff agents who have just passed by and saw him pour coffee from which silver ‘coffee pot’ are now wondering how to laugh at him in private!
No wonder...
No wonder he just felt that the eyes of those passing by, some hesitant guys were not quite right, he thought they were jealous of his conversion from a temporary worker...and, the one who just kept staring at him Female agent, he even thought that the other party was interested in him, Agent J, a handsome guy... But how can I think that it turned out to be so bad?
Tuk! Tuk!
"Hey! Is it all right? J... we should go on the mission, please hurry up?"
After waiting for a long time, after hearing no more movement from inside, Agent K raised his hand again and knocked on the iron door of the bathroom three times, and urged impatiently.
He didn’t come here because he wanted to chat or chat with each other, but because there is now a relatively safe and easy task that needs to be handled by both of them, and it’s still a kind of free, regardless of success or failure. task?
‘Wait, wait a while...’
‘Boss K...’
‘I remember... Then, didn’t that bad old man say that we can move freely and take a day off today? ’
‘Ahem... vomit! ! ’
A burst of weak vomiting and coughing sounded from inside. Obviously, a certain agent j's mood is a bit unwell right now. It seems that he doesn't want to go out on mission in this state?
Fortunately, he didn't go home just now, otherwise, he must have hurried back now!
But now, J can’t wait to choose to go home just now. In that case, he probably won’t drink the feces of those Zerg aliens! !
God testified that he hated those four guys more and more!
I really regret it at the beginning. Why did I die just now, so I have to stay in the headquarters and plan to study the relevant knowledge of those aliens?
"You're right!"
"But we need to recruit a new agent for the man in black now... you know, because boss Z has discussed with the executives that it is not a problem to let that little guy mess around, so I wanted to find her something. Do serious things?"
To put it bluntly, in fact, the big guys of Z and other organizations think that the little girl is very capable and has great potential. Although the other party's ability to make trouble is not small, no one can deny it. The fact that people helped a lot?
Moreover, it has been so long. Those evil Lailong aliens don’t know why they never appeared again, thinking that the other party is likely to be busy with other things and won’t come to Earth to make trouble in a short time, they resolutely Decided to squeeze the value of that alien girl!
For one thing, it is possible to prevent the opponent from continuing to wander around and cause trouble. Secondly, they can still make full use of the opponent's powerful fighting ability to do things for them in black?
after all,
The opponent once singled out more than one hundred "Xie Lailong" soldiers and a small space battleship. That was obvious to all!
Tuk! Tuk!
Agent K just wanted to continue knocking on the door and urging, suddenly, the iron door of the bathroom was opened by his partner from inside.
"You mean Annie? We are going to recruit a guy as small as her? But, she is only eight years old this year..."
After the iron gate was suddenly opened, Agent J, who had water stains on his face, finally poked out his half of his body from the inside, and asked strangely K outside.
"Of course it is her!"
"But this matter is up to her. Although our organization can't keep her forever, we won't force her."
K knows the meaning of the upper class, it is nothing more than to better monitor the little girl, let the other party have something to do, and use vigorous energy to make a contribution to the earth, so as not to walk the dog and tease birds all day or cause trouble, so as not to give Did they cause more trouble?
Moreover, they also have good reasons to believe that if the other party is really willing to accept the recruitment, they only need to arrange more tasks for the other party at that time. Maybe sometime, the little guy's heart will get upset and he will sneak away. Not necessarily? !
If that's the case, then their people in black are so relieved! !
Because their headquarters just got a message that it was that little guy who kidnapped a legal alien today? In short, this kind of thing is very unfavorable to their work in black clothes. Some things they can’t tell the little guy clearly. Therefore, due to various reasons, they finally have this kind of thing today, and they need to recruit them. The other party, let the other party become a glorious black agent.
Most of the above content is purely K's own personal guess, what exactly he thinks, Z boss did not elaborate with him...
"Are you better now?"
"If you're ready, go and prepare as soon as possible. We'll leave after lunch! But I think you might have no appetite to go to lunch?"
The happy Agent K looked up and down at the now embarrassed partner, looked at the other party's iron-blue face and the water-stained front, endured and endured, and finally he couldn't help but grinned directly.
It is strange that Agent K is in a surprisingly good mood now?
and so,
He felt that today’s mission is likely to go smoothly unexpectedly. Let the little guy Annie, who has been idle all day long, throw himself into the arms of their mib special police in black, become one of them, and contribute to the safety of the earth. And fight hard until the opponent quits and runs home?
"K! Glorifying others is not your style!"
After taking a deep breath, I felt that everything in my stomach seemed to have been spit out by myself. Finally, he hesitated and shook his head, and walked out of the bathroom with a black face.
It is conceivable that in the next period of time, Agent J will definitely become the laughingstock of the man in black headquarters! So, if it’s useless to hide, in the end I decided to face the cruel facts and prepare to accept anyone’s malicious or non-malicious ridicule?
"I'm not gloating!"
k He just feels happy, so he wants to laugh from the bottom of his heart... and gloating things will definitely not happen to him, an old employee who is rigorous, kind, pragmatic and hard to talk. Body!
This is also an old bastard...
J had a dark face, obviously he didn't believe the words of boss k, the honest man who opened his eyes and said nonsense! Because, if it weren't for gloating, the other person's dead face that should have been cold is now smiling, and he doesn't want to hide it at all. What's the matter? !
However, now that he has a new task, he is naturally optimistic and open-minded and doesn't want to be familiar with each other! !
‘Here, here we are. ’
‘Hahaha! ’
‘Have you seen it? The guy who came to the earth just now is really interesting! ’
‘I saw it too, there is no brain in its head? ’
‘Then what does it use to think, butt? ’
'Oh? Someone is lazy here not to work? ’
Just as j and k were about to leave this little black-clothed staff rest room, the bugs with their four heads on their backs, standing up only as high as an adult’s knee, were talking loudly about something. They laughed brazenly and walked in side by side.
‘Hi~! k? ’
‘There is still a bad luck? ! ’
'Hello! ! ! ! ’
Four unanimous greetings rang out in unison, and under K’s friendly wave and the glaring of a dark-faced or darker agent j, they first I walked to the table for a while and climbed up quickly along the legs of the table.
‘? ? ’
'not good! You guys look? Our baby is gone! ’
'what? ! ’
"It's really gone..."
'Hey! k, and j! Did any of you see which moved the manure we had stored for days? ’
'Oh! Do not! ! ’
‘We are going to let it ferment for a few more days before we water the flowers. What should we do now? z The boss will deduct our salary severely! ! ’
‘It took us several days to save these...’
After the four worms ran to the table, they naturally saw their moved toilet for the first time. Then, out of curiosity, after leaning over to see clearly, they all wailed in unison.
Undoubtedly, they all confirmed that their baby was moved by others...
Now, maybe they can only fill up the toilet again, and then wait another ten and a half days, and wait until the re-fermentation is complete, before they can pour the beautiful piranha from their insects. ...I don't know, will it die from malnutrition in advance?
"Sorry, I, I'll wash my hands first..."
After hearing the words of the four bugs, and hearing that he was drinking something that the other party had fermented for several days, Agent J’s black face changed again in vain, and then he first sighed for mercy. He turned his head abruptly and rushed into the bathroom.
'vomit! ! ’
Huh! Gurgling! !
The fierce vomiting and the sound of flushing the toilet were heard clearly in the toilet, which was never as close as the door closed.
The agent in black inside was kneeling on the ground, holding the toilet, vomiting like a drunk who had been drinking, and seemed to be vomiting out even the overnight meal or bile...
‘? ? ’
'Hey! What's wrong with him? ’
'I do not know……'
"Did you eat something wrong?" It is said that the big-nosed human head fish cannot be eaten by the earth people, because it will cause vomiting! ’
'Hey! Guys, guess what, was it because he drank the pot of flower fertilizer we made? ’
At this moment, a certain bug who was checking the silver ‘coffee pot’ style toilet suddenly made a sound and guessed gloomily in a very bad tone.
'No way? ’
‘Is there such a stupid guy in our Men in Black headquarters? Dare to eat even our kind of food? ! ’
Perhaps after hearing the discussion of the four insects, a certain black-clothed agent lying in the bathroom ate again and let out a mournful vomiting sound.
'Hey! Look! Maybe he really drank it...’
'Ah ha ha ha ha ha! ! ’
‘It’s so funny, unfortunately, I drank the flower fertilizer we made...Ah, no more, my stomach is smiling a little cramp...hehe...hahaha...’
Undoubtedly, from K’s face, from someone’s reaction and voice in the bathroom, and from the residue in an emptied coffee cup on the table, the four bugs quickly Probably inferred a shocking fact!
They began to lie on the table one after another, roaring around the table and laughing loudly...
The sun is a little bit sunny in the noon, and the outside temperature is probably over 30 degrees. In this case, most people in the city are either staying in their air-conditioned offices, or in shopping malls, schools, or their respective offices. In their homes, they enjoy the convenience of the cold wind blowing in their homes.
However, unlike those in the city where there are a large number of air-conditioning outdoor units that exhaust hot air and cause the temperature to be higher, the environment here is still relatively cool in this vast manor castle in the outskirts of the mountains. Yes, especially under the shade of the big trees by the pond and small lake?
"Dogs, you must be optimistic about it, don't let it run again!!"
In the shade of the tree, a little blond girl wearing a red skirt, with two huge wolfhounds, yelled at a pug dog who was forced to the root of the tree and shot and shivered.
One accidentally, the pug dog broke the rope and escaped from the castle...
And if it wasn’t for the two great wolfhounds who had been patrolling this manor with their best efforts, they had found and caught him, maybe, wait until a little girl who was taking a nap comes out of her room. At this time, the opponent had already run out of sight again!
"Listen well, next time, if it dares to escape, you will just bite off its dog legs!!"
Annie is a little angry now, because she didn't expect that the hateful alien dog Pug, who was caught by her only yesterday, had learned how to escape from prison? And, almost made it a success?
‘Wow! ’
‘Wow! ’
The two great wolfhounds that had been captured by Queen Anne’s meat during this period of time have recently become unusually obedient, so after barking twice, they pretended to be grinning and snarling vicious images, and they got to some Only surrounded by them and blocked in front of the pug dog here for more than two hours.
Their meaning is obvious, that is:
Everything is done at the orders of a little girl! If the opponent lets them patrol, they will never take a nap, and if the opponent lets them catch a dog, they will never go to a pond or a small lake to catch a bullfrog!
"My lord Queen Anne... you can spare the little ones..."
"I don't seem to offend you so much. Why have you been struggling with your younger ones recently?"
Under the threat of the two dogs, Frank, the alien dog, had to talk loudly for mercy.
It never imagined that he and his heart cat had a good time, and why this terrible little girl could find it in such a big city, and forcibly put it and her heart All the cats were taken away to this remote manor together?
"Just say it, what do you want to do?"
Frank, the alien dog, is gone now, so at the moment it is not going to run. Anyway, he must be unable to run away from the two great wolfhounds. If he hits it, it will definitely be fine, because all his weapons have been confiscated. It took his boss' energy to just snap the rope!
Therefore, now it wants to see, what does she want this little human in front of?
"It's not so good, I just want to see if you can't teach them these two stupid dogs to speak human words?"
After blinking and frowning, it took a long time for Little Annie to point to the two large-tailed wolfhounds with long tongues and tails on the side.
Why did you get this alien dog Frank back? In fact, she didn't know... Anyway, he caught it on a whim? Of course, along with her, there was the shorthair cat abducted by the other party.
But she didn't like the cat. After bringing it back, she left it at home. She didn't know if the other party was sleeping on the roof of the castle or ran alone in the woods to catch mice?
"Teach and teach them these two idiots to talk?!"
Frank was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously turned his head to look at the two German black-backed shepherds who were a few times bigger than himself and had long teeth.
"Don't touch it, you should kill me now!!"
His heart was overwhelmed, and he felt that he was the Frank who couldn't run away anyway, and simply lay directly on the ground, not ready to make any resistance.
Its meaning is very clear, that is, it is impossible to teach a dog to talk, but there is a life for an alien dog, so take it if you want!
"Why don't you teach?"
Some strange little Annie stretched out her feet and kicked the fleshy little body of the opponent.
"I can speak human words because I was from an alien. I was an alien who looked like a dog! I am a high-level intelligent creature, but they are dogs on the earth. There is a difference between a man and a dog, they never even think about being able to speak!!"
"If you don't believe it, you can try to teach them yourself?!"
Frank turned his head to the other side bitterly, and continued to lie on the ground, standing upright in the cool shade, not intending to say more.
"Of course I can teach them!"
"But... forget it, I won't explain so much to you!!"
She can indeed have a way to make those big wolf dogs speak human words, but she would not do that!
Because ah, Annie didn't want these aliens or earthlings to know that she could magic, who made their guys reluctant to believe it and laughed at her all the time?
"Just tell me, do you teach?"
Although the two dogs in the family are already very obedient and well-behaved, sometimes they still cannot perfectly understand her commands without using their own strength... So, in order to allow themselves to always bring two Vicious dogs go to bully others, to bully those bad guys, Anne still thinks it would be better for Frank to teach them.
After all, they are all dogs, so there must be some common language.
"Don't teach!!"
Frank answered categorically!
But soon, it felt some kind of bad breath in the air, and looked up at the two next to it slowly approaching, salivating in its mouth, it looked like it was preparing to teach itself to After the two big wolfhounds that the little girl flattered, she felt that a good dog would not eat her immediate loss, so she hurriedly opened her mouth to argue:
"It's not that I don't want to teach! It's really impossible to teach..."
"Boss Annie, they are dogs, and I am an alien. We are not the same species. Please forgive the little ones..."
The alien dog Frank cried and started begging for mercy. He was really a little scared of this little alien girl who did nothing to do anything lightly and badly!
∑(△`)? !
"Why are the two of them here again..."
Finally, Little Annie, who failed to achieve her goal, stopped paying attention to a certain alien dog, but looked far away.
There, a black car rushed towards this side at high speed and drove directly to the lawn, leaving two ugly wheel tracks, and drove directly towards them at high speed.
Squeak! !
Soon, the old and unpleasant and harsh vintage car brakes sounded, and then two black-clothed agents with sunglasses walked out of the opened car door.
"Hi! Annie, we meet again!"
Agent K, who was the first to get out of the driving position, first blinked at someone Zheng Mengmeng, stared at him with those big blue eyes, and stared at him, those big talking eyes were full of questions. The little girl with a puzzled look said hello.
Then, he looked at the small pug surrounded by one person and two dogs.
"Hello, Frank, why are you here?"
I opened my eyes and said nonsense, knowing better than anyone else why the other party is here. K doesn't point out the reason why the other party is here, but greets him in a surprised expression.
Fortunately, seeing this alien dog, Frank, who was forcibly "kidnapped" and taken away by the little girl, and seeing this interstellar political and diplomatic expert, an old friend who is proficient in the affairs of various races and countries in the galaxy, it is all right. Take a breath.
Although he didn't think that the little alien girl Annie would do anything to her, but the basic worries were still there... After all, if the little girl accidentally killed her by accident, then But it's another trouble!
"Hello K! And you, Agent J!!"
Seeing that the person here was his old friend, the alien dog Frank finally stopped lying on the ground, but jumped up numbly, ran quickly behind them, and hid in Agent J’s. Behind his feet, he breathed a sigh of relief, and greeted them as if relieved.
"Hello Annie, and Frank..."
Agent J, who was a few steps behind k, also greeted the alien friends present, but his movements and tone sounded a little slouched, and he smoothly attracted the little girl and the alien dog Frank. More Attention.
"It's okay with you guys, Uncle K and the black-skinned J Shu..."
Annie raised the paws of Tibbs, her little bear, and dangled it towards the two visiting strange creatures. Then she squinted and glared at some stupid dog hiding behind.
If the other party thinks that the savior is here now, and the helper can escape, then it is quite wrong! As long as she wants to, all she has is to deal with the self-righteous stupid guy!
"J, your face doesn't look good, what's the matter, did you eat something wrong?"
The dog's nose is very smart, so Frank the alien dog just moved his nose a little, and he could easily smell the unpleasant sour vomit on the other party.
"Frank! Never mention that thing in front of me, forever!!"
J grabbed the fur on the opponent's back and picked it up, gritted his teeth and threatened the opponent's doggy face.
After a long time, he threw the opponent on the grass again...
"I just said something that shouldn't be said?"
The alien dog Frank looked confused and didn't know what happened.
"It's best if you don't know!!"
J doesn't want to say too much about his own scandals, as the so-called family scandal is not public, although the other party will definitely know about it in the future, but at least for now, he can still be a little bit in front of the other party, right?
"Hey! Uncle K, what are you doing here this time?"
These two obviously came with a purpose, so after seeing that she felt that she could not deal with the stupid dog for the time being, Annie decided to deal with the two visiting people first, and send each other away first.
"of course!!"
"Annie, things are actually like this..."
I didn’t plan to be too polite with the little girl, because Agent K, who knew that there was absolutely no sense in that way, greeted him. After seeing that a kidnapped alien dog expert had nothing to do, he called them here. The things here are explained in detail...
In short,
The general idea is: It’s not a problem for the people in black headquarters to continue to indulge in a little girl alien who is difficult to discipline, so they are ready to order the other party and find something to do for the other party to prevent the other party from being full. When you have nothing to do, go everywhere to make trouble or cause trouble?
Σ( ̄д ̄;)
"Join the man in black? Actually, it's not impossible...but what..."
Annie feels that she still needs to think about it first, because she is not sure if this kind of thing is the kind of fun?
(● ̄ ̄●)
But it shouldn't be a big problem...
After all, if you just add it in, it won't die, and it won't restrain her even more. The big deal, she just shakes her hands and leaves when she gets tired of playing! After all, when she was on another earth, she had joined S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., the Avengers, and even the later-created Bear Shield. Now adding a man in black does not seem unacceptable?
"Wait! Agent K..."
"Boss K! Are you guys in black still short of detectives? What do you think of my detective dog? You know, Frank is an expert on interstellar politics and diplomacy, who is proficient in the affairs of various races and nations in the galaxy... a good dog ?!"
It was discovered that the two agents in black were actually recruiting new detectives. Frank, who didn't come when he felt the opportunity was indispensable, suddenly jumped up from the grass, and then two dog paws fell on Agent K. On his knees, the little tail kept wagging, and asked hastily while sticking out a long tongue.
It's not that Frank didn't want to apply for the alien assistant of the "Foreign" organization of the Man in Black in the past, but in that case, it would start from the mess, just like the of four Zerg races? Those four poor little guys, it is said that they have been doing miscellaneous for many years, and so far have no hope of becoming a black detective...
Therefore, Frank decided to find another way. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he took advantage of this opportunity to take the ride of a little alien girl and directly climb the sky and become a glorious black dog agent on Earth? At that time, when it stays on Earth enough to go back, it will be able to save face, right? !
∑(△`)? !
"That one……"
"Anyway, I don't have much to do recently, so join your group of people in black as a detective!!"
Originally, Little Annie wanted to think about it again, but when she saw a certain stupid alien dog Frank wanted to join so actively, she thought it might be fun, so she didn’t waste any more time and raised herself directly. The right hand indicates that her Queen Anne generously joined their organization of the weird people who like to wear black clothes!
She wouldn't tell these people that she joined in because she wanted to play, and if it wasn't fun then she would run away and go to other worlds, they would never want to find her again! !
"very good......"
At this moment, even K did not expect that their recruitment this time would be so smooth? So, when he was happy, he happily decided that by the way, he would also recruit Frank, the sold alien dog, who was rubbing his trouser legs, so that he could get a team of alien detective partners?
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