Chapter 84: The power of Frostmourne

Ranger General Sylvanas, she once again stood in front of the high tower gate of Silvermoon City, which is dedicated to receiving visiting guests. Now, she doesn't know whether she should enter this gate or not. If she enters, she will do the next thing. Things may make her a little hard to tell.
   After all, the little girl has already rescued them once, and she risked her death to release a large spell to help them win a precious day. No matter how you look at it, a little human girl who you don't know each other can achieve this point, it's already benevolent!
   And now, I came here shamelessly again, wanting to ask others for help again... Does this seem a bit too much? Besides, this is the matter of the high elves themselves. It is their own business Quel'Thalas. Is it really appropriate to ask a human for alms? Besides, I and this little girl mage are not very familiar with each other...
Sylvanas hesitated outside the tower. Several times she wanted to leave, but she looked at the peaceful and peaceful streets, this beautiful city..., but now, there is no longer the old songs and laughs. , The citizens were rushing with large bags and small bags one by one, thinking about coming, they have also seen the notice Lor'themar posted, right? In case, if the city is broken, how much can the 200,000 residents in Silvermoon City run away? How much can it survive?
   nothing! For Quel'Thalas, don't want her face! After thinking about it, General Ranger, Sylvanas Windrunner, the highest defense officer of Silvermoon City, turned around resolutely, pushed open and stepped into the gate of the VIP Tower.
Just walking to the door of the luxurious room at the top of the fourth floor for the little girl Annie, Sylvanas ran into an elf waitress. She was walking out with an exquisite dinner plate, and she quickly stepped forward through The door of the room was not closed. She saw that Little Annie was awkwardly mending the wound for her pet bear with tears in her eyes. One or two teardrops dripped from time to time on those big tearful eyes. This is... that one. Flame Bear?
   Seeing this, Sylvanas' original firm heart instantly softened. Take a look, people have done enough for the high elves! In order to gain this precious day, the little girl not only risked her life to cast spells, but also lost a powerful pet! Why do I have the face to ask for more?
   Sylvanas, are you still shameless? After scolding himself fiercely in his heart, the general ranger almost didn't even have the courage to reach out and push open the door that hadn't closed yet. Now she would rather go to the undead in a battle than just go to face. Tears to a benefactor! They Quel'Thalas owed enough to this human girl!
  Look at how sad she is now. That giant flame bear should be important to her, right? So, what face do you have now to force her?
   alas... nothing more, I ask for help, don’t mention it! Let the high elves fight for their own destiny! Just have a clear conscience, right?
   stood outside for a while, and after another long exhalation, after calming down her confusion, Sylvanas finally plucked up the courage to push the door of the room and walked in...
"Hey! Sister Sylvanas? You are here." Annie looked up at her, then continued to lower her head and awkwardly picked up the needle and thread and started to sew. The stitches were skewed and slanted, making this look original The teddy bear that is cruel, has become more ferocious!
   "Come on, Annie, let me help you." Sylvanas sat cross-legged directly opposite the little girl, and then took the teddy bear and the magic pattern sewing kit from the other's hands.
   Looking at the little girl's long eyelashes wet with tears, and then at the teddy bear with two big holes in her hand, a certain string in Sylvanas's heart seemed to be completely softened.
   This scene reminded her of her younger sister, Wenresa...
   At that time, when my little sister’s pet little cat was accidentally trampled to death, it seemed that my sister was also sad, right? Sylvanas still remembered that at the time, her sister's face was crying, and she burst into tears. Even if she caught several small cats of different colors for her later, she didn't forgive herself for a long time. , I have been in a cold war with myself for more than a month!
   Thinking of her little sister, Wenresa, she sighed softly, with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth, and she didn’t know how the human world outside of her was going? I hope she will not come back for the time being. After all, Quel'Thalas is too dangerous now...
"By the way, Annie, what's your little bear's name?" Sylvanas put the teddy bear on her long white and tight legs, and carefully mended the teddy bear's gap while quietly. Asked.
   "It's called Tibbers!" Annie replied, swallowing, and wiped her tears vigorously.
   "Tibbers? It sounds so good..." After a while mending in silence, Sylvanas finally couldn't help but speak, and she eagerly wanted to comfort the savior of their high elves.
   "Anne, I'm really sorry that you lost Tibbers because of our elves...but don't be sad anymore. After all, it's dead now..."
"Huh?" After hearing the words of the big sister of the pointed ears, Annie was stunned for a while before she came back to her senses. She wiped a tear in her eyes and retorted loudly: "You are talking nonsense! Tibbers is not dead! Its soul is protected by me, and I am fine, how could it die? It doesn't exist!"
   "No, not dead? Really?" Sylvanas was shocked when she heard the little girl's retort, and a sharp needle pierced her finger.
   "Well, if you didn't die, then... why would you cry so sad?" Sylvanas asked weakly. She is puzzled! If this bear is indeed okay, then what is the cause of you crying so sad now?
   "Huh? Oh..., that's because I was stabbed several times by a needle just now, it hurts! Do not believe me!"
   After finishing, Xiao Anni wiped another tear, and then stretched out her left hand as if offering a treasure. She saw that there were several red pinholes on the white and tender fingers.
   "Ha..." Sylvanas twitched her mouth, shaking her hand, and accidentally stabbed herself again.
   Then, the softened bowstring under her heart seemed to tighten again, so tight that it was about to break! She suddenly felt that, in a while, she still had to work hard to see if this little girl was willing to help them resist those undead! That's right, that's it!
After going north to the main road to Silvermoon City, the road was blocked by a continuous fire, the death knight Arthas finally succumbed to the order of the Lich King, and temporarily gave up continuing to go north to Silvermoon City to find the elves. Thought, but to take a detour to the northwest, directly leveling Qingfeng Village, smashing the Western Temple, and walking to the seaside that is separated by a large mountain from Silvermoon City in the northwest.
  On another timeline without Annie, their undead were originally straight north, pushing all the way, cutting Silvermoon City in half and then smashing to Quel'Danas Island.
   But now, under the interference of this giant butterfly, Annie, the death marks of their undead have been forced to run away helplessly! Arthas and his army of undead walked diagonally to the bay outside the western temple before finally stopping.
   However, even though they are facing the sea at this moment, they have not overcame the idea of ​​attacking Silvermoon City by the heavy mountains, because it is really stupid to do that! No military commander will issue such an order, even if it is a natural disaster that is not afraid of hardships or death!
"Respected sir! To the north is the Isle of Sun, and if we don’t attack Silvermoon City, then we have to go to Isle of Sun and then to Quel'Danas. Only then is the closest distance! But, now There is a very serious problem. We don’t seem to have enough ships to cross the sea. Your army is too much, and we may never finish shipping!"
   A high elf, and a living Quel'Thalas high elf, he is humbly introducing the death knight Alsace standing by the sea the nearest way to Quel'Danas! This elf is the elf traitor of the high elf: Dalkhan Delasiel.
"I don't need you to worry about crossing the sea for the time being! Now, I will ask you one last time! Do you really know how to break through the magical defense of the Sunwell on Quel'Danas?" This is what Alsace cares about most. thing!
   The defensive measures of these elves are too much! The magical kingdom of tens of thousands of years really wasn't blown out. Their elves' enchantments, protective shields, elves gates and other measures made him, a death knight from a paladin, really nowhere to start! This is the end of professional mismatch!
   And the half-hanging necromancers under Alsace, now they can't even touch the basic teleportation spells, let alone crack the magic defense of the elves!
  The necromancers of their undead natural disasters are like a group of ridiculous little apprentices. Now they will release some dark spells and suffer a little plague, what use are they? Even if you put the magic enchantment of the high elves in front of them and let them study for ten days and eight days, they may not be able to understand them, let alone crack them!
   This is why the Lich King urged him to revive the Lich Kel'Thuzad in such a hurry! For the current Scourge, there is really a lack of professional mage talents. Whether it is for the natural disasters themselves, or to successfully summon the masters of the Burning Legion behind the natural disasters, Kel'Thuzad must be resurrected as soon as possible!
"Of course, dear lord! I used some tricks to extract some information about the Sunwell from the idiot of Lor'theman, plus what I originally had! So, cracking that defensive magic is definitely not a problem! "Darkhan Delahill patted his chest confidently, and assured Alsace!"
   The magic enchantment cannot be changed at will, it is not enough to change the position of the rune stone! It was a long-term and highly professional and complex project, which moved the whole body by one move, and it was not sloppy at all!
   Therefore, even if the elves on the Isle of Quel'Danas knew the secret of magic defense had been leaked, they would have nothing to do! Because they don't have enough time to change those complicated defense measures, and the Scourge will not give them that time!
   "Very good! I hope you remember what you said, otherwise! Humph!" Otherwise, Arthas didn't say much, he believed that this cowardly and despicable elf could understand what he meant.
   After speaking, without even looking at the elf, Arthas walked to the beach and looked at the outline of the distant Sunshine Island. He raised his weapon, Frostmourne.
After being raised high by Arthas, this magical energy began to emit violent magical waves, and then bursts of icy blue light began to flash on the blade, and snowflakes even began to fall in the air. The branches of the nearby trees were even directly frozen into sharp icicles!
   After the charge reached a critical point, Arthas suddenly yelled, and slammed his sword in the direction of Zhuridao with both hands. In an instant, a blue light flashed between the sky and the earth.
   Then, the thing that made Dalkhan Drasiel, the elven traitor stunned, happened: a long, frozen bridge hundreds of meters wide appeared above the sea in an instant!
   It is formed by the ice force of Frostmourne directly freezing sea water. What a mighty force is this? Even the strategic wizards of Quel'Thalas can't do such a thing, right? This can almost be called a miracle!
   Glancing at the look of the fairy Darkan behind him, Arthas smiled with satisfaction! In his opinion, it is nothing that your high elves have magic, he also has extraordinary powers! Look, a frost bridge was cut out with a sword to show you! This is just one of the powers of the artifact Frostmourne!
   "Huh! Attack at full speed!"
   After freezing the sea to form a bridge leading to the island of Sunshine, Alsace waved his sword to signal the undead to pass this frosty bridge! He is also a little bit embarrassed now, Frostmourne consumes too much power, at most it can only use two or three attacks of this level, otherwise, it will take a long time to recover.
   He was afraid, because the demigod little girl mage from a while ago would run out again to make trouble! If the other party had another fire and burned this frost bridge, and then kept staring at the undead army, then he really had no other way to go to Quel'Danas!
   When he thought that there might be a demigod hiding beside him waiting to burn his bridge at any time, he felt a little offended! Fight head-on, he Arthas is definitely not afraid! But he was worried that the Faye would not fight him, so he hid aside and did his best to destroy him, so what could he do?
   The fire on the side of the tower behind it is still burning! If the mage came here to put a spell of the same type, I am afraid that he would not build a hundred ice bridges enough for her to burn it. After all, destroying an ice bridge is much easier than building it!
   Now, for the first time, Arthas had the desire to resurrect Kel'Thuzad earlier. Perhaps, this product is what they can count on for undead natural disasters, the first truly reliable mage! If he has one or two reliable wizards, how can he worry about others coming to make trouble?
   On a big tree in the dense forest in the distance, UU reading www. The waiters of the two high elven ranger troops of were hiding themselves among the dim branches, and they also watched in amazement as the undead army stepped onto the miraculous frost bridge.
"Quick! Go back to Silvermoon City right now and tell General Sylvanas! The army of undead has gone to the island of Zushi! It's the magic sword! They have a way to build an ice bridge over the sea! And! Remember to tell She! Among the high elves, there has been a traitor!" A leading elf ranger hurriedly whispered to another elf behind him.
"I will! Anar'belore-in the name of Nikko! I will definitely send the news back in time! You also have to be careful, my sister!" After finishing speaking, the ranger behind stopped talking nonsense, and went straight back for a few jumps. , Disappeared in the dark dense forest.
   "Aldiel wishes you a smooth journey..."
After finishing speaking, the ranger stopped talking, continued to bite her lips tightly, and stared at the undead in the distance. She needed to think of a way to see what was going on, so that she could continue to follow the army of undead without fail. It was discovered by them.
   ask for recommendation
   This is the first watch on the 22nd, and the second is more likely to be at 20 PM
(In the official novel, it is said that when Arthas went to Northrend to rescue the Lich King, his necromancers did not send spells! After he ran away, he complained about the necromancer why He doesn’t know how to send spells, otherwise he wouldn’t have to go so hard! And after the resurrection, Kel’Thuzad was left in the Plaguelands? Or is it the main city of Lordaeron? As for Archimonde, it seems that he has already Long ago lost in Mount Hyjal...)
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