Chapter 796: The MIB headquarters and the fallen hive?

When a weak, poor and helpless little girl Annie, when she was following the team of commandos who successfully completed the recovery mission, she rushed out with the motherboard of the super artificial intelligence computer "Red Queen" of the Earthman Umbrella Company After arriving at the main engine room, when they ran at high speed in the direction where they heard gunshots and the roar of monsters, at the MIB headquarters under the building of the'Bridge and Tunnel Administration', Agent K and Agent J , And the other black-clothed employees in the logistics office who had been on standby in this office, finally cheered in unison.
From the huge data stream and information that a little girl just sent back, they also successfully found Umbrella Company, which is the conclusive evidence of the umbrella company, and found the bold guys who are studying dangerous things. Iron proof of alien cells or viruses!
Although, the evidence now seems a bit messy, but as long as they sort it out and hand it over to professional personnel to deal with it, it will probably not take long before they can give those high-level umbrellas a good look. Up.
At that time, it is likely that their MIB will need to organize a huge operation to give all the guys who know the existence of the T virus a free light radiation treatment of the ‘amnesiar’?
"Great! Boss K!"
"Now we should be able to prepare for action and give those umbrella companies a good look? You may not believe it. After waiting so long, I can't wait!!"
J is gearing up, preparing to set off, catching the upper-level figures of the umbrella company, beating those guys fiercely, and then throwing those to the prison on the moon, letting those who like to study aliens, Go and "study" with those alien criminals in prison. Then, that kind of picture will be beautiful, right? !
"Act now?"
"No, no! J, you never know how wide this matter is and how bad the impact is... We need at least several days to arrange the layout, and we don’t know if we will have enough manpower by then. not enough?"
"But please don't worry, wait patiently, there will always be times when you perform!!"
K smiled. After receiving a copy of the complete data and data backup from the black staff, he smiled and greeted his partner, planning to show this thing to their Z boss. Look, let that old man also look at how terrifying the umbrella companies that have been doing bad things for so long under the eyes of people in black! ?
Fortunately, their intelligence personnel sent back a little bit of news in time, allowing them to find the signs and send agents to mix in and successfully find the evidence... Otherwise, once the other party's research is completed or spread, it will definitely be. Made a mess!
That kind of alien cell or virus, it's not worse than the galactic black death that K has seen! !
"Waiting? Then let's just watch and do nothing?"
Hearing what his partner said, J suddenly felt a little stunned. He never expected that after having evidence, MIB couldn't actually do it right away? In his impression, the efficiency of their people in black has always been very high, why this time, they are so slow? !
"Go back! Report to boss Z, and then wait for the order of action at any time!"
"But now, I'm going to send a message to Little Annie first, so that our smart and capable little guy, let our Agent A quickly find a way to retreat from the hive..."
With that said, after putting away the advanced photon data storage hard drive, K took out his communication equipment and sent a message to a powerful little girl that the action was completed successfully, the data was true and valid, and he asked the other party to wait for an opportunity to retreat. signal.
"Frank? You guy, what are you doing? What are you doing wrong again?!"
At this moment, J suddenly exclaimed.
It turned out that this was a certain alien dog Frank running over and blocking his way. His raised foot almost stomped on the opponent's body, causing him to almost lose his balance when he retracted his leg in a panic. Falling down... Anyway, he was very embarrassed at that moment.
"K! Have you seen the report I just wrote to you? How are you thinking about it, and when will I be asked to resume Frank as Agent F?"
Frank ignored the complaints of a dark-faced agent with big lips, but sat on the floor, wagging his short tail, sticking out his tongue, and shy of a dog. He raised his dog's head and looked at Agent K who was also stopped by it, who didn't know what he was busy writing.
Today is a good opportunity, because it has just inquired that a certain lawless little girl agent is not here at the headquarters, and the other party has been dispatched to perform the task. It is the perfect opportunity for Frank to come to mediate and fight for the official restoration! !
K finished the message and waited for a long time, and found that a little girl did not give him any reply immediately. He didn't know what the other party was making, so he shook his head and turned off the contactor. Looking down at a certain alien dog who has the face to come back to apply for a reinstatement.
"You'd better give up, it's useless! I didn't count this matter... and Annie said it a few days ago. After she catches you, she must first beat you up?"
"She won't want your timid dog to be her partner anymore, no matter how many times you write the report, it will be the same, it is definitely useless!"
He didn't talk nonsense just now, if some lawless little guy is calling here at the headquarters, the fate of this alien dog Frank will definitely not be too good! Maybe, this dumb dog will be thrown into the light-speed centrifuge for a few hours by that little guy?
Of course, it is also possible to be thrown into the locker's little hairy country as a free coolie?
Anyway, it shouldn't have been caught and roasted...because he, Agent K, knew that under normal circumstances, that little guy would definitely not roast intelligent creatures to eat.
"She hasn't come back yet?"
"How about it, K? We are old friends. Even if you don't allow me to reinstate my office, at least I have to arrange for me to do errands? Let me take it back and get you some natural diamonds from outer space. , Do you want the one that is bigger than my head, or the one that is bigger than yours?"
"It's not that I can't get the bigger ones, but it's bad luck. Your customs is so strict..."
It is precisely because a certain little girl goes out to perform tasks and is not on the headquarters road, that the alien dog Frank dare to come here for wandering, otherwise, it has run away long ago, and where dare to come here to stop people and ask for work?
In this MIB headquarters, whoever sees Frank will at best despise or ridicule it. There is no image of it... However, if someone sees it, it is likely to be Put into a terrible act of violence!
" don't know that it is illegal to bribe a black-clothed agent like me. Do you want to be expelled from the earth by us?"
Hearing that the other party was going to give him diamonds, K sank his face, squatted down and grabbed the fat skin on the neck of a certain pug-like alien dog, said that the other party picked it up, and then talked to the other party's face. The funny eyes on the top looked at each other and threatened.
"Don't all of you on earth like this trick?"
"Okay, okay, then I won't give you anything for now. You can help me find a job as soon as possible, get a job stay for inspection or something, don't let them fire me, is this always possible?"
The alien dog still begged shamelessly, saying that he wanted to continue mixing into MIB, the black body organization, even if it wasn't the original agent?
"Miscellaneous work, we have Zhenzi now, she is on call, but much more efficient than you..."
That female ghost may sometimes behave a little embarrassingly, she likes to have a disheveled hair when she sleeps at night, and is a little scary... But it's still pretty good during most of the day, but she often drills on the screen and suddenly The bad habit that emerged from behind, might not be able to change it for a while?
"Then...then the gatekeeper is always okay?"
"I, Frank, is an expert in interstellar politics and diplomacy, as well as the affairs of various races in the galaxy. I will definitely be very useful to you!"
Frank makes the last effort and fights for Dao. If that still doesn’t work, then it’s really gone... At that time, I’m afraid it will only be able to run to the human city with the four dismissed Zerg races. With the subsidies issued by the MIB People in Black Organization to eat and wait for death?
"Do you want to watch the door?"
"Um... this thing is not impossible, let me think about it first..."
K suddenly felt that if there was an extra dog at the entrance to the MIB headquarters, it might have a better card face? Moreover, the old clerk above would not sit there all day, so that there is not even a person to talk to, and is it not too boring?
This is a good idea, he will do it when he is free, but not now! Because they now need to wave their hands and prepare to deal with the umbrella company, not when they are distracted from doing other things.
'beep! beep! ’
'alarm! alarm! The headquarters is under attack! ! ’
'beep! beep! beep! ’
'alarm! alarm! ! ’
At this moment, when K and J were entangled with a certain alien dog, and could not go to Boss Z's office in the first time... Suddenly, they suddenly heard a burst of rapid sirens! And when they turned their heads to look at the chaotic place on the other side, they unexpectedly saw a woman with black snakes or vines popping up all over her body, madly attacking their black-clothed employees? !
"I'll talk about the things just now, goodbye K, good luck to you?"
After just one glance, Frank, who was not in a good condition, once again unscrupulously turned and ran away with his little tail in his hand, and there was no shadow for a while, and he did not know where he was hiding. Up.
"Hi! Frank?"
"That little bastard! Hey, K, who is that woman? She still dares to use force in MIB headquarters, is she crazy?!"
He yelled, but he couldn't call a certain dog J. After realizing that the situation didn't seem to be right, he immediately took out his own one. Although it was a bit small and its recoil was a bit exaggerated, it was a bit more powerful. Not a small mini-energy impact weapon, and pointed the sight of the muzzle at the strange black-haired alien woman who was attacking the black agent in the distance.
"J! I'm afraid we are really miserable this time..."
At this time, K, who had seen clearly who the alien who caused the trouble was, also widened his eyes and wailed, because he recognized who the woman was...the kind of substance spreading from the other side The black vine-like ghosts that don't match the conservation at all, Agent K said that he was really impressed.
That kind of difficult thing is not so easy to deal with, and it is easy to kill, and the terrible retaliation of the other party, such as blowing up the planet if a word does not agree?
Anyway, it's very difficult...
Perhaps, the best choice for the two of them now is to escape here first, and then make other plans?
"K! Help quickly...Ah!!!"
J, who was just about to shoot, was suddenly curled up by the creepy black vine-like thing that spread, and hung directly in the air.
"Hello there!"
"Agent K, long time no see, are you okay lately?"
It only took less than half a minute to basically uniform all the black-clothed agents, staff and even alien tourists in the MIB headquarters. Then the black-haired woman walked step by step with a smile. He arrived in front of Agent K, who was frozen in place and afraid to move.
Seeing the alien "woman" disguised as an earthling who walked in front of him with a twisted waist, K sighed with difficulty, and a name came out of his throat.
In this way, the mini-Karosser C-class spacecraft that crashed on the earth a while ago is indeed Serena's car!
"It seems that Agent K, you really recognize me..."
"Now, I have taken over the MIB organization of your men in black. Does anyone have any comments?"
Turning around and looking at the office lobby of the entire MIB headquarters, everyone was subdued and immobile by themselves, and even after their mouths were tightly covered by their own tentacles, Serena smiled smugly. Up.

"Speed ​​up!!"
Huh! Huh!
Raising his hand with two shots, he directly made an inexplicable sound in his mouth. The living dead zombies who were staggering towards the crowd who were rushing forward shot twice in the chest and on the head. After there was no blood flowing out of the gun eye that a living person should have, the black commando captain James Xue Decai sternly urged some survivors behind, especially a certain female doctor and little girl.
Because now everyone can see that this place is getting more and more insecure, and even people who were already dead are standing up! Coming along the way, there were almost dozens of dead and moving monsters they encountered, and their gun barrels were slightly hot.
And those things, undoubtedly, are the zombies that Dr. Sidell said, are by-products of viruses that are beneficial to humans studied by the other party?
That kind of stuff is so fucking, it makes him want to scold his mother so much!
Because, James Schrdeke didn’t even see the kind of thing that would turn the dead into monsters, without wisdom, pain, fearlessness, and would only instinctively want to bite the living. It will be the kind of thing that is good for mankind! !
The commandos who just stopped, were about to wait for the survivors behind to keep up and move on. Suddenly, there were rushing footsteps from the front, and then James, the captain, took it for granted. He turned his head for the first time and aimed his weapon at the corner of the aisle.
"team leader!!"
While everyone was on guard nervously, two people rushed out of the corner of the straight passage, and one of them was René Okan, one of the two commandos who had been left in the warehouse to guard the prisoner before. wave!
But at this time she looked very embarrassed, her hand seemed to be injured, a lot of blood was shed, and she was still holding a pistol in the other hand. As for the other equipment and weapons, everything was gone...
"God, what the is that? Fire! Fire!"
clatter! clatter! clatter!
Huh! Huh!
Before hearing the sound, the commandos who came to the rescue and responded to inquiries. They saw Lei running over and the one behind the guy named Matt who seemed to have no skin and muscles all over his body. But with hideous claws and terrifying head, he was climbing the monster jumping on the corridor wall at high speed!
and so,
The elite commandos who have experienced many battles did not have time to ask more, and they fired their weapons at the monster, pouring their ammunition frantically, making them hot, spinning at high speed. The metal bullet hit the monster like a demon from that he had never seen before! !
"It's a licker!!"
"Attacking its head, it is dead, it is not an ordinary living body, it is useless to attack its body!!"
After seeing the attacking monster, Sidell, who was at the end, was frightened, and he quickly corrected the commandos so that they could effectively kill or prevent the kind of information she had read. Scary monster?
"Oh, God……"
However, it is a pity that Dr. Sidder seems to be too late, because the monster she called the "licker" is very fast, even if it is actually hit by the rifles or submachine guns in the hands of the mercenaries. It’s a lot, but it doesn’t seem to have received many images at all. On the contrary, it climbed and jumped over everyone’s heads at high speed and rushed past, and then walked towards a little girl behind. ! !
Obviously, even lickers, they instinctively know which commandos with guns in their hands are not easy to bully, so it seems to be planning to pick the soft persimmons first, and the crowd who broke into the hive did not resist. Those who have the ability to prey, and then slowly prey on which ones are more difficult?
"go to hell!!"
clatter! clatter! clatter!
At this time, Kaplan, who fell behind the team, squeezed the trigger fiercely, and shot almost all the 25 rounds of the UMP submachine gun in his hand at the monster who had just passed him...
But it's a pity, that doesn't seem to work at all?
Because, when he shot all the bullets in an instant, the monster still castrated and rushed towards the little girl!
!? (??\'\'????)??
Of course Annie also saw the terrifying open mouth of the huge monster who was rushing towards her and was about to catch her, and the sharp fangs with disgusting sticky saliva...
Even when the other party was still sticking out her tongue at the same time, she had to sigh softly in her heart and felt that she might be hiding this time when she ejected towards herself, the tenderest, sweetest and most beautiful little girl in the team. But to go, do you have to show some real skills?
Because, in this case, if you still think of yourself as the little niece of Aunt Sidder’s house, and still don’t use any power and reaction speed beyond the little girl’s ability, you will definitely not be able to avoid that fast as A whirlwind, even the bullets avoided most of the'lickers'!
∑(??△`)? !
Huh! !
At this time, a large-caliber pistol suddenly sounded!
A powerful bullet from a Magnum revolver accurately hit the naked brain of the licker from the side, and then smashed crazily inside and penetrated from the other side, carrying countless brains of the opponent. The bloodshot splashed a big ball against the white wall where the bullet was flying...
Boom! !
The licker's head tilted, and under the influence of inertia, it directly drew close to Xiao Annie's right side, rushed out tilted, and hit the wall severely with a heavy muffled noise!
When everyone reacted and rushed over, they only saw that it was sticking out its long tongue and wide open mouth, and after leaning on the ground for a few times, it finally stopped moving.
"Hey! Little guy, are you okay?"
Alice held the powerful Magnum revolver handed to her by the black commando captain in her hand, smiled kindly at the little girl and asked softly.
"'s okay..."
Annie opened her eyes wide and froze for a while, blinked her cute big blue eyes, looked at the kind sister Alice, and finally had to sigh again, carefully removing her hand from her He took it out of the pocket of his skirt, and then shook his head regretfully.
Originally, she had just planned to take out her single-molecule light blade that matched the ghost suit from her space pocket, and dispose of this reckless licker! It can be imagined that the older sister Alice in front is not an ordinary person, how fast is the reaction speed at that moment? !
Therefore, after discovering that there was still no chance of her own performance, she could only collapse her small face in a grievance...
Of course, in the eyes of others, I only feel that a certain little girl seems to be frightened by the terrible attack of the licker?
"My God, that's great..."
At this moment, Siddle rushed over.
First, she directly pulled her little niece to her side, and checked Annie's body for the first time, and found that she was not injured in any place, and then she happily hugged her, her mouth kept unceasing. Shouting the name of God, I don't know what I am muttering or praying.
"Dr. Siddle just said, are we going to hit them on the head?!"
Alice shot randomly at the licker just now, creating blood holes in the body of the licker, but he couldn't stop it at all, Kaplan said.
Kaplan did not speak, but walked over with his captain, looking at the licker who fell on the ground, the naked brain in his head was gone... When they looked at the other body Knotted muscles, sturdy limbs, horrible big claws that are so sharp that they can almost break through steel and walls, as well as the mouthful fangs, the machete is motionless, and it is true that after he is dead, he slowly retreats with lingering heart.
The opponent's super explosive ability, evasion ability, endurance and the kind of swift action when hunting like wild beasts or cats at the moment just now make them remember!
Fortunately, because the other party was attacked by their bullets just now, they didn’t find them in the first time. Instead, they aimed at the unarmed little girl at the end of the team and succeeded in getting the company standing next to them. The security guard Alice can take advantage of it... Otherwise, in this dim environment, just thinking about this terrible thing can make them feel terrified in their hearts!
"Little guy, are you okay?"
At this moment, Alice, who had just done her job with just one shot, walked over, stretched out her hand to rub Little Annie's head and asked with relief again.
"I'm not afraid of them..."
After opening the opponent's big hand, Annie made a big grimace at the other party very angry.
Unlike the jealous look on those people’s faces, Xiao Anni felt that this biological weapon is really terrible... Its weakness is so obvious, and it leaks such a big head. If you give her a gun , Even without using any other power, she can easily destroy this funny monster!
Anyway, it is really inferior to her puppies of insects! !
(Little master, this must be a semi-finished biological weapon that has not been fully studied... Otherwise, if someone randomly adds a bulletproof alloy forehead cover, you may have to expose your own abilities in advance...
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
Tibbers knew better than anyone else, if it hadn't been for the power outage just now, these monsters, obviously sleeping in the iron cage, would definitely not be able to get out!
Moreover, these are definitely still experimental products. Otherwise, no researcher who lacks the heart will develop such a weakness as obvious, and come out with a monster with a naked forehead...)
"I seemed to hear what you called it just now? A licker?!"
When it was determined that the monster was dead and would not jump up to violently wound people, the black commando captain walked over in black and asked again.
Obviously, his mood is not so good now...
"Yes, this is a licker..."
"Unlike the slow-moving zombies we just saw, it is an unstable experiment produced by the direct injection of T virus into a living body... During the cultivation stage, it is directly fed with living DNA. After the licker absorbs nutrients, it will Continue to mutate, strengthen muscles, and increase strength... But after the brain is highly evolved, the skull will split, causing the brain to be exposed. Only a headshot can be killed, because that can destroy its brain..."
After taking a glance at the red muscles on his body, Dr. Sidder said leisurely after a glance at the creeping monster.
She knew that it must have been the power failure just now that caused their dormant device to fail, and then let them tore open those alloy cages and escaped...
How many of them are there in that warehouse? Now she can’t remember it, maybe thirty, maybe fifty? Anyway, this kind of thing can only be known by counting the iron cages in that warehouse... However, there may be more lickers moving around in front of the warehouse. It is not a problem to go there now. Good choice.
"Damn it!"
"What the are you studying, are you all crazy?!"
Commando Lei suddenly cursed hysterically, because when they just fled here, apart from Lei herself and the captive, another member of her had already sacrificed on the other side of the warehouse.
"This is a by-product of the T virus, and I also disagree with this research... The direction of my research is the original design plan, which is the kind of anti-aging, treatment of neurological diseases, and the kind of activation it has. The ability to die cells?"
Dr. Siddle began to explain leisurely.
"You have seen its power along the way..."
"It can make the dead come back to life. If a breakthrough is made in research, it will be a miracle and revolution in biology! What you see now is just an accident. Of course, these lickers are those who do research. The biochemical weapons that came out should not have been finalized..."
"You don't have to look at me like that. Those politicians always like to use the inventions and achievements of our researchers in the military first, don't they?
"Besides, the umbrella company is not mine. I am just a researcher. I have no right to speak or protest..."
Having said this, Siddle sighed again.
The company has made every effort to study the application of T virus in infection, alienation and biological weapons, and has tilted a lot of resources and funds. She has known these things for a long time, but what can she do?
After protesting several times and discovering that no one understood and cared about her voice at all, apart from continuing her research on the beneficial aspects of her own T virus, she could only treat it as invisible and let some These guys go to study that crazy thing.
But now, the hive is ruined, and her office is also ruined. I don't know how much of the information in the computer and paper documents are left? Moreover, she doesn't know what the company's attitude towards this base is. If it is closed, it would be difficult for her to get back their research results...
By then, their more than ten years of research will really be ruined! That kind of thing will be another huge destruction and regression to human medical and life engineering careers! !
"Okay! Lei!"
"Don't say anything, treat your wounds, keep your strength, and move on! We must go back to the subway quickly, the more we drag on, the more dangerous it is!!"
The black captain waved his hand violently, because he knew it was not the time to talk about this kind of thing or complain, they must go out quickly, otherwise, God knows how many zombies they will face and that terrible licking Monster?
Also, what’s worse now is that the bullets they carry are not unlimited. There are only a few bullets. Once they are all shot, they are really finished! !
"Alright! Lei, let's still think about how to get out of here, and then talk about other things?"
The mercenaries responded one after another, and the injured Lei was also pulled back by Kaplan, so that she would not be embarrassed with the female doctor.
"If I guessed correctly...I think she has been infected..."
"If you are bitten or injured, you will definitely be infected! If, in two hours or less, if she is not injected with more than two tubes of anti-T virus serum in time, she will definitely become them. One of them!!"
Seeing that everyone was ready to change the route and retreat, Dr. Siddle struggled, and finally he kindly reminded the female team member who seemed to be aiming a gun at him.
Kaplan, who was holding Lei, was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously let go of his companion's hand, and then looked at the other's wrist... There, the coagulated blood soaked the layers of gauze. Obviously, it was Lei not long ago The bite wound.
"Doctor! Where is that antiviral serum antidote?!"
Taking a look at the player Lei whose face suddenly turned pale, the captain Xue De, who couldn't bear it, asked immediately.
He felt that since this doctor knew something like anti-T virus serum, she must know where to find that stuff! !
"The incubator in my office should be equipped with a few tubes... But there are too many dead people there. It is a dense area for our researchers and staff, and the main power supply was cut off just now. and so……"
Having said this, Dr. Siddle didn't want to go on.
Because she understood very well, there were too many dead people there, and the main power supply of the honeycomb was cut off in order to remove the red motherboard. Presumably now, the entire research and office area on that floor is full. Are all these wandering zombies?
Moreover, the number is likely to be as many as hundreds or thousands...
In the face of so many zombies, with a few commandos, with a few bullets left on their bodies, that is basically an impossible task... Besides, now in this hive, God knows how many there are. The lickers and other monsters are running around?
If they choose to go back to the office and research area, it will basically be a deadly situation!
"Is there an antidote elsewhere?"
The black captain thought for a while, and felt that going back was not a good choice? Therefore, he frowned again and looked at the female doctor and asked expectantly.
"I do not know……"
"In addition to my research room, there may be other virus research rooms, of course, or they may not. I can't guarantee that..."
Sidder answered honestly, without any deception.
She usually works in a small area on the first floor. As for other departments and research departments, because of the fact that those guys disagree with her, she really doesn’t know much... After all, she can’t In his spare time, he deliberately went to other people's research room to stop by.
"In any case, we can't leave Lei alone! We must return along the same path and find the antidote to the virus in that research area!!"
Frowning and contemplating for less than three seconds, soon, the black captain Schroder made up his mind and said categorically, deciding to take the most dangerous road back to the ground instead of the other road that ran here before. Plan a safe route.
"can not go!!"
"Hey! Please don't point a gun at me. I have a good suggestion. Don't you want to listen to it?"
At this time, another survivor, that Spence Parks suddenly reached out and pressed the shoulder of the black captain to stop the other party's decision? However, what greeted him were the black barrels of the opponent and the commandos of the opponent.
The black commando captain asked a word indifferently, because he didn't want to continue wasting time here, he would suffer from the chaos when he stayed here, every second he stayed here, their danger would be more!
"I just remembered, actually..."
"In the subway train, there is a small box. Those are the virus samples and serum that I was ordered to take out and hand over to the company to transport away... So, I think we don't actually need to take those dangerous paths?"
Spence Parks said with a dry smile.
It's not that he is a bad guy, but now that he finds that the situation is a little out of control, he must use the help of these commandos to escape?
Although this may cause him to lose those viruses and serum, but in the current situation, save his life first. Others, he can no longer take care of so much... When he runs to the train, if he is not dead, he will think Way.
After thinking about it, he glanced at the ignorant and ignorant face not far away with some anxiety, and made some determination in his heart.
"Are you really sure?!"
The black commando captain burst into joy, and then looked at the other Alice who was also a security guard, and whose profile was the Spence Parks' wife.
"I, I don't know, I haven't thought of many things now..."
Alice shook her head, she really didn't remember anything, even if she wanted to help, she couldn't help.
"Sorry, I don't know either!"
"The company does occasionally dispatch viruses and serum, but that is generally a highly confidential operation... However, I am even more curious about how the virus leaked out?!"
From the analysis of the current situation, Dr. Sidder can basically infer a point of his own, that is:
The virus was leaked out and inadvertently infected most people, including herself? Although those doses were not fatal in a short period of time, in order to eliminate the risk, the Red Queen closed the hive and brutally slaughtered the researchers and all the employees of the entire research base?
She is very suspicious of the Spence Parks in front of her now!
Because, if it is leaked during the experiment, both the Red Queen and the researchers have enough means to disinfect and inactivate those T viruses! Therefore, apart from the artificial cause that caught the Red Queen off guard, did not issue the alarm in time and had to take extreme measures, she really couldn't think of any better explanation.
Of course, this is only her subconscious guess, she has no evidence, but if they can escape successfully, she will definitely report the situation to the upper management of the company!
"Now let’s act and we will continue to retreat according to the safe route we just planned! Also, boy, I warn you, if I know you dare to deceive me, I will definitely leave you in the hive to feed those monsters. I swear!!"
The black commando captain stretched out his finger to warn Spence Parks, then waved his hand, leading his team and the five survivors to guard against a dark corridor different from when they came. Ran away with a small quick step.
"Hey! That guy over there, he's the bad guy..."
Holding hands by her cheap aunt, Annie, who was moving fast, hurriedly exchanged her views with her little bear Tibbers.
The strange idea just now has been clearly ‘seeed’ by her!
What she didn't even expect was that in the morning, when she herself and the cheap aunt Sidder came to this base, the viruses that had been leaked for a long time would turn out to be the one in front of her. Good people, but bad guys who are not good people actually do good things? !
(So ​​what, what's the use?)
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
Tibbers doesn’t want to comment on those stupid earthlings!
Because no matter how many conspiracies and tricks face absolute force, they will always be just a joke! No matter who it is, or the country, only after you become strong can you do whatever you want, and get whatever you want or do whatever you want!
And this point, some of its bad-hearted little masters have done quite well. For example, now, she just likes to use her strength to play and play vigorously in various worlds, but toss hard, who can take it. How is she? )
"Keep up!!!"
A commando behind the palace waved for the three of Siddle, Annie, and Alice who were running at the end to quickly follow. When they all passed him, they had been using their rifle muzzle at him in the dark and dim passage behind him. , Turned around and quickly followed.

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