Chapter 801: Annie Hasta, Red Jean, attack! !

‘Flaming Gene, please answer when you hear it! ’
‘Zi Zi Zi...’
'repeat! Flaming Gene, please answer when you hear! Please answer if you hear it? ! ’
The voice of a bad old man’s captain kept coming from a certain combat frequency band in the communication channel on the main console. This made a little girl glance at herself very boringly. Turning his face away from the other side, he pretended not to hear, and continued to be busy with his important things.
very noisy……
"Hello? Who is talking? Hello? Sorry, you are too loud, and there are electric noises. I can't seem to hear it. I turned off the public channel...Hello?"
<( ̄︶ ̄)↗Turn off!
After finally turning off an annoying channel, a lawless, unorganized and undisciplined little girl comfortably retracted her car from the driving seat of the Jean cockpit painted in red. The space bag took out a paper bag of Bibi strange flavored beans.
Seeing she tore it hard, the bag full of jelly beans was scattered all over the weightless cockpit in an instant, and it was scattered everywhere, and the eyes were full of colorful things.
It has been a while since Xiao Annie left the world of MIB in the Man in Black...
Although, the world of the man in black is actually quite fun, she herself found a bunch of ‘unowned’ and ‘not valuable’ but a little fun ‘marbles’ there? However, given that certain Protoss Dark Templar warriors inadvertently exposed their identities, they felt that they always felt restrained in the headquarters of Men in Black, and those people did not dare to continue to trouble themselves after going out on missions. , Queen Anne, who was really idle, but didn't want to continue making waves in that world, so she had to open the portal of the plane world again and randomly came to such an interesting world.
As for the previous world, if there are any problems, the men in black will solve the problems themselves, and the problems that the men in black cannot solve, the expeditionary fleet of Cerlandis and others who don’t know where they are hiding will definitely help. Drop... Therefore, no matter what other aliens, or umbrella alien viruses, etc., it is certainly unlikely to pose any great threat to the earth in that world.
Of course, even if there is a threat, Little Annie will not take care of it.
Because she is already in another world, in another earth, solar system, universe, and she won't know what kind of mess is happening in that world of the man in black!
'beep! beep! beep! ’
At this time,
The mass-produced Genn with a fiery red paint while Little Annie was driving was lying on a space rock not too far from the colonial space station city of Heliopolis, and followed the rock and the distant one. Together with the Heliopolis space colony, while in the orbit of the solar system that is not too far away from the earth, it revolves around the sun synchronously... Suddenly, the communication red on the bridge of her Jean The light came on again. It seemed that someone was still stubbornly trying to establish a communication channel with her?
ヽ(????????)?? la la la?? The magic of love goes round and round????
However, it is a pity that a certain lawless little girl did not pay attention to the communication request, but played her own little game with the peas that she had thrown out.
(Hey! Dear little master, your communication light has been on for a long time, and it seems that someone is looking for you... If the little one doesn’t guess wrong, it should be the message from the masked man in Cruzer who asked you to attack?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
Tibbers waited for a while and saw that one of his little masters was still shrinking in the cockpit seat, and relying on the current vacuum weightless environment, he scattered a large bag everywhere. Bibi Weidou Dou, which has been floating in weightlessness, is placed in front of her into a number of circles that automatically rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. It seems that she is having a lot of fun, and she ignores the communication signal at all. It had to remind the other party carefully after the meaning of. )
"We don't need to pay attention to him. I am not under his control. He lets me attack and I attack. Why? If he is so anxious, he won't attack by himself and fight those fighters? Humph! I know. , He himself obviously has a special-equipped captain machine, such a powerful guy, does he need to come to me?!"
o(??^`)o hum!
After speaking, Xiao Annie stretched out her hand to operate in her Jean's cockpit, and glanced at the holographic body information live report on the left of her operation console:
Body code: Red painted flame Jean (mass production type Jean)
Manufacturer: ZAFT
Affiliation: ZAFT (Zaft)
First equipped: C.E.68
Internal environment: standard cockpit (seat console has been completely changed)
Size: 21.43 meters above the ground
Weight: 78.50 tons at no load, 86.15 tons at full combat load
Fixed weapons: MA-M3 ordinary heavy-cutting knife
Optional weapons: leg M68 3 missile launcher × 2
Power supply: Gene standard battery energy pack
Selection of hand weapons: M59 Varros Modified Special Fire Heavy Particle Cannon X1; MMI-M8A3 76mm Heavy Assault Machine Gun X1; M66 Missile Launcher×2; Mini Beam Rifle X2
Seeing that the body information on the holographic screen on her own console indicated that everything was fine, she turned her head very simply, and continued to play her own little game of Bibi Weidou circling, letting it appear in He The two Nazca-class battleships Vesalis and the Lorasia-class battleship Gamow at the end of the starry sky where the colony of Leopolis is not too far, constantly sent requests to attack themselves. The signal, but has always been indifferent, even connected and looking at a certain masked man's mood?
That's right!
This is just like what she just said, that masked man himself has a special-built Captain Jean machine that is even more powerful than his own mass-produced machine. The guy’s operating skills are so-so. Why can the other party be happy in the battleship, but want her Queen Anne, a special commissioner of Zaft's special department that is not affiliated with the other party, to help him?
She is a special new department under the name of the special guard of the Zaft National Defense Committee. The captain of the Flame Squad is not under Cruze! !
But in fact, except for herself, what all Zafts don’t know is:
Her team and identity, etc., were all secretly made by her using the super data processing ability of the chubby robot and her own memory modification magic without the Zaft's knowledge. The'special top secret department' with only her!
In fact, it is just a non-existent department created by her own play and fear of trouble, so that she can play with such large robot toys...Anyway, as long as Annie does not take the initiative to speak out, Those guys definitely don't know, and they don't understand.
And in this short period of time in this world, her Queen Anne and her landline red flame painted this Jean can be considered in this world, or at least in the military camp of Zaft. Li is relatively well-known, and this is the fundamental reason why she was sent from above to Captain Cruze's seizure of aircraft!
It’s a pity that her Queen Anne doesn’t like to be commanded by others. She stayed here all the time, watching the Nazca-class Vesalis and Lorasia-class battleships. The battleship Moff headed towards the neutral colony of Heliopolis, facing threats. Seeing that the fierce battle was about to break out, she remained indifferent.
(Respected little master, they are about to fight. This is a real battle. Are you really going to give it a try?
In the distance, the two Nazca-class battleships Vesalis and the Lorasia-class battleship Gamow have dispatched about four or five Zinn mobile suits to the colony. As a neutral colony, the defense forces of the Heliopolis space station city, of course, did not show any weakness to send a group of small cosmic unmanned fighters to meet those Zafts’ Genn mobile suits, Depending on whether you want to intercept or expel the opponent?
Therefore, seeing that the battle was about to break out and there was a real live target to hit the little bear Tibbers, of course he began to encourage his little master to join in the fun. )
"I do not want it!!"
"Those little things don't look strong at all, those Genn can handle them by himself, so I don't want to bully them!!"
o (????~????) o
Seeing that Cruze's Gene team was going to bully a neutral self-defense force and those small and tattered space fighters, Annie didn't even think about it, and simply rejected a certain bear's proposal.
She just came here to ensure that the guys' plan to the body can be completed smoothly. Before the enemies of interest appeared, or the guys did not mess up by themselves, she stayed here to eat and watch the excitement, anyway, she They just don't go anywhere, anyway, they can't control her special agent!
"Hey, really, look at Tibbers too..."
ε=(??ο`))) alas
"Those small square unmanned fighters in the universe have too weak attack capabilities, poor maneuverability, and their artillery calibers are too small. They must not be able to deal with the 20-meter-high Jeans with such thick armor. Therefore, they lose. It!!!"
Seeing that the Heliopolis neutral colony sent out after being threatened, the large group of self-defense space fighters that might be as large as three to five meters in diameter were quickly given to them by the Jean team. After the ground was broken into pieces that exploded in the vacuum of the universe, Little Annie curled her lips boringly.
Facts have proved that the science and technology tree of this earth world seems to be completely crooked...
Here, ordinary warships, tanks, and fighters have long been reduced to supporting roles, and those humanoid mobile suits who are like being opened up have gradually become the mainstream, just like Zaft. In the army, are all heavy mobile suits like Gene?
Anyway, the people here mean: mobile suits, such as those robot weapons like Jean, the bigger they grow, the more powerful, the thicker the armor, the more beautiful the more powerful, the more barrels, the more powerful the energy system. The same is more powerful?
In short,
The people in this world have been trapped in the quagmire of humanoid weapons, completely hopeless!
Therefore, Xiao Annie feels that it is necessary for herself to correct some people’s erroneous concepts in this world, and to guide them from the theory of mecha victory to others, such as
No matter how powerful a mecha is. Do whatever you want, only when the final strength is strong can you do whatever you want' or'No matter whether the mecha is strong or not, you can't do whatever you want'. Only her Queen Anne can do whatever you want' on the right path?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
!? (??\'\'????)??
"Huh? There seems to be a situation?!"
∑(??△`)? !
Soon, when little Annie Ann was sitting in her cockpit, when her own body was surrounded by a circle of strange beans, as long as she was in a mouth, she could eat those delicious sweet beans at any time. She suddenly discovered that the Heliopolis neutral colony had rushed out a battleship and a different space fighter with a floating gun and painted dark red paint?
Moreover, the opponent seemed to be fierce. As soon as he rushed out of the naval port of the fortress in the colony, he directly fired fiercely, easily repelling several Genn that had been inexperienced before, and successfully protected the ship from the fortress. The gray-green battleship of the Earth Coalition Army, which is in a period of fragility, broke out from the dock of the spaceport and has not had time to accelerate.
Soon, Little Annie discovered that the fighter was a little different.
Although the battle in the universe is silent, except for the flare-up of various weapon launches and missiles, and the light when the body explodes, little Annie, who is watching from a distance, is actually I heard nothing! She just saw that after the missiles and the firing chain of the fighter planes passed, the Genen of the two squads was suddenly blown up by the opponent’s space fighter with four floating guns. And he was chased so hard that he seemed to be wiped out soon? !
After discovering that the fighter plane seemed to be really powerful, Annie hurriedly sat upright from her driving position, and quickly operated it on the console of her body, and quickly called out the dark red plane. Some relevant information about the fighter:
Morbis (MA)
Earth United Army General Heavy Fighter
Manufacturer: Earth Alliance
Owner: Earth Alliance
Power supply: battery energy pack
Cockpit: One pilot, located in the standard cockpit position
Equipment and design features: none
Optional equipment: Wired machine gun barrel (floating gun?)
"Since they are about to lose all, then I will go play around..."
at last,
Little Annie, who had been lying on this rock in space for a long time, saw the appearance of a valuable hostile target, and saw that the other party was able to defeat the Genen team, and saw the deputy of the warship that ran out. The main cannon of the gun also fired at full strength to support, forcing the remaining Genn to flee in embarrassment. After there was no power to fight back at all, she was finally ready to dispatch.
Because only by defeating that kind of powerful guy, can she show the power of her Queen Anne! !
"Now! Tibbers, it's time for us to work!!"
He grabbed her little bear and threw it into the upper corner of the bridge. Then, Annie opened her mouth and inhaled fiercely. She drew the Bibi strange beans in the cockpit that were still spinning around. I took a breath into my mouth and chewed. After chewing up, I flicked Jean's energy switch to make her one eye of the mass-produced Jean painted in flame color directly light up. A flash of red light.
How do you say that...
"Annie Hasta!"
"Flaming Gene, strike out!!"
Following the shouting of the slogan, and under the control of a little girl, the flaming-red Jean first stood up from the asteroid-like rock in the universe, and slammed his feet with it. The movement of the rock and the particle engine thrusters on the legs began to work. It quickly turned into a fiery red lightning, accelerating continuously in the pitch-black universe, and rushing towards the distant battlefield...
It's a pity that although her actions are cool and her slogan is very loud, no one has noticed her at the beginning.
Because, apart from the sun at the far end of the starry sky that continuously radiates the dazzling light, there is no sound in the universe and it has always been pitch black...So, compared to the huge warship and the bigger Helio For the Polis colonial fortress, a fiery red Jean-sized mobile weapon, in this chaotic battlefield in front of you, before it gets close enough, no one will deliberately care about it. existing.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)

'alarm! alarm! ’
‘Heliopolis’s neutral colony has been severely attacked, and now the entire territory has issued a grade eight serious evacuation order! ’
'note! ’
‘Heliopolis’ neutral colony was attacked by the Zaft army. Please take refuge in the nearest refuge as soon as possible! ’
‘Please do not approach dangerous factories and war zones...’
‘Repeat, please take refuge in the nearest refuge or shelter as soon as possible, and stay away from dangerous factories and war zones...’
In the fan-leaf districts of the neutral colonies of Heliopolis, at least several teams of Zaft Jeans landed on the ground of this cosmic colonial city, and in the artificial gravity zone Those Heliopolis troops are fighting battles with those tanks, tanks, missile troops and artillery...
At this time, they hit the various facilities and arrowheads of the entire Heliopolis colony began to smoke and explode, and even the entire factory area almost turned into a fierce fire? Therefore, in the air raid alarm that resounded throughout the colonial city, it was natural to start broadcasting the repeated evacuation warning announcement just now.
Undoubtedly, judging from the current fighting intensity and offensive and defensive situation of the two sides, it is clear that the defeat of Heliopolis’s defense is a foregone conclusion. If we add that there are two Zaft’s ships outside the universe with unknown intention The Nazca-class Vesalis and the Lorasia-class Gamow stared at each other. However, the warships of the Earth United Army that could have served as supporters are now just trying to escape by themselves...
and so,
In desperate circumstances, the defenders of these colonies have already failed and abandoned this space colony that is likely to be bombarded by enemy warships, abandoning Heliopolis’ worst mental preparations, and Immediately began to order the evacuation of all the people, lest they suffer fearless casualties in this so-called neutral city?
At this time, several fighters, which were obviously different from the general Genn, broke through the blockades and protections from the flame-lit cities colonized by Heliopolis and flew directly...
"No! Aslan, the way back ahead was blocked by the enemy, and an Earth United Army MA almost wiped out our Zion team... This, this is too arrogant... If it wasn't for our current The body is almost unarmed, and the OS has no written words..."
"Aslan, you decided to do it, what shall we do now?!"
"An MA? Really..."
"Yes! It's an MA Mobis, but it seems to have four sets of floating guns?"
"No! That's not a floating gun, it's a wired machine gun barrel, not a floating gun..."
"Damn it! Why are they so useless that they can't even beat an old human?"
"Nigor, it's not that they are useless, but that the enemy is too strong! Look, now even Oru is defeated, that guy is not easy..."
In a hidden place not far from the front battlefield, Nigor, Diaka, Aslan and others, who had just snatched the new unit of the Earth Alliance from Heliopolis and ran out, saw The one in the distance was driving a backward MA, but after defeating the enemies that Zaft's Genes broke into an army, they stopped and discussed urgently.
Now they are not familiar with their respective fuselages. The various OSs that control the fuselages are just emergency changes to allow them to move and fly out. In addition, there are basically no combat long-range high-speed weapons on the four fuselages. , Therefore, for the MA Mobis that quickly interspersed and attacked in space, they really didn't have any good solutions.
At least, not yet...
"Speak, what should we do, Aslan? Should we rush over, or take a detour, and be farther away from the battlefield?"
"We don’t have much energy anymore. They are not in combat readiness. The energy batteries used by the Earth United Army for debugging are not enough. We insist on any high-intensity combat. Now, immediately ask Captain Cruzer for support. These four The body is very important, there can be no mistakes!!!"
"Okay, you have the final say..."
There was a wave of unwilling voices on the channel, and finally, the other Zaft pilots who had defeated their anger by reason still agreed with Aslan's opinion.
"Nigor, send a help message immediately, I have a shield and can help you for a while!"
Seeing whether it was the Earth United Army or the cube-shaped space fighter that belonged to the colony of Heliopolis came flying over, the Aegis Gundam controlled by Aslan held his shield to the front.
In any case, the four newly looted aircraft must be sent back intact for Zaft's research and inspection! Therefore, after just thinking about it, Aslan extinguished the idea of ​​using his Aegis up to a very small amount of head cannon and energy to participate in the battle, and instead made a more conservative choice.
They have just lost the last unit that Lasdie and the other party should have seized, so now they absolutely can't make any more mistakes, they must go back safely, and the sooner the better.
At this time,
In the outer space of the Heliopolis colony, on the Lorasia-class battleship Gamow, this ship is equipped with countless ZMF mobile suits and the latest type of Gundam that is about to board several looted Earth Alliance forces. In the bridge of the battleship, a sirens also sounded here:
'report! ’
‘Oulu’s Genn team was wiped out by that dark red MA Morbis fighter! Captain Olu’s body was severely damaged and was on his way back to the emergency. The fire squad was on standby on the emergency landing deck B! ’
'report! ’
‘Rasdi failed to capture the fuselage and was confirmed to be killed. At present, he has successfully captured the four fuselage ‘Gundam’ of the Earth Alliance! ’
'report! ’
'Received a communication from Migru Ayman, the Migru team has now been wiped out. Captain Migru Ayman was also injured in the ejection. His body was blown up, and his current state is in danger, request The Gamow dispatched a rescue ship to make emergency recovery...'
'report! ’
‘The four fuselages captured by Aslan and others are on their way back, and they are now blocked in front of the battlefield, requesting support from the Gamow! ! ’
'report! ’
"The remaining Genes also sent a message requesting support..."
When the report heard this, finally, a somewhat impatient Lauru Kruze, the disgusting masked man in the mouth of a little girl, finally suddenly moved from the battleship Gamow. Stand up on the bridge.
"It seems..."
"There really seems to be an annoying little fly flying around outside..."
"Well, since the matter is so serious that Migru?? Ayman has to eject and escape, and even Aslan and the rest of the route have been blocked, then I will attack this time. You are here to command the fleet. ,wait me back!!"
After giving an exhortation to a bearded old captain next to him, Kruze turned from his command position and swiftly floated towards the door of the battleship bridge in this gravity-free environment. Past.
Obviously, he is now going to the maintenance room and drive his own fuselage out, because whether it is shooting down that annoying MA Mobis fighter jet or picking up Aslan and the others who successfully regained the four fuselages, they will return. It seems necessary!
‘! ! ’
'report! Captain Cruze! ’
‘It was found that an unknown aircraft was approaching the battlefield at high speed, wait, it is... it seems to be the Jean with red flame painted by Annette, identification code AN0273, it is indeed the Jean with our identification code! ’
When Kruze, who had no choice but to plan to attack himself, wanted to go to the maintenance room and board the plane, suddenly, when he heard a loud report from a radar technician, he suddenly stretched out his hand to support it. The metal door frame of the bridge stopped and turned to look at a huge screen.
Then, he quickly discovered from the screens on the bridge that there was indeed a mass-produced Jean with a blazing red paint, and it hit the battlefield head-on, recklessly, and was still alive. In a short period of ten seconds, almost completely wiped out the unmanned space fighters that were neutrally colonized by the Earth Alliance and Heliopolis, and also faced the last MA Mobis?
The most surprising thing is that the opponent fired so many shots in a short period of time. !
"Is that little girl special agent? Today is really interesting!!"
After discovering that it was the little girl who had been ignoring her orders and did not take the initiative to contact her before, and she had no idea what she was doing, her body was dispatched and almost reversed the entire bad situation in an instant. Lu Ze pondered for a while and thought about it. In the end, he suddenly laughed at the mouth that was bare while wearing the mask.
He simply left the door frame of the captain's room, floated back again, and sat in his seat. It seemed that he was not planning to attack, but was going to see what happened?
In other words, does he want to see the real strength and level of the rumored little girl in the first time? !
"Exactly, so amazing?!"
"Look! It met the MA Mobis, and it drove away the enemy aircraft?!"
"They are so fast..."
"Oh my God, Aslan, that guy, how did she, she do it? Is her Genn really just an ordinary mass-produced Genn? Why do I look like Captain Cruze Is that special machine even more powerful?!"
"Sorry, everyone, I don't know! Let's take the opportunity to go back now?"
When Nigor, Diaka and others were talking loudly in the communication channel, they silently drove the Aegis Gundam that they had stolen to destroy the two rushing space fighters to Aslan. , Could not help but frown silently and stared at the battlefield ahead, staring at the one head hitting the chaotic battlefield, but while dodge, while attacking quickly, it is very easy to eliminate the Earth Alliance and Heliopoli. The fiery red Jean of the space fighters colonized by the neutral.
He could see that the speed, response, flexibility, etc. of the Genn aircraft seemed to be within the scope of his comprehension, and within the scope of Genn's design data! However, when it moved up and launched its attack, he couldn't understand at all... He Aslan also didn't understand, why can the opponent be able to achieve that exaggeration when using Jean?
Could it be...
Is that the correct usage of Jean?
If Zaft’s soldiers can achieve the level of each other under training, then what is the point of coming to Heliopolis today to these Earth Alliance Gundams?
After all, these Gundams were developed by the Earth United Army. After they Zaft grabbed them, they would certainly not be able to mass produce them directly. At most they can only be used as reference or used by a few of them...
However, Gene is different!
Because that's them, it's the standard mass-produced weapon of their Zaft army, a mature body equipped with a variety of weapons and high versatility! And if their own army can use the Genn to the extent of the fiery red Genn in the distance, or even only half of it, even if the Earth United Army regenerates a thousand'Gundam', it will definitely be. It's useless!
and so,
For the first time, Aslan suddenly felt that this time they and Captain Cruze came to the Heliopolis neutral colony to the body. Maybe it was a wrong choice? Perhaps, if they just came to steal data to collect evidence, it was almost enough and easier? Is there no need to brazenly go to war with the Earth Alliance and the neutral country Orb at this time?
Of course, Aslan just thinks about this kind of thing, because he is still a small soldier now, and there are some problems that he should not consider with his level of existence, as long as he can perform the task perfectly.
call! call!
A burst of violent gasps sounded in the extremely tightly sealed helmet, and the exhaled airflow with water vapor was quickly sucked away by the mask and the constant temperature for breathing and fighting freshness came from another direction for the first time. air.
"What's the matter with that guy's Jean?!"
at this time,
Someone who drove his own MA Mobis to kill the Quartet not long ago, blasting Zaft’s Genes, blasting, wounding, and fleeing, and even frightened those in the distance. High-tech weapons scared those Gundams who dared not approach the battlefield, Captain Mulla Flagg of the Earth United Army, but now he can only drive his MA desperately to start various high-speed evasive maneuvers. , And bearing the huge inertial load, trying hard to escape his body from the muzzle of Jean that was biting his fiery red paint behind him.
He just saw the red Jean. After it rushed into the battlefield, the two beam rifles in the opponent's hand were pretty good, almost one shot, and they united the earth in a few clicks. The MA of the army and the cosmic drones belonging to the defenders of the Heliopoli colony of the neutral country Orb were all overwhelmed and defeated!
And now, they are all wiped out, and only one of them is still struggling here... Fortunately, there is not much left of the enemy's Gene, and they did not dare to rush over to join in the fun. It made him feel a lot easier.
'Sorry! Captain Mu, our MA was broken, good luck? ’
‘My engine was also destroyed...’
'report! I also ejected just now, requesting emergency recovery! ’
'repeat! Request emergency recovery, my oxygen is running out...’
At this time, reports began to sound on the battle channel. The pilots of the Earth Alliance who lost their MA vehicles in the previous battle or the fiery red Jean were all at this time. One by one, a distress signal was issued.
"Damn it! Today is really a bit fleeting..."
After hearing the report from his subordinates announcing the extinction, a certain MA pilot spit out secretly.
However, now Captain Mu has no time to pay attention to them, because the fiery red Jean is only behind him now! Even if he has done all kinds of emergency evasive actions, he still can't escape the hunt of that weird flaming red Jean... But if the opponent's flexibility and speed seem to be slightly inferior to his own, and he himself If you work hard enough, I'm afraid it will already be shot down.
So, now that he is overwhelmed by himself, how can he have time to heed those companions' requests for assistance?
If today’s battle fails, I’m afraid that all of them who are not dead may be captured by the Zaft army and will remain in a secret space satellite prison until the end of the war. Until one side wins!
"What a bastard! I fought with you!!"
After chasing and evading each other in the deep space of the universe for a long time, I found that the energy of my MA energy battery pack had gradually bottomed out due to a long battle, while the other side had just entered the battlefield not long ago, knowing that it would continue to consume energy at a high speed. If he flew down, it would be his Captain Mu who couldn't hold on first, so he gritted his teeth and decided to come back with a Jedi counterattack, and let the Genn who has been chasing behind him look at his own power?
Do what you think!
After making up his mind, soon, Captain Mu made a sudden dive downward, and at the same time quickly released his four wired machine gun barrels around in the universe, and immediately controlled it. Staying in those four accessories like floating cannons, ready to use your assassin to ambush the enemies who are also turning to chase while you are turning to escape!
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Wait, what's the situation?
boom! !
After four consecutive slight shocks and a violent roar sounded, Captain Mu quickly found out in horror:
Before he had time to let him implement his Jedi counterattack plan, the four wired machine gun barrels that he MA released by himself were interrupted by four telescopic cables by the opponent, and one shot was returned. He destroyed his own engine, and made his MA Mobis fighter only go on to the bottom with the inertia in vain?
Of course, there is no distinction between up, down, left, and right in the universe. This ‘underside’ is just the direction he thought he used to ‘dive’.
"How can this be?!"
Captain Mu said that he had never seen anyone who could interrupt the high-strength telescopic cable with a diameter of less than five millimeters in a wired machine gun barrel in a pitch-black space battle, never once!
Besides, it's the kind of exaggerated four shots in a row, and the guns are not missed? In his opinion, even a sharpshooter can't, because no one can see the telescopic cable of the wired machine gun barrel from such a distance, even with the help of equipment! !
and so,
At this time, Captain Mu, who had lost control of the fighter, even forgot to eject, but his head was a little crashed and inexplicably watched as the fiery-red Jean in the distance chased up quickly and slowly slowed down. Later, he stretched out his huge hand and grabbed it toward his cockpit position.
"It's over..."
Captain Mu knew that in the next second, he must be dead...
Boom! Boom!
However, what surprised Captain Mu and all those around who were watching the battle was that the fiery-red Jean did not use violence, but just reached out and touched it in the cockpit, gently grabbed it and released it. Then he just turned around and flew away, leaving the unpowered fighter to continue floating in the universe?
"Does this look down on me?!"
Captain Mu, who was in the cockpit for the rest of his life, was stunned for a while, and then began to yell in frustration!
It turned out that just now after the other party was holding his cockpit, there was a faint voice that seemed to be a woman, and the other party was actually saying, "Your skills are not bad, next time you open a better plane or MS, come and compare again." ? ! ’
Isn't this looking down on him, what is Captain Mu?
You know, who is he?
He is the ace pilot known as the "Man Who Turns Impossible into Possible" and the "Eagle of Endymion"! Therefore, Lieutenant Mu, who was a little bit angry in his heart, screamed bitterly, and he completely remembered the flaming-red Jean!
He felt that next time, under the same circumstances, he must find the place fiercely and give him a good look! For example, try to get rid of the opponent’s limbs and head, let the opponent’s body drive and the cockpit to float in the universe, waiting to be captured or rescued?
But thinking about it again, he opened the cabin cover of his fighter plane for the first time, separated the simple escape device on the seat, and let himself escape toward the Heliopolis colony at the fastest speed.
There, the battleships of their Earth Alliance have called him many times. If he is not hurry, he will probably be left here. Anyway, he, Captain Mu, doesn’t want to be abandoned here like others, let him be left alone. Swift or Heliopolis’ military to deal with it.
"In addition to blasting those drones, she just killed a few pilots of the Earth Alliance?!"
Seeing that the battle ended soon, and seeing that the fiery red-painted Jean completed the reinforcement mission beautifully and returned to the battleship under the gaze of the remaining members of the Jean squad and the "Gundam" of Aslan. Wearing a mask, Cruze, who never knew what his expression was, suddenly smiled and asked.
It's just that his laughter doesn't seem to be the laughter of happiness or other positive emotions?
"According to the observed data and statistics, that Jean just completely destroyed the enemy's power system accurately. The personnel should have been ejected or escaped safely. There must be no major problem... However, she did so, as if it was a violation. With Zaft’s rules of engagement, isn’t she afraid of going to a military court?"
The bearded old captain who had operated in his position for a while replied at this moment.
Now, including him, no one knows what the special commissioner is all about! Because, he just reviewed the other party's information, except for some content that everyone can know, the others are all blank or confidential?
Obviously, some of the other party's information must be at least confidential, and not everyone has the right to access it from or Zaft's database.
"Tsk! It's terrible..."
"It's really our Zaft's little Phoenix...A mass-produced Genn, she can use it to that extent?"
After being silent for a while, Cruze suddenly laughed strangely again, making the bearded Captain on one side completely unable to guess what his captain was thinking.
"Cruzer, what shall we do now?"
"Look, now Heliopolis and the Earth Alliance seem to have little strength to fight back. How should we deal with this ‘neutral city’ that makes special weapons for the Earth Alliance?!"
After discovering that the battle had gradually ceased, and that they had settled the victory by Zaft, it was only a matter of time before the final victory, the Bearded Captain next to Cruze asked.
They came here this time just to the body, create trouble for the Earth Alliance, and expose Orb’s naked surface neutrality, and the disgusting set of behaviors that flirted with the Earth Alliance behind them. He was ordered to occupy here, so he felt a little embarrassed now.
Besides, now the two battleships, the Nazca-class battleship Vesalis and the Lorasia-class Gamow in standard combat conditions, seem to want to occupy this neutral colonial city of Orb. Not realistic?
They can block here, and can even shell and destroy each other, but they are really powerless if they want to occupy...After all, they don’t have enough manpower, but they don’t have the large troop carriers responsible for occupying enemy cities or fortresses. And a large number of Marines! !
"No hurry, let Aslan and the others come back first!"
"Then, send someone to catch the prisoners...wait!"
Suddenly, Cruze stopped abruptly, but together with the bearded old captain next to him, he looked at the big screen on the bridge in astonishment.
Because it was shown above, at this time, a familiar red and white warship rushed out of Heliopolis? !
"damn it!"
"Hurry up, let all the Genn and the looted Gundam immediately return to board the ship, and immediately rescue all the smashed pilots. Don't worry about the prisoners anymore. We need to chase down that white ship right away. leg!!"
It was discovered that the high-tech battleship "Archangel" made for the Earth United Army, one of the mission goals, was intact, and it rushed out of Heliopolis, which had to make Kruze roar angrily. I got up and quickly ordered in the bridge with the fastest speed!
If it weren’t for Aslan’s body to be very important, and Genn, who had placed him outside, could not leave the reinforcements bullied by Heliopolis, he really wanted to speed up and move towards the original. The ship that was escaping quickly, the intelligence showed that the extremely important Archangel was chasing after it! !
"Yes! Obeyed!!"
A messenger responded loudly, and then while the battleship slowly turned towards the'Archangel' to catch up, he quickly began to send orders one by one at his position, so that the Gundam who was still outside, Gene returned as soon as possible, and at the same time dispatched rescue boats, rushing towards the location of the help signal sent back by the destroyed Genen pilots at the fastest speed.
Now they need to recover all the fuselages, pilots, and wounded in the shortest time, and then catch up with the red and white Archangel at the fastest speed! As for cleaning the battlefield and the Heliopolis neutral colony and space station, naval port and fortress that had become lambs to be slaughtered in the distance, they really couldn't take care of it now.
"Are you guys really leaving now? But I wanted to wait until I would go in that city to have fun! Also, I haven't had lunch yet, and I don't want to Eat the pig food made by that stupid chef on your battleship!!!"
At this time, a little girl who had never actively contacted the bridge before, and did not accept the bridge’s contact and command, unexpectedly connected directly to the communication, and as soon as she spoke, she turned to someone sitting in the position of the commander with a face. Some ugly masked man Cruze asked.
A certain captain with the beard did not speak, but looked awkwardly to one side, Captain Cruze.
"You can choose to come back now, or you can choose to fly back by yourself, if you think your fiery red Jean energy battery pack is as good as your driving skills?"
Kruze didn't waste time with the other party or gave more explanations, but mocked the other side coldly.
"You wait for me! You villain, I will let my little bear eat you in the future!!"
Someone even dared to talk to her Queen Anne like this, so, without saying, a certain masked man was listed in his little book by the little Annie who likes to hold grudges in the first time, and added to the luxury of Tibbs Bear Among the options for lunch.
(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

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