Chapter 807: Little Annie who doesn't speak through her brain?)?? ?

The two-ship formation composed of the two warships of the Zaft Army, the Vesalis and Gamow, is slowly moving forward under the cover of those meteorites in a meteorite belt in the solar system...
At this time, in this lounge of the elite red-robed pilots on the Gamow, they each wore the kind of constant temperature, moisturizing, anti-pressure, anti-vibration, anti-load, and anti-radiation special for the pilots ready to fight Aslan, Nigor, Diyaka and Yitzhak in his driving suit were sitting bored on the sofa in this lounge, eating soft-packed liquid food with straws to replenish energy. , Drinking almost the same packaged beverages, each sitting in their own position, letting their four helmets float in the air, and bumped and bumped from time to time.
They had already completed their dress-ups. They are now on standby. They are ready to wait until the order to attack is issued. They will immediately attack and hunt down a nasty ship that has played their long-legged Archangel twice. 'And that assault Gundam! !
Of course, if you have a chance, you may have to deal with the equally difficult MA Mobis that destroyed many of their Genes, and deal with the Earth Alliance that is said to have the "Eagle of Endymion" in the intelligence. Captain of the army?
It's just that they can't attack yet...
Because a certain long-legged spacecraft named "Archangel" is really running too fast, in addition to their Nazca-class Vesalis high-speed battleship may be able to catch up, another Lorasia class The Gamow will definitely not catch up!
And a single high-speed battleship Vesalis may not be able to beat that long-legged ship. Therefore, they must be dispatched jointly by the two ships, and they have been dragged to this day before being caught by them again. The dangerous asteroid belt changed its orbit and'cut a short path' to the front of the course of the'Archangel', ready to carry out a perfect ambush against the enemy?
and so,
Now Aslan and the four of them will be ready to go, fully armed and standing by here and resting!
They must wait until the time is right. After the order to attack the bridge is issued, they can rush to the hangar not far from here, board the plane directly, and then the killer will go out and blast the one. Assault Gundam, destroy that annoying Mobis MA, if possible, then dismantle the thief that runs fast, and almost dumped their "Archangel" Earth Alliance battleship several times? !
‘Drip~! ’
Suddenly, the door of the pilot’s lounge was opened from outside...
Then, when the four of them looked over, they saw a little girl in the red military uniform of the Zaft army, holding her soft toy bear, which almost never left her hand in one hand, and carrying it in the other. With a bunch of purple-black round things, chewing and chewing something in his mouth, it slowly floated in from the door of the lounge that was automatically closing again, and immediately floated to them. In front of people.
"Hi~! Hello everyone!"
The other party first dropped her plush toy bear, then pulled the edge of the sofa fixed on the deck, and carefully lay down her body, floating due to weightlessness, onto the soft sofa. .
In this weightless cosmic environment, whether it is floating, standing upside down, or lying on the sofa, the feeling is actually the same... But the reason why the four of them are still stubborn, Annie and Aslan Earth wants to'sit' or'lie' on the sofa with their bodies, but in fact it is just some of their respective subconscious minds at work?
"This is really weird..."
"Hey! Correspondent Anne, where did you find this bunch of fresh grapes? Our warship hasn't been supplied by a port for a long time. Is there such a good thing in the logistics office?"
After a little girl lay down comfortably on the sofa and continued to enjoy her delicious fruits, Diaka, like everyone else, first noticed the string of bright purple and black things in her hands.
There is no doubt that it is a bunch of fresh fruits-grapes! !
After the war between ..T and the Earth Alliance, especially when the Junius7 of the Earth Alliance Army’s nuclear bombs were attacked and blown to pieces, forcing them...T had to spread those neutron jammers all over the earth and the universe, Not only the shortage of various agricultural products and food supply difficulties on the earth due to insufficient energy and wars, but also various problems in agricultural production due to war and other reasons. Many agricultural satellites are I had to start producing crops in favor of the war...So, it can be said that Diaka and others have not eaten the fresh fruit like grapes on a battleship for a long time.
Although it is not true that there is not any bit of fruit on their battleship, what they have is only the kind of canned fruit that is convenient for long-term preservation. As for the fresh fruit, there are very few, at most. That is, apples, pears or oranges are easy to preserve, and like grapes, they seem to have never had a chance to eat fresh ones for a long time...
Therefore, for the little girl in front of him who didn't know the bunch of crystal clear and fruity grapes he got from there, he was greedy!
"You mean this..."
o( ̄~ ̄)o Chew! Chew!
"I won't tell you where I found it! But if you want to eat it, it's not impossible, but it's conditional!!"
?? 乛?? 乛?? Hey...
The bunch of grapes that Little Annie is eating now is of course something she secretly took out of her space pocket. As for whether it was produced in the world of Azeroth, the heaven of the Song Dynasty, or the earth of the bear shield world She can't remember any place in it!
Anyway, she just needs to know that she has something delicious to eat at any time, and she doesn't need to learn the kind of food like toothpaste that these guys eat, so that she will not care about those who are stuffed into the space by her brain. In the bag, where did the accumulated things stored in the demiplanes come from?
"Thank you! I suddenly don't want to eat..."
His throat moved. Although he really wanted to ask for a few to try, Diaka thought about it after thinking of the unreasonable condition that a little girl might propose to replace the body. Still regretfully shook his head and rejected the other party's kindness.
He felt that since this little girl could get this kind of fruit, after they returned from the attack, he would also go to the logistics office to ask. If there is no free one to provide, it would not work. He paid for a bunch or two. That's it, you don't need to be threatened and lured by this restless and kind little guy for a few grapes!
"Don't eat it! Even if you black-skinned uncle wants to eat it, people still don't want to eat it for you!!"
These adults are all cunning and cunning... The little thought that Little Annie had just mentioned was ruthlessly strangled in the cradle.
"Black, black-skinned uncle?!"
Of course Diaka knew his own dark complexion, but he was only nineteen years old now, and the other party directly called his uncle. Isn't it a mistake?
Of course Nigor and Yitzhak also heard Diyaka talking with a little girl, but they only looked at each other and then continued to stay in their place. They did not intend to be here. When he was about to go to war, he wasted energy arguing with a little girl who was always reasonable about some insignificant things, and he didn't even intend to tease his companions.
And a guy named Aslan seems to have not paid attention to other people’s conversations and surrounding reactions at all. He is just immersed in his own world and has no idea what he is thinking.
'beep! beep! ’
Suddenly, just as Diaka was about to find a little girl to have a good theory, in this lounge of the pilots, sirens suddenly sounded sharply.
That familiar voice made the four of Aslan, Itzhak, Nigor, and Diaka, who had already worn Zaft’s red driver’s costume, sat on the sofa, rested and chatted. Subconsciously jumped up immediately, and found their respective helmets with the fastest speed, ready to float to the hangar as soon as ordered, enter their respective cockpits, and prepare to fight against the enemy!
‘Information of the preparation class! ’
‘The Aegis Gundam is complete! ’
‘Xunlei Gundam is ready! ’
"Storm Gundam and Duel Gundam have also been completed! ’
‘Please all the pilots of Sara’s team assemble in the hangar and prepare to attack! ! ’
‘Please, the pilots of Sala’s team immediately gather in the hangar and prepare for the mission! ! ’
"The order to strike has finally arrived! If everyone has enough rest, let's hurry up!"
Hearing the sound of the siren and the announcement, Aslan spoke to his companions before leaving the sofa first and drifting towards the gate of the pilot lounge.
It's just that his face still looks a bit unpleasant at this time, his face is a bit unpleasant, it seems that something is hidden in his heart, so his brows have been frowning slightly, and he doesn't know what he is thinking. Even when he had just taken a break, he didn't even eat much, just drank a refreshing and sugar-supplemented energy drink.
"Wow! What a belated attack order... Let's take action, everyone set out, ready to fight!!"
"Hey! Itzhak, wait for me first!"
Following Aslan, it was Yitzhak and Diyaka, but because Diyaka grabbed Yitzhak's arm in a hurry, in this weightless space environment, the two of them were caused. Soon, he floated and rolled into a ball, and finally stabilized his figure with the help of the Aslan in front of him.
"You guys..."
"Annette dispatcher, don't you need to play with us this time?!"
At this moment, finally stood up and looked at the frolicking companions. The Nigor who had just followed to the door, when the hatch of the lounge opened, before everyone had time to float out, he suddenly seemed Thinking of something, she turned her head strangely and looked at a little girl who was still lying on the sofa eating grapes and playing a game console.
Only then did he notice that the opponent is still wearing the ordinary red elite uniform of the Zaft army until now, and there is no such thing as a special anti-stress and load-resistant combat suit for driving MS. This situation makes Nigor very puzzled...
In the last and last time, when there was a combat mission, the little girl rushed out every time with bluffing, and even ignored Captain Cruze’s orders. Why this time, she Staying here in the lounge so honestly?
Furthermore, if this little girl does not follow them to attack, he always feels a little unsure in her heart? After all, it turns out that the opponent is a veritable ace pilot who can completely suppress the Strike Gundam and the Mobis Zero MA in strength! !
"That's because... you bad guys have been reluctant to change the body to me, so people just decided: let you idiots go out and die by yourself first, if any of you accidentally really died, then you guys My body belongs to me!!!"
??????( ̄ω ̄)??????
Glancing at a certain green-haired little brother, Xiao Anni quickly returned her attention to the game console in her hand, busy controlling her own body inside, and bringing the Earth to the United Army for the thousandth The MA Battlestar of the frame was destroyed in the boundless space...
It’s still good in the game. There are endless ammunition and endless energy in the game. She can almost always evade at high speed and continue to fight with high-intensity firepower, even with tens of thousands of MAs. of! !
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"But, but... if we are really defeated, our body will definitely be destroyed at the same time..."
Nigor was shocked by the little girl's terrifying words that were not surprising...
He had never thought about it again, that little guy, even with this idea of ​​letting them go to death, and then occupying their bodies that lost their masters?
Didn’t she think that if they were really dead, in that bad situation, the cockpit protected by the heavy armor on the chest must have been penetrated, and that level of damage, they At the very least, his body is severely damaged or simply scrapped, where is the body left for the opponent to re-occupy?
"it does not matter!"
"It doesn’t matter if it’s broken! As long as it’s not too bad, it doesn’t matter if you have a slightly missing arm or a broken leg. Anyway, people will go out and drag it back. As long as you repair it, maybe you can continue to use it? I won't mind!"
I'm very mind! !
Of course, at this moment Nigor, who was frightened by the little girl’s amazing remarks, did not say what he was saying. He just stood there dumbfounded, and it was not worth what words should be used to talk to that. The serious little girl argued.
He was a little unsure, was the other party's serious face a joke or really had that terrible thought? !
"Be sure to remember!"
"If you really want to die, don't die too badly, and don't be blown by the enemy and turn the body into something that doesn't even have much scum left! Because if the body loss is too severe or too fragmented If you do, the idiot repairmen in the hangar will definitely not be able to fight together. If you can’t fix it then you will be dead for nothing!!!"
Just talking, a Genn in his own game machine accidentally hit the cationic gun of an enemy battleship, and he had to advance ‘! 'After that, little Annie threw away the boring plane shooting game in her hand annoyedly, turned over on the sofa, and then faced the four floating in the door of the Red Pilot’s lounge. Attack, but the guys who don't seem to have a good expression at this time teased.
Of course, is what she just said is a joke or is it true or false? I am afraid that only she will know... Maybe, she really thinks that way?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
Is it so glorious that the body is cultivated well, but people die?
", you fellow, you, how can you be like this?!"
Nigor said that he had never seen a teammate like this!
Anyway, it was the first time he saw this when others were preparing to attack the enemy. Not only did he not wish others good luck or say a few words of morale, but on the contrary, he cursed his teammates to die early. That kind of outrageous thing to make room and then occupy someone else's body?
So now, Nigor was in a hurry, and even started to stutter a bit, and he was ready to go forward and theoretically with the other party! !
"All right!!"
Finally, at this moment, the eldest Diaka, who had just been teased by a little guy called Uncle Black, grabbed Nigor's shoulders by his side and prevented the other party from moving.
"Nigor, don't ignore her!"
"She didn't attack, because her fiery red Jean machine was dismantled, because the parts were worn and overloaded too severely and needed to be replaced and checked and repaired slowly...Anyway, all you need to know is that in a short time Inside, she definitely can't attack with us!!"
For these things, Diaka knew better, because he had been to the hangar not long ago and had seen which maintenance crews made plans for the dismantling and maintenance of the fiery red Jean.
"hurry up……"
"Diyaka! Nigor! Let's go to the hangar to prepare. This time, we can't let that long-legged ship run away!"
Yitzhak also hugged his arm and laughed in a weird tone before urging the two with dissatisfaction.
"Yes! Let's go, Nigor!"
"Just let a little guy stay on the battleship and envy us...because she doesn't even have a body to attack now. Maybe in the future, she can only watch us drive the Gundam to kill the enemy in the universe, but she only Can you hide here secretly to get sulking and... envy and hatred?"
Because of his dark face and old age, he was called the "black-faced uncle", and just heard the horrible things that the other party said, so it is impossible for Diaka to say not to be angry now! However, given the fact that the other party is a childish little girl, he doesn't care about the other party a lot!
However, don't care about it, don't care about it, squeeze the opponent a little bit in words, and then hope to see the other's angry face, that kind of thing still makes him feel more willing to do it.
"You won’t be proud of it! I tell you that my actual combat data has been sent back...T, and they will order me a new special-purpose machine soon, so I won’t be envious. Your tattered Gundam!!"
That's right!
Although Annie only made two attacks, her amazing performance and exaggerated data were sent back to the headquarters of the Zaft army, and she was immediately taken seriously! Then, according to a masked man named Cruze, now...T is researching and developing a new generation of Gundam based on the captured data of the four Gundams of the Earth United Army. At that time, she may be equipped with one. New dedicated body? !
After all, she is...T’s ‘Little Phoenix’, so it should be a little bit of special treatment and a dedicated machine.
So, now she is only temporarily using that fiery red Jean. When the new body comes out, she can directly change the shotgun to the cannon, and no longer need to envy the tatters of these useless stupid guys. No longer have to envy the Gundams they grabbed! !
"That's it..."
"But, Annette, if it is to develop a new body, it will take a year or a half soon, right? Forget it, let's attack, Annette, I wish you a happy waiting?"
Hearing that the other party even has a newly developed special body to use, Diaka said that it is impossible not to envy! However, think about that kind of thing is still not visible, and the other party's new body or something, now maybe even the blueprint has not been fully developed!
So, it's actually not necessary for him to envy him too much?
"It's terrible!"
"Then you should go and die quickly, and then remember that you must not die too miserably. You must protect your body. It is best to let us repair it and continue to use it?!"
It will take a year and a half to have a new body or something, that is really a bit too long, and that is still an uncertain thing?
Therefore, after thinking about it, Little Annie still felt that one of the four guys who had hoped to attack accidentally hiccuped, or was seriously injured and couldn’t take care of herself, and then she had to give up her body. Would it be more practical if used?
But it's a pity...
Her sulking words that can anger people, the other party can no longer hear... the black-skinned Diaka and Aslan just now, the four guys, have floated outside at this time, and follow this red shirt The automatic door of the pilot's lounge was closed, and the voice she shouted was isolated in this cabin, and it must have been inaudible outside.
(● ̄(??) ̄●;)
After a while, she was the only one left in this cabin, and after the alarms and announcements disappeared, Xiao Annie slowly calmed down.
"Hey! Tibbers..."
"Just... didn't people accidentally use magic to curse them?!"
∑(??△`)? !
Although, Little Annie herself really wants a certain machine of those bastards, any one will do, even the ugliest feces yellow Storm Gundam! However, she is not the kind of bad person, she will not deliberately use magic to curse those who can barely be regarded as her acquaintances!
So, I’m a bit unsure, afraid that she would use magic or some kind of spiritual power to kill someone else After calming down, she quickly find her own Bear confirmed.
(Sorry, master... I don’t know, I really didn’t pay attention just now...
Tibbers doesn’t care about the life and death of those guys. Therefore, he really can’t help with the problem of his own bad little master...After all, how can he know about things that the other party is not sure about? ? )
"Don't you know?!"
!? (??\'\'????)??
"It's over! Did you really accidentally use magic just now?!"
Did she actually use magic or other magical powers? Little Annie really didn’t pay attention, because ah, she has been very restrained ever since she planned to play that kind of large robot toy in this world. I have restrained her power... If just now, under her anger, she really accidentally used a certain power, would those guys really be unlucky?
"It doesn't matter! People didn't mean it anyway, so let's do that first!"
At this moment, Xiao Anni had seen the four Gundam attacking figures from the display screen hanging on the wall of the lounge. The opponent's four machines had quickly rushed into the dark space of the universe, no matter what she had just now. Didn't use some kind of power that shouldn't be used, now it seems to be a bit late?

(????╰╯`??)?? Ask for a ticket?? (????╰╯`??)
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