Chapter 815: Poetry and Hanifs, Sigu and the upcoming Orb...

On the fastest route to the earth in the L5 orbit of ..T, the navigation identification lights on a brand-new Nazca-class high-speed battleship are flashing on...
Its shell is brushed with conspicuous red throughout, and it is also printed with the Zaft army’s black funnel badge and a scorpion bear head LOGO logo at the bow of the ship. At this time, it is quickly sailing on its predetermined orbit, preparing Go on a one-week voyage, and then cut directly into the orbit of the earth at that time, and wait for the opportunity to enter the atmosphere, ready to perform combat missions in the atmosphere.
There is no doubt that it is the "Red Devil" of the new battleship that a little girl finally got from the Zaft army, and formed her special combat team, ready to go to Earth for support operations! Because the performance of some incompetent Zaft troops is really terrible!
In really no way, Zaft’s military headquarters had to hurriedly set up the "Red Devil" which has not been established for a long time, has not been completely run-in, and has not undergone any actual combat verification. Earth, ready to encircle and suppress a certain super troublesome new-style warship of the Earth United Army, by the way, attack the enemy's arrogance? !
o(`^??)o Humph!
"Look! Look! I said it a long time ago. Without me, their stupid guys would definitely not work! You see, in the end they not only let the thief-running Archangel run away , And destroyed the Gamow that I like very much. It's really bad!
"Fortunately, they have been reluctant to change the body with me. All four of them can't beat the insignificant'strike' in the station. If they are encountered by me next time, they must swear severely They can do it all!!"
After reading the specific battle report, I saw that Aslan and their Sara team attacked Gundam and the archangel failed for the first time with more bullying and less besieging, Yitzhak was injured; the second time they gathered two warships. Going with a large number of Genes to sneak attacks on the Eighth Fleet of the United Army in low orbit, preparing to land on the earth. In the end, not only failed to defeat the Assault Gundam or the Archangel, but also the Lorasia-class Gamow. After the Zinn Mothership was boarded in, a little girl who had been bored with...T a long time ago jumped up from her position angrily and floated directly in the midair of this combat command room. Scolded.
As for the next battle report, for example, the team of the North African commander of Andrew Bartfield, known as the Desert Tiger, failed miserably, then Aslan’s Aegis Gundam, Nigor’s Thunder Gundam, and the high-speed battleship USS Wesalis. She has already set off from her home country in advance, and is going to the earth to continue intercepting the Archangel and performing related combat missions. She no longer wants to watch...
She knew that those useless stupid guys would definitely not be able to defeat the Archangel and the Assault Gundam, and in the end, they would definitely have to rely on her as omnipotent, and she could be the best in the world without cheating Ace pilots can successfully solve those enemies who have been entangled for a long time! !
Equipped to Little Annie’s hand, attached to the hangar of the'Red Devil' fast battleship, Captain Laconi, who was the captain of the four Jean squadrons, did not speak, but floated steadily beside the data desk in the combat command room. Ignoring the complaints of a certain little girl, just watching the battle between the'Strike' and the Sara team and the desert tiger Andrew Bartfield's'Baku' of the North African commander. .
The more he looks at him, the more frowning, because he knows that whether it is himself or his team members, if their Genn body encounters the assault, I am afraid it will only be more fierce than good. Those colleagues who suffered heavy losses performed better?
"That's it, let's not talk about those idiots!"
ε=(??ο`))) alas
"Um... uh... that..."
"Sister and Shi, tell me, where will our warship land on Earth to stop the thief-running Archangel?"
The spaceships and warships of this world are really too backward. Not only do they run slowly, they also don’t have the kind of jumping ability of flying over time. They can only move slowly in the direction of the earth a little bit, and landing on the earth is even more It is necessary to calculate the trajectory and angle before it can penetrate into the atmosphere little by little. It is impossible to find the enemy and dive directly in front of the enemy!
Therefore, for that kind of troublesome thing, little Annie, who was unwilling to use her brain to calculate and predict, had to look at the same red dress in front of her, with beautiful long brown hair and neatly trimmed bangs. , Looks very heroic young lady poems and Hanifs.
The opponent was equipped with the team of Captain Raconi to her new battleship. It was her adjutant in name and accepted her leadership and command. At the same time, it was also responsible for the testing of the new machine and the collection of actual combat data. .
"Report to Sir Annie!"
"From the current sailing route of the Archangel, it is likely to leave the Red Sea and enter the Gulf of Aden!"
"From this speculation, based on the time we arrived at the synchronous earth orbit, whether we land directly at the Gibraltar base or the Capantaria base at that time, it will be difficult to catch up with that ship and will not be faster than us. How slow the Archangel! Therefore, the subordinates think that here and here... these two places may be our'Red Devil' the most likely to intercept the opponent's route!"
The heroic poems and ?? Hanifs first saluted their little officer, then coldly held a pretty face, on the map displayed on the intelligence desk in the combat command room near the two of Orb. This place is focused.
Poetry and Hanifs was originally a researcher engaged in the research of directional high-energy launch systems in T. After voluntarily enlisting in the army, he obtained a red suit representing the elite from the military academy by virtue of his superb body operation technology, and served as a certain The members of the little girl's new special team added to this high-speed battleship that hadn't been out of the factory for a long time, and became the sixth pilot besides Captain Raconi and his men, and the little girl Annie.
"That is... Neutral Orb? If the Archangel is going to the Atlantic Commonwealth control area or Alaska headquarters, this is indeed their must pass! But, Chief Hanifs, you are sure, we are going to be in a neutral country. Fight in the territorial waters and airspace?!"
Although Raconi is a senior Jean Captain with rich combat experience, it is a pity that he is still an elite green suit so far. Therefore, after being deployed to the battleship'Red Devil', he is very concerned about the present. For the two little girls in red, he could only call each other by the title of'chief officer'.
After all, the Zaft army has no clear hierarchy or rank structure. Except for reluctantly distinguishing by the color of military uniforms, they are definitely not the kind of majors and ensigns that have been passed down for countless years of the Earth United Army. Called.
"Captain Raconi, based on the time when our battleship landed on Earth, that is indeed our only chance!"
"The latter is the control area of ​​the Atlantic Federation. If we land on the earth in such a place, we will definitely be directly burned into a torch by their air defense firepower!!"
The beautiful and heroic poems and Hanifs looked at the green captain blankly, wanting to hear what the other party could have better than his own.
If the other party has more reasonable and reliable suggestions, she will definitely persuade them that the little officer who is afraid of trouble and doesn't seem to have too much opinion accepts them, and if not, which of the two places she just said is theirs The ideal landing and sniper location for the battleship "Red Devil"!
"But, will that cause trouble?"
"Sir Hanifs, although the council has now decided to launch a new round of large-scale war against the Earth Alliance, we have not declared war on Orb..."
The neutral colony of Heliopolis was occupied by their Zaft army. Of course, they were not talking about occupation, but ‘hosting’?
Due to the fact that the Archangel and five Gundam units were captured by their Zaft army in the colony, they were also seized by Commander Kluzer and four important units, and obtained the Orb and Earth Alliance. There are ironclad evidence of private cooperation, so now Aub can only suffer a dumb loss, except that he has been mediating with ..T to reclaim the colony by'peaceful' means, the other party does not intend to use force.
Even now, Ober is still a neutral country, and Zaft did not declare war on Ober. The two sides just kept silent about the Archangel and the "Plan G", as if it had never happened... So, Laco Nepal took a cautious attitude towards a warship of its side landing in the sensitive areas on the edge of the Orb territorial waters and airspace, for fear that it would stimulate the Orb people and cause greater troubles.
"If the Archangel can break through the Indian Ocean and the Strait of Malacca, it will definitely flee to Orb for repair and supply! Their warship is a warship produced by Orb, I believe they will not let the kind of escape to a friendly A chance to breathe in the neutral country!"
"Or, Captain Raconi, do you have a better plan?"
Staring at the map for a while, Shi and Hanifs still felt that which of her two locations were the best at the moment! Because, when their warship arrives on Earth, maybe the Archangel is about to or has arrived in Orb, they have no other choice.
"We airborne these two words directly outside Orb, and they will surely pass over them at that time. What should we do if they launch missiles? Officer Hanifs, you know, the key to landing At that time, our battleship was a living target!"
"In case the time comes..."
Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!
Anyway, Captain Laconi felt that it was a bit too risky for the other party to do that... This kind of young man who just came out of the military academy, although his tactical ability was barely passable, he would give his own safety. In the hands of Orb, who had an ambiguous relationship with the Earth Alliance, it would still be a bit too risky.
"Um... then here it is!"
"We can land here on the high seas. As long as they don't enter Orb's territorial waters and the air defense identification zone, they dare not do anything to us! Even if they do, we have time to react and defend?"
After pondering for a while, feeling that the other party's worries were not completely unreasonable poems and Hanifs, so he had to set the landing point a little further away from Orb.
It's just that, in that case, after they land on the earth, they have to continue to travel a long distance in the direction of Orb, it will take time! And if the Archangel really passed by Orb without trimming, maybe they would have missed the last chance to intercept each other?
Of course, if the opponent is wiped out by their Zaft army in the Indian Ocean or the Strait of Malacca, then they don't need to go to Orb.
"That's fine..."
Finally, seeing that the other party had chosen a relatively safe and conservative route, Captain Raconi in green reluctantly nodded and approved the other party's plan.
Immediately afterwards, the two people who had discussed the attack plan raised their heads and looked at a certain red-dressed officer who seemed to be wandering away from the sky.
"Look at what I do. Now that you have decided, you should prepare for implementation. At that time, you only need to make sure that we can intercept the damned Archangel!"
Little Annie now only cares about whether her new slow battleship can intercept the Archangel, and as for the messy things like Orb, she won't care about it or give it to her heart!
At that time, she will care about whether the opponent is Orb or the Eurasian Federation or the Atlantic Federation. Whoever dares to stop her from teaching the Archangel, she will fight with them! !
"We know how to do it!!"
Poetry and?? Hanifs and Captain Raconi like this little girl a little bit. That’s why the other side never cares about tactical arrangements or other aspects of the battleship. Everything here is what they said. Forget it, and this is enough to make the two of them willing to stay here.
"That one……"
"It looks like your meeting is over now, right?!"
If someone else is in a meeting, such as a guy like that hateful masked man Cruze, or those bad guys in Aslan, then her Queen Anne will definitely not mix it up!
But it’s a pity that this battleship belongs to her, and these people in front of her are also her subordinates. She didn’t want to waste her mind about troublesome things like landing on the earth, so she had to come here reluctantly and floated to eat Watching a play... well, or "hosting a meeting" until now the other party's conversation is over.
"Sir Anne, the current safety point for landing on Earth and the rough combat arrangements have been completed, please give instructions!!"
After taking a look at Captain Raconi, who was across from him, after seeing that the other party had nothing to add, Shi and Hanifs stood up straight, standing tall and pretty, facing their little officer. Saluted.
"That's good!"
"Now it is announced: The meeting is over! Why do you guys love to go!"
After speaking, Little Annie ran away, and even the sweet big winter dates that she was eating just now were directly abandoned by her and left in this combat command room, still floating everywhere.

Suddenly, Little Annie, who had just ran out, came back and grabbed the door frame. She thiefly faced a jujube that she had dropped before and floated in the air and was hesitant to try it. The cute lady who watched asked aloud:
"Poetry and Miss Sister..."
"Your thermal beam experimental Xigu...can you lend me a few days to play?!"
Obviously, after the Aegis Gundam, Thunder Gundam, Duel Gundam, and Storm Gundam were all unable to change hands, Xiao Annie now has the idea of ​​her own heroic and beautiful female subordinate's body!
Of course, she didn’t want to occupy each other’s body, because during this time, she liked the young lady named Shihe, so she really just wanted to borrow the other’s body to have fun. In a few days...or two or three months at most, when her new mecha is in hand, she will return the Xi Gu back to the other party?

"Thermal beam experimental type Xi Gu"
Type: Experimental mobile suit
Manufacturer: Zaft (.)
Owner: Zaft (.)
Size: 21.55 meters high
Weight: 81.83 tons empty
Power supply: experimental nuclear fission reactor
Cockpit: one pilot, located in the standard cockpit that is driven dry
Equipment and design features: relative shift (PS) armor, phase shift (TP) armor, anti-neutron jammer!
First service: .71 years
Fixed weapon: JDP8-MSY0270 thermal conductivity energy gun × 2 (hand)
Optional weapon: NOL-Y941 heavy laser sword×1
Additional equipment weapons: none

This is a certain data verification machine before the three top-secret "Free", "Destiny" and "Divine Will" bodies of ..T were manufactured, such as the nuclear fission reactor carried by the other party, relative transfer ( PS) Armor, phase shift (TP) armor, anti-neutron jammer and more!
And this is why Little Annie is staring at each other!
Like a body that basically doesn't need to worry about insufficient energy after a battle, she has been greedy for a long time! If she were to be piloted, she would have the confidence to pick the entire Eighth Fleet of the Earth Alliance alone!
Although, the Eighth Fleet has already broken the masked male Cruzer? !
"But... sir... Then, that body is our Zaft army’s secret test machine, and there is also the data collection device of the directional high-energy launch system I studied... Those data are very important and are related to our The development of the new generation of the Swift army..."
Hearing the little girl's idea of ​​switching the body again, Shi and Hanifs stammered and found an excuse for rejection.
Obviously, what she meant was: I don't want to borrow, and I can't borrow it casually! !
o(??^`)o hum!
"Don't pull it down! Wait, people will soon have more powerful units that are countless times more powerful. Your one is just a test machine. You still use our three new units to collect data. People will not It's rare to go!!"
Poetry and Hanifs apparently have not heard the news that their Zaft army is developing three important new airframes. She only knows that her airframe is about the next generation of airframes, for those expected to serve in .73. "Zaku" is the collection of data from the new generation MS "New Millennium Series", and I don't know what else is happening with the three new units.
"Ah! Which... I don't tell you so much!"
"Goodbye, I'm going back to my room to go to bed, you guys go back to bed early! There are still several days to go to the earth. If you don't get more sleep, how can such a slow flight day endure!! "
ε=(??ο`))) Boring...
Feeling like I accidentally missed something called Patrick?? Sarah Shumiao once told me that she should never say something top-secret thing, so little Annie hurriedly vomited at the people inside. Little tongue, and then just run away!
Afterwards, Captain Raconi and the elite poems in red and Hanifs who looked at each other looked at each other for a while, and felt that there was nothing to do to stay here, so they left one after another. The little girl lost those sweet dates floating everywhere.

.. In a small meeting room of the Supreme Council of T, Patrick Sarah, the President of the Supreme Council and the Chairman of the National Defense Committee, stood with his hands silently in front of a huge screen of the meeting room, watching The battleship Archangel and Assault Gundam started from the neutral colonial escape of Heliopolis, all the way to the Libyan desert... From the beginning with Kluzer’s Jean, to the final defeat of the Balfilut team. Those repeated fierce battle images of the process...
It may be due to the different shooting angles that make people look a little messy, but Patrick Sarah can still see: the Archangel and the strength of Assault Gundam!
Once the United Earth Army analyzes and mass-produces the battleship Archangel and the Assault Gundam, although the opponent’s combat power is unlikely to surpass their Zaft pilots under the control of natural persons, If the quantity of a single order reaches a certain level, it must be a terrible thing.
But now it’s too late to say anything...
At this time, I am afraid that the strength of the Archangel battleship and Assault Gundam must have been seen by the Earth Alliance Army, and even the data has been given by the opponent long ago?
Thinking of this, Patrick?? Sarah couldn't help but sighed heavily and strengthened some of his determination.
Suddenly, the gorgeous and sound-proof solid wood door of this conference room was opened from the outside at this time, and then a blonde wearing a blue long suit and a green, red and yellow tie that symbolized the status of a member of parliament The bearded man walked in with a calm face, and at the first time gently closed the wooden door of the private internal meeting room belonging to the twelve members.
"Siegel, are you finally here?"
There is no need to look back, Patrick?? Sara can know who the person is from the corner of her eye! Therefore, he waited until the sound of the other party's footsteps walked to a place about a few meters behind him to stand still, then he pondered slightly and asked a little.
He knows, the other party will definitely come to him...
Look now, sure enough, at this time, before today's very important meeting began, the other party really came on time!
"Watching these things again, Patrick..."
"You want the position of Speaker, I'll give it to you... You want war, and we have compromised... But now, you still put these things everywhere in .. T, and show them the battles to the members and the people. The picture keeps instilling the terrible of the Earth Alliance to others... It seems that you are still not at ease until now, am I right?"
Hegel Klein didn’t make it clear whether the opponent was worried about the Klein faction of their masters, other moderates who were hesitant, or the earth coalition troops... He just sighed, and Some helplessly looked at the old friend who held his hand and turned his back to him, still watching the battle scenes related to the Archangel and Assault Gundam.
During this period of time, they have had enough of each other's radical remarks and apparently purposeful fighting broadcasts!
"Do not!"
"Siegel, I don’t worry about anyone, and there is nothing I can’t worry about... I just feel that since I am the Speaker and National Defense Commissioner, I have the responsibility to know the truth and to know us...T People in the current dangerous situation, to show these accurate information, nothing more..."
Hearing the questioning and dissatisfied words of his old friend, it took a long time for Patrick?? Sara to turn around slowly, looking at his old friend, and soon he would become in-laws. Sigel Klein, and said confidently.
In the past, in order to consolidate his rights in the parliament and consolidate his rights in ..T, he secretly used a little trick in the compulsory marriage law of ..T to remove the daughter of Higel, Lacus of Klein. ?? Klein’s name was given to his son Aslan Sara’s suitable list, and finally contributed to the marriage between the two sides...
But now, he suddenly felt that the kind of behavior he took for granted at the time not only failed to achieve his own wishes, but also caused the other party who had parted ways in the previous years to drag him, especially the identity of the other party and his marriage. The faction that has been making them fight is very embarrassed in the Parliament... Maybe this will be the most failed decision in his life, Patrick?? Sarah? !
"Accurate information? I should be the information ‘selected’ by you who is ‘always correct’ that will help you launch a war, right?!"
"According to the current situation, the'SpitBreak' plan you are going to propose today will definitely be passed by the Supreme Council...because now, whether it is public opinion or other parliamentarians, most of them will choose to favor you. On the other side, even if I insist on opposing it, when the votes are dominant, it will definitely be useless!"
"Patrick, congratulations, your plan has succeeded..."
"But I still want to persuade you that there is no turning back when you open a bow. It is very likely that what you did will drag ..T into the abyss of war that will never be restored. By then... I hope you won't regret it?!"
At this time, whether it is public opinion, the tendency of members of parliament, or even the voice of the army, etc., they have been seriously biased towards the main battle of Patrick?? Sara’s faction, and the other party has already arranged all the preliminary work. They have all been done, and when the overall situation is set, the Klein faction, who is the leader of them, definitely has no way to stop or turn the tide.
Although Siegel himself hopes to be able to persuade the other party here, he also knows that his old friend, old adversary and'in-law' Patrick, must not be able to easily persuade him with words... The thing is just his wishful thinking.
"No! Sigel, we have been following the wishes of the majority of the people. I think you think too much..."
"So, I hope you don't think too much, what we did is not as unbearable as you think!"
Patrick glanced at the other person, then turned his head indifferently, and continued to look at the Genn on the screen, who was able to easily kill their Zaft army by the assault Gundam, and with one enemy four, he could still defeat his son. Silan and the other four gave a shocking picture of easily repelled.
If you think about the North African commander Andrew Balterfield’s Baku and the defeat of the'Desert Tiger'... then it is even more determined that he must start the station with the Earth Coalition earlier, be sure to The situation has worsened. Before the combat power of the two sides is balanced by the new body or the other side is surpassed by the other side, the Earth United Army must be completely defeated, and the belief of seeking'peace' with a victor's attitude!
Now, if they...T if they don't fight, if they blindly seek peace, then they definitely can't protect themselves! Because the enemy will not give them a chance for peace, you can see from the fact that the opponent secretly cooperated with Orb to develop the Archangel and the five units of Project G! !
It is also fortunate that their Zaft army stole the secrets of the other party and allowed Kruze and the others to successfully seize four of the other's five test fuselages... Otherwise, once they know, wait until the enemy is finished If only discovered after developing a large number of mass production machines, then everything will be over! !
"Please wake up! Paderick!!!"
"As the war expands, the hatred will also expand. At that time, the contradiction between natural persons and our adjusters will really never be reconciled! How much do you want to toss before you are willing to stop?!"
Hegel?? Klein gets more excited as he speaks...
"and also!"
"For your so-called'real peace', you sent an eight-year-old girl to the battlefield... Patrick, you must know that we... T had to fight to protect the peace of the people. , And you pushed the people and innocent children into cruel battles and your chariot. Is this what you want?!"
"In the future, will there be more young people and more people like that little girl who will be recruited by you into the Zaft army, and then thrown into the battlefield and consumed continuously? If so In that case, a war like that, even if it is finally won, but what does that mean to us...T?!"
Sigel said loudly.
Because the current initiative is no longer in the hands of their leaders and factions, it seems that before, they still retreated too fast and made too many concessions, so they should not give up the position of speaker so quickly, or else , Now maybe he can mediate?
"No, I didn't send her out..."
"Hegel, she herself was impatient and asked to go to war... Also, you have been sending your daughter Lacus to instill that ridiculous peace policy in my ace pilot. Is that what you do? correct?!"
He didn't care much about his old friend's roundabout tricks, and the act of trying to win over the little girl without knowing whether the other party was intentional or unintentional, except for a smile.
Because, in a sense, that little girl's thinking may be more stubborn and more radical than Patrick himself? Of course, what’s even more interesting is that this Hegel and that Lacus didn’t even understand each other’s origins, so they deliberately approached and persuaded them, really thinking that the little girl was recruited from...T. Baby? !
"But Lux didn't succeed. You were so poisonous to that little girl. She was full of your radical and stupid military thinking!!"
Although there is a bit of scorn on his face, the Zaft army recruits children into the army to start the war. The entire army is also full of young people around the age of fifteen, even eight-year-olds. He has been complaining about things that girls never let go of.
..T’s future will be handed over to the young next generation sooner or later, but now it’s good. A considerable number of young people have joined the army, consuming their young lives in the merciless war...the time will come. , Even if in the end...T really won the war, but in a world full of hatred, when the birth rate of...T itself is getting lower and lower, where will the future of their country be?
"Poison? Huh..."
"Speaking of Siegel, you may not believe,'It doesn't make any sense to end the war without being a victor. If the enemy opposes, then burn all those who oppose it...' In fact, she is the first Speaking to me, and I think what she said was very constructive, what do you think?"
Patrick had never thought about it. The girl who had been promoted by himself was said to be a little girl who came to them from'other worlds', and equipped the opponent with a battleship and a team of four Genes and one The test machine, let it form a special combat team, has been seen by this old friend in front of him and cared about it, and is still holding on to it? !
But in any case, the opposition of the old guy in front of him must not affect his sober mind!
"Isn't it because of the influence you people have on the younger generation?"
"Patrick... do you want to ruin all of us? Listen to my advice. Peaceful living with natural people is our best development path. Continuous war will only drag us all into a struggle. The quagmire, until one or both of us fall into the abyss of destruction together!!"
Seeing that time is running out, that important meeting is about to be convened, and some anxious Senator Hegel yelled at him... Now, besides trying to wake up this old friend in front of him by cursing , He can do nothing.
"No more!"
"Siegel, on the contrary, there is no abyss ahead. I am saving...T, saving the earth, and at the same time saving everyone, including natural people!!"
At this point, Padric paused for a while.
"You and I all know that those people with ulterior motives first instigated the hatred between natural persons and our adjusters. We acted passively... However, we have reason to believe that as long as we eliminate all those people , This world will surely usher in true peace!"
"Only in that way can we...T adjusters survive in this world together with natural persons, instead of one party destroying the other!!"
It’s like what the other party said when Patrick was chatting with the little girl again,
As long as the enemy is wiped out, there are no people who want to fight, and the bad guys of the coalition army are defeated, the world will naturally be peaceful. The words are the same!
That kind of statement really got his Patrick?? Sara’s heart, so he has decided now. Let’s take a look at the results of the little girl’s solo attack this time. If the other party pleases him, then One of the three secret supermachines, that'Freedom' belongs to the little girl.
At that time, when the United Earth Forces were proud to mass-produce the "Strike", they encountered the "Destiny" driven by his son Aslan, the "Divine Will" driven by Cruze, and the little girl Annie. You will be surprised by the invincible appearance of "Freedom" on the battlefield?
Of course, in addition to the three special-purpose machines with excellent performance, there are also the experimental Sigu of their Zaft army. At that time, when the "Zaku Warriors" is mass-produced, they will firmly secure the victory! At that time, no matter how hard the Earth Coalition Army tries, the victorious scales will disappear on their side.
And if all goes well, before the other party tries to equalize the disadvantage again, they...T have won the war completely! That kind of result is what Patrick wants to see!
"Patrick...I see, it seems that you are really crazy!!"
If it is implemented according to the other side's ideas, the war will definitely go on, and so will the hatred. When the time comes, the two sides will really be immortal!
Anyway, Siegel couldn't see that such policies and practices would have a good ending...
"No! I'm so sober!!"
"On the contrary, you, Sigel, should you be more sober? If we don’t use force to achieve a complete victory and end the war when we have the advantage now, then, no matter what we love. .T is still the earth, and will always be trapped in the vicious circle of hypocritical "peace-war-peace"!"
"At that time, we...T will really be over!"
After all, ..T has a population of only over 20 million, and the United Earth Army can be said to have more than 10 billion natural persons...
Although not all people on Earth have the same extreme ideas as certain extremists, such as those blue cosmos terrorists, but even in the current situation, if we continue to consume the enemy and end the war early, once When the United Earth Army is relieved and surpasses ..T in military strength, the tragedy of Junius-7 is their final end..T! !
Without speculation, he saw that he couldn't persuade the other party. Hegel?? Klein had to turn his head angrily and leave...
He intends to try again to see if he can persuade the moderates and other councillors from the twelve cities representing different technical departments. look at those who are willing to join Sarah’s main battle faction, and then try their best to make it possible to unite with the earth before the war situation expands. Military peace negotiations?
Seeing the back of the other side angrily leaving, Patrick Sara will not tell the other side that while it is still working hard to promote peace talks, not only the Earth Alliance is trying to expand its military strength, but even the neutral country Orb is doing research and development. The new body M1 heresy has come out! !
And in this terrible world environment, what is the point of seeking that ridiculous and hypocritical short-term peace? !
Moreover, what worries Patrick Sarah even more is that they...T can develop anti-neutron jammers. Couldn't the guys of the Earth Alliance with strong background develop them? At that time, I am afraid that countless nuclear bombs with anti-neutron jammers will surely attack them again on the L5 orbit..T, right?
At that time...
They...T how many Junius-7s can they bomb the other side? !
Of course, this kind of words, he Patrick?? Sara would definitely not go to the stubborn old guy, because the other party must not listen... Just like the other party thinks he is crazy, he himself, again Don't you think that old stubborn thing is too naive?
It’s also because that old guy has lived so long, and a little girl can see things clearly and transparently. That stubborn guy is lucky? !

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