Chapter 9: Remember to bring money or mobile phone when you go out for dinner

   Today, after Tibbers was released to vent, he became quiet a lot. Now he hasn't been arguing about letting it out all day, which has made Annie's ears clean! It's just that Annie didn't know why she suddenly had two more big attendants!
Opposite Annie’s seat, there are Uncle Coleson, who looks a little bald, and Aunt Melinda who always likes to have a straight face, and everyone looks like Aunt Melinda who owes her millions of gold coins. They both beat it up after Annie. After the two undead green monsters followed up!
   But the bald Uncle Coleson was more timid. At that time, he was scared by Tibbers's glance and he slipped away. No one was seen all afternoon! It wasn't until it was almost dinner time that he appeared in front of Annie quizzically.
   Annie sighed. The two people in front of her just said that they have become their full-time guides on the earth! In order to welcome the powerful Archmage Anne of Valoran to the earth, they represent the official organization of the earth, S.H.I.E.L.D., and are responsible for receiving Anne!
   Therefore, these two people can't be driven away temporarily! So be it, Annie feels that she doesn't understand the world anyway, since they are willing to provide them with all the food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, it's up to them! The free servant came here, and Annie still liked it! Otherwise, I don’t know where she is going to sleep tonight! If you set a fire or let Tibbers out to grab a beautiful big house, she won't be able to lose that face for a while!
   But now Annie feels a little angry again! Although Tibbers was released in the afternoon and the two green monsters were fattened and beaten, I felt much better, and I slowly accepted the fact that I might not be able to return home temporarily.
   But now sitting in this gorgeous restaurant and looking at the food at her table, Annie still has the urge to burn the chef! He must be a bad guy! It must be! Since it is a bad person, you can burn him! Tibbers agreed!
   "What's wrong? Don't like steak?"
   Coleson and Melinda sat in front of Annie, smiling, looking at Annie flatteringly. After fully understanding Annie's background and witnessing Annie's strength, the two now calmly accept the new task assigned by the director, that is: coaxing Annie and don't let her mess up the world casually!
   Annie's current identity is an alien friend, a little princess organized by Faye, and a powerful magician herself! This cannot tolerate any mistakes by SHIELD. As long as Annie didn't do anything harmful to the world, SHIELD had to treat her as an ancestor.
   "This beef is not cooked at all!! Look!"
   Annie slashed through the steak with her puffed dining knife, revealing the scarlet blood inside. Obviously there is no cooked beef! How dare the chef serve it? If you eat it, there will be bugs in your stomach! The most annoying bugs! And her mother had never given her uncooked food before!
   Coleson and Melinda looked at the three steaks on the table. Well, they are all half-rare! It seems that the two of them are not thinking well! I even ordered a steak that was not fully cooked for the kid!
   But they can’t be blamed! Coleson is still a bachelor, one person is full, the whole family is not hungry! Although Melinda was married, she left afterwards! No experience in taking care of children! So, you can't expect two singles to know how to take care of children, right?
   "Should we let the kitchen reprocess it?" Melinda nodded. It is really not good to eat unripe food for the children. She was going to call the waiter.
   "Forget it! Don't be so troublesome!"
   Annie refused Melinda! In her opinion, the chef must be an apprentice and can't cook anything. It's better to do it yourself faster! Annie is already very hungry!
After finishing talking, Annie stretched out her tender little hand and covered it about one or two centimeters above the steak, and then Coleson and Melinda who were on the opposite side only felt a hot breath rushing over their faces. They were surprised to find the steak under the little hand. It was roasted sizzlingly, and after a while it was roasted to a golden surface, and the red blood streaks that had just been cut disappeared.
   "It's done! I'm going to start!"
   Annie picked up the knife and fork, quickly cut the steak, took a fork and stuffed it into her mouth, and ate it! It tastes really good! Ok! Very strange spice! good to eat! good to eat! Spice praise! But the chef can only give bad reviews! Who made his beef not cooked well?
   Coleson and Melinda stared at Annie's actions in a daze, and they forgot to move the knife and fork they were holding. This Faye is cheating, can it be so magical to eat a meal? I just don’t know if the two of them have a chance to learn two tricks?
   Annie looked up and saw the two people who were stunned, wondering why they didn't eat.
   "Aren't you going to eat it? Oh! Do I need to reheat it for you?" After speaking, he stretched out two small hands.
   "Don't! Thank you!" The two refused at the same time!
   Melinda turned his head to pay attention to the next surroundings. Fortunately, the layout of the high-end restaurant is quite good. Their location can be properly blocked by the surrounding decorative plants. No one should have noticed the scene just now! Otherwise, it will take some time to do confidential work.
   "That's it." Annie retracted her hand regretfully and continued to fight on her plate.
   "I want more! Come again, um! Three more copies!!!"
  The steak is delicious! Unfortunately, the amount is too small! Annie stretched out two fingers, and after thinking about it, she stretched out another one. She decided to ask for three more! Then eat them all in one go!
   Coleson beckoned to the waiter, whispered a few words, and motioned to the waiter to give the little girl Annie three more identical steaks!
   "To be fully familiar! Children must be very familiar!" Melinda hurriedly called the waiter who turned around and added, then the waiter nodded knowingly and left.
   After a while, three steaks were served. Looking at Annie, who bowed her head and stopped making troubles, Coleson and Melinda could finally breathe a sigh of relief and start enjoying the food in front of them.
   One man, one woman and one child, the picture of three people having a meal is like a family! Seeing this warm scene before him, Coleson suddenly felt that he should retreat from the rapids, transfer to the field, and hurry up to start a family? It seems that he is not young anymore! Especially today! Thinking about it now, if there was no protection from Annie, maybe the two of them would have been burned to death long ago?
   "Annie, since I can't go back to Valoran for the time being, what are you going to do next?"
  While eating the steak, Coleson asked Anne. Just now he inadvertently saw the students getting off the school bus outside the window, so he suddenly had a wonderful idea! A good idea that will allow Annie to fully understand and integrate into the environment that is unfamiliar to her, without causing major disturbances! Although this good idea needs to be consulted by the Secretary, it shouldn't be a big problem when Colson wants to come!
"I do not know!"
   Annie put a steak in her mouth and said vaguely. When in the land of voodoo, all she had to do every day was to get up in the morning, eat, and then go out to play! Wait until the afternoon to come back to learn magic, take a bath and sleep at night! If she is boring, she will spoof those long-bearded mage grandpas, such as burning their beards while they are not paying attention, or a certain monster in the land of voodoo does not remember to honor her, then Need to go out and beat it up!
   "So, do you want to go to school?"
   "Go to school? What is school? Is it a magic school?" Annie was a little curious.
"No, no, it's not a magic school! It doesn't teach any magic here. It is an ordinary school for imparting knowledge! There are many children who are about your age. They are all classmates! You can learn knowledge and play together." Elson quickly explained to Annie.
Melinda's eyes lit up next to   , thinking that Coleson's idea was quite good. In this way, the two of you don't have to be a nanny with the little girl all day long! After all, it's not a problem to let yourself two, two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents follow this little girl like a nanny every day! If Annie is willing to go to school, she can have a lot of free time herself!
   "Ordinary school? There are a lot of classmates? Okay! I want to go!"
   Annie suddenly became energetic. She had heard from her mother that there seemed to be a very big magic school on Demacia, which taught apprentices all kinds of magic. But what the school was like, she had never seen, some of her magic was played by herself, some were taught by her parents, and some were learned by stealth from other old-fashioned old wizards and wizards in the Gray Order.
She once told her father, Gregory Hasta, that she wanted to study in Demacia’s magic school, but at the time her mother laughed and said that if Annie went to the magic school, give them It's enough to be a principal!
   "Uh, Annie, do you really want to go? That's great! But we have to report to the chief first!"
   "Chenghui! The total is two thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars! Are you a check or a credit card?"
   At the checkout, a waiter smiled and stood at the table of the three of them, watching the messy plates and cups of desserts and drinks on the table of the three of them, bowing slightly and taking out the bill that had been prepared.
   "Uh..." Coleson felt his hand in the pocket of his suit stiff, and his face was a bit unnatural. This is all over, and he forgot to bring his wallet when he went out! Then he turned his neck stiffly and looked at Melinda aside for help.
   But Melinda gave him a fierce look, meaning: what to look at! I didn't bring it either! Today she came out on a mission, and she has a lot of guns and ammunition! There is no money!
This is over. Coulson hesitated for a while. He saw the waiter whose face was getting more and more impatient. After thinking about it, he thought it would be better to take out his mobile phone to call for support. Fortunately, he never leaves his body with such communication tools as mobile phones. of!
   Two senior S.H.I.E.L.D. agents need to call for support for dinner. UU reading may be the first one! As for the option of taking out the S.H.I.E.L.D. ID to eat the King’s meal? Coleson didn't even dare to think about it. If he really wanted to do that, Chief Nick Fury would definitely kill them!
   While Coleson was awkwardly wishing to hide under the table, a few crisp sounds of Ding Dong sounded! Annie threw out a few gold coins, and the shiny Valoran gold coins circled the plate held flat in the waiter's right hand, making a crisp sound after the collision.
   "Here! This should be enough, right?" Annie dropped gold coins on the waiter's plate, grabbed her teddy bear Tibbers, and jumped off the chair.
   this this this! This is simply blinding the waiter Alan's krypton dog eyes! He said that in the past few years as a waiter in this restaurant, he has met all kinds of people! They write cheques after eating, but there are too many credit cards! Of course, it's not uncommon for the nouveau riche to give cash directly! but! This is the first time he has encountered this situation of giving gold coins!
   Looking at the gold coins spinning around on the plate, the waiter Allen considered it very seriously. The color, thickness and workmanship of this gold coin are very extraordinary! The visual inspection should be real! If they were to sell it, it would definitely cost much more than the meal! Is this closing? Still close? If the gold coins are true, maybe I can help them pay in advance? That's right! That should be done! Allen feels that he has always been a warm-hearted person! We should do more to help people pay for meals. This kind of thing is good for physical and mental health!
   No one noticed me around, and the surveillance in the store did not face this side! So Allen stuffed a few heavy gold coins into his pocket with a thunderous gesture, and then happily signed his name on the bill!
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