Chapter 906: ?? The ‘strongest’ myth ruthlessly shattered??

‘Wow! ‘‘Oh...’
‘Wow! ! ‘‘Wow! ’
Following the instruction of a little girl and the clear target pointed by the finger of Nen Shengsheng, the area in this huge abandoned factory area has gradually been burned red by the flames, and it has begun to show signs of melting. The ground is like a huge volcanic crater that is about to erupt. The number of those standing on it is still increasing, it looks densely red, and it continues to climb from the ground melted by the flames. The two-headed lava dogs that started snarled and snarled for a while, then suddenly turned towards the white hair that still had their hands in the trouser pockets, and did not put them and their owners in their eyes. The villain, pounced towards that side...
‘Hoohoo! ! ’
‘Wow~! ! ’
Accompanying the low roar of the dogs was the dull and messy running sound from the ground.
Before long, the fastest, and the largest lava two-headed dog that was charging at the forefront, after stepping away its majestic limbs and rushing in front of the enemy, it directly opened its that. The exaggerated huge mouth with sharp fangs, hot molten ‘saliva’ and blazing white flames suddenly bit at the opponent’s head and neck, which was slightly smaller than it. past.
Although it is just a'lava dog' mimicked by magma, molten iron and flame, its bite force is completely enough to bite a piece of steel into twists, and it is definitely not lost to normal ones. Too many fire elemental creatures! Therefore, as long as the enemy is successfully bitten by it, the white-haired head will definitely burst like a watermelon, and will be burnt into coke by the hot lava and flames in its mouth in an instant!
While the headed lava dog bite down, the smaller'big dogs' who grabbed the most advantageous position with their back feet rushed toward the enemy's left and right hands, legs, and bare feet. The waist, shoulders, crotch and all the parts that can be accessed, opened their mouth full of hot fangs and bit them down! !
Click! !
With a sharp scream, those'big dogs' who rushed to the forefront and made their mouths first turned into groups of flames that burst and spread out as soon as the two sides touched each other. The hot molten slurry that was helplessly spilled on the ground?
They obviously bit each other, but they didn't even have the slightest damage to the white-haired enemy who hadn't resisted at all? !
'cut! ’
Amid the fire, a cold snort of disdain faintly sounded and spread...
It turns out that those lava two-headed dogs mimicked by a little girl with LV5 flame control superpowers, their looks and sounds are super real, when their teeth or paws touch one side and pass through, there is no exception. The earth collapsed in that instant?
And their attacks, whether it's claws, teeth, hot lava, blazing white flames, or simple kinetic energy impact, etc., can't affect that party's passage at all, and even make the other party move. Can't do any steps? !
‘Wow~! ! ’
‘Ooooooo~! ! ’
Immediately afterwards, as the big dogs came and fought, they continued to pounce on the enemy as if they were dead, even if there were thousands of them, even if they looked densely packed, but soon, they were in a very short time. Inside, after touching a side to pass, it re-turned into a pool of flowing magma and flames scattered around their enemies, and at the same time directly poured the place where the enemy was standing into a completely rolled A terrifying molten flame field surrounded by magma, molten iron, and flames.
'Really sorry……'
‘Little girl, your kind of tricks, those ridiculous big dogs, they don’t seem to be of any use...’
After the big dogs followed and were wiped out in a very short period of time, the arrogant and cruel voice before was once again transmitted from the center of the'pool' composed of molten lava and flames. Came out.
It is already obvious now. The air that was burned began to expand, and even burned like a boiling place. Even the light has become distorted. The figure that does not look very clear must have not received anything. Hurts!
"It looks like you are a bit small and powerful, but it's just so-so. Anyway, it's still far from others!"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
For the kind of nouveau riche-like powers or abilities, for the kind of guys who can become stronger without learning and have a single ability, Little Annie has always been a little disdainful! Because, like that kind of guy, no matter how strong his ability and talent is, he will definitely not grow up if he doesn't learn!
As for the experiment that the opponent participated in, the kind of thing that wants to rely on fighting and killing to become stronger or successfully promoted, in the eyes of Xiao Annie, it is simply ridiculous! After all, this is a living world, not the kind of low-level game in the computer network that can be constantly strengthened and upgraded by charging money and fighting monsters! !
"Furthermore, people tell you that their big dogs are not as simple as you think, and they are not so easy to be wiped out by you!!"
As a little girl arrogantly raised her round and white small chin, soon, the lava two-headed dogs who had just been "eliminated" by the ability of one party just now, unexpectedly once again Only from the magma pool with flames all over, re-formed and crawled out?
In a blink of an eye, the number of them has changed from zero to hundreds of thousands again, and again bowed their heads and roared, burning more fierce flames all over, renewing a certain gray-haired enemy with a look of disdain and impatientness on his face. Surrounded by the middle of the magma pool that was red to boiling.
"Hey! Big dogs!"
"Go on, kill me that white-haired villain!!"
?? (??`▽????)╭??
Soon, under the order of Little Annie again, the big dogs soon pounced on the villain called Fangtongtong again! !
‘Wow~! ’
‘Wow! ’‘Wow! ! ’
Even if they were once again exploded and broken by the strange'reflection' force field on the opponent's body, even if none of them could bite or catch the opponent in a real sense, they still didn't Stopped roaring and attacked, just as they surrounded their enemies.
‘Wow~! ’
‘Wow! ’‘Wow! ! ’
Countless big dogs burst into flames and magma instantly and piled up around the side of the passage, but countless ‘big dogs’ stood up again from not far away and joined the siege...
So soon, under the deliberate actions of a certain little girl, whether it was Misaka Mikoto who was afraid to approach the game from a distance, or other ulterior motives of'voyeurs', they saw a large group of lava'big The dog drove a party completely submerged in more and more lava and the terrible flames, and there were no more scenes in sight.
‘Annie, what do you want to do...’
Misaka Mikoto, who was frustrated because her attack was completely ineffective to the enemy and was almost killed by the counterattack, looked at the battle ahead, and while Wei Wei was shocked by the little guy's ability, she couldn't help but Zou raised his brows with some doubts.
Because she could see that the kind of tactics used by Little Annie, that kind of horrific attack, if it were to deal with ordinary people, even if it was dealing with other LV5 superpowers, then it would definitely be caught! But at this time, if it is used to deal with that party, it seems to have no effect at all? !
Therefore, she didn't understand that the other party was still launching an offense, what exactly was it trying to...
"Knights of the Silver Hand, attack me!!"
?? (??`▽????)╭??
Seeing the big dogs fighting fiercely and fiercely, but seeing the enemy did not suffer too much damage, seeing the other side still playing coolly standing in the jeans pocket with a look of complacency and disdain , Little Annie stretched out her hand again, allowing more famous armored knights riding on magma horses composed of flames and magma to stand up from the ground.
Then, under the command of the leading knight who held high the battle flag of Lordaeron, which was also transformed by flame mimicry, they brazenly moved towards the distant one who was being surrounded by big dogs. The enemy launched a swarm charge.
‘Hmm~! ’
‘Eye~Eye~! ’
The knights riding on the tall horses, waving their weapons, followed behind the headed'battle flag' knight, and the burning four hooves of the warhorse were trampling out patches of splashing magma. At the same time, with an extremely powerful and terrifying posture, he rushed towards the enemy who was being besieged by his own'big dogs'!
Before long,'they' slammed into the enemy's body, and of course brought more magma and flames to the place, and directly enveloped the opponent to find the bigger and bigger fire. In a ball of fire.
"Huh! I'm getting a little annoyed with these idiotic things!"
The party who had been completely blocked from sight and couldn't see the surroundings at all, said that he had had enough of that little girl's vain attack method.
Whether it’s those big dogs that seem to never be able to fight, or those flame knights who just launched a "death" charge towards him, the attacks they launched against him, those flames, those heat or kinetic energy, or physical attacks against him For one party, it doesn't make any sense!
Therefore, I feel that the little girl with LV5 flame control superpower is just like what he saw in the "Dragon Disaster" not long ago. It seems that there is nothing remarkable about him, so she finally waved her hand and covered most of it. The flames that stopped him rushed away, and part of it was swept out in the opposite direction, and roared and bombarded at a little girl.
Although his party can't do the same as the little girl, turning the flame into a big dog or a knight, even after the flame leaves his direct contact, he will no longer be under his control, but if only If it were to bombard the enemy as a piece of heat, it would still be easy for him.
But it's a pity...
They just flew not far, and not long after they left the passing body of one party, they were soon regained control by Annie.
"Eh heh!"
"People's ability to control the flame is absolute, it's not like yours, but it won't be impossible to control because you can't touch it!!"
When she was speaking, Little Annie didn’t make any movement at all. She immediately resolved the flame that was bombarded by the opponent towards her, and turned it into a big dog and silver Knights of the Knights.
Then, they turned around one after another, roaring, or holding high their swords, sledgehammers, Thunder Fury, Sulfuras, Ashbringer, Blazing Longsword and other weapons, once again toward the distance. The enemy who was still besieged by the flames swooped up!
"You have never finished..."
One side thinks it’s impossible to go on like this, because up to now, the person who has been beaten is himself, and he can’t even touch the corner of the other side. This seems to be the same as usual for him and those funny toys. Is the fun chasing game different?
Besides, I don’t know why, now the faint boring feeling in his heart has become more and more obvious...
So, he decided in his heart not to go on playing with that little girl anymore. He was going to walk out of this annoying fireball, and then he would screw off the other's little head with his own hands. Like the white thighs of the puppet in the 9982th experiment? !
One party quickly discovered that he had just stepped forward two steps, trying to touch the flames that were constantly burning and spinning around him like a vortex of fireballs, and to control them to disperse and extinguish, but they were automatically active 'Stay away from him! ?
Then, he took two steps forward without giving up, and stretched out his hand again, trying to surround him, blocking his sight, and making him feel the flames that are getting more and more annoying. Extinguish them, and transfer their heat to other places!
For example, pass it to the little girl in the distance to see if you can burn her to death?
It's a pity that under the deliberate control of a messy little girl, those flames that burned around him and trapped him in a big fireball, once again took the initiative to stay away from him as if consciously?
The anger in his heart may be due to anger, or it may be due to other reasons. After one party passed out angrily and took two violent breaths, he felt that he was not feeling a little more comfortable, and he accelerated again, suddenly Rushing forward, seems to want to touch those flames by this, and then successfully break them?
But the result...
That huge ball of flame is like a tarsus maggot. When he goes to the left, it also goes to the left; he goes to the right, and it goes to the right; he accelerates and charges forward, and it goes to the same Accelerate forward; he jumped up and down, it also jumped up and down...Anyway, the opponent is always about two or three meters away from him, even if his behavior of running and jumping has completely transformed this factory area into In the sea of ​​fire, even if he used his whole body's solution, the inner wall of the huge fireball that made him feel annoyed would always only be seen and felt by him, but it was life and death that he could not touch!
"How can this be……"
He gritted his teeth and stopped. When the secretly frowning party wanted to control and break the flames indirectly by other means, he was surprised to find:
I don’t know why, let alone what kind of methods the little girl used. Those flames, those fireballs that besieged him, they were actually layered, and in the meantime, weird
flame isolation
was formed. Bring'Even if he can barely control them indirectly, but the control right is quickly taken away by the opponent?
Even if he wants to mess up and accelerate the rotation direction of those flames, he will be quickly used by the opponent and calm down those vectors, and then make the entire fireball spin faster and more turbulent, as if he helped the opponent?
This situation finally made one party a little bit at a loss.
Because, he knows, now he seems to be trapped in a certain way by the other party...Although he is not afraid of which flames will burn him or the high temperature in the air, he has been blocked by them all the time. It's definitely not a good feeling to be played with by the other party.
More importantly, he has always been the active party, always teasing those who want to hunt his own ‘prey’, and finally torturing them to death in various ways? However, like what he is doing now, he was really teased by the enemy for the first time... At the same time, he didn't know why, the feeling of depression in his heart seemed to change. It became more and more intense, and it became more and more uncomfortable, as if there was a big rock in the same chest, making yourself breathless, even if you want to vent, but you can’t vent? !
"People tell you, as long as you don't touch them directly, you will never want to control them, how about it, is this super fun?"
In Xiao Anni's view, without direct skin contact, the opponent wants to control of those flames from the LV5 flame control superpower, it is simply a dream, it must be impossible!
Whoosh~! !
Suddenly, a rock that was burning red suddenly flew towards the location of Little Annie from the tumbling and burning fireball.
boom! ! !
However, the stone flying in midair was easily pounced on by a big lava dog beside Xiao Annie and was firmly blocked.
Then, the big dog that was blown up quickly regrouped on the spot again, and he lowered his head slightly, facing the tumbling and burning hollow fireball in the distance and the big flame dogs surrounding it. And the knights roared in a low voice.
The kind of attack by the other party is definitely invalid, whether it is against their owner or themselves!
Because ah, they are not really fire elementary creatures at all, they are just things that Annie mimicked by her own control ability on fire, and will move according to their master's mind.
One side of the road was upset, and his feet began to accelerate. While rushing towards the other party’s approximate location, he didn’t know what method was used, and unexpectedly caused an explosion from near and far. This huge explosion.
boom! boom! boom!
Under the full force of one party, fire, explosion, thick smoke, lifted magma, etc., once again filled this entire area.
However, when one party stopped, he soon discovered:
The flames that besieged him still stubbornly surround him, even if he charges forward, even if he jumps up, even if he stretches out his hand, even if he continuously extracts and transfers the heat from his side to the ground, Intending to let their temperature go too low and go out to no avail?
And, more importantly...
After he ran here, he found that he could not catch or found the little girl? !
Suddenly, the party who was going to continue to think of a way to pass but was shocked to find: At this time, he clearly did not suffer any harm, whether it was physical or thermal, his body was intact! However, without knowing why, he himself became top-heavy inexplicably, and became vain and weak.
"how about it?"
"What I just said, must be super fun, right?"
At this time, the thief voice of a certain little girl reached the passing ear of one party again, but now the other party has appeared in another direction, and seems to be moving at high speed, as if riding on On top of something?
"Asshole! What did you do to me?!"
The running speed is getting slower and slower, the head is getting more and more chaotic, and I have to stop and gasp, feeling like I am passing by a party who has run for several kilometers, and pulled my chest vainly. It seems that they suddenly felt that they tightened him so that he couldn't breathe smoothly?
"It's air!"
"To be precise, the flames have gradually exhausted the oxygen in the air around you."
"Then the continuously expanding high-pressure air and the outermost flame have formed a barrier, even if there is still a small amount of air that can circulate in normally, but the oxygen is quickly separated by the high temperature flame before it enters. The molten iron and molten smelt melted and rolled by the rotating flame are consumed!"
"So, without oxygen, you will soon be'burned' to death!"
Although, the other party is not actually burned to death in the true sense, but as long as the other party has no oxygen supply, it will be dead soon! Then, after the other party becomes a corpse, it may become easier to burn.
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
Whoosh! ! !
He stared at his eyes, opened his mouth wide, and gasped vigorously, trying to find the last oxygen from the hot air to pass, and involuntarily pinched his throat with both hands, almost As his scarlet eyes glared out, he suddenly exploded with his "vector control" ability, turning the countless molten stones and iron blocks he could touch towards the little girl in the distance. The direction the sound came from bombarded once again.
Boom~! Boom~! Boom~! !
boom! boom! boom!
A series of impacts and explosions sounded one after another. As for whether there was an enemy hitting him, one side was completely unable to care about it, and there was no thought to think about it...
Because, at this time, he was fighting with his own body, but he found helplessly that his strength, even his consciousness, was slowly leaving him uncontrollably? However, even so, he is still struggling, trying to control the cracks of the earth so that he can be able to breathe in the fresh air from below?
"It's useless, I'm the strongest LV5 flame control ability person in the school city is not a vain name!"
At the same time that the opponent's ground cracked, the flames had already flooded those cracks first, so the opponent's small movements were meaningless.
Finally, a certain white-haired villain finally knelt down to the ground, shaking all over, even if he wanted to stand up again, even if he wanted to completely blow up the ground he touched. Any way...
Because, at this time, his invincible ability, which is known as the strongest in the Academy City, like cheating, is completely useless... Or it can be said that his body and his chaotic consciousness no longer allow it. He goes to use them again.
"No matter how good you are, you are also a human being on earth, how is it, are you unhappy now?!"
"Do you feel like you are suffocating, you feel that you have no strength, you feel dizzy, you can't see things clearly, you can't even control your abilities?"
Annie could clearly see the scene in the fireball. There, the bad guy with white hair had already been on the ground and began to struggle weakly! Moreover, if it weren't for the opponent's abilities, it would have been burnt like a teppanyaki.
"mock up!"
ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!
"Dare to scream in front of my Queen Anne Flame, now I know who is the strongest LV5 superpower in Academy City, and know how wonderful the way I thought of dealing with you is?"
Although that idea was not invented by Annie herself, it was the bad idea of ​​Tibbers, her bad bear! However, since the bear is her own, and the other party's ownership, including the soul, is also her own, then, of course, the other party's ideas are also her own, and the good ideas that she thinks up can be said to be her own. !
At this time, the one who was still in the tumbling fireball, one of the people passed directly on the ground with his eyes rounded, his pupils gradually began to lose focus... and the evil smile on his face was all replaced by that. The look of horror and despair, even if he wanted to use his ability to directly blow up the ground he was in contact with, even if he wanted to blow up the entire Academy City.
Soon, his consciousness also began to fade away at the same time, his open mouth was breathing non-stop, but the suffocation became more and more serious, so that it was difficult to move a finger, even, he Still faintly felt the burning sensation, it seems that his ability is also losing its effect at the same time?
Looking at the sea of ​​fire in front of me, I saw that the abandoned factory was burned like a molten by the flame ability of the little guy, watching the pass through it and being surrounded by huge fireballs, seeing that the other party didn’t. After listening to the movement, not knowing whether it was alive or dead, and at the same time seeing the high temperature burning the air to expand, and even the light was distorted, Misaka Mikoto had to open his mouth at this time, looking forward in amazement, speechless for a long time.
She had never thought that after that little guy got serious, that LV5 level of flame control ability would be so terrible, and she actually thought of a good way to deal with that scumbag?
"It's really useless. People thought how powerful he could be, and dare to say that he became LV6. Now he can't even beat his LV5 superpower!"
o(??^`)o hum!
Looking at the guy in the fireball who seemed to have passed out due to suffocation and coma, Little Annie curled her lips indifferently and snorted coldly.
Facts have proven that even if you control your power to only the LV5 level, it is very easy to clean up the opponent!
Of course, if you use your true strength, you can burn the opponent casually! After all, the opponent’s reflected power is only relative. She knows that it is not absolute. Once the strength level exceeds the limit of the opponent’s ability to'reflect' or'control', the opponent’s so-called
That's the way her'vector control' ability is, it can always be burned to ashes easily by her.
(Report the little master, someone is going to make trouble!!)
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(A certain horrible little master of her own has always suppressed her own power to the level of LV5, and wants to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, but Tibbers will not do such boring things! So, seeing that is called a party When the passing car was about to be burned into coke, he found something was wrong, and Tibbers, who found that someone was making trouble, dutifully reminded his little master.)
∑(??△`)? !
At this time, when the bad guy with white hair was about to be cooked, Little Annie finally discovered that in the distant sky, several gunships were flying at high speed? !
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
Then, gunship helicopters roared past, and the honeycomb missiles on the missile racks under the belly were covered and bombed...
boom! boom! Boom~! ! !
Then of course, a series of huge explosions, that kind of carpet bombing, those firelights, thick smoke, and being splashed by the explosions, as if directly covering this area.
The roaring sound of the gunship wing in the night sky went from far to near, and then quickly from near to far. After dropping the missile, it flew far away, and there was no idea of ​​staying to continue the attack.
For a long time, when everything calmed down, when the high wall made of lava slowly cracked open, revealing the undamaged little Annie and her riding behind, there were no more enemies here, including the one that should have been there. There was a bad guy with white hair in the dissipated fireball who was about to be burned.
"You even let him run away?!!!"
Just now Little Annie saw it. After the gunships attacked and flew away that somehow came and bombed herself, the bad guy called the one-sided pass. It seemed that it was changed by a double ponytail villain who has the ability to move in space.
I didn't say, the other party must have been rescued by the bad guy Double Ponytail!
Of course, the double ponytail she was talking about did not refer to the LV4 space movement ability Ms. Baijing Heizi she knew, but another red-haired double ponytail! In short, the other party is definitely the bad guy who didn't run away, she had known it a long time ago, like the guy with double pony tails, they are all nasty bad guys!

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