Chapter 98: Fire Demon and Humans (End)

This long sleep of Annie today was very comfortable, especially after two days of intense fighting, she was exhausted by consuming too much magic power. After all, no matter how strong she is, it can’t change the fact that she is just a little girl. .
   Now, after a long sleep of deep sleep, Xiao Anni has recovered at least half of the blue bars, which is enough to zoom in. If there is something that doesn't have long eyes, then come to provoke her.
Sure enough, after waking up, Annie felt that Tibbers's proposal was completely correct. With Shanknox and their group of fire monsters guarding the outside, there are no more undead without eyes. We dare to quarrel her!
   In this dangerous world, I still need a group of subordinates, otherwise, if you run out of a cat, cat, dog, and dog, you have to deal with it yourself, it will be annoying!
   At the thought of the densely packed undead that I met in the north the day before yesterday, Annie got angry! Anyway, Xiao Anni has already thought about it. After her flame army is slowly summoned out, they must be beautiful! They must understand their bones and dare to provoke the Queen of Fire! There are more people than people, right? Humph! She also has a lot of flame army, and she can scare them to death by saying it. Who is afraid of whom?
Because the bunk bed in this lumberjack's wooden house is really dirty, so yesterday after Annie asked Tibbers bear to restrain the shadow flames on her body, she used it as a mattress and just lay on the soft big belly of the bear. Get up to sleep.
   Except for waking up halfway and eating a little elf cake to satisfy her hunger, Annie slept until the next morning today and woke up. Originally, she could still stay in bed for a while, but after hearing the human noise that seemed to be coming from outside, she was half-opened with sleepy eyes and she couldn't help becoming a little curious. She decided, now Go out and see.
  Because Anne can remember very clearly, she just summoned five hundred fire elements yesterday to help herself clean up the undead, so that she could sleep well.
   But, now she found out, why is there so many human voices outside? But she still clearly heard the crying of some babies, and the laughter of some little kids playing games? This is a bit strange.
   "Hey! Shanknox! What is going on over there? How come there are so many people suddenly?"
Just sitting on Tibbs’s shoulder, she was too lazy to go to the ground, Anne rubbed her eyes with one hand and dozed off, while holding the bear’s head with the other, she walked out of the lumberjack’s hut, looking surprised His own fire demon camp was just across from the road, where it was originally another large logging site. But now, there are at least thousands of humans crowded in bustling? They are still making a fire for breakfast?
  Annie remembers very clearly. Yesterday, she and Tibbles the bear wandered around here for a long time. Except for the undead who seemed to be inexhaustible to kill, not even half a living person could be seen!
   And now, she just slept comfortably for one afternoon and one night. Why did she wake up and find that so many living people suddenly appeared here? Where did they come from?
"My Majesty, they fled here yesterday evening. Because of your order, after seeing that we didn't take action to drive them away, they occupied the big logging yard over there. Would you like me? Just send some men over to drive them away?"
   Shanknox, who was supervising the fire demon elders to continue to build the flame gate, hurried over after hearing Annie's call.
Now the flame gates they built by the fire monsters have first seen their outlines. It seems that they should be able to accommodate a medium-sized lava giant to pass through, and smaller ones, like the fire elements of core dogs or lava rushers. Biology, that's not a problem.
   "Forget it, let them stay there, it looks pitiful."
   Little Annie herself is a kind little girl, and those people know that they are refugees who have just escaped from the hands of the undead, all of them are dirty! Since they are willing to stay here, so be it. Anyway, she doesn't have to worry about taking care of them by herself. They stay as long as they like!
After figuring out the cause of the matter, Little Annie didn’t want to worry about it either. She patted Tibbers’ bear’s head, then sat on the bear’s shoulder and dangling her feet, letting it take itself to her. When she walked behind the sleeping wooden house, she knew that there was a well over there, and it should be possible to get some clean spring water to wash, otherwise, it could only be made with water.
   "That's right! Shanknox, hurry up and build that door of yours a little bit faster, a bit more, it's better to get me tens of thousands of flame army out, I will find those undead in a few days to settle accounts!"
   Little Anne is not the one who was bullied but didn't fight back. In her opinion, the death knight who stabbed Tibbers and wanted to slash him must be the same as the undead in this place! Then, no matter whether he was killed by herself or not, she would always retaliate, and if she could not find the righteous master, she would retaliate against the undead to vent their anger! Lead her army of flames and sweep away the undead of this land! Humph!
"Follow your orders, my majesty! It's just that... the portal we are building now can only pass hundreds of fire elements every day due to the size and energy limitations. If you want tens of thousands of troops, I am afraid you need More time and more doors of flame..." Shanknox's eyes lit up when she heard that Queen Anne needed tens of thousands of troops.
  Actually, Shanknox is not afraid of how many troops Queen Anne wants, he is only afraid that their queen will not let it continue to summon!
   Anyway, the fire element life in the land of flames has increased. After tens of thousands of years of reproduction, there are too many to make specific statistics! There are at least millions of fire elements that Lord Leolis pinched, and they are about to overflow! What is the tens of thousands of flame army? As long as there is enough time and there are no eye-opening things to mess around, Shanknox will dare to slap his chest to ensure that after ten or eight years, in theory, the army of millions of flames can be shown to you!
   "Okay, you can take care of this kind of little things by yourself! I'll go and freshen up now." Little Annie doesn't want to care about these messy things, so just toss them about, as long as they are obedient.
Shanknox nodded and bent over to respond. After the queen who watched them leave and walked to the back of the hut, it turned around. It planned to find its cousin, the new chief hunter who took care of the dogs. I plan to ask about these humans. Although Her Majesty the Flame Queen does not intend to pursue the matter of human beings, he, as the Queen's chief, should always ask questions.
"Shatulu, the humans over there, do you know what the is going on? I just took a look at it. If I didn't count it wrong, their number... how come they seem to have become more and more? "
   Shanknox was also a little puzzled, but he remembered clearly that in the evening yesterday, those humans, at first there were only a group of hundreds of refugees and 21 ordinary soldiers in armor and shields.
   And now? Look over there, there are at least a thousand people alive, and dozens more of the same soldiers have emerged! If it weren’t for the fact that their strength did not constitute a big threat, Shanknox had already sent lava dogs to drive them away, how could they tolerate them staying next to their camp like this?
   "Ah, this.... It is said that it seems Otuk ran out of the canyon to fight the undead, and then all the living people saved by it ran here to take refuge..."
   For this news, Shatulu still heard a human talk about it. It Shatulu is one of the few fire demon who understands Azeroth's common language, so it is not too difficult for it to communicate with those humans normally.
"Fighting the undead? You ran out? It's really unreasonable! Is there any discipline? Is it really a land of flames? If it provokes a terrible one, but when it cries! Hurry up, send someone immediately, and go. Get it back! Then you send your subordinates to set up a checkpoint on the Yamaguchi Main Road. Without my consent, no fire demon and fire dog are allowed to go outside and mess around!" After finally knowing how these humans came Shanknox is a little angry!
   Are these really a place in the world of Azeroth where they can be wild? How dare a fire demon run out to fight the undead? If you meet a strong one, there is a time when it will cry! This is the proving ground for the Titans. Who knows what lunatics have left behind? People just throw a few guardians out, it's enough for them to suffer!
   "Yes! I'll send someone to retrieve it right away!" Shatulu nodded and was about to turn around and leave, but they didn't expect their boss to call it again.
   "Wait, um...who is that Otuk? When did our fire demon clan have such a brave warrior?"
   Shanknox frowned and thought for a long time, but did not remember who this fire demon named Otuk was! When it thinks about it, if it can run out alone, it must be relatively strong. Then it should have a bit of an impression. Why does it seem to have never heard of a fire demon like Otuk? This is really weird!
   "Uh..., my lord, because Otuk doesn't belong to our fire demon clan at all, it is actually the lava giant..."
   "It turned out to be it...Okay, it's the same, you can send someone to get it back." Shan Knox nodded, if it's that big guy, it wouldn't be strange.
Think about it carefully, it is true. The ordinary undead really can’t help it, not to mention that it is still a lava lord level, and it is very large. It has both size and strength. Those undead’s claws or weapons, estimated You can't cut it, right?
After the current hunter-in-chief Shatulu assigned them to take a few lava dogs and arrange to find the lava giant that ran outside to go crazy, it was given by a human soldier before it could enter the camp. Stopped.
   "Oh? I remember you, your name is... John! Right? Is there anything?" After seeing that the human who stopped him was an acquaintance, Shatulu rarely began to cheer up.
   This is all last night, this human has contributed a roast pig to it. At that time, half of the roast pig was given to its cousin Shan Knox. As a result, it received a great praise and reward. Therefore, it was more caring for this human being.
   "Your Excellency, the powerful Chief Hunter of Shatulu, this is the case. I want to ask you a small matter. I wonder if you have time now?"
   Old John, who had already taken off his helmet and dropped his weapon shield, approached the fire demon empty-handed and handed over a roast rabbit while speaking. He knew that these strange flame creatures especially liked meat cooked by humans!
"Ha, it's okay! Slick humans, just talk about it quickly. I will send someone to the mountain pass to establish a sentry post in a while! It can't be delayed for too long." Swallowing saliva, Shatulu can't help it. He quickly stuffed the roasted rabbit into his weapon pocket with traces.
   After receiving the gift from the other party, Shatulu finally nodded in satisfaction. This human being is very good and the food is delicious. For this, he is very satisfied!
   "That's it, sir. I just saw a human little girl in your camp? That's the one sitting on the shoulders of a huge bear. That...should be a human, right?"
   Since yesterday, he has been secretly vigilant and observing the Old John of Lordaeron, the second lieutenant on duty at the Fire Demon Camp. This morning, he unexpectedly discovered something very incredible! In the other party's camp, there is a little human girl?
   And, more importantly, the little girl was arrogant to the big bosses of the fire monsters, which shocked the old John! If he was right, that little girl is definitely a living human! So, why can she, a little human girl, command this group of powerful fire creatures? For this, Old John was very puzzled and had to figure it out as soon as possible!
   So, when he saw that old acquaintance, oh no! It was the old demon Shatulu. When it walked out of their camp, Lieutenant John quickly grabbed a rabbit from the grill and leaned forward to ask for information.
   "Oh, you are not mistaken, that great figure is indeed a human, but! She is also the greatest queen of our Flame Kingdom-Your Majesty Anne!"
   Shatulu frowned and stared at the human in front of him with a serious expression. It wanted to see from the other's eyes what the other party was trying! After a while, after seeing that this human should indeed be just curious and not malicious, it continued to say:
"John, because you are more pleasing to the eye, I would like to advise you: Don’t ask about the queen! Don’t try to approach her casually. Those royal guards won’t be as easy to talk as I do. If there are armed and threatening creatures, if they come near without notice, they will definitely hack you to death! Especially, armed human soldiers like you!"
   At the same time, after tapping the armor on the opponent's chest with his finger, Shatulu turned around and walked into the camp without waiting for any reaction from the human in front of him. It was very busy. After a while, I have to send some people to build a checkpoint post on the other side of the mountain pass, and then send people to continue to guard there. We must not let a like Otuk go out and cause trouble casually. !
   is really human? Although I don’t know what kind of country the Flame Kingdom is, but after hearing that the biggest leader of the other party is indeed a human, Old John finally got a little rest, and now he finally understands why these flame monsters would not kill. Alive.
   When the group of them just arrived here yesterday, he saw from a distance that the fire demons were building a strange arched building. Old John is very sensitive to such things! That thing was so similar to the dark gate he had seen, like...a small arched dark gate?
   Originally, Old John was still very worried, he was afraid that these fire monsters were going to summon more fire monsters over! He was afraid, and before the undead natural disasters were over, Lordaeron would usher in another catastrophe similar to the time of the orc war. That would be terrible! The damage caused by the two orc wars to the human alliance is still vivid. Look at his former comrades and relatives, how many are left now?
   But now, after hearing that the other party's leader is a human and also a human queen, Old John felt a little relieved. After all, if the opponent is a human, he would never treat his own clan like an orc or undead? From the fact that the current fire demons didn't take action against living humans, he could probably see the attitude of the other side.
In this Old John is finally relieved, he is ready to go back and restrain the new subordinates and refugees. Such a large group of people is really a bit troublesome to manage, and they need to eat and live. He goes to worry! Anyway, in the near future, he doesn't plan to leave this temporarily safe place. Everything will be discussed when the situation outside becomes clear.
   As for whether these fire monsters will occupy the land of Lordaeron after they grow stronger, Old John doesn't bother to bother about it! This is his again? Anyway, his old John is just a little second lieutenant on duty guarding the guard tower and waiting for death, an ant-like existence! These big things related to the kingdom of Lordaeron should be the noble lords who need to worry about it!
   In the distance of the dense forest, when Old John and the fire demon Shatulu had just finished their conversation, the young man Pete was carefully supporting his sister Lana, and the two finally staggered out of the dense forest path.
"Sister, look! I'm right? Those are the kind of monsters I encountered. Look, they really don't kill people! Also, there seem to be more living people over there, wow! Look! There is actually an army of our Kingdom of Lordaeron!"
At a glance, Pete saw two camps in the distance, one of which belonged to human refugees. Now he not only saw the two sides living in harmony, but also saw an officer of Lordaeron who seemed to be living with a monster like that kind of snake. Talking in a friendly manner, so that he and her sister are finally safe. From then on, the two of them don't have to live in that damp cave in fear!
   the second end
   It will be updated in the future, one chapter each at 0 o’clock and 12 o’clock. Last night’s plus the current chapter with more than 5,000 words, there should be 4D
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