Chapter 922: ??(??`?)????(??`*) Value...

"School City Broadcasting at Noon..."
'Firefighters and members of the garrison team successfully rescued a teddy dog ​​that had been trapped for three days from under a collapsed house today. It has been sent to the pet hospital. Fortunately, it is fine, but its owner has Be...'
‘The repair work of the light rail line covering the entire city has come to an end, and it is expected to resume normal operation and open to traffic in the next three days. ’
‘The Metropolis First Heavy Industry Group is preparing to start mass production of clean, police standby and new models of rescue robots next month to cope with the current increasingly severe urban security and rescue environment...’
‘The director of the Pro-Ship Middle School delivered an important speech in the seventh school district, calling on the students to use their abilities to avoid more tragedies with superpowers...’
'It has been nearly a month since the satellite Vega-1 signal was suddenly interrupted, and it is still uncertain when it will be repaired. Although the board of directors has urgently met to negotiate and has decided that the future contingency is appropriate, what is basically certain is: artificial satellite The tree diagram designer supercomputer carried on the Vega One has been devastated, and there is no alternative, so that many research institutes are paralyzed...'
‘Several neighbourhoods of the Eighth School District and the Seventh School District have suffered severe damage and heavy losses in construction and property. At present, the board of directors has drafted a new reconstruction plan and insurance compensation measures...’
On the huge LCD wall advertising TV that may be hundreds of inches by the side of the street, it is constantly broadcasting the noon news of the school city... But unfortunately, a little girl’s attention is not. Not attracted by the boring information above, she just carried her own end that was just picked up by her from the boiling soup pot, and was set on fire for a "dry cleaning". At this moment, it became very strange inside and out. Tibbles, a clean and transparent bear, looked up at the building in front of him that looked very sci-fi and strange.
"The windowless building, it should be here...So, that strange Prime Minister Aleister Crowley has grown up as a villain, should he hide here?"
What is displayed in front of Xiao Anni is a building that is no more than dozens of stories high. The whole body is milky white. There are blocks of hexagons on the outside of the wall. I don’t know if it is a solar panel or a sun protection layer. It is a strange module of defense and attack armor. They are inlaid together to perfectly protect the entire building. There really is no window that can be seen at all.
Annie was also surprised to discover at this time: this building here, not only has no windows, but also no door... The whole building seems to be completely sealed, and various infrastructures are circulated independently inside, and even oxygen energy is used. Self-sufficient from the inside, so that even her invited'guest' seems to have a little difficulty in getting in?
"Really, it's so troublesome..."
Seeing this building that was so tightly protected, not only without windows, but even without a door, Little Annie suddenly got a little entangled.
So, she was thinking, will she burn a hole in later, or just blast it in? Then, you can let a guy who hides inside and acts as a tortoise understand that hiding in such boring fortifications, even if he plastered the entire building with the hexagonal multifunctional high-strength alloy The board also has no effect, and it must be impossible to stop her Queen Anne!
'Hello there! ’
‘Excuse me, you must be the strongest person in that school city recently, the LV5 flame control superpower, and also the wanted criminal and terrorist first-year transfer student Anne Hasta of Tokiwadai High School, right? ’
Just as Xiao Annie looked and looked, ready to do it, and burned a hole in the bottom of the building surrounded by hotels and shopping centers in this street-facing place, and then walked in generously through the'front entrance'. The sound came from the side, so she had to temporarily put off the eager thought in her heart, and turned her head to look at it curiously.
"you are……"
Following where the sound came from, Xiao Annie quickly saw a red hair, tied into two bundles behind her head to form a double ponytail, and then her upper body was bare. She only wrapped her chest with a white bandage, and her upper body The piece seemed to be the winter school uniform of Wuqiu Women's College draped over the shoulders, and the lower part of the body was the kind of young lady with a mini skirt that could only cover the buttocks.
"Wow! It's you!!"
"I remember you, you are the nasty double ponytail that used the space movement superpower to save the bad guy who was almost burned to death by me!!"
With just a glance, Little Annie, who has a super good memory, recognized her, and knew that this young lady in front of her must be with some bad guys!
However, now she is not too angry with each other...
Because ah, that certain villain’s party has been pierced alive by her summoned beast,
Fake Flamelord Ragnaros
True Kamijou Dangma Spear
, and died very much. It's miserable, or even the one that doesn't care about it?
So, when she saw the badass double ponytail in front of her again, she was naturally calm, and she didn't have the urge to set fire to directly burn the other party's anger.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"Yes, it's me!"
"First introduce, my name is Danxi Kiebi, and I am currently a LV4'coordinate movement' with great ability. Now following the order of Prime Minister Aleister, I will wait here and give you this'VIP' Enter this building without doors and windows."
"All right……"
"If you have nothing else to do, prepare quickly. After I send you in, the work will be half done!"
As far as the bidder Danxi is concerned, following the orders of Prime Minister Aleister to send ‘VIP’ into this building without doors and windows is really a job she hates...
Because any'VIP' who is eligible to enter this building is a very important person, so in order to avoid unnecessary risks caused by failure, every time, she not only needs to send guests, but also has to let herself and the guests physically Touch and move the coordinates together! And this is the most troublesome part of this work, even if she can move the designated object on the designated coordinate to another coordinate point without touching it.
Because she had been severely injured by an accident, she had always had a shadow in her heart, so that she didn’t want to move herself frequently in space coordinates. Therefore, she naturally hated the present one like a courtesy reception. Or it is the same job as the gatekeeper, even if she works for the secretary of Prime Minister Aleister, it is the same, anyway, she hates it.
If you think about it from a certain perspective, this job is really for her, a LV4 capable person, and even a genius who was almost rated as a LV5 superpower before, doing this kind of doorman job is really for her. Such an existence is extremely insulting! But there was no way. For some reason, she had to do it, and she didn't dare to slack anymore.
"Excuse me, are you ready? I'm going to send you there now, because I have been here waiting for you guy for three full days, and I don't want to waste any more minutes for you!"
After confirming, Jiebi Danxi walked step by step towards the little girl who didn’t know what she was thinking, and planned to step forward and take the other party’s hand, then send it in, and wait until the other party and the chairman of the board have finished talking. Teleport it out again, and by then, even if her task is perfectly completed, then she no longer has to stay on standby near this building.
You know, she really hates this job. Sometimes she doesn't even dare to move herself. She also hates the guy in front of her who is said to have become a terrorist... But there is no way, as an Anbe's group. 'A member of', she had to obey the direct order of Lord Aleister, even if she was reluctant in her heart.
"It turned out to be coordinate movement..."
No wonder, it’s no wonder that when Little Annie saw the other party rescue the nasty villain and pass, it seems that the other party really did not enter the high temperature and high pressure environment surrounded by her own huge fireball. The bad guy was teleported away.
"Forget it!"
"Anyway, they already know their identity, so they don't need you, an annoying guy to lead the way and teleport, they can go in by themselves!!"
After saying that, after Xiao Anni made a playful face at the other party and spit out a cute little tongue, she suddenly disappeared directly with a'swish', and sent directly to the'windowless building'. , Leaving behind a dazed double ponytail lady who was still outside.
"How, how could this be..."
Obviously, Prime Minister Aleister Crowley probably didn't tell some important news to Dan Xi, who is not an important person. She didn't even know that a certain little girl was actually not some LV5 fire control superpower, but a great magician who knew all kinds of ‘abilities’?
"she was……"
"Isn't she a LV5 flame control superpower? How can she still be able to move in space now?!"
Jiebi Danxi can feel that the little girl, the other party seems to have really teleported herself to this ‘windowless building’, completely without her ability!
"Let me wait here for three days in vain, and now suddenly I don't need me anymore, what's the matter?!"
After looking at the left and right, I made sure that the other party was no longer here, and after I was sure that I didn’t use any coordinate movement ability to help, Kiebi Danxi stomped her feet bitterly, and her resentment towards a certain prime minister’s chief Go deeper.
Now that the matter is clear, the Prime Minister must have concealed a lot of things from her, even if his abilities are important to the other party! That guy, maybe he didn't value her at all, he just treated her as a guard and a dispensable little pawn, right?
Finally, after being angry for a while outside, I felt that neither the LV5 flame control superpower girl just now or the director of Prime Minister Alestar may no longer need their own abilities to provide services, and the bid was concluded. Dan Xi stomped her foot fiercely, turned her head and left outside this'windowless building', and went back to her residence angrily.
And when Kiebi Danxi turned and left, a tragic little girl finally came to the innermost hall of this "windowless building" for the first time, and then stepped on the floor. It is the transparent force field road of the circuit. I curiously looked at the layers of entangled large and small lines and pipes above and... a floating bubble with a diameter of four meters and a total length of more than ten meters, made of tempered glass. , The guy in the cylindrical life support device filled with red liquid.
"You're the bad guy named Aleister, right? It's so pitiful, you can only be in this place every day. Are you not bored?"
"Look, your skin has been soaked white and swollen. It should have been soaking for many years, right?"
Little Annie leaned closer without seeing the place, and then she stretched out one of her tender little fingers, ready to touch it.
‘Yes, it’s me...’
For a long time, when she found that a little girl who was so upset had touched her, and she seemed to want to knock her life support device made of tempered glass was not strong enough, Aleister Klaus Only then did Prime Minister Lee have to sigh in his heart and speak quietly.
'Hello there! ’
‘His Master Anne Hasta! ’
At the same time, for the first time, he directly opened the eyes of his body that had been soaked in liquid and was still wearing a green surgical gown, and then stared straight at someone who had already gotten his face close to him because of curiosity. The little girl in front of you.

Time flies quickly, in the blink of an eye, one afternoon passed...
No, when the night falls, when a nasty little girl ran outside to play, or even went to the "windowless building" to talk to the big boss and worst boss in Xueyuan City. When talking about something, in their secret base, there are dozens of representatives of the sisters of the Misaka family, including Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, Hatsuharu Shiri, Saten Tearko, Inticus, Tosuke Toshin, and Misaka 9982. , Has brought a variety of delicacies to the lawn outside their base headquarters (mansion), ready to hold a large-scale dinner that belongs to them to celebrate the victory.
Due to a certain little girl’s magical means, after obtaining a few new identity cards and a large amount of money, they naturally easily obtained a large amount of supplies, and temporarily were able to deal with the food and other issues of the Misaka sisters. Given the basic solution, so under the circumstance that there is more than enough food and clothing, the celebration this time seems to be logical.
Because, after they successfully wiped out and saved countless sisters and saved the world on a certain evil side, this was indeed a great victory for them, and it was definitely and must be worthwhile. To celebrate.
So today, they spent an afternoon ordering a large number of cooked dishes, seafood, fruits and vegetables, desserts and drinks from outside hotels and restaurants, enough for them and their "waking up" Misaka sisters to enjoy them wantonly. Just like that, in their base free from outside interference, a grand celebration that everyone will remember!
At this time, Misaka Mikoto, who was the organizer, quickly discovered: She didn't seem to see a certain little girl all afternoon? Even if she just asked the nearest sister Misaka, and asked them to search for their ‘sisters’, who are so numerous and scattered throughout the base, that they could not find it?
"It's weird..."
"Um, many points are there now, why I haven't seen the little guy Anne come back, have you seen her?!"
Since it is basically certain that the other party is not in the base, what is not said, the little guy must have gone outside the base to go crazy! Therefore, Mikoto, who was a little annoyed in her heart, had to find another sister of her own after being unable to make the phone call, the nasty pervert who was interfering with her other sisters, who was called The guy from Baijing Kuroko asked.
If in normal times, Mikoto saw the kind of behavior of Kuroko, she would definitely have to beat him up!
However, today, she doesn't want to do that, especially when she is thinking about a little girl who is very stubborn but is essential to their big family.
"Ah! Yes, it's my sister..."
Seeing that the look, dress, and hairstyle are exactly the same as those of the other Misaka sisters, but the expressions on their faces are very rich, and now she looks a little worried and uneasy when the'true' sister came here, Shirai Kuroko Ji Ling, hurrying from the puppets around him, he can see that they are "fake" at a glance, but the touch, flexibility and temperature are exactly the same as those of his sisters and sisters Misaka who are not yet able to resist. He retracted his hands, and teleported to the side with a'swish', and stood upright.
"Report your sister, I didn't see her!"
"Also, I just tried to call that nasty little guy, but I couldn't get through..."
Heizi hurriedly said that she hadn't always been just like this to get to the copy of the sister, and to get around these cute and well-behaved sisters Misaka who would not resist. She just really cared about an absent little girl. The guy has indeed called the other party.
Of course, there are only these things she can do at present, and as for more, the sister really doesn't need to expect too much.
"Today's affairs will be settled by you another day, so you can quickly find that little guy for me!!"
After glancing at the face and figure next to Kuroko, who was exactly the same as himself, but didn't know what Misaka's sisters were, their chests were a little messy, Misaka Mikoto burst into flames in her heart, her forehead After the lightning flashed'crackly' for a few times, he managed to endure his anger and shouted at a certain sister Heizi who had been thinking about such abnormal things all day.
And Mikoto suddenly felt that the man who is still lying on the hospital bed to recuperate, and when the other party’s injury is completely healed, he must hurry up and take him from this secret base. From this point on, they are all women. , And most of them are driven out of the homes of Misaka sisters who don't know they protect themselves!
Anyway, she would never allow any male humanoid creature to stay in the secret Garden of Eden between them and the Misaka sisters, even a male dog! !
"But, the school city is so big, that little guy is so wild-tempered, sister, where do you want me to find her?"
"Could it be that there is a big meal at home today, but she doesn't know, didn't you inform her in advance?!"
For Heizi, now their secret base is about to start celebrations and prepare to start dinner and fireworks displays, so she shouldn't run out around the world to find some nasty little guy at this time!
Besides, let alone her, even if all the Misaka sisters were sent out, it would be easy to find it... So, don't look for it at all, it's a big deal to leave some leftovers. , Pissed off that nasty little guy?
"It seems that there is really no notice in advance..."
Misaka Mikoto was a little bit ashamed, because Kuroko seemed to be right.
Actually, she remembered the celebration in the afternoon when she saw the Misaka sisters rioting and surrounding a kitten. At that time, she just remembered to contact Chuchun Shili and ask the other party to help order such a large amount of food and related ingredients and beverages... So, thinking about it, it seems that the guy Annie had already ran out to play at that time, and When they are busy, they never remember to notify each other in advance?
In this way, a certain nasty kid should have been accidentally forgotten by your sister...
"Well, what a poor little guy..."
But no matter what, the other party is pitiful, but now Heizi will definitely not run out to find someone at this time! Like this romantic night where she can eat and drink and can play with countless "sisters", watch fireworks together, and do some shameful things together, she must not want to miss this opportunity easily.
"It seems that we have to look for it..."
No way, at such an important moment, Misaka Mikoto doesn't want the great hero of Little Annie to be absent, so she is thinking, should we temporarily postpone the start of the celebration so that everyone can stop what is at hand and go out to find it?
"My sister, you are going to go alone, I won't go anyway!!"
After hearing the other party's words, Shirai Heiko, who was afraid of being caught, suddenly moved and appeared farther away.
What she meant was obvious, that was: everything is easy to say, but there is absolutely no discussion about finding someone! Because this academy city is too big, there are 23 school districts and a population of 2.3 million, such a huge city, how can they find the city that they know all day long, even the security team The little guy that the team members and related agencies have been looking for but can't catch?
"Heizi! You..."
When Misaka Mikoto just wanted to continue to say something to Kuroko, she suddenly noticed that Hatsuharu Shiri, Saten Tearko, and Inticus in the distance were running towards them, and the three faces The expression is a little wrong, it looks very anxious, as if something important is happening or has happened?
In this situation, Mikoto, who was planning to go outside to find someone, slammed in her heart, and subconsciously felt that it must have been the little guy who hadn’t come back until now, and their companion. About Little Annie!
"No, it's not good!"
"Mikoto-senpai, hurry up and read this letter!!"
With the long skirt corners of the "mobile church" carrying the monastic clothes, Inticus ran behind with difficulty and the tears that flapped her wings. For a while, Chuchun Shili was panting, and ran violently. He came over and squeezed a letter directly into Mikoto's hands, who was somewhat at a loss.
"This, this is Anne's handwriting, it seems to be a letter..."
"It just appeared in front of us so directly and abruptly, and Sister Indix also said that it seemed to be transmitted back directly by some kind of extremely powerful magic. It directly ignored our base. That kind of space spell, even she doesn't know why it is!"
"Also, the recipient above says your name. We tried it just now, but we couldn't open it..."
"Mikoto-senpai, go and try to open it now!!"
After squeezing the envelope with the crooked upper handwriting into Mikoto-senpai's hand, Chuharu Lili, who was not breathing well, hurriedly urged. At the same time, Inticus and Saten Tearko behind her, as well as Shirai Kuroko who flashed from a distance, all approached curiously at the same time and surrounded Misaka Mikoto who was holding the envelope in her hand.
Although I don’t know what this happened, Mikoto gritted her teeth after thinking about it, and when she reached out her hand, she easily tore off the decorated jewellery. They said exaggeratedly, and they said they couldn’t beat it anyway. Open envelope.
Then, she frowned, reached in and took out a character that was also slanted, obviously it was a letter written by a little girl who was not coming home, and saw that it was still burning. A blossoming anti-counterfeiting magical flame pattern?
A letter to Sister Miqin and everyone:
Hi~! Hello everyone!
Mikoto-senpai, Heizi, the gluttonous Inticus, the lucky angel tears, and the useless LV1 Miss Li, when you received and opened this letter, they had already left. After getting bored with this world, ran into a new world to take an adventure ('Sacrazy' has been crossed out)!
Remember, don’t miss others too much in the future!
Speaking of it, you might not believe that as of this afternoon, people had already talked to the chairman... Yes, it was the one who lived in that "windowless building" called Aleister · Crowley’s long-haired bad guy!
Anyway, that guy is very annoying, he always thinks he knows everything, but he doesn't know anything! I always thought that he was the most powerful in the world. He didn't put others in the eyes at all, and he dared to make some very excessive requests and orders with others. Therefore, when people were angry, if they were not careful, they would Beat him to death...
But soon, they resurrected him...
After that, he refused to accept the counsel, even wanted to fight with others, and split up many, many clones to make trouble... So, seeing things become very troublesome, they had to reluctantly directly enslaved him. , That is, it turned him into a very obedient puppet-like existence.
In short, you don't need to hide in hiding anymore, you can go back to school and go to school again!
Moreover, under the orders of others, the Aleister who was controlled by others, he also sensibly cancelled all the unjust charges that you are carrying now. Anyway, you will soon be yourself of this kind of thing. I know, I won't say much!
By the way, I will tell you quietly, they are actually a magician, and they are super super powerful!
So, the greedy ghost of Indix, you will be less proud in the future. Isn’t it just one hundred and three thousand magic books? What's so great about it. It’s not just relying on others to secretly help and remind you to use it. The magic circle hides our secret base?
o(??^`)o hum!
And, actually, when Indix summoned angels to heal Miss Zuotian Leizi that day, they secretly used magic to catch the angel and forced him to hide in Leizi’s body. Inside, it caused Miss Leizi to become a wild angel. How about it, isn't it amazing?
But, as for whether the angel will leave, or when he will leave that kind of thing, it is not clear to others... Anyway, people think it’s really good to be an angel. You just have to catch your tears every day. That fellow, let her treat you with that kind of light every day, maybe you can all stay young forever! How is it, is it super awesome?
Although there are even more powerful things, such as the Lord God, but after thinking about it, I feel that I don’t want to give it to you for the time being, because people know that if the bad guy, Miss Heizi becomes too strong, he will definitely be very horrible. Then ran out every day to show off!
At that time, if you accidentally provoke a powerful guy, and if they are not here, then you will be miserable...
Also, you remember the last time we squeezed in Intiqs’ room without sleeping in the middle of the night, do you remember? In fact, it's not that people with superpowers can't learn magic, but they must learn magic selectively!
For example, you, sister Mikoto, because you are an LV5'Electric Shocker', so you can only learn the spells of the Thunder system, while the guy like Miss Heizi can only learn the space system, and he still learns with half the effort. That kind of multiple times!
Those who say that those with abilities cannot use and learn magic are all heretics, especially the bad guy named Steele who doesn’t learn well, dyes red hair and smokes. He is just a low-ranking mage, and he is still a young man. The first idiot, so you don't have to pay attention to what he said!
So, if you want to become stronger, go to the gluttonous guy Indikes, she has a full 13,000 books in her mind, so quickly let her find out those that suit your abilities. To learn the magic, just don’t learn it wrong...
Of course, it doesn’t matter if you learn it wrong. Anyway, you can’t die. Even if you really die, you don’t have to worry about it. Just ask Miss Zuotian Leizi to work a little bit to understand the power of the hapless angel earlier. If the soul is still there, it can definitely be rescued!
Also, let me tell you quietly again!
People used to have a very interesting robot, its name is "Little Fatty", it is a third-ranked pet of others, it specializes in bombing the planet, hobby or bombing the planet... Not long ago, I saw it was kept for too long It was a bit pitiful before letting him go out to play, and then it said that it saw the robots in the academy city were very similar to it, so it wanted some companions who could talk to it, and then they agreed and gave it very thoughtfully. It has now made a small piece of something called'Fire Source'.
As for what kind of fire source is, I won’t tell you, because there are no such interesting cartoons and movies called Transformers in your world, and it’s just for nothing, and it’s too troublesome to write...Anyway, I don’t know where Xiaopang left that thing. If you find it in the future, you must definitely keep it carefully!
Remember, don't let it get close to metal and mechanical creations at that time, otherwise, if you are not careful, you will definitely have a major event. Don't blame people for not reminding you in advance!
Let's continue to talk about chubby now...
Didn’t I just say that, people let it out and let it play in the school city? As a result, that guy, he accidentally modified an entire academy city’s cleaning robots and those guard robots with something called the
fire source
. The last time we were eating in the store, someone else I have seen it before, so it is basically certain now that your school city has been completely invaded by Transformers, maybe the entire earth has been invaded, and it is definitely not saved!
Although I don’t know whether they are ‘Automatic’ or ‘Demonist’, as long as you know that they are actually very low-key and will not do bad things casually! If you encounter some terrible enemy in the future or you are beaten badly by the enemy and need help, just call them for help. They promise to be able to fight the enemy to find teeth, and they may still find them all. The kind that can't be found!
At last,
Because they are already going to other worlds to play. Anyway, you don’t understand magic. It’s another world on another plane. It will definitely not come back in a short time, so the board member they got For the time being, the title of Sister Miqin and Sister Heizi will serve as both of you. You can punish whoever is unpleasant at that time. Don't be polite to them!
However, your membership of the board of directors is private, and the authority is the same as that of others. Don't tell others indiscriminately, because people know that if you guys use your brain, you will definitely be unable to beat those old foxes. Therefore, Better to keep a low profile?
Goodbye, everyone...
what! People almost forgot, the secret code for calling those robots for assistance is: "Decepticons, your leader Optimus Prime calls you"!
Only those of you who have read the letter can use this code. Others definitely cannot command those Transformers! However, the instigator, Xiaopang, has been taken away, because that guy is a bit too violent and wants to blow up the earth at every turn, so they won't leave it to you!
It's getting late, let's write so much for now...
In short, during this period of time, people have had a great time here in your academy city. Although they may have caused a lot of trouble, they believe that you are awesome, Mikoto-senpai, there must be a way to solve it!
(??︶??).. .:??
Of course, if you still can't solve it, it can only prove that you are really too stupid, and people won't come back from other worlds to help you, you should die as soon as possible!
That's it, goodbye, remember to miss me!
Forget it, don't think about it, because people definitely don't miss you too much, maybe they will forget you in a few days, so ah, maybe it's Jiangzi.
ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~
Love your little Annie
The letter was written at 23:27:10 on August 20, 20XX...
After a long time, after reading this one, whether it is the words, tone, or the skewed handwriting, you can definitely be sure that it is from a little guy's handwriting, Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, Inticus, Zuo Tian Lei Zi and Chu Chun Shi Li Bian looked at each other speechlessly...
Because there is too much content on this strange letter, for a while, they seem to be a little bit accepting?
"Hey! You say..."
"Is the content written here true? Didn't that little fellow Annie write it to make fun of us?"
For the first time, Bai Jing Heizi became suspicious, because she felt that maybe it was a joke that the nasty little Annie made with them. Maybe the other party would jump out of a corner to laugh at them in the next second?
"I do not know……"
Mikoto shook her head, frowned and looked at the letter in her hand, and looked at the burning anti-counterfeiting patterns on the lifelike flames. She stretched out her fingers to touch them, feeling that they were licking herself like real flames. But it was not too uncomfortable, but after faintly feeling a little warm, she subconsciously felt that this letter and the content written on it should be all true?
"Mikoto! Heizi, and Intiks! Look at this news!"
At this time, it seemed that Chuchun Shili had discovered some important content. After seeing a certain message received on his mobile phone, he hurriedly exclaimed the report content on his mobile phone and the screen. He handed it to Misaka Mikoto and others.
‘The latest news! ’
'Prime Minister Aleister Crowley intervened to cancel the unjustified charges against Misaka Mikoto, Anne Hasta, and Shirai Kuroko, and informed the school city that the chief culprit for the hurricane and disaster three days ago The culprit is one side...'
"In view of the fact that one side of the road has been killed by the warriors, it is now announced that the school status, information card and reputation of Misaka Mikoto and others will be officially restored, all wanted orders and improper charges will be cancelled, and some condolences will be issued..."
'Regarding Misaka Mikoto's copy and a certain evil experiment, the President Aleister Crowley will ask the relevant personnel, including the key leaders of the relevant council members involved, extremely severely. Responsibility, and said it will never tolerate! ’
‘The announcement is as follows...’
Inticus covered her mouth and exclaimed.
Looking at the latest information and announcements being refreshed on the screen of the phone, Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, and Saten Tearko, and Chuharu Shiri, who was the first to discover, were all shocked...
However, at this time, they don't know whether they should be happy for their situation, or should they be sad for a little girl's leaving without saying goodbye? Because, they have to admit now that what Xiao Anni said in the letter should be true, and the other party seems to have done a lot for them without knowing it?
Whoosh~! !
boom! !
Whoosh~! Whoosh~!
boom! boom! boom! !
At this time, when Mikoto’s original plan for the delayed celebration party time notification was not issued in advance, the dull and sluggish sisters Misaka, who only acted according to orders, had no feelings and independent personality at all, saw the time Just when they arrived at the celebration time in the evening, they resolutely followed the previous arrangement and arrangement, lit boxes of fireworks, and let the bunches of colored light bands whizzed into the air and exploded suddenly, forming a flower. A huge colorful flower, and announced that today's party has officially begun.
"They are really..."
The sound of the explosion of fireworks awakened Misaka Mikoto and others. Then, looking at those Misaka sisters who ran to the long buffet table and began to scramble for food in the first time, they looked at those who seemed to be moving towards Inti. As the clones evolved in Kesi's direction, several people sighed dumbly.
"If you have anything, let's talk about it tomorrow. Now, let's celebrate first!!"
Soon, after Misaka Mikoto and her friends met and smiled, they rushed into the line of the large group of Yingyingyanyan's Misaka because now, no matter what In any respect, it is indeed a moment worth celebrating...
As for a certain time, the right shoulder was bandaged and the injury was partially healed. At this time, the hospital bed in the mansion was groaning and was awakened by the sound of fireworks. He wanted to get out of bed to watch the reason or call someone to give it. The man who poured himself a glass of water was forgotten by Mikoto, Kuroko, Tearko, Shiri and Intikes, and countless Misaka sisters.
"What's going on outside..."
'Hey? Is anyone here? Discharge girl? Misaka? Who is outside, come and help me...’
In the room, a weak voice sounded, but it was soon completely obscured by the roaring outside and the sound of fireworks explosions...
?? The next volume preview, please see the author said??

(^▽^)?? Ask for a ticket?? (^▽^)
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