Chapter 923: ? Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic?

  唰! !
   "Oh oh..."
  I just left the academy city where I had stayed for a few months and was tired of playing. After she shuttled and came to this randomly teleported world with a glimmer of light, Little Annie couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.
However, she soon discovered that there did not seem to be any sound from her exclamation, including her own, and the sound she could hear was only from the depths of her throat. It spread in the body and reached her ears, nothing more.
This is actually because, at this moment, she is so helplessly'upright' in the pitch-black cosmic starry sky. There is nothing around her, whether it is up, down, left, or right, or back and forth. There is no sky, no ground, and no ocean... At this moment, she is in a dark and endless cosmic vacuum, and she is still in a state of weightlessness. The whole person is standing like that, spinning slightly spontaneously.
  Of course, it’s also possible that she is not spinning by herself, but the galaxies she can see from a distance, those planets or the faintly radiating ‘constellations’ themselves spinning? Or, the whole universe is spinning, and she just came to this universe, because she has not been affected, so she can see this strange scene that she is the center of the world and the whole world is spinning around her. ?
   "Look! Tibbers..."
   "I really miss it. Looking at this scene, people seem to really miss the first time I went to the Kepulu region before!"
  Yes, Annie is indeed thinking of the magical scene when she left the earth in the Caribbean world before and used space gems to reach the Kepulu region for the first time...
At that time, the space gem was still very blue, and there was only one. She herself was just a little girl with only a demigod in strength, and her own little bear was also stupid... At that time, when she was in space When you are here, you still need to use a powerful magic shield to protect yourself in all directions, so as not to cause serious damage to your body by the harmful rays and the cruel vacuum environment that exist in the universe?
She still remembers that it was the first time that she left the gravitational range of the planet and was in a dangerous and vast universe, but fortunately, her strength and response were enough to deal with various emergencies at that time. Lost his life because of the ragged gem that was transported indiscriminately.
   "However, Tibbers..."
   "Maybe it's because you have seen too much. Now that you see those beautiful planets and nebulae, compared to the first time when people looked at it, it always feels far worse!"
It’s now in the blink of an eye. Although the previous events are still vivid, her Queen Anne has become super powerful, and she is once again in the vacuum of the dark universe like this, even without any protection. Standing directly in this dangerous vacuum environment, she would not be harmed by those rays or the zero-pressure vacuum environment. Even without protection, she didn't even feel the slightest discomfort!
However, corresponding to this, when she was once again in the universe and looked at the beauty in the universe, she seemed to no longer have the complexities of curiosity, surprise, shock, and perplexity when she saw it for the first time. Feelings... After all, in those days when she wandered around in the Kepulu region and the world of Mass Effect, she had seen too many beautiful starry skies, and she might have been tired of seeing it or Already have a strong immunity to deep sky scenery?
  (● ̄(?) ̄●)
   (Tibbers doesn’t want to talk now...
Because there are no enemies, no matter, even within a distance of tens of thousands of light-years, there are no planets or spaceships, and the horrible little lord of the house is not like before, he will die without breathing, so Ah, let her do whatever she wants. It doesn't want to control it and can't control it. Even if she is willing to stay here and do nothing, it doesn't matter if she stays for tens of thousands of years! If a bad little master can really have that kind of patience, he will definitely be very surprised and willing to accompany him! ! )
  Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with Tibbers's hunch!
  Is this not?
  In less than a minute, a little girl who had a clear view of the surrounding universe environment and scenery became a little impatient.
Therefore, she began to use her own boundless and powerful mental power, and without the help of any equipment, she brazenly began to forcibly capture a lot of information in this large seemingly empty universe. , And quickly screened and analyzed it.
   "Sure enough, it is another technologically advanced universe..."
   "It's just that there seems to be something interesting here... and the world seems to be no worse than the original Kepulu region?"
  Just now, Annie obtained the key words of some information she wanted to know from the information she captured through quantum entanglement or other more efficient methods, such as:
The Galactic Republic, the capital of the Republic, Coruscant, Naboo, Oderon, Corella, Republican Council, Galactic Credit Point, Trade Alliance, Magical Force, powerful Jedi Knights, Jedi Order and Jedi Temple and where and where There is another conflict, where is the war again, and the exchanges or transaction information with those more complicated individuals, etc...
Anyway, in the blink of an eye, Little Annie easily cracked countless encrypted messages, so that the communication signals entangled and spread in the universe were easily intercepted by her, compiled and roughly obtained. Know the specific meaning.
But, little Annie didn’t actually jot down all the complicated information. She just learned about the important information about the country, religion, race, etc. in the universe in which she lived, and probably in her mind. After constructing a general star map and the concept of sphere of influence, all the boring information intercepted was left behind.
"First of all……"
"Tibbers, people need a spaceship now. Although it doesn’t matter if you stand in a vacuum like this, but in order to prevent the aliens in this universe from seeing us as monsters, at least we are still You need a ship to be a ship!!"
  That’s right, Xiao Anni is now planning to go to the Galactic Republic, to the capital planet Coruscant where all the participating countries send members to the Galactic Council to conduct parliamentary politics and have a good time!
According to the information and information she learned, if it is not wrong, the planet itself should be a huge interstellar metropolis, but I don’t know if it’s fun, and Kepulu, who is with her Master Anne. Has the capital Haiwenxing, which is being built more and more beautiful in the sector, comparable?
However, before going to the planet of Coruscant, all she has to do is to get a spaceship and a slightly legal and reasonable identity, or else, as before, directly teleport to it and use the'nothing "Identity" or "fake identity" to wander around in a highly intelligent and automated interstellar city is too silly and too easy to be discovered.
Although she is not afraid of others coming to ask for trouble, but the kind of malicious things that sneak into other people’s cities is seriously inconsistent with her Queen Anne and Head Anne’s status, so she will not do that kind of boring and What a sneaky thing again! So, it's better to get a boat to dock or visit in an open manner?
(Report to the little master! There are no planets, no spaceships, or remnants of any battlefields nearby for tens of thousands of light-years. If you want to get a spaceship or lifeboat nearby like the last time, it’s like in the Kepru district. If you get the status of a'refugee' and integrate into this world, then you should die as soon as possible! Maybe you can go to another place and grab one?
  (● ̄(?) ̄●)
  Actually, when Tibbers and his little masters just arrived in this strange world before, they did their best to scan the surrounding airspace where they were located. But it's a pity that there is nothing here, no matter if the horrible little master of his family wants to rob the house or pick up the omission, it is obviously absolutely impossible. )
   "Hey! Tibbers, are they as bad as you say? Why do they have to grab a spaceship? They are not the kind of badass interstellar pirates!!!"
  Originally, Little Annie really wanted to do that kind of thing in the past. Of course, she just subconsciously thought a little bit, just a little bit, but not too much, and she didn’t make up her mind at all?
However, now that a certain bad bear has said everything, then she can't do that kind of injustice and bad things. Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that her great Queen Anne herself had with a certain bad bear. Is Tibbers all the way?
and so,
She decided that this time, she wanted to get a big spaceship openly, then enter the planet Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic, and finally use regular channels to gain the status of being tall in this world, and proceed here. My own enjoyable play and adventure are not as unbearable as a certain bad bear imagined!
(Anyway, it’s not the first time you have done that kind of thing... Well, dear little master, what do you plan to do this time? Is it to prepare your boat that can be used as a house? 'To call out the sightseeing cruise ship?
After feeling that his little master’s extremely severe death gaze locked on him, Tibbers, who was about to say something, quickly changed his words, as if to please him, proactively showed the other party that he was in the first place. A bad idea that came to mind at a time. )
  O(`′)o hum!
  "Xiaobai is too small, not powerful enough at all. What people want now is a battleship that is big enough and domineering enough, but we can’t let the aliens in this world look down upon us easily!!"
   (Okay, the little one understands! Little master, what do you plan to summon a fleet from the Kepulu region?
From the words of a messy little girl, Tibbers knows what the other party wants to do without thinking about it. Therefore, for the first time in private for this universe that is about to suffer a major disaster A sorrow. )
   "Tibbers, you are really strange, people are here to play, and they are not here to fight, why do they have to call a fleet out?"
  ? (?`▽′?)╭??●v?v●?
The army fleet is used for wars, and the premise of the war is that there are powerful or powerful guys in this world that provoke her, and then make her very angry. Only in that case, the army or Fleet or something is possible.
   "Anyway, it's not a whole fleet!"
   "People now only need one battleship, a larger one, which can deter those aliens a little, and let them not underestimate our battleship!!!"
After speaking, Little Annie took out an instrument from her pocket, and after quickly entering her authorization key, she began to cast spells and locate the plane coordinates of the world, and began to talk to her own Kep An office in Haiwenxing, the capital of Luxing District, called again.
The meaning she sent out is actually very obvious. It just needs a mighty and domineering ship, can't shame her, and must have a certain level of combat effectiveness. If necessary, you can teach some bad aliens and let her be a little decent. Just enter the spacecraft on the Coruscant planet. As for other things, she didn't ask too much.
(Does it take that much trouble? You can teleport and arrive where you want to go, and where do you need a battleship? How slow is that? If their aliens dare not let you go to their planet, you Simply send out the chubby robot, and a few missiles have blown up their planet. When the time comes, who dares to oppose you?
Tibbers still feels that it is more troublesome to summon a spacecraft from the Kepru region, and then fly to the destination after boarding it up, rather than teleporting it directly and arriving in an instant with a'swoosh'. It is also not accustomed to the way that a bad little master suddenly becomes regular, that's not the style of the little master that it knows who likes to do whatever he wants. )
   "You shut up! Tibbers!"
Little Annie ignored the words of a messy little bear, and quickly entered the approximate requirements of the ship she needed on the instrument she took out, and sent it to the Kepulu region along with the coordinates. Then began to wait patiently.
  (Well, little master, you can be happy...
  E=(′?`●))) alas
Tibbers did not speak any more, because it discovered that a certain group of "Evil Tribe Axis" that has become addicted to invasion of other planes and the universe has been based on it for the first time by the wicked little master of Tibbers The emitted coordinates opened a huge portal in the deep space of the dark universe not far in front of it, which was obviously opened by simulating space gems that could cross different planes and emit a blue light.
  It is obvious that some guys are very efficient at processing the signals of the messy little master of his family, maybe even some can’t wait? )
  ‘Report! The great head of Anne, this is the commander of the ghost force Nova, now leading the new flagship of the ghost force "Phantom Crisis" to report to you, please give your instructions! ! ’
Soon, following a huge, "t"-shaped giant ship with the distinct style of the Kepulu human race, instantly leaped over from the other side of the teleporters, and one wore a ghost suit with beautiful long blond hair. , With a high ponytail, and casually pinned the eyepieces on his head, the holographic image of the heroic female officer standing upright and saluting appeared above the communication device in the hands of Little Annie.
  The person here is surprisingly the acquaintance Nova of Little Annie. In addition to the missing Kerrigan in the Kepulu zone, the leader of the ghost force and the eleventh level of the ‘psidex’ phantom power!
   "Tibbers, what a big spaceship, when did they make new things, why don't I know at all?!"
  Little Annie doesn't care about that Nova, because they are already familiar with each other, and each other is her subordinate, so she will not be polite to each other or something!
Now, what she is more concerned about is that a huge bear head badge is nailed to the bow of the ship. The length seems to be at least several thousand or even tens of thousands of meters, the width is also five to six kilometers, and the height seems to reach three to four kilometers. Big metal bumps! Anyway, she liked this big guy very much, and, even she didn't expect that the guys in the Kepru region would find a ship that met her own requirements so quickly.
  (● ̄(?) ̄●)
(You are no longer staying in the Kepulu zone, I am afraid there will be more things that you don’t know... Of course, Tibbers just thought about this in private, and he did not directly'speak' to himself. Not happy to find it.)
  Ship name: Phantom Crisis
  Ship status: the flagship of the command ship of the ghost force in the Kepru sector
  Faction: Terran of the tribal council of the Heroic Federation of the Kepru District
  Origin of the ship: The Fifth Scientific Research Factory directly under the Federation of Haven Star Capital Region
  Captain: Commander of the Human Ghost Forces, Federal Five-Star Ghost Admiral Nova
  Standard length: 12,324,3 meters
  Standard width: 6,928 meters (including antenna)
  Standard height: 4,833.46 meters (5 kilometers after the main gun is deployed)
  'Phantom Crisis' new heavy stealth special attack battleship is a cutting-edge large-tonnage'Phantom'-class space main battleship (with visual and radar stealth possible)!
The ship is equipped with a new and extremely powerful firepower system, a more powerful multi-group combined nuclear fusion super-energy reactor, an adaptive superalloy armor with a thickness of up to tens of meters (partially repairable), and a space-distorted transmission jump , Cross-plane support jumping device, super-strength shield generator and neutron fusion magic cannon and other advanced combat equipment.
  Due to the large tonnage, the ship looks more like a huge starry sky fortress...
After installation, the "Phantom Crisis" is not only the flagship of the Ghost Force Commander Nova, but also the mobile headquarters of the entire Heroic Federation Ghost Force. In addition to all the relevant combat functions it should have, it also has countless functional cabins and The huge leisure space allows the occupants to relax, relax and train as they please. After supplementing energy and materials once, if necessary, they can carry out voyages and high-intensity battles for up to dozens of standard Earth years. It is one of the newest standard new warships of the Hero Federation of Kepulu.
  ’Report the great head Anne! ’
  ‘Our ship has locked your position, and the high-speed landing ship is on its way to meet up. Please prepare for boarding! ’
  At this time, when a little girl was busy checking the relevant data of the battleship "Phantom Crisis", the holographic image of Nova saluted her again and reported loudly.
   "I know, because I have seen them coming!!"
In the distance, in the dark deep-space universe, Little Annie saw at a glance a ceremonial landing craft and several escorted Viking fighters that seemed to be modified with medical transport ships flying towards her at high speed. They were flashing obvious navigation lights and flying at high speed...
  Coruscant Planet...
This is a steel city where the entire planet is actually a huge interstellar city. All kinds of towering buildings cover the entire planet's surface, and in the space above the buildings and in the gaps between them, All kinds of large and small spaceships and transportation boats are shuttled back and forth, row upon row, sailing in an orderly manner on the horizontal and vertical transportation routes.
  Just looking at it like this, you can know how prosperous this planet is. It is worthy of being the capital, parliament, and government department of the Galactic Republic, which governs countless participating countries!
Moreover, it is said that the entire planet has a full five thousand one hundred and twenty-one layers of metal'crust', which is equivalent to five thousand one hundred and twenty-one'spherical shells' of various sizes. Layers of layers are intertwined together, there are almost five thousand Coruscant planets inhabitable area and the number of'one trillion' (one trillion) or even more permanent'ground' residents!
  It can be seen how great this Coruscant planet and this Galactic Republic are! !
However, although the Galactic Republic is extremely prosperous and great, it represents the pinnacle of power. As the highest speaker of the Galactic Council of the Republic, Phoenix Valoren did not live very comfortably... No, he is now. Because of all kinds of troubles, he had to come to the Jedi Temple and talk to Master Yoda of the Jedi Council.
The Jedi Committee is composed of twelve Jedi masters. The Jedi Order under its leadership is the main peacekeeping force of the Galactic Republic. The Jedi Knights not only act as the generals of the military force, but also control the Republic’s national defense and military, as well as diplomats. And so on rights and responsibilities, but under normal circumstances, the Jedi committee does not directly participate in politics, and correspondingly, the highest speaker of the Republic rarely establishes political authority in the Jedi committee, but this does not affect the relationship between them Communicate normally!
Otherwise, when the Trade Alliance blocked the peaceful Naboo, the Supreme Speaker of Valoren would not bypass the bureaucratic and complicated procedures of the Galactic Council and directly request the Jedi Council to send a Jedi envoy to perform secret tasks. Trying to negotiate to end Naboo's crisis.
   "Phoenix, I think you should sit down and have a cup of tea first..."
"Although I really don't want to hit you, as an old friend, I still have to say... Since you are the Supreme Speaker of the Republic, you should perform your duties, and being kind-hearted and mellow is not only your advantage. At the same time, it's your biggest failure! You are here to complain to me or want me to find a way to help you solve it. There is no reason, because it is of no use to solving the problem of Naboo."
   "We have bypassed the parliament and sent a Jedi envoy directly. What do you want me to do? Can we still send troops to stop the trade alliance?"
Short stature, with a pair of sharp ears, the skin of the whole body is green and wrinkled, and even sparse white hair is beginning to grow on the head. The Jedi Council masters are over 900 years old, and some of the highly respected Master Yoda The Supreme Speaker, Phoenix Valoren, who was standing in front of him in his own drawing room with earnest words, just kept pacing and refused to sit down.
Without the legal authorization of the parliament, their Jedi committee sent a special envoy in advance to negotiate to end the tax crisis of Buna Star, which is already the maximum thing they can do at present. As for other things, I really can't expect too much.
  Because, obviously more things should be done by the Supreme Speaker of the Galactic Republic in front of them, rather than the masters of the Jedi Committee.
   "I know, Master Yoda!"
   "Although I am the speaker, I cannot do anything in the parliament hall...because I have to abide by the so-called ‘legitimate’ bureaucratic methods and complicated discussions..."
  "Also, you may have already felt that, Master, I, the highest speaker, is becoming more and more powerless with the parliament. I think I may be slowly losing control of the parliament..."
  Speaking of this, the Supreme Speaker Phoenix Valoren stood still, then turned around and looked at the Master Yoda sitting on the seat with helpless and pleading eyes.
  "Master Yoda..."
   "If I can, I even hope to get the guidance of the master from your force and tell me what to do next?"
  To tell the truth, for Phoenix Valoren, he, the highest speaker, the highest leader of the Galactic Republic, is indeed very useless!
However, there is no way, because the power in his hands as the speaker is actually very limited. No matter what he wants to do, he must be held hostage by the bureaucratic process, and at the same time, the parliament is firmly'bound' His hands and feet, even if he wants to do more, he wants to do things that are beneficial to the Republic according to his own wishes.
  However, in the face of Supreme Speaker Phoenix Valoren’s request for help, Master Yoda did not speak, he just sighed and closed his eyes.
   "The force is everywhere, it surrounds and penetrates us, my force cannot guide you, you should guide yourself."
   "Actually, as the highest speaker, you should be more powerful..."
  Speaking of this, Master Yoda sighed again. He was kind to the character in front of him, and he could even be said to be the cowardly Supreme Speaker. There was not much he could do with this friend who easily succumbed to unfounded accusations.
  After all, their Jedi Committee has its own principles and they will not interfere in politics. Because, whether it is this universe or this Galactic Republic, they all need to be balanced... The most important thing their Jedi masters should do is to maintain balance, not to break them.
   "But, what should I do, and how can I be tough?!"
Phoenix Valoren spread his hands helplessly. He himself, the Speaker, was constrained in every way. The power seemed to be at the pinnacle of the Galactic Republic, but in fact, there were few decisions and orders he could issue alone , Even if he wants to be a little tougher, the members of the parliament still have a way to shut him up and veto his proposal.
  "Calculate the time, I think, Jedi Master Kui Gang and his apprentice Obi-Wan may have arrived in Naboo by now and are preparing to start secret negotiations with the trade alliance that blocks it..."
   "Phoenix, sending them to perform secret missions and expecting to try to end the crisis through negotiation is your instruction, so now, all we have to do is wait!"
  "As long as Kui Gang and Obi-Wan can successfully complete the task, I think your problem will be solved...At that time, in the Parliament, your right to speak and prestige will definitely be improved, right?"
  Master Yoda did not tell the Supreme Speaker Phoenix Valoren what to do, because that is not the area that their Jedi Council and Jedi Masters should touch. He must carefully guard the bottom line that their Jedi Masters should stick to.
  After all, in a sense, their Jedi committee bypassed the parliament and sent secret envoys to Naboo Star for negotiations, which was a bit of an ultra vires! And if it weren’t for the request of the highest speaker in front of them, I’m afraid they wouldn’t do that kind of ‘violation’ without legal authorization, right?
"Fine! Then I will wait patiently for the time being... I hope that Queen Amidala of Naboo will be safe? Because I always feel that the trade alliance is outrageous because our parliament has ordered a trade route tax in remote galaxies. There is something wrong with the blockade of Naboo, but I don’t know what is wrong..."
   "I always feel..."
Just as the Supreme Speaker of the Galactic Republic, Phoenix Valoren, was preparing to say that he felt something was wrong, and he insisted on ordering the Jedi Committee to send the Jedi Master Naboo to the present Master Yoda in order to win When the other party received more support, he suddenly had to stop, press a device in his hand for the first time, and start to browse quickly on the holographic screen above.
"this is……"
  "The battleship "Phantom Crisis" of the Hero Federation of the Kepru District and the head of the Hero Federation Anne Hasta are on a state visit to the Galactic Republic?"
   "Also, the warship was driven into the defense circle of Coruscant before being discovered. How could this be possible?!"
  The Supreme Speaker, who was about to continue discussing business matters with Master Yoda, was so shocked that he stood up suddenly from the sofa that was not warm after sitting down.
As to where the Kepru region is, or which country the Hero Federation is, he, Phoenix Valoren, the highest speaker does not care at all, and does not know anything about the existence of the other party, but he only knows, one A space battleship of unknown origin ran into the defense circle of the Coruscant planet before being discovered, that would definitely not be a trivial matter!
  I’m afraid, now the entire Galactic Council has exploded, right?
Think about it, too, if the visitor is not the invincible so-called unfamiliar country of the Hero Federation that is going to conduct a state visit, but a certain evil-intentioned force, as long as the opponent is facing the surface of Coruscant at that distance. A shot from the ground, regardless of whether the fight is not won, the highest speaker, Phoenix Valoren, must step down at the latest tomorrow!
   "Master Yoda!"
  "Have you heard of the country called the'Heroic Federation' located in the Kepru District?"
After reading the above briefing for a while and asking himself to return to the parliament as soon as possible to carry out the relevant reception work, before leaving, Phoenix Valoren hesitated for a while, and then stared at him curiously. , It seems that Master Yoda who just heard his exclamation asked.
He believed that even if the other party did not hear clearly, the information he just saw from his wrist must have been'seeing' the Jedi Master in front of him. After all, The Force is a very magical thing, for Master Yoda For this highly respected master with hundreds of years of experience, it must be not too difficult to'read' the briefing that he saw at the moment just now?
  "Kepru District...Heroic Federation..."
   "I'm sorry, Phoenix, if my head, which has lived for hundreds of years, remembers correctly, this should be the first time I have heard these two words..."
After pondering for a while, Master Yoda closed his eyes and shook his head slightly, saying that he knew nothing about the Kepru region and the Federation of Heroes, and for the defense of the battleship to Coruscant. Countries that have only identified themselves and are preparing for state visits within the circle are also completely confused.
However, I don’t know why, Master Yoda is always faintly uneasy. It seems that the Force is trying to predict something to him, but he can’t figure out what it is like. meaning?
   "Don't even know you?"
  "Finally! That being the case, Master Yoda, I'll leave now!"
  Now the parliament is urging itself to go back. After all, it is to receive a new head of state from an unknown country who has emerged and made a ‘friendly visit’ momentum. He, Phoenix Valoren, the highest speaker of the Galactic Republic’s Assembly, must be present! Therefore, after nodding to Master Yoda at the end, he hurriedly turned and left, rushing to the apron outside the Jedi Temple.
   instinctively told him that the hero federation of the new Kepulu sector must be a bad one! This is because no country will drive the invisible main battleship into the defensive identification circle of other countries, and then it will show up and issue the so-called ‘State Visit’ notice!
Moreover, the opponent’s
soldiers first and courtesy later
showed sufficient deterrence before pretending to issue a request for a peaceful visit, which does not conform to the current general etiquette norms in the galaxy at all. It must be a conspiracy. !
  Even though, he Phoenix Valoren still doesn’t know what the other party wants to plot?
  "May the force be with you..."
Master Yoda, who can’t mix political matters, nodded his head and watched the other party leave and prepared to share the information he had just obtained in the announcement of the Jedi Temple, so that all the Jedi committees Apart from his masters and other Jedi masters knowing in advance, there is not much he can do.
   "I seem to see the darkness shrouding and the force retreating. Is this my illusion..."
  Wait until Phoenix Valoren left, and when he shared the news that he had just learned with the other Jedi masters for the first time, Master Yoda stood up quietly and looked out the window.
Here, he cannot see with his eyes the visiting battleship of the Hero Federation of the Kepru District and the personnel on the opposing battleship, but that does not prevent him from using the Force to perceive his current Everything you can perceive.
  Because Master Yoda believes that if there is anything, the ubiquitous Force in the universe will definitely tell him or ‘foretell’ something, just like he felt a little bit wrong just now?
  It’s just that now he can’t grasp that feeling...
  ???(ˊ?ˋ)???? New volume ask for votes????(ˊ?ˋ)???
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