Chapter 931: come! You guys are chasing me o(?)o...

Latest website: The environment of the universe is silent, except for the distant stars, stars and some relatively close planets, as seen from the spacecraft flying in space, nothing can be seen , I can't hear anything, it's black everywhere...
And above the high synchronous orbit of the planet Naboo, when the corrupt lawmakers on the planet Coruscant who only open their eyes and talk nonsense are still arguing and vying for the new Supreme Speaker of the Republic, a huge ship Yes, the two-thirds ring-shaped mothership that belongs to the trade alliance and is unique to the Nemoidya people, they are so carelessly docked on the synchronous orbit of Naboo, without worrying about it. Some spacecraft or personnel dispatched by the Republic came here to investigate the situation.
The one with a diameter of more than 3,000 meters looks like a flat dish, but in the middle of the dish, there is a huge sphere that contains the bridge and reactor components, and there is a gap in the front of the dish, revealing two A huge dock hatch, and there are huge battleships lined with mooring claws outside the hatch. A glance at the number of them knows that there may be hundreds of them!
At this time,
This kind of warship, which is known to be not serious at a glance, is obviously modified from a cargo spacecraft. It is an armed spacecraft that combines'transportation' and'combat' purposes. They are docked on the synchronous orbit, completely giving Naboo Star Tuantuan died under siege.
With the advantages of the various equipment on their spacecraft and the fighters they carry, they can easily block all the orbits and external communications of the entire planet.
And if any investigation ships from the Republic came here at this time, it would not be difficult to find out the situation here, proving that the facts and the accusation made by the Queen of Naboo against the Trade Union in the parliament hall were completely correct!
However, it is a pity that...
Obviously, no one in the Republic’s parliament cares about the Naboo star far away in the outer ring of the galaxy and the life and death of the Naboo people living on it. What they are more concerned about at this time is that they are in the core world of the Republic. Interests, their own power, and whether the highest speaker of the republic that is about to be elected will be theirs!
If after all the dust settles, there is really nothing that can make them feel that they can argue, maybe they will remember that there was once another planet was besieged by the so-called "warship" of the trade alliance, and then there was Maybe they will pretend to send people to take a casual look to see if the people of Naboo have been extinct?
Of course, even if that kind of thing does happen, it must be a long time later, and it will have no effect at all in resolving the current bad situation of Naboo.
‘Your Excellency, here, and here...’
‘Here also needs to be focused, if it’s me, I might come from here...’
"It makes sense..."
‘And here, at least two squadrons of reconnaissance aircraft must be sent! ’
The governor of the Trade Alliance, Newt Gunley, is working with his adjutant, the Nemoidian commander, to study a hologram of the orbit and the deployment situation around Naboo. He wants to work hard to check it. Are there any loopholes that cannot be monitored or are difficult to defend... As for why they have to do so even when they have completely occupied Naboo and are still in charge of robot automatic defense and other professional commanders To do that kind of complicated arrangement and deployment work, it is temporarily unknown.
‘? ? ’
Suddenly, whether it was the governor of the Trade Union Newt Gunley or his commander, they all raised their heads at the same time and looked at the robot running at the gate of the palace in confusion.
‘Report to the Governor! ’
'Just now we have successfully discovered Queen Padmé Amidala's spacecraft. When they tried to sneak into Naboo, they were discovered by us and had entered an ambush. They are now being surrounded and pursued by our fighters. According to calculations, they are Can't escape, what's your order? ! ’
In the palace of Queen Naboo Star, this action was a bit clumsy. At first glance, I knew that it was the kind of low-cost robot that quickly walked to the throne that was supposed to belong to Queen Amidala and stood here. The Governor of the Trade Union, Newt Gunley, and the Nemoidian commander beside the opponent reported.
It is a TC-14 only furniture robot. Although it looks a bit clumsy, it is much more advanced than the cheaper B1 combat robot. It was also responsible for hosting Europe. Master Biwang even almost killed the two Jedi envoys.
"They're finally here? How many spaceships are there in total, have you spotted the Republic assault ship or that kind of Republic cruiser dispatched by the Parliament of the Republic?!"
at last,
After waiting for many days in panic, and finally hearing the news that the stupid woman had returned to Naboo, the governor of the trade alliance Newt Gunley couldn't help but startled, and then hurriedly opened his mouth and asked the robot that came forward. Focus on the kind of content you care about most.
Although he had learned from the members of the parliament and certain reliable channels that Queen Amidala came back alone, the other party failed to convince the parliament, but stupidly let the highest speaker who had supported her be deposed? However, he was still a little worried about accidents, afraid that the unplanned situation that he least wanted to see would happen like the unauthorised spaceship on board the Jedi Knight envoy last time.
‘Report to the Governor! ’
‘Except for the J-327 Rebia spacecraft and the Naboo Royal Interstellar spacecraft, we have not found any third-party spacecraft or space warships approaching. ’
‘The Republic Assault Ship and the Republic Cruiser you mentioned did not find any trace at all. ’
Soon, that clumsy silver robot with a shiny appearance said something that made the Governor of the Trade Union feel relieved, and it finally calmed him a little bit after he had been frightened for several days.
"Immediately follow the original plan and directly force them to surrender! If it doesn't work, then... then shoot it down as planned and destroy all the evidence that they existed!!"
Up to now, since the Republican Assembly has been slow to respond, it can even be said to be completely ignored. Since their trade alliance has completely and illegally invaded and occupied the entire Naboo Star, since they have already done this kind of thing that will never be taken by the Parliament. For crimes that the courts easily let go, since the act of aggression has become an established fact, then simply do nothing but do it more thoroughly, so that when things are revealed, the evidence will be grasped by others?
‘Yes! ’
‘Your Excellency, I’m going to make arrangements now and follow the original plan. ’
Watching the robot leave obediently, there is no hesitation about the imminent capture or even the murder of a country’s queen. Newt Gunley and the commander Nemoidia who is his own adjutant next to him are looking at each other. After a glance, he finally let out a sigh of relief.
‘They only have one spaceship, and they are still unarmed, your Excellency, please rest assured, they will definitely not be able to escape! ’
In the eyes of this Nemoidia commander, Queen Amidala and the gang, when they returned to Naboo from the planet Coruscant, the capital of the safe republic, their fate, In fact, it has already been decided.
But now, the life and death of the opponent is completely controlled by their trade alliance. If they can successfully surrender the opponent later, and then arrest the stupid woman of Naboo, they must be able to force the opponent to sign and make them legal. The kind of agreement to occupy or'host' Naboo! By then, as long as the procedures are legal, even if the parliament wakes up and sends a warship or investigation delegation here, they will not be afraid at all!
"I hope it's like that..."
"But we still have to contact that one first, and I don't know why. Although I have never believed in the force of the Jedi Knights, I don't know why, but I always feel a little uneasy... Maybe today’s things are not as simple as we thought?"
I looked around and found that I was surrounded by all my subordinates, all of which were 1.91 meters tall and weighed 85 kilograms. They were designed and manufactured by the Baktoyd Combat Robot Company. Maybe the cost of one was not what they had in hand. After the E-5 blaster wanted a more valuable stupid B1 robot, he quickly used his portable device to start connecting with the big man who funded and guaranteed their actions with the help of the spacecraft in space.
Soon, as the communication was connected, a blue, robe and hood, but a phantom of a figure who could not see his appearance at all appeared in front of the two of them. After that, they respected. Stand together respectfully and give a salute.
‘Since you’re looking for me that the woman, she’s now in Naboo, and was successfully caught by you? ! ’
As soon as the blue holographic shadow appeared, he asked for the first time, looking a little anxious.
Therefore, from the rhythm of the other party’s speaking, Governor Newt Gunley could easily hear that the other party’s tone not only had a trace of boredom and impatience, but also looked very irritable. Without the calmness and sharpness that made them feel irritable and pretentious in the past... That feeling is like the other party has been in trouble, or something uncomfortable, so that I am very impatient at this time. Is it normal to initiate this contact request?
"Master Da, Das Sidious, your information is extremely correct. The Royal Starship of the Naboo has returned, and now it has fallen into our trap. There are more than a hundred They were surrounded by fighters, and in this situation they would definitely not be able to escape!"
"So, do you have any other instructions?"
Although I don’t know why the other party behaved so violently this time, Newt Gunley thought hard and felt that he didn’t seem to have made any mistakes, and he still cautiously nodded towards the other side and reported this irritability. News, hope this news can make the other party a little bit happy?
‘Counting the time, they should have arrived at this time...’
The blue holographic hooded figure hesitated for a while, and then quickly changed to that extremely harsh tone.
‘Now, you two idiots listen to me: if you can, try to catch them alive, I want the Queen Amidala on that ship and a little girl named Annie! ’
‘If you can’t catch them alive, just shoot them down. You can’t let them run faster than the speed of light, otherwise, you know what the consequences are! ! ’
Maybe it was really disturbed by something particularly annoying, so the holographic phantom of the Blue Hooded man was actually a little hysterical at this moment in the direction of Trade Governor Newt Gunley and the Nemoidya next to him. The two commanders roared, and the two of them couldn't help but shrink back two steps and nod their heads.
"Yes! Your lord, we understand!"
"My lord, please rest assured, we will definitely not let them run away, there must be no accidents..."
It was originally to report a piece of good news, but unexpectedly, the result was somehow reprimanded. Newt Gunley and the commander next to him hurriedly bowed their heads and agreed, daring not to say more, let alone catching it. Ask for credit in advance before you reach or shoot down the opponent.
'Humph! ’
‘Don’t let me down, otherwise you will definitely not end well...’
The next second, when the frightened two raised their heads, the blue phantom immediately unilaterally closed the communication after the last warning, so that the blue hooded holographic image instantly appeared from their bodies. The former disappeared without a trace.
After looking at each other, the two Nemoidyas who relaxed could not help but sighed helplessly together.
Obviously, they knew it a long time ago. It doesn't seem to be a good choice to do errands under the hands of such a big man. However, they have no other way, and they can only do their best to follow the instructions of the other party. do.
'report! ’
At this time, after the blue phantom had just disappeared for half a minute, the robot that hadn't been away for a long time walked back awkwardly, and walked into the palace.
"Why are you here again? Did that ship surrender or was the opponent shot down?!"
Governor Newt Gunley was a little puzzled. Could it be that he caught or... destroyed the enemy ship?
It must have been shot down in such a short time, right? Anyway, after being ambushed and besieged by hundreds of robotic starfighters on his side, plus being within the orbit and gravitational influence of Naboo, the opponent must have no way to escape...Although, he may prefer to live. , But, as the adult just said, if they can’t be captured alive, they’ll be destroyed directly, so now if the opponent is shot down from space, it doesn’t seem to be completely impossible?
‘Report to the Governor! ’
‘The enemy’s spacecraft has just destroyed eight fighters in one direction from our side. It is currently rushing towards Naboo’s low-Earth orbit. It is expected to break through our encirclement and land on the planet’s ground in more than 20 minutes. ’
Although the Governor's ideals are full, the TC-14 intelligent robot still uses the skinny reality to give the two big men and officials of the trade alliance a lesson, letting them know that sometimes the plan often fails to catch up. Change, what is more afraid of, that kind of thing will happen more easily?
"TC-14, do you know what you are talking about? Didn't you just report that the ship, the Royal Naboo starship is not armed?"
"Then tell me now, what kind of weapon did they use to break our interstellar fighter and break out of the encirclement?!"
After a while, Newt Gunley rushed to the TC-14 robot in a hysterical and flustered manner, and roared loudly at the kind-hearted iron head of the other side, just about not pulling out his waist directly. The explosive pistol turned the opponent's spear into a ball of useless scrap!
‘Report to the Governor, we don’t know...’
‘Because that is illogical, but it does not rule out the suspicion that their spacecraft was partially modified on Coruscant. ’
Although his governor roared at him, the TC-14 robot still used the tepid electronically synthesized sound to tell the governor a more logical guess that its computer analyzed.
"Continue to send fighter planes. Be sure to stop them for me and beat them directly into scraps! If one hundred does not work, then send one thousand or ten thousand, you rubbish!!"
For the timid but extremely greedy Nemoidiyas, this kind of things beyond their expectations now makes them feel terrified! Because once the opponent escapes, it will definitely affect the fact that they control Naboo and may also cause more bad things to happen.
For example, if the big man just now knew the news just now if the other party didn't leave in time, it might not be what they could imagine.
‘Governor, it’s too late...’
‘Now that they have broken through our blockade, sending more fighters will definitely not be able to catch up. Let’s think about other remedies now, before they can completely escape? ’
Although this Nemoidian commander couldn’t figure it out no matter what he thought, he didn’t know why the enemy’s unarmed Naboo Royal Starship could smash their robotic interplanetary fighter and rush out of the encirclement, but he only knew, Now things have not completely deteriorated, they still have a chance to remedy it, because now the planet Naboo is in their grasp!
On the ground, they have countless troops, countless B1 fighters and ATT tanks, as well as a large number of MTTs, troop carriers, and landing spacecraft. They still have a chance to intercept the enemy because they must be landing the spacecraft.
"you're right!"
"Then quickly send ground troops to stare at any possible landing locations for them, and make sure to catch them where they land!"
"You can't catch the live, you can die! You go and direct yourself, don't trust those incompetent idiot machines!!"
Newt Gunley, the governor of the Trade Union, roared, and he didn't understand. Why are those robot star fighters that usually look good now so bad?
More than one hundred fighters were prepared to besiege a spaceship that was nothing outstanding except for shields and speed. It didn’t matter if they failed to make a forced landing or shoot down the opponent, they were even broken out by the enemy. Isn't it possible that the large-caliber blasting energy beams on their fighters are all decorations, or their aiming calculation programs are all products of the past few centuries scoured from the stalls?
'Yes! ! ’
Seeing the governor’s angrily decimated order, the commander did not dare to neglect, and after hurriedly replied, regardless of the TC-14 robot standing aside that seemed helpless, he took a few combat robot guards directly towards Walked outside the palace.

When the governor of a certain trade alliance on the ground was in a state of desperation, a certain wretched little girl, Annie, was wearing that kind of ghost suit with head protection, and she was standing outside the spaceship with a big grin. On the deck, using the adsorption and climbing function of her foot armor, she was firmly sucked onto the noble and shiny, but useless chrome layer.
Just now, she did not spend much time to wipe out all the enemy planes blocking the spaceship to Naboo Star. Now that there are no more enemies in and around her, she turned around and prepared to start her alone. Performance.
Two explosive energy beams hit a little girl's body head-on, but unfortunately, they exploded a large amount of light and excited her to appear in front of a hexagonal plasma shield. , There is no use at all!
"Haha! You guys can't hurt me!!"
There is no doubt that the ghost suit on a little girl with a special identity is not simple, just relying on the blasting beams on the robot star fighters, if you want to overload her special personal protection with unusual power The shield generator also hurt the ghost suit she was wearing, which is also not easy. Is it obviously a bit difficult?
What's more, a certain little girl who is doing some kind of happy hunting robot weapon is obviously not going to be beaten and not fight back. No, she basically wiped out the space fighters in front and around, then turned her head. He came to aim the guns at the back of those who were chasing after him, even if the'friends' were wiped out, most of them still did not give up, but still stubbornly pursued the fighters who came in accordance with the order.
"The eightieth frame..."
A gunshot sounded, followed closely behind, and continued to shoot. The shield on the spaceship was flickering. A robotic interplanetary fighter was directly hit by a supersonic high-caliber bullet and broke and burst open. Come, it caused a lot of trouble for the many fighters that were too close behind it.
"The eighty-first frame..."
o(??)o︻デ═一?? Pop!
Another gunshot!
A fighter plane that was going to outflank was hit and broke directly from the middle. Then, under the action of inertia, a robot of unknown model flew out from the broken cockpit, and the light on the opponent's head flickered. He stayed, and disappeared into the dark universe in the blink of an eye, not knowing where it went.
As for whether it will be captured by the gravitational force of Naboo, and then fall into the atmosphere and burn it someday in the future, or will it drift away and be in a corner of the universe after countless thousands of years. Found in it, it is obviously unknown...
"Eh heh..."
The great and omnipotent Head of State Anne said that she hadn't put that amount of enemies in her eyes at all, even if she didn't use any magical power at all! Now, just using the weapons in her hand and the ghost suit on her body is enough to deal with those enemy fighters.
However, after killing two more robot fighters, Annie did not continue shooting.
Because she found that the distance between the two sides is getting farther and farther, the speed of the fighters behind seems to be a bit unable to catch up with the Naboo Royal Starship at her feet? As a result, apart from the fact that the other party is still constantly launching red blast energy beams far away towards them, and shaking the spaceship with the same strong shield from time to time, I can only watch in vain. The distance between the two sides has been continuously widened.
No way, I found that at this distance, the 20mm caliber in my hand, the large-caliber "nail" bullets fired by the super-strong electromagnetic sniper rifle specially manufactured by the "Flame Goddess" I SS-01 Not the kind of beam weapon that almost equals the speed of light, so that at this distance, she would be avoided by the robot that calculates and reacts very quickly, so she had to open the communication to contact the Naboo under her feet. The bridge of the Royal Starship:
"You guys are flying too fast, fly slower, I can't hit them a bit now!!"
In fact, it can be hit. After all, this is in the universe. The supersonic solid bullet with strong kinetic energy and defensive ability will not be affected by air like in an atmospheric environment. Due to the influence of gravity, the range is limited. Here, even if the spacecraft of the trade alliance is shot at the original place, as long as the trajectory and direction are calculated in advance, it will definitely be hit! It's just that even a 20-millimeter-caliber spike bullet, against a giant ship with a diameter of more than three kilometers, is definitely not effective.
However, under the premise that she might be avoided by the enemy, and felt that she could not shoot one shot at a time, that kind of futile attack would damage her name as the strongest ghost agent of Master Anne, so she had to stop first. , And intend to let those uncles who drive the spaceship slow down the speed of the spaceship a little bit?
The crew of Naboo didn't speak, but stared at the little girl's face in the communication interface dumbfounded, not knowing what to say for a while.
Think about it, but they have never thought about it. The other party's performance just now was really so outrageous. Not only did they ran outside and fixed themselves on the outer deck of the spacecraft, they could also use an electromagnetic kinetic energy rifle like that. Like a sharpshooter hitting birds, one after another, the robot space fighters that are extremely flexible in the universe and have absolute air superiority have been shot down? Just one dozen was more than 80 ships. He just wanted to wipe out the enemy who had just been surrounding them and almost shot them down?
According to the current posture, if they reduce their speed and allow the robot fighters behind to catch up, maybe they will really be wiped out by the opponent, right?
But unfortunately, in this case, in the terrible situation where the enemy was discovered by the enemy and the enemy’s warship was in the distance, those crew members must not dare to easily reduce the speed of the spacecraft, they just looked for help. Theirs was also the Queen of Naboo Padmé Amidala who was also stunned by the opponent's performance.
After the shock, Queen Amidala, who had recovered for a while, took a deep breath, and then directly stepped forward and stood behind the correspondent.
"Your Excellency Head Anne!"
"Thank you for everything you have done for us, but it is enough now. The enemy will definitely not be able to catch up with us, but the number of them is endless here. We don’t need to entangle them. Please hurry back to the cabin. come on!"
Before that, Padmé Amidala was a little surprised that the other party could become the head of a country at such a young age. She thought that the other party was definitely not an extremely good citizen in every aspect who was elected like herself. It's because of pedigree or hereditary insignificance.
After all, Padmé Amidala herself had worked hard for many years before she had all of this. She became an apprentice legislator at the age of eleven and became the governor of Sid City at the age of twelve. The newly elected Queen of Naboo, this kind of thing has always been extremely proud of her, Naboo's best and smartest child who was born in an ordinary mountain village and an ordinary parent family.
But now, after seeing the little girl’s performance, nothing else, the other party’s talent for fighting seems to have completely surpassed her, and it does not seem to be the kind of pedigree and hereditary insufficiency she thought. The head of state just got?
"There are more than forty of them left. As long as you slow down, I will be able to finish them all!!"
Little Annie said that she is having fun now, and she doesn't want to stop her entertainment at this time! Besides, the other side only has so little left, as long as she works harder to ensure that they can be wiped out before the enemy's other more fighters chase them, and it is still the kind without cheating!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
‘Report to Her Majesty the Queen! ’
‘The spacecraft has approached the atmosphere and it is expected to make an emergency landing in two minutes! ! ’
'report! ’
‘It was discovered that the two recent battleships of the Trade Alliance have released a large number of fighters, the number...the number is not counted, there are at least two thousand more! ! ’
'report! Discovered that the enemy battleship released several C-9979 landing spacecraft! ’
'report! The radar detected that the enemy’s in-atmospheric fighters were gathering below us...’
Soon, after the two Nabo crewmen in front of the radar exclaimed directly, they hurriedly directed the shocking news they found to the Queen Amidala standing behind the communication station. Reported loudly.
"Your Majesty, we can't wait any longer, we must make an emergency landing!!"
The Jedi Master Quigang King who also heard the news couldn’t even think about why the little girl was able to exert such a strong combat power. He walked directly behind Amidala and patted the other person on the shoulder to persuade him. .
Obviously, now whether it is the actions of a little girl that stimulated the people in the trade union, or because the people in the trade union are determined to win their ship and the people on this ship, they must land and leave the ship as soon as possible. Ships with extremely obvious targets, otherwise they would really be finished!
Then, without waiting for Queen Amidala’s response, Quigang King leaned forward to the communication station, leaned over and persuaded a little girl who appeared on the interface:
"Your Excellency Head Anne!"
"We will make an emergency landing and penetrate into the atmosphere. Are you sure you really won't come back? If your armor can withstand the high temperature, then we are about to dive and make a landing now!!"
The situation is urgent, and Kui Gang Jin, who does not intend to become a Jedi master eliminated by the Trade Alliance and the spaceship, feels that it is better to land quickly and be down to earth! Because in that case, might make him feel more secure?
"Well...I will go back now..."
Little Annie herself is definitely not afraid of the high temperature, but she cannot guarantee that the beautiful ghost suit she wears is the same as she is not afraid, so there is no way, she can only get rid of what she just wanted to slow down the spacecraft. idea.
Moreover, she herself heard the report from the radar soldiers just now, and felt that staying outside might not be able to defeat those enemies by herself. After thinking about it, she could only honestly compromise and turn around. Walking along the maintenance tunnel, preparing to enter the spacecraft, and follow the cowards to make an emergency landing on the ground of Naboo Star.
Anyway, there are many enemies on the ground, she is not in a hurry at all! !
" If our Jedi warriors use firearms, will they be as powerful as the head of Anne?"
When everyone was preparing for the upcoming emergency landing, a certain kid, Anakin, suddenly turned his head and asked the "brother" Obi-Wan behind him.
Because at this time, a crazy idea was sprouting in his little head, and he suddenly felt that when using lightsabers to be cool, a little more flexible, it seemed pretty good to use firearms against the enemy?
"I do not know……"
Obviously, Obi-Wan didn't dare answer this question, so he didn't have any better explanations in the current tense situation except that he didn't know. Although, he seemed to have some faint thoughts like Anakin, but at least for now, he tried to control himself and didn't think more.

??˙??˙)??? Excuse me... Do you still have tickets in hand?
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