Chapter 932: My country is gone?

Latest URL: ‘Waste! ! ’
An angry roar sounded in the palace that originally belonged to Queen Naboo...
However, it was of no use except to provoke many B1 fighter aircraft on guard outside to stare at each other dumbly and cause a small commotion.
After all, the governor of the trade alliance failed to successfully complete the entrustment of the big man above them, because ah, the'unarmed' Royal Naboo starship, that has a shiny chrome shell, and its length is only seventy-six. Mi's little interplanetary yacht, the little broken ship that was already in their bag and fleshy, after all, managed to escape with the important people in it.
If this kind of thing spreads, it must be the biggest joke this year in the Galactic Republic, right? After all, a whole trade alliance fleet can't help but escape a diplomatic visit sightseeing boat, and even let the other party escape the siege. This is indeed a bit unreasonable.
Of course, it's useless to say anything now, because the targets they were pursuing still ran away...
Relying on the superior speed of the spacecraft, the powerful shield, and the efficient heat dissipation function, the opponent forced a high-speed crash landing into the atmosphere of Naboo, directly throwing their fighters and the subsequent hunting and encircling troops away. When the air force of their trade alliance landed on the opponent's emergency landing point, they received nothing except the'captured' of an empty and almost exhausted'Naboo Royal Starship'.
Although, in the eyes of Governor Newt Gunley, Naboo has been completely given by their army of robots, by their cheap B1 combat robots that have accumulated millions of dollars with countless calculations. Under control! Under their continuous search, the stupid woman who ran back to Naboo by herself, that Queen Padmé Amidala would always be captured by their army sooner or later, that is beyond doubt, because , Now this planet actually belongs to their trade alliance!
It’s a pity that they have captured the other party’s things from then on. At present, they really don’t have a particularly good way to capture the other party... Because, Naboo, the planet, the environment on it is too primitive. Too complicated!
The swamps, lakes, hills, virgin forests and various wild animals, as well as the Gungan natives everywhere, etc., the heat source on their things seriously interfered with their search for the ‘suspects’!
In addition, the two Jedi knights in that group of people seem to have used the Force or some kind of equipment to create some kind of energy field that can interfere with the detection of heat sources, which seriously hinders the trade alliance in space. The scanning of spacecraft and near-ground reconnaissance aircraft, so far, so far, the air has a ground-to-air advantage, even if it has completely occupied the entire planet’s trade alliance, it can only be a fuss. A handful of targets were caught in the primitive jungle of various indigenous and wild animals...
What makes Trade Governor Newt Gunley feel more worried is that the enemy has disappeared for three full days after landing, although their excellent Nemoidian commander made an emergency landing on Naboo An encirclement was placed within three hundred miles of its landing point and began to shrink the search range, but that didn't have any effect!
Because the encircling circle is not tight, and this planet is a planet without a molten core. Its surface is actually a coalescence of a huge rock body, and the inside of the rock is scattered with an endless network of caves and tunnels. , This allowed the numerous swamp lakes on the surface of the planet to penetrate into the structure of the planet, just as they could hardly figure out the cities and complex underwater transportation networks where the Gungans hid in the deep water area?
Therefore, in fact, the Governor of Trade Newt Gunley himself knew that in the interstellar age where submarine and breathing equipment are fully portable, the encirclement and hunting circle they organized on the ground does not seem to make much sense. There are too many ways for the enemy to get rid of their waste robots from hunting down!
But there is no way, whether it is for themselves, or for the big man behind them who is a little frustrated after knowing the truth, that Queen Padmé Amidala and the little girl in the opposing team must be as fast as possible Caught, otherwise, I'm afraid their future situation will definitely not be too good.
Isn't this?
On the third day of the hunting activity, after being hunted in and out by numerous B1 combat robots and robotic interstellar fighters in the huge encirclement, it was almost impossible to rummaged through the ground. The Diya commander finally returned to the Queen's Palace in Sid City in despair and announced the failure of the raid.
And this is exactly the reason for the violent roar that just spread out from the palace...
"Trash! You are all a bunch of trash!!"
Bang! !
Of course, under extreme fear and rage, the governor of the Trade Union, Newt Gunley, furiously threw an object that didn’t know what instrument it was in front of the opponent, and then began to tremble with his hands and feet. Quickly paced back and forth in the hall of this palace, and began to rack their brains with the cunning heads of their inner Moidians to start thinking of a way.
‘I’m sorry, the Governor...’
‘I swear, our robots have searched for several times, except for a large number of wild animals and a few hapless Gungans we caught, we found nothing...’
‘Subordinates guessed that they must have escaped by diving through the underwater channel. In that kind of complex underground ocean water network world, even 10 million more combat robots can’t block them. ’
‘Our cheap robots and weapons are not suitable for underwater operations...’
The Nemoidian commander cowered and said, he said that he really did his best!
However, the underground environment of this planet is really too complicated. In addition, without transportation equipment, their combat robots have extremely limited underwater operations and combat capabilities. They may sink when they are launched. They did not order an all-round blockade of the underground'seabed', so that the enemy could take advantage of it and easily escape from their encirclement through the underground.
"Go! Let our warships in space dispatch more multi-functional or underwater transport boats and combat tools, and order the logistics department to urgently transform some of the multi-functional combat vehicles. You can get the Gungan underwater as soon as possible. All the cities have been occupied or destroyed by me. Don’t let them go. You must find them for me from the bottom of the water!!"
Gritting his teeth, although the Governor himself also knows that he wants to capture the native amphibians from the Gungans from the underwater world of Naboo, it is a bit impossible. After all, there is a full 85 percent of the water inside this planet. , It's completely an'ocean water world', and I also know that there are more huge, terrifying ocean monsters on the planet...
However, given that being able to catch the sly woman Padmé Amidala and the little girl next to her is related to her life and future, the trade governor Newt Gunley was unable to do so, Had to gritted his teeth and ordered.
Because those Naboo and Gungans are different from amphibians, the other party definitely can’t live underwater for a long time, so they only need to quickly find out and occupy or destroy the Gungan’s submarine cities. One of them counts as one. Controlling all the cities and tribes of those frog-like natives, so that Amidala can't survive underwater, they will sooner or later reemerge on the ground.
At that time, it is the best time for them to re-capture the other party and force the other party to sign a ‘legal’ agreement! Moreover, in the past two days, the big man really pushed them too hard. Under the strong pressure from the other side, they didn’t know how long they could hold on, so they had to work hard to change the status quo. Row.
"Your Excellency, the Governor, the underwater world is too complicated. The ground of this planet belongs to the Naboo people, but the indigenous Gungans inside... And how many tribes and submarine cities are there on the seabed by those indigenous people? , We have not been able to complete all reconnaissance and scanning now, and if we want to occupy all, we need too much force...'
However, the Nemoidian commander wanted to persuade him before he could finish speaking and was scolded by the Governor of Trade!
"If the troops are not enough, they will be dispatched from the warships in the universe. If 10 million is not enough, 20 million will be enough, and if 20 million are not enough, then 100 million or 1 billion!
"If you don’t have one, hurry up and place an order with the Baktoyd Combat Robot Company. Those B1 combat robots are not as expensive as the cheap E-5 explosive rifles they hold in their hands. A primitive tree can be exchanged for dozens of robots. What are you worried about?!"
"It really doesn't work. Selling those Naboo people is a lot of money! What are you doing here, don't you let me execute it quickly?!"
Trade Governor Newt Gunley, who was shrouded in fear of failure, can’t care about anything now. He is like a gambler who is about to lose his gamble. In order to finally come back, he will not hesitate to put all of his The chips are all piled on this Knab star.
Although from the current form, the stupid woman Amidala who ran back to Naboo made him somewhat helpless, it seemed that the other party could not defeat him in the slightest?
However, I don't know why. Judging from the increasingly severe tone of that big man Darth Sidious these past two days, it seems that neither their trade alliance nor the other side are in a good situation? It seems that as time goes by, the situation becomes more and more unfavorable for them? Although he didn't know why, he thought it was better to follow the instructions of the big man and catch the queen and the little girl quickly?
"In addition to what I just said, I need you to do one more thing..."
Suddenly, the trade governor, who was at a loss, suddenly thought of a good idea!
Therefore, after hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth, beckoned and summoned the Nemoidian commander who was about to run out embarrassedly to follow the methods he had just ordered, and then got there. The other person whispered something in his ear.
"This, this..."
‘Your Excellency... Are you really sure? If we do that, once we are held accountable in the future, we will be all over! ! ’
The Nemoidian commander said with a bit of trepidation. He couldn't believe that the usual greedy and timid governor in front of him was really daring to do that. He just thought the other party was just talking angry. .
"I can't take care of so much anymore. They must be forced out at all costs, and as soon as possible! Believe me, our time may really be running out..."
"Hmph! Go ahead, anyway, our invasion of Naboo is already an established fact. If there is an accident in the future, we will definitely not be better! And I can hear that the lord seems to have some problems himself, but his promise can't be done now. Believe it too much, we have to think about ourselves first, there is no other choice now!!"
"Go! Move fast!!"
After the ugly big green face of the Governor of Trade tangled for a while, finally, the big red eyes above began to flash with a trace of hideous expression.
Seeing that the governor had made up his mind, for a long time, the Nemoidian commander gritted his teeth and bowed his head after hesitating for a while, then hurried away in annoyance.

When a certain Naboo star's Queen Padmé Amidala, two Jedi knights and a little girl head of state and a group of people rushed to the ground of Naboo star and disappeared for three days, they also let the trade alliance go up and down At the time when the lower capital was in desperation, far away in the core area of ​​the Milky Way Republic, in the giant steel-domed mushroom-shaped hall of the parliament building on the planet Coruscant, the capital, there were 1,025 anti-gravity seat platforms, and 20 The five parliament members and representatives, as well as their assistants, have now gathered in this solemn hall, ready to notarize the result of the voting for the new Supreme Speaker of the Galactic Republic that will be produced today.
'Hey! Have you heard? It is said that in this election, the old guy Palpatine got a lot of votes! ! ’
'really? ’
'of course! I do know that many people support him, at least one-third or more, that old guy may have done his wish this time. ’
‘Not necessarily, I think Alderland’s Bell Andres is also very advantageous, and many MPs choose to support him! ’
'Humph! It is said that Amway Tim of Marasdale Star has won the support of the trade alliance and the accomplices they bought, and they have a lot of votes! ’
‘Who did you hear, this is fake news? ’
‘But I still think the old guy Palpatine has a better chance of winning? It is said that he has a secret ballot. Besides, I always feel that Naboo's affairs are not easy. It is like someone deliberately obstructing the parliament to pass the resolution. Maybe it's the ghost of the old guy himself? ’
‘Hey! Be careful when you speak, don’t talk nonsense without evidence...’
‘If there is evidence, it’s not as simple as talking nonsense! ’
'Humph! ’
'Hey! I advise you not to think too much about the incident on Naboo. In fact, many people know it well, otherwise the highest speaker will not be forced to step down... But the trade alliance's siege and invasion of Naboo should be There is no doubt that many people now sympathize with Naboo's situation, and many people want to give the trade alliance a little bit of color. So in general, Congressman Palpatine has the best chance of winning! ’
'I think so too……'
‘But it seems that the former Speaker of the Speaker Phoenix Valoren also participated in the election. Although he has some criticisms, he still has a lot of connections. After all, many people were opposed to voting of no confidence. What do you think? ’
‘It’s useless, that’s just a very small number. In the records of the Republic, there has never been a speaker who can be re-elected after stepping down. There is no one...’
‘Everyone, I still think Palpatine should be sure of it! ’
'Do not! Amway Tim's votes should not be less! ’
Before the voting result was announced, the members who had waited so bored, of course, discussed loudly with the nearby members in groups, making this huge dome of parliamentary hall become like a vegetable market.
Obviously, it is not difficult to guess from the behavior of a little girl who was able to tease the queen of someone else’s home. The parliamentary seat platform of Naboo Star and the parliamentary seat platform of Hero Federation must be side by side next to each other. As a result, now, Naboo’s Senator and candidate for the Supreme Speaker, Schiff Palpatine, can frequently confront the Admiral Nova of the Heroic Federation who is not far from him and the former
Senior Speaker
standing next to him. Phoenix Valoren paid his attention.
"Congressman Nova, you seem to have confidence in today's voting results?!"
Finally, before the parliamentary presidium counted the votes and announced the results, Congressman Palpatine gritted his teeth, couldn't help but put away that sulky look, and looked at the young woman in battle armor on the right side of his seat platform. After a while, he had to speak and pretend to ask in a friendly manner.
Although the statistics have not come out now, but he has vaguely learned some information from certain channels, he can probably count how many votes the Nova has obtained by ‘legal’ or ‘illegal’ means! It is no exaggeration to say that the biggest obstacle for him to successfully become the Supreme Speaker of the New Galaxy Republic is the nasty woman next to him!
"of course!"
"What can I say, because the candidate we support is indeed the best. He is very experienced in how to be a Supreme Speaker, but unlike you novice candidates, I think he has a great advantage! "
After grinning triumphantly towards the Naboo Senator on her left, Nova turned her head and nodded to the former highest speaker next to her, Phoenix Valoren, indicating that the other party can take advantage of it now. Have time to say a few words to his competitors.
"Hello, Senator Palpatine!"
"I am very glad to be running again at the same time as you. I am very sorry for what caused you to lose the election last time..."
Knowing that he let himself lose the seat of speaker and become one of the few ousted Supreme Speakers in the history of the Republic, Phoenix Valoren, who is inseparable from the other party, would definitely not give him too many competitors and framers. Because of his face, he directly said a few words to the other party sarcastically.
The other party is obviously a member of Naboo, but doesn't want to give back to the other party's own country, but instead uses the trade alliance to besiege Naboo to deal with him. The despicable act of disregarding his own country for his rights is Phoenix. Valoren is disgusted, so he is ready to completely draw a line with the opponent, and decided that no matter what the outcome of this campaign, he will never have any form of contact with the opponent.
After looking at the arrogant former speaker for a while, and realizing that the other party did not have the desire to continue talking with him, Palpatine could only look at the ‘provisional’ high-ranking member Nova again:
"Congressman Nova, I don’t understand. What is the point of supporting a deposed former congressman? No one will vote for him. Your approach is destined to be futile, otherwise he wouldn’t Deposed."
Although Palpatine tried to pretend that he was very confident, his attitude and words seemed to have betrayed his ideas. Obviously, he is also very nervous now, because some things seem to be out of his mind. Unexpectedly, he has no way to control the results of this vote. This feeling is very bad for him!
Therefore, he can only rely on such demeaning words to give himself a little bit of confidence, and hopes to obtain useful information from some of the opponent’s unintentionally revealed words, so that he can be at this last moment. Give yourself more help?
You know, he paid too much for this opportunity. Once things really change, he will never have another chance.
"Of course it makes sense!"
"Because we have never had the option of'failure'. I'm serious. If you don't believe me, look at my face. It really doesn't have the hysteria that you are about to face failure. I'm right. Your Excellency Palpatine?"
Nova didn't explain, she just pointed at her brave face that was still smiling coquettishly, and then cast a wink at the other party playfully, apparently she didn't take the other party's words to heart at all.
No way. Seeing that the other party refused to disclose more, Congressman Palpatine could only snorted and turned his head directly, waiting for the presidium on the speaker platform in the middle of the parliament dome to announce the result. .
Now, even if things have changed, Palpatine has no other better way to change. However, he believes that the balance of victory is still on his side, because he has the magic weapon to win. hand!
'quiet! ! ’
Finally, only a few minutes after Palpatine and Nova ended their non-speculative conversation. On the speaker’s platform, the representative of the presidium, who had an organization with horns on his head and neck, finally He stood up, and in a loud shout, he clamored the originally noisy council to silence in an instant.
‘Next, start to announce the final voting results! ’
‘First of all, it’s Senator Bell Andres from Alderland Star. His vote is...’
‘One hundred and forty-four votes, accounting for 14.05%...’
‘! ! ’
‘It’s only that, I said he has no chance, right? ’
'what! That guy is out of play, less than a quarter, completely cold! ’
'Hey! ’
'how is this possible? ’
‘It shouldn’t be. I’ve calculated his approval rate. It shouldn’t be so low...’
Soon, as the first candidate, as the votes of Congressman Bell Andres of the Alderland star were counted, the parliamentarians present began to hustle.
‘! ! ’
'quiet! ! ’
There was another violent shout, and then the parliament soon became quiet again, because the members knew that the voting results of three more members were to be announced, and it was indeed too early for them to discuss it.
‘Below, is the second candidate, MP Amway Tim from Marasdale Star. Her vote is...’
‘Two hundred and thirty-three, 22.73%...’
After reading, the member of the parliamentary presidium with horns on his neck and head nodded in satisfaction after seeing that the members were not making a fuss, and began to announce again:
‘The third candidate, Senator Schiff Palpatine from Naboo, his vote is...’
‘Three hundred and twenty votes, accounting for 31.22%! ’
‘The fourth candidate, Mr. Phoenix Valoren, the former speaker, his vote is...’
‘Three hundred and twenty-eight votes, accounting for 32%! ! ’
‘To sum up, according to the voting results of the Supreme Speaker of the Galactic Republic, the highest speaker is elected by Mr. Phoenix Valoren! ! ’
As if he was afraid that the congressmen would have to stop the reading, the extraterrestrial representative of the presidium finished reading the result that made him feel surprised and funny!
In his opinion, after the former speaker was dismissed, he participated in the election again and was re-elected. This kind of thing must really be the first new thing since the establishment of the Republic? He can imagine that this news, in the next few years, will definitely become one of the hottest topics on Coruscant, and it may even occupy the hot search list for a long time?
However, unexpectedly, the whole assembly was strangely quiet, and there was no noise. It seemed that the members of the assembly could not believe this result, so that they did not know what to say to each other.
"I object!!"
Finally, a voice broke out, and then the seat platform belonging to Naboo slowly flew towards the middle presidium and speaker platform.
‘Mr Palpatine, please state your objection. Remember, you only have one chance to speak! ’
The representative of the presidium who was just about to announce that the voting result was accurate and effective when he saw Palpatine rushed forward without permission, he did not stop the warning in an angry tone.
‘Gentlemen of the Bureau! ’
"According to the sacred laws of the Republic, the highest speaker who was dismissed by a vote of no confidence shall be elected as the highest speaker even if the number of votes is still the first, even if the number of votes is not more than 10%! "
"So I protest the results you just announced, and hope that the presidium will declare me the legal supreme speaker!!"
That elder brother's voice belonging to Congressman Palpatine resounded angrily in the parliament, and finally detonated the Congressmen who had just been shocked by the funny result.
The noisy noise sounded again...
‘Yes, there is such a law! ’
‘I was scared to death. I thought that the former speaker was elected again. Isn’t that a joke? ’
‘It seems that Palpatine’s conspiracy has succeeded...’
‘My poor ex-speaker, it’s impossible for him not to know this. ’
‘Hahaha! After all, our Mr. Palpatine was elected! ! ’
‘Long live Speaker Palpatine! ’
‘Long live Speaker Palpatine! ! ’
"Long live Chairman Palpatine..."
‘! ! ’
'quiet! ! ’
The violent shouts rang out again, and the representative of the presidium tried again to silence the voices of some members of the congressmen who were making noise.
‘The protest by Senator Palpatine just now is justified! ’
‘However, given that Queen Padmé Amidala, who initiated the vote of no confidence, voted again for Mr. Phoenix Valoren...’
'So on behalf of the Presidium of the Assembly of the Galaxy Republic and the sacred Constitution of the Republic, I hereby declare: Mr. Phoenix Valoren’s vote is legal and valid. Please Mr. Phoenix Valoren to participate in the inauguration ceremony at the Supreme Court of the Republic three days later. ! ! ’
Finally, after reading out the presidium’s decision in one breath, as the horned alien smashed the republic’s gavel, which represented power and law, this campaign, which lasted for several days, finally Announced the end.
'How could this be? ’
‘Is this a joke? How could that Phoenix Valloren be elected again? ’
‘Crazy, what the the Naboo woman is doing, what does she think of our councillors, a bunch of fools? ! ’
‘I protest! I resist...’
‘This is the biggest joke of the Republic in these years. I am afraid everyone here will become a laughing stock! ’
‘Vote should be invalid! We protest! It should be voted again! ! ’
'Do not……'
‘Damn it, UU reading is all messed up! ! ’
‘It seems that we were all tricked by that woman! But, I don’t understand, what is the young queen thinking? What good will it do for her? ! ’
'do not know……'
'Humph! What is this? ! ’
Soon, with the end of the election, the unconstrained congressmen started to make a noise in the parliament hall.
What they don’t know is that after getting the result, a sneer woman has already left with their new speaker, making some congressmen who are ready to talk, win over, or flatter Very upset...

(^▽^)?? Ask for a ticket?? (^▽^)
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