Vol 2 Chapter 57: Help 2

Wild hunting.
The legend of wild hunting in this world has been around for a long time.
But even Edson met them for the first time. The strength of this group of ghost hunters was terrible. Although the ring of nature successfully repulsed them, they also paid a great price.
So this druid would go far to the capital of freedom and ask Su Ziyu for help.
Su Ziyu explained something to Alice before leaving.
Whether it was Ms. Enid or Van Tessin, this time was very busy, and he had no plans to involve the demon hunters and warlocks in this matter for the time being. However, Su Ziyu still left some information for Ms. Enid, because this lady had also traced these ghost hunters.
The two rode out of the free capital on the same day.
On the way, Edson told Su Ziyu in detail about the process. The druids were attacked by the ghost hunters one night shortly after saving the unicorn. They appeared suddenly Under the night sky, asking the ring of nature to hand over the unicorn, how could the druids agree, and then a fierce battle broke out.
The Ring of Nature is the base camp of the Druids, and those ghost hunters did not have the upper hand, so they had to withdraw before dawn.
The third morning.
Su Ziyu followed Edson to the ring of nature.
This is a piece of land close to the sea. The dense forest extends to the end of the mountains. The druids of the northern continent are practicing here. They maintain good relations with some fishermen and islanders living on the seashore.
"Your Excellency. Please follow me." Edson took him to a large area of ​​thorn bushes.
Numerous thorns are entangled together, like a closed door. With this druid singing a few spells in a low voice, countless thorns began to move, and a little bit back out a forest Trail.
"The elders activated the defensive spell of the ring of nature."
Edson whispered: "The road through the forest is closed."
These thorns can only prevent people from entering from the ground, but they are useless to enemies who can fly in the sky.
"Who?" came a cold female voice, and then a woman with emerald green skin appeared on the tree pole in front. Her figure was quite slender and sturdy, and her bare skin was smooth but firm, and the clothes she wore were more Simple, it seems to be made of a mixture of fabric and leaves. The slender thighs are full of strength and the balance seems to be very good.
The beautiful woman Zhang Gong took an arrow and aimed at the squid in front of her eyes. Her eyes were quite alert, but she was a little curious and seemed to feel something.
"Vera! It's me!" Edson walked two steps forward.
He smiled at Su Ziyu a little apologetically and whispered: "This is Vera. It is a tree spirit, and she is a ranger of the ring of nature."
Su Ziyu looked at the beautiful woman in front of her with curiosity. Her appearance was comparable to that of the warlocks, but her skin color was very strange. It is a special emerald green. If it is in the forest, it may be difficult to find her. trace.
Before coming, Edson talked about some saplings in this world.
They are the aborigines of this world.
It is also the guardian of the forest.
But now the number of saplings is very small. Most of them are far away from the area of ​​human activity. The saplings on the northern continent are a little better, but the saplings on the southern continent are very hostile to humans because the expansion of humans oppresses their living space. .
The tree spirit is a female-only race.
They are known as the daughters of the forest and currently only live in a small part of the area. The tree spirits love forests, plants and nature, and hate those who enter their forests to cut down trees.
They will use humans or elves to reproduce offspring.
Those true tree spirits were born by their mothers after special "ceremonial" contact with other races.
These children all inherited the characteristics of their mothers without exception, with emerald green skin like plants, and 100% will be girls, but their eyes and hair color may inherit their father.
Treant is a very amazing race!
When I first heard it, Su Ziyu froze for a while.
"It turned out to be Edson." The tree elf Ranger named Vera nodded slightly and put away his weapon. "You go in. Be careful. The animals in the forest have been a little bit cranky recently."
Her figure disappeared into the dense foliage, and even Su Ziyu could not find the other party's trace, and could only rely on perception to determine the direction.
This tree spirit has a very powerful stealth ability.
Edson took Su Ziyu all the way forward, and after walking a distance, whispered: "Vila is a reincarnated child. She may be quite alert to strangers, but you will find out that she is actually a People who get along very well."
Ritual contact is not the only way for tree spirits to multiply.
They also have a special transformation ritual that can turn girls in humans or elves into their own kind. It is a peculiar magic ritual that requires drinking some kind of magical spring water.
The reincarnated child in Edson's mouth is the tree spirit born in this way.
Tree spirits naturally possess the ability to cast spells, and they can control trees and vines in the forest. However, most tree spirits rely on bows and arrows to fight. Only a few tree spirits have good ability to cast spells.
Their relationship with Druids is very good.
Edson said that every ten years the tree spirit would ask the druids for some ceremonial reproduction, but the children born were owned by the tree spirit's group, and they would raise them together. As the child grows with his mother, it is almost hard to see his father again.
To some extent, the savages need only a tool for reproduction~EbookFREE.me~ Their civilization has no concept of marriage.
There are a lot of animals living in the ring of nature. They don't look afraid of people. Suziyu even saw a walking black bear. It didn't attack them, and didn't fear to leave.
"That's Crow." Edson said softly: "Here is its territory."
The druids seemed to have domesticated the entire forest and allowed them to live together in a special way. Edson told Suzi that the animals here would not easily attack humans and would only hunt when they were hungry.
A small town built in the dense forest appeared in front of me, and the squid fish saw the giant tree in the middle of the tens of meters.
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