Vol 3 Chapter 12: Fire giant

There are giants in the south.
Su Ziyu saw the fire giants standing on the hillside. They seemed to live near this volcano.
The three heads of the Hydra may have been cut down by these fire giants, but it was later cheaper to be picked up by the squid, otherwise killing the Hydra is definitely not as easy as it is now.
The fire giant's body is very burly.
Their weight may be five or six tons, and the demon warrior stood up only to their shoulders, and their size was completely incomparable. The muscles of the mad monster are all on the limbs, and the fire giants have muscles all over the body, and the broad and strong chest is full of explosive power.
The number of these fire giants is probably more than twenty.
The headed fire giant is wearing a pair of full body armor, holding a giant sword in the hand like a door plate, with a blazing flame attached to it. Around him, the other fire giants are slightly shorter, and the equipment is relatively simple, that is, they have a part of the armor. The more striking is a female fire giant. She actually wore a golden robe and still took it in her hand. With a huge staff, it is said that the staff actually looks like a heavy metal scepter.
This is a caster.
It may be a priest, and other fire giants protect her in the crowd.
"So the fire giant's soul came like this." Su Ziyu secretly said.
Some of these fire giants have wounds on them, and the soul they harvested at the beginning may be the one they died when fighting the Hydra.
They also domesticated some giant dark red hounds, and behind them could see some other giants, as if they had two heads, as well as some creatures like trolls, but these creatures could only stand in the back.
These should be their vassals.
The fire giant's tribe will contain some vassals, such as giant monsters, trolls, and other weak giants.
"Leave here! Demon!" The fire giant headed seemed to be a little nervous. He only learned yesterday that the Hydra lizard was killed by someone and there was a demon corpse nearby.
A powerful demon lord has risen here.
Even the fire giants who were born with amazing power, they are equally afraid of the demon's strength, and the fire giants headed continue to threaten: "This is the territory of the fire giant! Unless you want to fight us!"
The Fire Giant is naturally good at intimidating.
Their diplomatic methods are intimidation in the face of weak enemies, and they die in the face of powerful enemies, and they succumb when they can't bear it.
No matter how hard you play, you can never lose momentum.
of course.
This kind of intimidation is ineffective against Su Ziyu, but the little demons and claws are intimidated, and there is a slight fear in their expressions. If there is no demon lord, they should directly escape.
Su Ziyu's consideration now is whether to fight, whether it can be played, or not worth playing.
The fire giant is a hard idea.
Really hard casualties will be very amazing, these demons may all have to fight to death.
The family members that are hard to accumulate may soon be wiped out.
But it can't go this way directly.
Can't lose momentum.
-"Evil Realm."
"Flame Field."
Su Ziyu opened her own dual realm at the same time, and then took two steps forward, watching the fiery giant at the top of the mountain, saying: "I helped you kill the Hydra, shouldn't you pay something?"
"Want us to leave?"
"With a reward that satisfies us, we leave this land."
Su Ziyu will do the same. He waved his hand gently. The demons behind him suddenly opened their teeth and claws. The raging demon and mad war demon roared excitedly, even the succubus adjutant was cold. It looks like he is holding a leather whip of Hydra Tendon, and makes a murmur of volley.
The two serpents were very calm, just standing on either side of Su Ziyu, with the magical glory attached to the cold sword.
The snake seems to be a cold-blooded animal with less emotion than other demons.
The headed fire giant did not expect Su Ziyu to blackmail them in reverse, but this seems to be the devil's style, and it may be difficult for them to leave without taking out something.
The fire giants hesitated immediately.
If demons want to occupy this land, then they must fight desperately.
But if the demons just want to ask for some wealth, they are still acceptable, because at this time the fire giant tribe does not want to fight these demons.
They turned around to discuss.
A two-headed monster was forced to come with a bag. It seemed to be afraid of the demon, and after throwing the bag in front of Su Ziyu, it fled quickly.
Su Ziyu motioned to the succubus adjutant next to him to open it.
A gleaming spar light.
Can't see that these fire giants are quite rich. They took out two or thirty medium-sized soul spars, plus something that looked like a gem, and a small amount of gold.
The fire giant knows that the devil does not like silver, so there is no silver in it.
"Let's go." Su Ziyu turned away with satisfaction.
Leave after the autumn wind.
Now is not the time to fight against the Fire Giant, and it is already a good thing to have such a harvest.
It seems that creatures in this world know the nature of demons. The last time they met the merchants, they paid the protection fee directly. This time they met the fire giants and they quickly gave money. Probably they were all afraid that the demons would turn over if they didn’t give money. Right.
Today Bai Bai has more than 10,000 killing powers.
This wave is not lost.
But when he went back, Su Ziyu couldn't help but make trouble.
Because the north side of the abyss blood pool is the site of the lich, the south is the site of the giant giant, and there is a red dragon in the west. Although the east has been developed, it is too far from your base camp to play further.
What will happen when the troops are added?
There is currently only one abyss blood pool~EbookFREE.me~ and the location is also fixed. If you continue to expand the entire territory to the east, it will become a long and narrow straight line.
A breakthrough must be found.
When Su Ziyu returned to his base camp, he immediately began to incubate the raging demon, and the number of raging demon was piled up to nearly fifty in one breath.
He considered for a long time.
Finally decided to have a trick with the north lich!
Because there are a lot of soul values ​​on the lich's site, in a wave of indecision, first look at the strength of the lich, and then decide the next plan. And from the current situation, the undead site is now the easiest place to get a lot of killing power and soul value.
Su Ziyu has just gained the ability in the field of flame.
This ability seems to be very useful against human sea tactics, as long as the field is opened, it can cause continuous burning damage to nearby enemies.
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