Vol 3 Chapter 18: Red Dragon One

Abyss blood pool.
   Su Ziyu looked at the demon army gathered in front of him, a smile appeared on his face.
   He has been in this world for a week.
   Everything went smoother than he had imagined. In just a week, he had gathered nearly eight thousand demonic troops. If the casualties in the next battle are not great, he will quickly expand the site, expand the base outward, and then search for the devil's trail. As long as the devil is defeated, his task will be almost completed.
   The ability to accelerate time is critical.
   If the time acceleration ability of the space-time monitor system is not retained, Su Ziyu was absolutely unable to kill the legendary Hydra at the time.
   This Grim Reaper game is very much like a business strategy game.
   The later the more you rely on snowballs to strengthen yourself. The devil is a very difficult start, but the late riots are easy to race. If he was hit hard by the Hydra lizard at that time and had not yet killed this legendary creature, Su Ziyu's hard work for a few days was basically in vain. I don't know when it will be possible to accumulate external expansion forces.
   Another very important factor is that lich.
  In this world, Su Ziyu has encountered fire giants, dragons, and liches, and basically no one is a good enemy.
   But fortunately, the lich didn’t know what he was doing, but he didn’t show up once, and Su Ziyu didn’t attack the bone fortress, but wiped away the undead near the Soul Tower.
   This wave of improvement is huge!
   Suziyu accumulated a large amount of soul value and killing power in a short time, and soon built the entire camp into a town scale.
   If there is no Lich's Soul Tower, he has to accumulate a long time to expand.
  The income must be higher than the casualty expenditure, in order to support Su Ziyu to further expand its territory.
   Seven days.
  This is just a time for a dragon to take a nap after eating.
  The lifespan of the dragon is extremely long.
   Their life forms are very special, and they need to sleep regularly to grow. After eating during the metamorphosis, the dragon may need to sleep for several months or even last year. If the red dragon didn't pay attention at that time, it may not be known at this time that a powerful demon lord had risen beside him.
   But it is difficult to sneak attack on a dragon.
  Because the real dragons have a large number of vassal races, you may not be able to sneak in. You may be discovered by those vassal races just after you get close.
  Unless you are a high-level rogue, you can't even touch the dragon's nest.
   During this time, the abyssal lurkers have brought back a lot of information. It is preliminarily judged that there are probably thousands of kobolds in the territory of the Red Dragon, but they are widely dispersed, and the area is divided into small clans. The strength of kobolds is very weak, but the strength after awakening the dragon veins is good, and there are some kobold warlocks.
  After passing through the kobold's defense line, it is the main unit in the vassal race.
   is mainly minotaurs, ogres, trolls and bipedal dragons. The lurkers of the abyss cannot get close to the dragon's nest, and it is not clear what is inside.
  The demon army was assembled on the same day.
   Su Ziyu this time brought nearly six thousand demons, and all the rest were left in the base camp.
   The main force was basically brought on this time, and he was not very clear about the situation of the red dragon, so he left some demons to continue building in the base camp.
  The mighty army of demons marched all the way.
   Soon, some traces of kobold activity appeared in the sight of Su Ziyu.
   Their first reaction after seeing the squid fish was to run away. These kobolds talked a bit like barking. After being surrounded by the demon army, they surrendered for the first time, which can be said to be quite boneless.
   "Warlock kills!"
   "The other catches become captives." Su Ziyu waved his hands and the demons swarmed up.
   Ordinary kobolds can be used as labor, but kobold warlocks want more soul, because these kobold professionals have good potential after being converted into demons.
  Middle-level demons basically don't need to do anything, and the violent demon defeated these kobolds with just a charge.
Kleiya’s desire to fight is obviously higher than that of the succubus lieutenant. She took the initiative to rush up and wield the long whip madly lashing these kobolds. tendency.
  She is very good at slavery.
   It seems that the invasion of the demon was soon discovered, and Su Ziyu saw the biped flying dragon flying in the sky in the distance.
When he crossed the kobold's line of defense, there was already a messy army in sight. They were mainly composed of minotaurs, ogres, and trolls, of which ogres were the main force, and the minotaurs were probably Two or three hundred, there are some bipedal dragons in the sky.
   "Demon! Leave here!"
   "This is the territory of the great Red Dragon-Octavia!"
   came a low roar.
After entering the territory of the Red Dragon, the surrounding temperature seems to be getting higher and higher, a smell of sulfur can be vaguely smelled, and a two-headed ogre appears in front of the Su Ziyu. Being a spellcaster, he threatened the demons: "If you dare to go one step further, it is tantamount to fighting a powerful red dragon!"
  The dragon becomes more and more powerful with age~EbookFREE.me~A mature red dragon is quite a terrible enemy.
   "Attack!" Su Ziyu ordered with a wave of expressionless expression.
  After so many battles, he was completely disappointed with the demon's discipline.
  Even if the barracks were built, the devil is still a messy charge.
  At present, only mid-level demons retain a certain degree of discipline, but they are far from the real army. The biggest advantage of demons is their own strength and huge number.
What command does    command?
   Just a wave of A goes up!
   A roar sounded. After Su Ziyu issued the order, the violent demon and the mad demon rushed to the forefront. They are extremely belligerent demons. Behind the fierce war demon is the mighty claw demon, and the little devil is followed by a swarm of bees.
   The other mid-level demons are all around, and the two succubus are around Su Suyu.
   The brutal fighting broke out in an instant.
   This red dragon's vassal races are quite powerful. The ogres confront each other without fearing the demon. The Minotaur snarled and rushed up directly. These monsters are more than two meters tall, and most of them are equipped with quite sophisticated weapons. Among them are many casters. The battle has just erupted, and the demons have suffered a lot of casualties.
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