Vol 7 Chapter 49: Prince losrik

   By the campfire.
  After approaching the campfire, Sister Frid's injuries began to recover quickly.
  "Enhanced Psionic LV9!"
  When Sister Fryd rested and recovered, Su Ziyu also added the divine value from Eldridge to her psionic power.
   Other abilities can be gradually improved later, and his main means of combat now is psionics.
   in an instant.
   Su Ziyu's mental space trembled.
   This time, he did not connect with the pan-consciousness of this plane, but directly touched a dark border.
   "Plane barrier!"
   Su Ziyu felt the boundary of this world, and he found that it was not in a universe, but an independent plane. When the spirit touched the edge of the plane, he felt a chaotic energy.
   A violent and uncontrollable force.
   There seems to be a feeling emerged in Su Ming, Su Ziyu touched the mystery of the demi-god at this moment.
   But he failed to break through.
   Those obscure laws are so incomprehensible, as if they were surrounded by a layer of mist, and they could not be touched in any way.
   But Su Ziyu can also feel that he is about to break through.
  When he enhanced the psionic power to LV10, a new realm will be displayed in front of him.
   "Semi-God Transformation Activation!..."
   "The relevant laws are being further analyzed! ... Please select the Reiki ability you want to solidify!"
   "Please be careful when choosing a solidified aura."
   "After the curing of the relevant aura, it will be transformed into the corresponding law field."
   A large number of data streams came to mind.
   This is the information left by the former space-time supervisor. The existence of the demigod level can solidify a certain field into a passive ability. If you choose to take the path of a in the future, then this solidified field can be converted into a corresponding priesthood.
  Su Ziyu currently has only two auras.
   One is the electrostatic field brought by lightning divinity, and the second is the death aura that was accidentally obtained after completing the mission.
The former is Su Ziyu's most important means of combat, and the understanding must be more profound, while the latter is still a bit confusing so far. He just obtained the death aura from 1 point of divinity, but it has not expanded more relevant. ability.
   "Cure the electrostatic field!" Su Ziyu said without hesitation.
   The realm of death may be strong.
   But he only gained 1 death divinity, and he could not become his core law after curing.
   By contrast, he naturally chooses the lightning field that he strengthens the most.
   "Static field Aura is transformed into the realm of lightning!...... The current law analysis progress is 1%!..."
   A faint arc walked through the body.
A large amount of data flow flashed in Su Ziyu's mind, and the progress of the law analysis was also slowly improved. These currents jumped in the cells in his body, merged with the static electricity of the creature itself, and continuously injected more energy. , Transforming the most basic structure of the body little by little.
   The speed of this increase is very slow.
  After a whole night, only 50% of the progress was parsed, and it seems that the card is still lost.
"Lightning Realm (50%): You are gradually comprehending the laws of the Lightning Realm. The power consumption of all lightning types is reduced by 45%. When you perform any lightning attack, you can mobilize some of the external energy. Since you have not fully mastered lightning Field, you may be out of control when you are overloaded."
   Very wonderful feeling.
   Su Ziyu now feels like a charger, an extra large humanoid charger that is constantly absorbing energy from the outside world, transforming it into lightning and storing it in his body.
  He doesn't know how much the upper limit is.
  Anyway, I feel that every cell in my body is absorbing electrical energy, ascending little by little, accumulating little by little, until I hit a special bottleneck.
   After all, he has not really made a breakthrough.
   The semi-god-level existence controls certain specific laws, and he can't really be reborn before he breaks through that critical point.
  Time passed little by little.
  The two men rested a little bit in place, and after the sky gradually lighted up, they set off for the interior of King Loslik. At first it was a bit dark and I couldn't see clearly. At this time, Su Ziyu found out that the patrol butterflies hovering in the King City of Losrik are a little more than expected, mainly concentrated near Prince Losrik's palace, But there can also be seen two floating patrol butterflies over there.
   They are suspended in mid-air quietly, floating in a small area.
   "How did those patrol butterflies come out?" Su Ziyu asked curiously.
   Sister Freed shook her head and said, "Not very clear."
   "It seems to have a certain relationship with the faith of angels."
  Indigenous people did a lot of things in order to resist the coming of the dark ages, but unfortunately all of them were monsters.
   "Let's go." Su Ziyu whispered.
   Two people walked towards the dragon hunting armor. When passing through some places, you can see many pilgrims living, some are facing the direction of Prince Losryk's palace, and some are facing those human-shaped trees.
  As he gradually approached Prince Losk's palace, some living knights began to appear in front of him.
   Su Ziyu looked at the oncoming knight, gently raised her hand to signal Sister Frid, and then raised her finger and clicked forward.
   A faint arc appeared.
   The arc flew out of Su Ziyu's fingertips, and instantly expanded into a beam of lightning, which directly hit the head of the Losk Knight.
   The footsteps of the enemy's charge suddenly stopped, and the whole person stiffened in place.
   "So this is the power of the field?"
Su Ziyu raised his hand slightly again, one, two, three arcs emerged, and in a blink of an eye three lightning beams, before the Losk Rider had rushed over, he had fully focused his head. Too.
  With the squid as the center, within a range of hundreds of meters in diameter, the free static electricity is under his control.
   And he only needs to consume a little psionic power, he can cast an attack close to the level of lightning beam, in the past he spent psionic power many times higher.
   "Within the domain."
   "I can control those free electric energy at will?" Su Ziyu couldn't help but fall into contemplation.
   This is still not a domain ability to master.
  If you really master it?
How strong is   ?
   The existence of advanced semi-god level is completely a transformation from quantitative to qualitative changes, and even gives people a illusion that they are gods.
  Sister Frid’s pupils on the side slightly shrunk, not knowing when she found Su Ziyu’s strength again.
The lightning attack was played so lightly, in her memory that only some of the Protoss strongmen can do it, and the most important thing is that Su Ziyu's strength has increased too fast, she remembers clearly when she first met This man is not yet so powerful.
   "Let's go." Su Ziyu temporarily suspended his realization and looked up.
   Very wonderful feeling.
   But it was not enough, he could not break through the bottleneck of the semi-god level, he always felt that he was still missing something.
   "Is it the perception of electronics?"
As a modern man, Su Ziyu tried to use science to explain magic, but he still could not understand it. He felt that it was not the electrons he controlled but the static electricity around him. That degree.
   Judging from the current summary.
  Su Ziyu can only be sure that his consumption of psionic lightning has been greatly reduced, and he can also mobilize external energy to increase the lightning spell he casts.
   This increase is related to the external environment.
   If it is just ordinary weather, the natural increase is not very big, but if the thunderstorm weather, the lightning that the squid can control will be very scary.
   "Will you learn a spell to change the weather in the future?" Su Ziyu suddenly opened his brain.
   Prince Roslyk's palace appeared in front.
   "This is it." Sister Frid stopped the footpath.
   Su Ziyu nodded, raised his hand gently, and the door in front of him was slowly pushed away by his mind.
After strengthening the psionic power to LV9, his total psionic value has been significantly improved. It is not clear to what extent he himself, because he still can not feel the limit, the cells in his body are still in Charging has not reached an upper limit, just from the current point of view, his upper limit of psionic power has increased by 30-50% compared to the beginning.
   if he wishes.
  Suzi fish can now use psionic flying to completely replace daily walking.
   The two of them walked slowly into the palace.
   Directly in front is a layer of stairs covered with broken red carpet. I don't know how long it is closed here, and it is already covered with dust everywhere.
   "Let's go in." Su Ziyu nodded and entered the palace first.
   directly in front of him is a dorm.
  On the stairs, you can see a luxurious and ruined big bed, but the atmosphere here is very depressed. It doesn't feel like a palace, but like a solemn and luxurious prison.
On the bed propped up by the column, Su Ziyu can see a figure prostrating on it, wearing a black robe, the breath is quite weak, and the vitality is like a swaying candlelight, as if It may go out at any time.
   That should be the second prince of Losrik.
   In the rumors, he couldn't even take the lightest sword.
   "There are two more things that cannot be learned."
A faint sigh sounded, accompanied by a faint gray mist, and Prince Rosslyk, who was crawling on the bed in the distance, slowly raised his head, and his eyes fell on Suzi Yu and Sister Fryd. : "Welcome Ru, the ashes of no fire, the people who dispatch the fire."
   "I can't be a king."
   "Blend is the mission of spreading fire, or the inheritance of lineage, has long been bored."
   is on the right side of the palace.
Su Ziyu suddenly appeared a very dangerous presence in his perception. He heard a slight crawling sound. In his sight, a burly figure wearing a crown was crawling on the ground, step by step from the palace Climbed out of the shadow corner.
   "Prince Lorient." Sister Fried said with a solemn expression.
   A heavy sword was inserted on the ground.
   Prince Lorient's pale face gradually lifted, a thick armor rubbed against the ground, and with the ray of sparks emerging, the big sword in his hand gradually ignited a raging fire.
   The prince of Lorient is extremely tall and burly. He is estimated to be more than five meters tall, but his legs are kneeling on the ground and he can only crawl on the ground, as if he cannot stand at all.
   "Curse of bloodline?"
   Su Ziyu looked up at Prince Luosierike above and said directly: "We are not here to spread fire."
The figure of Prince Lorient jumped directly from the top. Even if his legs were crippled, the existence of the demon prince who had singled out still had quite amazing strength. He held the big sword with one hand and fell from the sky. The raging fire spread out at the moment of coming down.
   Hearing the words of Su Ziyu, Prince Rothrik frowned, but he did not stop his brother from attacking, but said quietly: "Not the embers for fire?"
   "Then why did you come to my palace?"
   Prince Lorient's big sword swept away, the turbulent flame turned into a forceful sword gas, and directly flew off a layer of bluestone floor.
   Su Ziyu frowned and pulled out Illusir straight sword to parry, and the whole person stepped back and took three steps.
   has great strength.
   These protoss powers are much stronger than giants.
   "I'm not a fireless ember." Su Ziyu found that the two princes in front of him seemed not to see his disguise, regarded him as a fireless ember, and simply exposed the breath of the king.
   A slight golden arc jumped in his eyes.
   This time.
   The difference between him and Sister Frid became obvious. The expression of Prince Losrike above was a little puzzled, and he gently raised his hand to signal the Grand Prince to stop the attack, then frowned: "Salary King?"
   "Is there another salary king?"
   These two princes have been hiding in the dormitory for too long, and the news has been completely blocked, even the information about the fire sacrificial venue is not available~EbookFREE.me~ Ha ha. "It seemed like something funny came to mind, and Prince Rothrick couldn't help laughing like this: "Salary King will actually be with the embers without fire?" "
   "Not coming for fire?"
   "Then why do you come here?"
  After he finished speaking, he coughed slightly, as if even his breathing was a bit uncomfortable.
   This second prince is really a sick seedling.
Su Ziyu frowned and looked at the two princes in front of him. One was lame and could only crawl on the ground. One was extremely weak, and he seemed to have no strength to stand up, which was worse than he expected. With a sigh, he gently shook his head and said, "Come to extinguish the fire!"
   Hearing Su Ziyu's words, the expression of the second prince Losrik couldn't help but chuckled, then couldn't help but chuckled: "Fire? Haha!...cough..."
   "Do you want to extinguish the initial fire?"
   "Do you know who is the firewood salary next to the initial fire? That is the remains of Wu Salary King-Gwen!..."
   Su Ziyu couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, he said in a deep voice, "Don't go to extinguish the fire."
   "Did you hide here as a tortoise like you? Waiting for the initial fire to extinguish itself? How long must it wait? One hundred years? One thousand years?"
   "Morning and evening no embers of fire will take your head away!"
   Speaking of which, Su Ziyu paused and turned to look at Prince Lorient next to him, slowly said: "Moreover."
   "Your brother has already begun to live alive?"
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