Vol 7 Chapter 57: Incarnation of Salary King

   The dark clouds gathering in the sky gradually dissipated.
   Su Ziyu slowly landed, gently waved his hand and collected the weapon. The divine value of the unknown king is by far the most. If you add the 2 divine values ​​previously obtained from the dragon-shaped stone, then Su Ziyu still has 1 divine value to increase psionic power. To LV10.
   This is definitely a qualitative improvement.
  "The Soul of the Unknown King (refinable): The Unknown King who was exiled because of his companionship with the dragon, has remained at the top of the ancient dragon waiting for someone to come to challenge. After refining, he can get 3500 energy."
   Su Ziyu reached out to pick up this group of souls, and then directly activated the space beacon he positioned.
   A white light emerged.
   Su Ziyu's figure disappeared out of thin air, and when it reappeared, it was already in the distant King of Losk.
   "Successful?" Sister Frid was sitting by the campfire and resting.
  Su Ziyu nodded and took out the soul of the Unknown King, and then looked at Sister Frid in front of her and asked, "Where are you?"
   "It has been handed over to the fire girl." Sister Frid whispered.
   Su Ziyu nodded silently and said in a deep voice: "Then be ready to leave."
   It's time to end everything here.
   In this desperate and repressed world, Su Ziyu is fighting every day except fighting. He even misses the wasteland plane a little bit, at least there he can see many normal living people every day.
   "Well." Sister Frid nodded slightly.
   After a short rest, they walked towards Prince Losk's palace. The two princes had been waiting here for a long time.
   "What you want." Su Ziyu looked at the two Princes of Losrik in front of him and raised his hand to send a group of glowing souls.
  The expression of the second prince of Losrik was slightly surprised, and said softly: "You came back faster than I thought."
After reaching out to catch the soul of the Unknown King, Prince Rothrik squeezed gently, and the next second was a blazing flame spread, first of all, a trace of afterfire appeared on his body, followed by one by one The point spread to Prince Lorient.
  Prince Lorient's body climbed up little by little, slowly but firmly standing again, protecting his younger brother behind him.
   "It's time to put an end to it." Prince Lothric smiled nervously, and climbed directly onto the back of Prince Lorian, toward the Suzi fish road in front: "Go."
   "Go to the Fire Sacrificial Site."
   and others walked towards the outside of the palace.
When the two princes appeared outside the dormitory, the living corpses of the entire Losrik City seemed to feel, and those living on their knees toward the dormitory were even more excited, actually kneeling down deeply with a slight tremor. on the ground.
  Prince Losrik finally appeared.
   Pray for the prince to pass the fire.
   This is the last thought of these living corpses in front of them, even if their human nature is dry at this time, there is also a hint of emotional change.
   Biographical Fire Sacrificial Site.
   There was a silence in the empty sacrificial venue, but occasionally the sound of blacksmiths beating on weapons was heard.
   Sorcerer Rudolus sat on one of the thrones. He occasionally made a bit of a painful voice. When he woke up, his first sight fell on the body of the fireproof girl. There was a trace of vigilance in his eyes.
   Hawkwood's figure is gone.
  Shortly after Sister Freed's departure, the fireless ember also left the fire-festival.
   By the campfire.
   The fire girl sitting at the campfire praying suddenly stood up, her expression was slightly subtle, it seemed that a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, but it was not obvious.
   "Salary King is back."
The fireproof girl stretched out her palms, and there were some burns on her palms. She got up and walked towards the gate of the fire-sacrifice ritual, and said softly: "The king has returned, it is time to turn on the initial fire. Now."
   Hearing the words of the fire girl, Ruthus on the throne suddenly shuddered, his expression was a little frightened: "Wait!"
   "They are not here to spread fire!..."
   The fire girl didn't stop, she just sighed: "Whether it spreads fire."
   "It is destiny to arrange everything."
   "Salary King is now all in place, and my mission is to open the initial furnace to welcome this moment."
   Sorcerer-Rudolus is shaking.
   Outside the gate of the fire-festival ritual field, the figures of Su Ziyu and his group slowly appeared in front of him.
   "Is this the place?"
   Su Ziyu feels the residual smell of pollution here, and looks up at the fireproof girl in front of her: "Are you a fireproof girl? A long time!"
  Finally, Su Ziyu looked up to the throne ahead, and one of them was left for him.
   "Salary King has returned." Sister Fryde took a step forward, and her eyes were secretly communicating with the fireproof girl. She whispered: "Please turn on the initial furnace."
   At this moment, the low roar of the soul-sorcerer Rudolph sounded: "No!"
   "They didn't come to spread the fire!...... Wait!...Why do you do this?...You have got the eyes of the original fire girl?...What did you see?"
   "I knew you couldn't trust!..."
When the flustered Rudols was talking nonsense, the second prince Losrik had been impatient for a long time. I saw that Prince Lorient took a step forward, and when he raised his hand, he cut a flame and directly slashed towards it. Not far from Rudolph, the mouth of the second prince evoked a sneering smile, and slowly said: "Chai salary as a salary king does not necessarily need to live."
   No one else was present, including the Fire Girl on the side. She stood like a sculpture, allowing the two princes of Losrik to cut to Ruthus on the throne.
   Flames raged in the sacrificial ground.
  The two princes summoned a series of soul arrows and shot at the throne in front of them.
   "Get 1 divine value."
   The battle ended sooner than expected. When the sword of Grand Prince Lorient was pulled from the body of Rudolus who had lost his legs, the entire fire-sacrifice venue was dead.
   "The king has returned."
  , who was originally like a statue of a fireproof girl, was finally moved. She took a deep look at Sister Frid in front of her, and turned to the bonfire in the center of the fire-fighting ritual, placing her hand on the spiral sword.
   "Go ahead."
   "The initial stove has been turned on."
   "The future of this world will be left to you to choose!...Heroes and gods who have passed the fire for generations!...Awaiting your arrival!..."
  The fireproof girl sat quietly by the campfire, motionless, as if waiting for the final outcome.
   The initial furnace has been turned on.
  The purpose of Su Ziyu's group is very clear, but if they want to extinguish the initial fire, they must defeat the incarnation of the salary kings in the past, and if Su Ziyu's group fails, the mission of spreading the fire is also achieved.
   The initial fire will engulf the souls of these dead kings.
   The power of flame is awakening.
Along with the swaying bonfire, the figure of the group disappeared out of thin air, and the two princes of Losrik took a deep look at the fire girl by the bonfire before the transmission. The second prince seemed to want Say something, but in the end swallowed it back, just sighed.
   Initial stove.
  In a wave of space, the figure of Su Ziyu and his group appeared in an older fire-fighting sacrificial venue.
   This is the original fire-festival.
   A completely enclosed space, only the fireproof girl has the key to open it.
  "Psionic Strengthen LV10!"
  After coming to this special space, Su Ziyu immediately felt a pan-consciousness of extreme hunger, and he was also eager for the arrival of a group of people. Su Ziyu did not hesitate to use all the divine values ​​to increase the psionic level, because he has felt a malicious has locked himself.
   "Alarm! Alarm!"
   "A contaminated plane consciousness was detected!..."
When Su Ziyu and others walked out of the initial furnace, they saw the sun in the sky. I don’t know when, the sun in the sky has turned into a glowing black ring, just like an eclipse, leaving only one A little dim light.
   The whole world is darkened a lot.
   Outside the initial furnace is a broken space, where you can see the collapsed city of King Losrik, the ruined Eleuther, and other completely ruined city ruins.
  Time and space seem to be in disorder here, but everything in front of me is more like a projection of the future.
   "Alarm! Alarm!"
   "The unformed spatiotemporal turbulence is detected!..."
   "The current regional space is chaotic!..."
The alarms of the space-time monitor system sounded one after another. Su Ziyu's expression was very dignified. She turned to look at Sister Fryd and Prince Losrik, and then the group walked towards the top of the fire. .
   This is a unique plane isolated from the world.
  The initial fire is also saved here.
In front of.
   A dagger with a dappled handle is inserted on the ground, and at a glance there may be thousands of handles, making it look like a sword mound.
   This was left by the people who passed the fire in the past.
   Their bodies have long been burned to death, leaving only these broken weapons.
   The most central place of fire.
   Appeared in front of Su Ziyu and his entourage was a dim bonfire. A tall and burly figure was sitting in front of the bonfire, with a ray of Mars burning on it, as if guarding the flames here.
  "The embodiment of Salary King!"
   Su Ziyu walking in front suddenly stopped, he waved to others not to pass, and said with a narrow voice: "Stop. Something is wrong."
   does not have any labels.
   Sitting in front of the campfire in front of him is only the incarnation of a salary king. It is the target of the embers without fire, their last opponent, but not Su Ziyu.
   The source of pollution has not yet appeared.
   The voice fell.
   A ray of Mars rose, and in the dim sunlight, the incarnation of Salary King was burning continuously, and then some hazy phantom emerged.
It was a huge figure composed of countless skulls, a huge scaleless white dragon, a witch with a body surrounded by chaotic flames, and a phantom of justice or evil, which was the flame that was passed on in the past Salaries.
All the phantoms merged into the salary king’s body, and he slowly stood up, looked up at the line of people in front of him, and his eyes finally locked on Su Ziyu’s body, and an old voice sounded: "From King of a different world!"
   "Since you are here to save this world, why don't you want to join the fire?"
   "Isn't this your mission?"
   "As long as you are willing to pass on the flames, this world is bound to be revived!"
  "The incarnation of Salary King [Wu Salary King-Ge Wen] [Pollution Source]!"
   The face of Salary King gradually changed a bit. His tall body showed some characteristics of the Protoss, and a strong flame breath appeared in the burned body.
   "That's not my mission."
   Su Ziyu noticed that other people's eyes fell on his body, shook his head and said: "The fire can't save all this."
   "It is better to greet a new life in destruction than to linger on."
   "I'm here to put out the fire!"
   Fire extinguishes one by one.
   The face of Qian Wang’s incarnation was gradually distorted, and the breath of Sun King-Ge Wen gradually disappeared, replaced by a crazy whisper: "Since he does not want to spread fire! Then eat him!..."
   "Eat them!..."
   "Eat everyone!...As long as enough souls are eaten, we can live!...The flames can continue!"
   A trace of black sludge poured out of Salary King's body, and was gradually ignited by the flame, turning into a pool of black thick sticky armor with the appearance of Mars.
   Sure enough, the plane pan-consciousness here has been polluted.
   If it is just for the purpose of spreading fire, it should not lock itself into the salary king, but use its own power to complete the fire transfer ceremony. If it is Su Ziyu's hands to assist in the transfer of fire, then the fire transfer ritual is bound to succeed.
   It was wrong to mark Su Ziyu as the king of salary.
  Although Su Ziyu has the task of saving the polluted world, it is not so noble that it can sacrifice itself.
   He is not the king of salary.
  He is just a traveler who has passed through this world. If he can help him, he will help. If he asks too much, he will also turn his face.
   Su Ziyu stretched out his hand and caught it in the sky, and suddenly a golden thunder fell from the sky.
   Facing the thunder summoned by Su Ziyu, the Salary King avatar standing by the bonfire gently raised his hand. After the lightning fell on him, it dissipated directly out of thin air. The old voice of Wu Salary King-Ge Wen sounded again:
   "For the continuation of this world, some sacrifices must be made."
In the hands of Salary King~EbookFREE.me~ The lightning just summoned by Su Ziyu appeared again, directly turned into a golden lightning gun with a length of more than 20 meters, and threw it towards the position of a pedestrian. .
  In a burst of electricity, a huge pit appeared in the position of the pedestrian.
  The incarnation of Salary King showed far more power than everyone estimated. He actually ignored Su Ziyu's lightning strike and even absorbed its power, turning it into a powerful lightning gun.
   "It is the power of the king's soul!"
  Sister Freed's rapid voice sounded: "Sun King-Gwen is the original Thundermaster! The power of lightning can't hurt him at all!"
   A glowing soul arrow emerged.
   The figure of Prince Lorient suddenly leaped out. The second prince on his back made a gesture of prayer. At the moment when the prince waved his sword, he also summoned a huge soul gun.
   "Sacrifice must be made?"
   "What about your sons? Gwyndelin? The Unknown King?" The voice of Prince Rothrik was repressed and hoarse, and there was a trace of madness and hatred in his expression, slowly said: "Why can't they pass the fire?"
   "The era of fire transmission that you started has already made this world sick."
   "Sick and ill saved."
   "Look at me!...I am a sacrifice dedicated to the initial fire!...Did you see the curse on me?...This is the hate of the world for us!..."
   A ray of breeze blew past. .
   "Don't worry about us!..." Before rushing out, the second prince murmured a voice: "Do what you should do."
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