Vol 8 Chapter 4: Traversing monster

  The devil actually has monsters.
   This seems a little weird to Su Ziyu, because the resurrection of the earth's aura is within the past few years, and the monster's life is difficult to appear in a short period of time, even if the reiki is not.
   The spirit is very weak.
   is not a powerful monster.
   Su Ziyu jumped directly from the top of the building more than thirty meters, and entered an invisible state in an instant, and then tracked that trace of evil spirits and quickly moved forward.
   The other party is also running away.
   It seems to be very alert and may have some kind of talent for predicting danger.
   Su Ziyu stood in front of the manhole cover lifted up in the sewer, frowning slightly, looked at the traces left on the ground, and murmured: "Mouse?"
   The monster went directly into the sewer, and the smell inside was irresistible.
  Psionic protection force field.
   Su Ziyu closed his eyes and felt it. He went directly into the sewer and proceeded quickly by flying off the ground.
"caught you!"
Soon, a spiritual light spot appeared in Su Ziyu's line of sight. The little thing ran faster after discovering him, but Su Ziyu just raised his fingertips gently, and a ray of golden current flew Out, it immediately fell stiffly in place.
   "It really is a mouse."
   Su Ziyu frowned and looked at the little monster in front of him. It was a mouse standing and acting like a human. At this time, his expression was quite frightening.
Do not kill me?
   Is this the monster of Fuso?
   The surprise on Su Ziyu's face became more obvious. He squatted a little, looking at the human-shaped mouse in front of him, a light flashed in his eyes, and slowly said, "Where did you come from?"
  "Mind hint!"
   Su Ziyu's spirit directly invaded the monster's brain.
   "Ghost Kyoto..." The monster said, so Su Ziyu could not help but shocked.
  Ghost Kyoto?
   This place name gave Su Ziyu a sigh in his heart, and immediately strengthened the effect of mind control, asking: "Ghost Kyoto? Then why do you appear in Modu?"
   "Eight feet..." The big mouse shivered and said: "Master Eight feet wants to kill me..."
  Adult eight feet?
  A kind of monster in Fusang rumor?
   The head of this big mouse seems to be not very bright, and the squid simply invaded its consciousness and began to read its recent memory.
   immediately surprised him by the reading.
   Because the big mouse in front of him is actually a traverser!
It originally lived in a place called Ghost Kyoto, but unlike Ghost Kyoto, which is in the plane of the hundred ghosts in Su Ziyu's memory, Ghost Kyoto, where the big mouse lives, is a modern metropolis, a place between reality and the spirit world. Clearance. In that world, monsters coexist with people, but because of the constraints of Hades, monsters rarely appear in the real world.
   For a long time.
   This big mouse seems to be an ordinary monster living in a ghost Kyoto. The time it became a monster is still very short, less than two hundred years. It stands to reason that such a monster can’t even get out of the ghost Kyoto, but one day I don’t know why. Suddenly, the space of the ghost Kyoto has changed dramatically. After a violent tremor, the spirit in the ghost Kyoto began to continue. Ground drain.
   "Master Yan Mo ordered that the ghost Kyoto be closed."
"But since then, monsters have constantly disappeared out of thin air." Its name is Money Rat, and at this moment it looked scared: "The night cruisers can't find the reason, they can only let everyone go to another gap. "
   "I should have been there."
   "But... I didn't leave immediately because I lost my very important treasure..."
   "Then, I suddenly came to the real world."
   "Another real world."
  The place where the money rat traversed was Tokyo, where it also met some monsters who had disappeared.
   This is simply their new paradise.
  Although the aura is very thin, it is difficult for them to practice to improve their strength, but because there is no Hades restraint, these monsters can use their supernatural powers to do whatever they want.
   Money Rat is a kind monster.
   The reason why it was chased was to stop a monster called Bachi from harming people. At that time, he fled to a boat in a panic. When he came back to God, he was already on the sea, and then he was sent all the way to Modu.
   "Have you seen Master Yan Mo?"
   "Is he male or female?" Su Ziyu took a deep breath and said slowly.
  The money rat shook his head and whispered, "I haven't seen it."
   "But legend, Lord Yan Mo is an extremely beautiful woman, but she wears a prajna mask every time she appears."
   Su Ziyu continued to ask: "Do you know Ampei Qingming?"
   "Yes." Money Rat nodded quickly: "Master Qingming used to be the judge of the Hades, and later he went to stay in for some reason."
   Su Ziyu couldn't help but show a bitter smile, and slowly said: "Have you heard of Qing Ji?"
   "Master Qingji?" The money rat's expression grew more frightened, and whispered: "Which one is Qingji Lord you talking about?"
   "His Highness Bai Ji, right?"
   "His Highness Bai Ji is the manager of the Taoyuan gap, and the monsters have heard of her name."
  How many more Qing Ji?
   That must be gone.
   This monster really came across from the plane of the hundred ghosts.
   Su Ziyu rubbed his forehead with a headache, slowly said: "You said that the spirit of ghost Kyoto is losing?"
"Yes." The money rat looked scared, and whispered: "Suddenly one day, there was a crack in the sky of the ghost Kyoto. Although it was later sealed by Master Yan Mo, many spirits were lost. ."
   lying trough.
   Isn’t the resurrection of the Earth plane due to the energy of the Hundred Ghosts?
  The spirits of the Hundred Ghosts are constantly flowing into this world for some reason they don’t know?
   At the same time, it also caused some monsters to cross into this world?
  The ghost of the ghost Kyoto has only disappeared in the last one or two years, and the time is almost synchronized with the reiki recovery.
and many more.
   Su Ziyu directly took out a bead, and raised a hand to release a hazy 圣嵝白影, it is a nonsense.
   "You also run out of ghost Kyoto?" Su Ziyu directly invaded the other party's consciousness.
   The result was surprising.
  Suo in front of him did not cross from the ghost Kyoto, and there was only one place called 酆都 in its chaotic memory.
   messed up.
   is completely messed up.
  For some reasons, the two planes have some spatial interference.
   The energy of the Hundred Ghost Plane is just like the siphon effect, which continuously flows into this world. This is the key to the recovery of Reiki.
   "How many monsters ran out?" Su Ziyu asked in a deep voice.
   "Not many." The Money Rat cautiously said: "There are still some ghosts that already exist."
   "They used to be legendary urban talks."
   "Suddenly turned into a monster recently."
   Shouldn't it?
   When he left the Hundred Ghost Plane, he did almost nothing special.
   is also the first time that the plane of the earth has returned.
   During this period, there should be nothing to cause the connection between the two planes, and the resurgence of the aura of the earth plane has been around for some time. At that time, I was still in other planes.
   Su Ziyu had a lot of doubts at this time.
   The rejuvenation of the aura on the plane of the earth obviously obtained energy from other worlds.
   The key to all this happened, Su Ziyu did not have any clue, because this is certainly not something he can do. This phenomenon of plane intersection requires extremely large amounts of energy. In the database of the space-time monitor system, only the chaos of space-time can be done.
and many more.
  Time and space turbulence?
   It seems that the time velocity of the Hundred Ghost Plane is indeed abnormal for a period of time. From about 795 AD, it entered the 21st century.
   Looks like I have to go to Fuso.
  Suzuki wants to know the truth of everything, hibiscus must go, because the first place after the money rat crosses is Kyoto.
   There are some monsters in the plane of the hundred ghosts.
   Su Ziyu must deal with it, after all, this matter may have some cause and effect with him.
   "Qing Ji's plane spirit is constantly losing?"
   "Is it estimated that they are panicking now?"
   Su Ziyu looked at the money rat in front of him and grabbed it directly: "Will it be deformed? Get smaller."
   "Yes." The money rat suddenly turned into a golden yellow hamster, a clever and obedient look.
   For now.
If the Earth’s plane only intersects with the Hundred Ghost Plane, then the problem is not so great, because the Hundred Ghost Plane itself has no source of pollution, but if it has a spatial intersection with other worlds that Suziyu has experienced, then The problem is slightly more serious.
   Because the danger level of many planes is quite terrible for the earth!
   No wonder the plane consciousness has such a strong repulsive force.
   This is probably the resurgence of Reiki, which directly formed the self-protection mechanism of the plane consciousness of the plane of the earth, excluding some particularly powerful beings from the space of the earth.
  In the mouth of the money rat, the missing monsters are not particularly strong, at least the existence of the big monster level has not suddenly disappeared.
  Suzi fish can come back.
   is to a great extent related to him who was originally out of this plane. The plane pan-consciousness may also intentionally accept his return.
of course.
  Although accepting the return of Su Ziyu, the plane-wide awareness is still alerting him, otherwise there will be no restraining force.
   "No wonder I encountered a supernatural being as soon as I teleported."
   "Are you suggesting me too?" Su Ziyu couldn't help looking up at the sky, but unfortunately he could not reach the plane-consciousness.
   Pan-consciousness is a collection.
   This kind of existence is very special, it is difficult to generate self-awareness. They are the self-protection mechanism of a world's life, and will be triggered to wake up in some specific circumstances.
When    came out, the phone was shaking.
  Su Ziyu opened his phone and glanced, and found that Liu Meng, who he had just met, was sending him a message.
   "Brother Su?"
   "Are you all right? Why did you go suddenly?"
   "Is there anything that can help us?"
   Both girls sent him a message, as well as a friend request from Liu Haoran.
   "It's okay." Su Ziyu thought about it and replied: "Is it convenient for you to go online now?"
   "Help me check the recent spooky incidents in Japan or Tokyo. If there are any urban rumors, let me pay attention."
   "Send me similar things elsewhere."
   These three people have already been exposed to supernatural beings.
  Su Ziyu will be a bit troublesome to collect this information by himself. Just let them check it together, and then he will sort out the information and see what happens next.
   I don’t know if the plane crack in Tokyo is still there.
   Those monsters that ran out must not be allowed to do anything wrong, Su Ziyu must deal with these monsters.
"grown ups."
   "Do you know His Royal Highness Bai Ji?" At that time, the money rat whispered honestly on Su Ziyu's shoulder.
  When referring to Qing Ji, Su Ziyu's expression changed significantly.
   "Hmm." Su Ziyu's face was slightly stiff, and he seemed a little afraid to hear the name.
   He pinched the golden hamster's fat cheek directly with his fingers and said in a deep voice: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. Shut up."
   "Without my permission, you are not allowed to speak again."
  Finally, Su Ziyu walked directly towards the community where he once lived with his memory.
   Not much has changed here.
  The price of the magic capital is relatively high. The place where Suziyu used to live was not in the city center, but the rent was more than 6,000 a month, which is a lot of expenses.
   At this time the night has been getting dark.
Su Ziyu directly bypassed the security guard at the door and walked into the community. He lived in Building 302 in the sixth building. Before he came close, he saw the colorful clothes hanging on the balcony~EbookFREE.me~All are some Women's tights. The room is two rooms and one hall with lights on. Standing downstairs, you can hear a mature woman talking. It seems to be calling someone to complain that a company manager of the company has cheated and cheated.
   "What are you screaming? Come here!" There was a cat meow from the balcony, and then saw a girl in cool pajamas came out and reached out to hug a fat orange cat back.
   She turned her head and shouted into the house: "Sister! Mimi has been screaming! Isn't it spring?"
"You're just spring. Mimi has already undergone sterilization." Soon, a mature woman in her 30s came out, she reached out and took the orange cat in her arms, and looked at it. Tao: "It is estimated that you are hungry again."
   "Go get some cat food."
   "Every day knows to eat, eat, fat will not die you..."
   The mature woman reached out and squeezed the cat's face, and then placed it on the sofa, continuing to pick up the phone and whisper.
   Fat orange?
   Su Ziyu's expression was very pleasant, her toes flew into the air with a light touch.
  It seems that his residence has been renovated again.
   But some furniture is still there.
   The two women in the room slept in the bed that he had bought, but everything in the TV wardrobe table was changed. There was basically nothing he left behind, and the anti-theft door seemed to be replaced together.
   The only constant is the fat orange lying on the sofa.
   It seems to be adopted by these two women.
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