Chapter 4: Hourglass of Time IV

   Night came.
  Su Ziyu sat on the stone steps at the door to watch the stars. Recently, I don’t know why he always recalls some things in the past, and I miss the leisurely life on earth even more. In the past two days, he felt that other people in the village had a little change in his attitude towards him. This is an unfriendly change that ordinary people may not feel, but for the squid under the fence from a young age. Quite obvious. Here I have to mention his past. Originally Su Suyu should have a happy family and a good childhood. But Dad didn’t fight hard and got a drug addiction. In the end, everything became fragmented.
  I don't remember many things from my childhood.
   Su Ziyu has been fostered in his uncle's family since he was five or six years old. His childhood life is not very good, because the uncle has a son and a daughter, and the family conditions can only be said to be very ordinary. At first, Su Ziyu had a very bad life, because the auntie was very disliked him in reality, thinking that the uncle put a big burden on his family. But fortunately, Su Ziyu was very smart and sensible from an early age. He knew how to adapt to the environment, rather than waiting for the environment to adapt to him. Under this circumstance, he started to help his family with the housework that he could do from the age of six or seven, and changed the opinions of the whole family on himself little by little.
  'S sister and younger brother's attitude towards him became much friendlier. He no longer thought that he would take away the enemies of his parents' care. The auntie was much better to him, at least knowing that he was a good child.
   It was not until Su Ziyu started school that his childhood became much better.
the reason is simple.
  He can read, he can learn more than other children, and his results are basically among the best. Being able to read books is the best amulet for a child like him without parental protection. Because he can read books, he will not be bullied in school, even those who scolded him as a "wild boy", as long as he cried and told the teacher, the teacher will also teach the person to take the parents by the way. Because she can study, her attitude towards him has become better and better, thinking that this is a child who will have a good future, he will no longer be regarded as a burden, and he will even be better to him than his own son. Su Ziyu is in eight When I was years old, I said a sentence, "I will study hard, and I will definitely repay you in the future." He also said this sentence twice, once in high school and once in college.
  It's helpless to let a young child hang the reward in his mouth, but he really has no other choice.
   For a weak child, reading is his most advantageous protection.
   In that era, the proportion of rural children dropping out of school was quite large. Su Ziyu had never been troubled by tuition fees. After his sister and younger brother did not like to study, he became the hope of the whole family. Because he could study, he had a good time in high school. At that time, there were a lot of in the school. In adolescence, it was normal to fight because of some petty things. After entering junior high school, the teacher can no longer be his umbrella. He fights harder than others when he reads more books. He picks out some hard places to start. After fighting privately once or twice, no one dares to bully him again.
   Faced with a rebellious child, he must learn to protect himself.
   Su Ziyu just smoothly transitioned to college in this way. He was admitted to a very good university, Fudan University.
  After the high school life, Su Ziyu moved bricks in the construction site for a period of time, mainly to earn some living expenses, because the tuition fees have brought a great burden to the uncle's family. The construction site is a good place. As long as you are willing to work hard, you can get money, and there is no requirement, and you will not be in arrears of wages.
In college, he was truly independent. He didn’t need to be cautious about the people around him. He no longer needed the care of his uncle. He didn’t need the protection of his teacher. He didn’t need to look at people’s lives anymore. Finally, I majored in computer science, but after graduation I ran to do mobile games. At that time, it just ushered in the outbreak of mobile games. Basically, as long as it is okay, there are tens of millions of monthly turnover. He successfully entered the management class and entered the ranks of millions of annual salary after a few years of graduation. , Can be considered a bit of a score.
   During this period, Su Ziyu also talked about love several times, but they were not able to come to the end. He may be a bit lonely in nature, and he doesn’t know how to love someone.
  After working, he helped the family rebuild the house. The cousin later married his wife and bought the house in the urban area. Originally, Su Ziyu wanted to pay the cousin directly, so he should repay the uncle for their upbringing. But the uncle stopped him. The man, who was often scolded by his wife when he didn't dare to shout, shook his head and refused. He insisted that he only give a down payment, and the cousin would return the down payment to him later. This man who rarely speaks has his own persistence, as if Su Ziyu is a person who does not owe humanity and gratitude. Since then he has settled in Shanghai, and later he has a very fat orange cat.
   The man Su Ziyu does not have much demand for materials, so he likes to travel when he has a bit of money and collects some weird collections until he buys a golden hourglass from Egypt who is said to be from Egypt.
   Then, he was miserable.
   "Ah. I don't know what happened to my fat orange!" Su Ziyu looked at the night sky and couldn't help sighing.
Uncle, they don’t have to worry about it. The cousin and cousin are with them. There are villas in the countryside and small buildings in the city. Su Ziyu made proper arrangements for them after earning money. They also bought pension insurance, which is considered as repaying them. Upbringing. Since living independently, he basically went back to the New Year to take a look, there is nothing to worry about there. There are very few friends who really care for each other. The people in big cities are very realistic. It can only be said that Su Ziyu can do well with people. The only thing he was most concerned about was the orange cat, because it accompanied the squid for a long time, and later he was too fat and had little ability to prey.
   "I hope someone adopts it. Don't be a stray cat." Su Ziyu murmured.
   He patted his buttocks and stood up. The whip marks on his back were much better, but he still needed a good rest.
the next day.
When he got up, he heard the noise outside, and when he pushed out the door, he saw a young man holding a sword. He seemed to be called Roth, which should be the pronunciation. The other person’s eyes were not friendly. Recently, the people in the village were right. His attitude is slowly getting worse, although Su Ziyu has done nothing, but these people have more and more rejected him.
   It may be that he inadvertently offended someone. The residents in the village sometimes pointed at him.
   "Su." Fortunately, Linna's attitude towards him was still very friendly. She brought Su Ziyu food and pushed away the young man in front of her. There is no way for the two parties to communicate normally, but Su Ziyu feels what should happen in the village, something very bad.
   Linna didn't teach him sword technique today, they set traps around the village.
There were two villagers watching him outside, and he seemed to be limited in his range of activities again. The young man named Rote looked at him with a very unfriendly look, and Su Ziyu did not know the reason. Anyway, the two days were suddenly right He was very polite. I don't know if it was an illusion. He smelled a smell faintly. This smell can be easily distinguished from the second wooden house in the front.
  Time passes day by day.
Lina’s number of visits has decreased a lot, and her expression is a little low every time she comes. The young man named Rot often follows, and his eyes have been staring at Su Ziyu. The man named Ken rarely shows up, occasionally Once he saw him, he seemed to find a wound on his arm and a bandage around it. Su Ziyu didn't know what was happening, he could not communicate with these aborigines normally, and the range of activities was limited to the wooden house.
   "You must learn to endure." Su Ziyu told himself.
  He is a person who is good at adapting to the environment. He understands that many incidents are easy to cause trouble now, especially when the indigenous people are increasingly repelling themselves. UU reading book Because of the golden hourglass, Su Ziyu may not stay long in this world. To be honest, the people here are a bit fierce and he doesn’t want any accident at this time. To be honest, he is also very confused now. He doesn't know what he should do. Every day he waits for his energy to recover and study the mysterious golden hourglass, trying to understand the incredibly complicated and cumbersome runes engraved on it.
   But he gained very little, because this is an extremely energy-consuming thing.
However, his gains are not without. He found a rune similar to a scale, and there are some special marks on it. Unlike the encounter with the snake man, he found that there is an additional rune seal on it. It may be the world coordinates recorded by the golden hourglass, and one of the symbols may represent the position of the earth.
   Night came.
   Su Ziyu's injury has almost recovered, so he sleeps a little later than usual. In the past, he only went to bed at 11 or 12. This habit has not been completely changed. Because there is no mobile phone and no computer to play, he can only look at the stars in the sky at this time. When he is bored during the day, he still draws a chess board on the ground to play chess with himself.
   Sure enough, life on earth is rich and colorful, and the days here are really boring.
  As a game developer, he plays the game just for a while every day, and here he has few entertainment projects.
   Just when Su Ziyu was about to fall asleep, a scream of scream suddenly awoke him. There was a sudden confusion outside, and there were some sounds of footsteps and some panic and messy speeches. Many torches were ignited. He finally couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart and quietly put on his clothes and slipped out of his own. room.
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