Vol 9 Chapter 74: Another timeline

Storm Lord-Barchard?
The second generation of Obiris Demon? It is really far from the current Tanari Devil!
After listening to the words of His Excellency Stephen, Su Ziyu couldn't help but looked at the corpse of Storm Lord Barchard in front of him with curiosity. It looked like a giant whale that had been dead and slowly began to weather. How big is it? It is still uncertain, but judging from the exposed part of the weathered body, the length of the Obiris demon may reach tens of kilometers, and ordinary dragons are as inconspicuous as a small ant in front of it.
"Enter his consciousness?" Su Ziyu said with a slight hesitation on his expression.
"Don't worry." As if seeing Su Ziyu's concerns, His Excellency Stephen smiled and said: "With me here, don't worry about being polluted and corrupted by his demon power. His remnants of death will not be affected. Your spirit."
It is not a simple matter to invade the conscious mind of others, especially when facing those extremely powerful beings.
Minds can contaminate each other, and demons are the real source of chaos.
After hearing the words of His Excellency Stephen, Su Ziyu was obviously relieved. What he worries most is pollution, because he is not strong enough to ignore these pollution. After glanced at the huge corpse of Storm Lord Bachard in front of him, Su Ziyu turned on the power of Lingsight, searched for the target's consciousness fragments, and then gently placed his hand on the dry and weathered flesh and blood.
For an instant.
Suzi fish seems to have fallen into the endless sea. It is the memory of an Obiris demon for hundreds of thousands of years. The huge stream of consciousness is like a flood, and I don’t know where to rush him. Which corner of the memory.
at the same time.
Just when Su Ziyu closed his eyes and intruded into the sea of ​​consciousness of Storm Lord Bachard, behind His Excellency Stephen, a pair of gray-black dragon claws also broke through the space, and then a huge dragon head stretched out.
Swire Time Dragon first glanced at Su Ziyu, and then turned its gaze to His Excellency Stephen, and said softly: "He is weaker than I thought."
"He is also stronger than you think." His Excellency Stephen smiled and shrugged: "We are very lucky."
"Recovered him in advance."
Taikoo Shilonglong tilted his head and hesitated: "To be honest, I am a little doubtful whether he can negotiate with the Pantheon on behalf of the Time and Space Hub in the future."
"You must know that now the Pantheon is the lord who has the final say."
"I'm still more optimistic about you becoming the new master of time and space."
His Excellency Stephen raised his eyebrows and said helplessly: "You know. I owe the favor of that lord, I am not suitable for that position."
"And this young man is very good, but he hasn't found his own way yet."
Swire Time Dragon heard this and said with a distressed expression: "You speak with Master Xu in the same tone now."
There was a pause.
Swire Time Dragon suddenly asked: "That excellency already knows the past?"
"It should be known." His Excellency Stephen said after a moment of silence: "Since he guessed that I resurrected the father of the oak tree, he should have seen another timeline in the long river of time and space."
"God God transcends time and space."
"When he is promoted, he will be able to see everything we did back then."
"But don't worry."
"The timeline is shrinking. When that lord was promoted to the God of God, all the past, present and future only pointed to this time and space anchor."
"He and the Lord of Radiance will not set off the twilight of the gods again."
Silence fell again.
The ancient time dragon seemed to be reminiscing. This time dragon, which was stronger than many gods, shuddered suddenly, and muttered: "It's terrible!...The lord of that time!..."
"I didn't expect such a small factor to attract the dusk of the gods of the entire crystal wall system."
His Excellency Stephen's expression was quite calm, but he said slowly: "His Royal Highness Vivian is the light of his human nature, representing family affection and fetters."
"That sir was originally a cold man."
"If an accident happened to His Highness Vivian and fell into the hands of other fearful gods, it is almost inevitable that your lord will be blackened. He will launch a large-scale purge of the entire crystal wall system of the gods, I am not surprised at all."
"Because he didn't have any fear of God in the first place."
The Chronicle Axis once performed a top-secret mission, and even the other Chronicle Guardians did not know about it. There were only three participants, one was His Excellency Stephen, the other was the Void Master, and the other was the Primordial Time Dragon in front of him. Their task is actually very simple, that is, to protect a highness named Vivian in secret, she is a child of fear, and the most beloved sister of Lord Sauron.
In that turbulent timeline that was secretly interfered with, His Royal Highness Vivian fell in the first battle of God's Son in the turbulent year.
The Lord Sauron, who had lost his only bond and hadn't come to meet his loved one in a hurry, instantly blackened, and the blood of the Slaughter Son in his body was awakened, directly inheriting the fearful divinity of His Highness Vivian.
The blackened Lord Sauron let the group know what is the real horror!
He directly joined the battle of the sons of God, with boundless hatred for the gods, standing on the corpses of the sons of fear, and finally sealed the gods with the priesthood of [killing] and [fear]!
It is necessary to know that in the correct timeline, Lord Sauron was enshrined by the [half-elf] priesthood, and at the end stepped into the realm of death.
These two priests are not in the same order at all.
His Excellency Sauron, who was enthroned with the priesthood of [half-elf], was only a with weak power at the beginning, and Lord Sauron, who was ennominated by the priesthood of [Kill] and [Fear], started with quasi-strong power. After being promoted to a god, Lord Sauron, who was completely blackened, began to purify other gods. Taking advantage of the turbulent years, he killed several gods of the gods in one breath, and finally Even more violent conflict broke out with the Lord of Radiance.
Losing the of family affection and love, the last bit of human light from Lord Sauron also disappeared after being enshrined.
A terrifying existence with the potential to be promoted to the of the gods was directly blackened, and the result was that the entire crystal wall system ushered in the dusk of the gods.
"never mind."
"Let's talk about him." Taikoo Time Dragon seemed to think of a thin figure sitting alone on the bone throne~EbookFREE.me~ The huge body shivered, and changed the subject to point to Su Zi. Yudao: "The power of thunder and storm."
"Are you going to set him on the path of the Titans?"
His Excellency Stephen didn't seem to want to recall the figure sitting alone on the bone throne, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "It's all right."
"He chose psionics."
"So in the end, it doesn't matter whether you are promoted to Sarnagar or embark on the road of Titans."
The ancient time dragon thought about it seriously, and then nodded: "That's okay. After all, the original master of time and space was an ancient titan who was in charge of time and space."
"The multiverse has not been born without a Titan for many, many years."
(End of this chapter)
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