Vol 10 Chapter 4: Gospel

Night fell.
Due to the recent increase in the number of lunatics in the wilderness and the fact that Polaris has been attacked twice during this period, the city has temporarily imposed a curfew, and no one is allowed to take to the streets after eight o'clock in the evening. However, this order could not be fully implemented, especially after Pasha hadn't appeared for a long time, some underground forces mingling in the North Star quietly brought in the contraband from outside like a carnival.
These contrabands are mainly psychotropic drugs.
The team of scavengers has a great demand for them, especially in recent years more and more illegal human body modification. Some people have carried out a lot of cheap bionic modification in order to improve combat effectiveness. It will cause them to be often tortured by pain and require medication to relieve them.
And the other type of people who have a great need for psychotropic drugs are those who have been contaminated by lunatics, and their will is not strong enough, and they have begun to experience slight auditory hallucinations.
The lunatic appeared in the second year after Su Ziyu left.
The madman who was first discovered did not have any abnormalities, but was rather perverse and withdrawn, and had a certain tendency to violence. There are too many people like this in Wasteland. Many people have traumatic syndrome. The early Wilderness Knights even cannibalized people because of lack of food.
It wasn't until a human gathering place was captured by an infected lunatic, and everyone was slaughtered, that people discovered that madness had spread in the world unknowingly.
The spread of madness is irregular.
It is almost leaps and bounds. Without human contact, it blooms in many places on the earth, not only in North America, but also in Asia and Europe. Traces of lunatics have begun to appear. The major forces mobilized almost immediately and began to study the principles of madness, but their research progress was quite slow, because people infected by lunatics could not be detected by conventional means in the early stages.
The first sign of infection with madness is the appearance of auditory hallucinations, followed by a continuous nightmare, until it completely defeats the human spirit and plunges into madness.
As for the transmission route of madness, no useful clues have yet been found.
Its infection seems to be random. Some people have been in close contact with lunatics, some of them have been infected, some are okay, some have been to some dangerous and highly polluted areas, some of them go crazy on the spot, and some are escaping. Still normal afterwards.
The madness is like a giant net of invisible shadows, which gradually enveloped everyone in it. In the end, even some people were clearly not infected, but because they suspected that they were infected, they eventually contracted madness.
Because of the spread of madness, the current progress in rebuilding civilization around the world has stalled.
"The target has left the inner city."
In the darkness, in a small three-story building, a few dim lights flashed faintly. The man under surveillance turned on the communicator and quickly said: "The brothers are also with her."
Soon, a low male voice rang from the communicator: "Find a way to continue to monitor them."
not far away.
A group of fully armed soldiers equipped with exoskeleton-powered armor boarded several armored vehicles, and then the armored vehicles drove all the way out of the city and quickly disappeared into the dark wilderness. However, just as these armored vehicles were about to leave the city gate, there was a sudden humming sound on the roof of a nearby five-story building, followed by a small black spot that quickly flew past, sticking silently. In the lower right of the armored vehicle.
A small red dot appeared on the monitor in the man's hand. He turned on the communicator and said: "The tracker has been placed, do I need to send someone to follow it?"
"I will arrange." The low male voice responded quickly.
The convoy ran all the way through the wilderness.
In the armored car headed by, Su Ying turned on the communicator next to her ear and said: "Uncle Leon. Will they really follow?"
After a short electric current sound, a male voice rang: "If they are really plotting against you, they shouldn't give up this opportunity."
Su Ying was still a little worried when she heard this, and whispered: "Some of them are very strong."
"I'm afraid..."
There was a female chuckle from the communicator, and then Leon's voice sounded: "It's okay. We took the little fat man with him. And this time we also have a helper."
"You evacuated immediately after reaching the ambush."
"We will take care of the rest."
After realizing that the people of the Antarctic Group were unkind to her, Su Ying immediately chose to ask the Brotherhood for help. At this time, Leon also returned from the mission. While the Antarctic Group was eyeing Su Ying, the Brotherhood was also eyeing this power that had suddenly emerged in recent years.
After a thorough investigation, even the Brotherhood was shocked, because they actually discovered that the Antarctic Group had a deep connection with the Academy and the Mechanical Atomic Sect.
They seem to have a government background before the catastrophe.
There are clues that the destruction of the Southern Cross had something to do with them. The original genetic modification materials that Suzi fish brought out from the Southern Cross were part of the experiments carried out by a force called the Antarctic Research Institute.
Before the arrival of nuclear winter, the government organizations of the old world had pooled some resources and power in an attempt to find a way to save everything.
The Antarctic Research Institute was an organization funded by the government and military at that time.
But it didn't take long for the research institute organized by the government to leak pollution. All experimental projects were forced to suspend. The appearance of super deformities and ghouls dealt a devastating blow to everyone. Immediately after the most chaotic and darkest period arrived, the wasteland world ushered in a long period of anarchy.
After the appearance of the ghoul, the research institute funded by the government was dormant. They transferred most of their personnel and supplies to Antarctica, waiting for the nuclear winter to pass.
But more weird things are yet to come.
After the Antarctic Research Institute was closed for a long period of time, there was another activity but it had something to do with the Mechanical Atomic Sect.
There seems to be a split within them.
Some people in the Antarctic Research Institute have a close relationship with the Mechanical Atomism ~ EbookFREE.me~ The research direction has also changed from science to theology, and they have become a group of mysterious esoterics.
Initially, the research directions of these institutes were genetic technology, but now these esotericists worship an unknown and study some mysterious psychic knowledge.
They listen to God’s ‘gospel’ and find real power in the ‘gospel’.
Leon’s mission this time is to trace something called the ‘Gospel’. There are various signs that the ‘Gospel’ is extremely closely related to the cataclysm. If you can find the gospels, it may be able to unravel the real cause of the cataclysm that year.
This time, dealing with the lurking Antarctic group members of Polaris is only a small part of the plan. The true elite forces of the Brotherhood have joined forces with the Beidou advance forces and are planning to raid the base camp of the occultists near the Atomic Sea.
There are various signs that one of the so-called ‘gospels’ is in the Atomic Sea.
(End of this chapter)
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