Vol 2 Chapter 16: Commitment 2

in the dark.
  The witch of winter brought the squid into the forest.
   In fact, it is a wise choice not to enter the forest at night, because there are more monsters in the forest than outside. It seems that because of the scarecrows and mud puppets, these monsters will not be near the town, they are more active in the forest.
   "This is the magic circle left by the sisters."
The Witch of Winter took the squid fish for a long time in the night. On the way, he saw many strange monsters, such as an owl with three eyes, a dry and twisted but free-moving tree man, like a black mud crawling. Shadows and so on. The Witch of Winter seems to have a certain ability to make them invisible. She took the squid fish all the way to the inside of the forest. This pointed to four special patterns on the ground: "The black forest is too dangerous now. "
   "There are a lot of scary snake monsters, even if I am not necessarily able to pass through."
   "This circle can help you leave the dream forest."
   Know the patterns of squid on the ground.
  He saw the same pattern in the tree house in the forest during the day. They represent the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire, but it is a pity that Su Ziyu does not recognize the above words.
   "You stand up." Winter Witch said seriously.
   Today she seems to be much more normal. The people in this world seem to be very unstable, and will undergo extremely great changes due to external stimuli. If you use Su Ziyu's previous description of the game to play, it is that the Winter Witch's SAN value (sane) because of the blackening of Jack once fell to the verge of collapse, and then because of Su Ziyu's trust and certain recovery With some of the ego, the SAN value (rationality) has recovered a lot.
   What Blackened Jack wants to do is to use words to stimulate the Witch of Winter, so that her reason is completely collapsed into chaos and madness.
   seems to be the only way to destroy everything in the kingdom of dreams.
   And now Su Ziyu has to do as much as possible to return the SAN value (saneness) of the Witch of Winter to prevent her from getting into chaos because of the truth of the reality. The straightforward reason is-can it still fight? You can do it if you can fight!
   As long as the Witch of Winter is not crazy, there is still hope for a comeback.
Su Ziyu stood at the center of the earth, water, wind and fire patterns according to the requirements of the Winter Witch, and then she pressed her hands on these patterns, injecting magic one by one. These patterns gradually shone, and even jumps appeared on them. Flames, flowing clear water, rotating hurricanes, and heavy mud.
   woo woo woo.
   The strange wind suddenly came from all directions, and then some shadowy things were approaching here little by little.
   On the ground, countless shadows that were creeping like black mud were approaching little by little, they twisted into what many people looked like, and made an unusually strange whisper. Among these dark shadows, Su Ziyu saw three very beautiful witches. The first was very gentle, the second was hot and enthusiastic, and the third was gentle and intellectual. They looked at the winter in front of them. The witch's lips flicked and said nothing, but no voice came out.
   The twisted shadow in front of Su Ziyu also turned into some familiar faces. At the forefront was Pasha in exoskeleton power armor, then a gentle Zoe, and there was a disappeared Peak beside him. Both of them appeared in Su Ziyu's dream because he didn't see Linna and Ken.
"do not go."
   "Stay with us."
   "Don't you like us? Su?"
   A murmured whisper echoed directly in Su Ziyu's mind, making his whole person a little irritable.
   "Alarm! Alarm!"
   "Demonstration fluctuations of the mind are detected!...Damage fluctuations of the mind are detected!..."
   The spiritual energy in Su Ziyu seemed to be agitated. He could not help but glared at him, and then saw the shadow of Pasha and Zoe screaming, and the whole person quickly melted into a pool of black mud.
  After this sudden psionic eruption, Su Ziyu's spirit was a little weak.
   Then he seemed to hear Peak's words indistinctly, Peak said to him in a strange tone, so that Su Ziyu could not help but shocked the whole person.
  "All the way downwind! Take care!"
   Peak said what it meant to change, and then the black mud that turned into him disappeared like this.
   Peak is not dead?
   Just when Su Ziyu was surprised and suddenly, the whistling sound of the winter witch suddenly sounded: "Go away!"
   A terrible chill broke out.
   The power of the ice directly freezes all nearby monsters, including the three shadows that turn into witches. The winter witch lifts a slender palm, and all the ice sculptures are all broken into ice in an instant.
   "This power! It's terrible!"
   "Fortunately, she didn't really blacken yesterday! Otherwise I might be dead!" Su Ziyu secretly said.
   Today, the strength of the Witch of Winter is higher than yesterday. I don’t know how much.
   didn't know whether it was because of the return of reason, or because she was inspired by Su Ziyu. Anyway, she has a strong fighting will now, and even even the three sisters' ghosts were killed together. Yesterday the witch of Xia should be fake, but even if it was fake, she wanted to prevent Su Ziyu from killing it.
  If a witch of Xia comes out at this moment~EbookFREE.me~ I am afraid that without the use of Su Ziyu, the Witch of Winter will solve it by himself.
   Very good.
   This is like a real lady!
After killing these twisted monsters, the Winter Witch came to Su Ziyu gently. She raised her feet on the forehead and kissed him gently. Then she held Su Ziyu's hands and said: "bless you."
   A magical power attached to the squid like a gentle current, and then disappeared little by little, turning into an invisible barrier.
at the same time.
  The data flow in my mind also passed some information.
   "Bless the guardian witch!"
   "Bless the river fairy!"
The prompt from the system made Su Ziyu not change his face slightly, he opened his mouth to ask something, but at this time the teleportation circle had been activated, he felt a whirl of the sky, the whole person seemed to be caught in a twisted channel Now, some of them have become weird and bizarre tones, just like a palette of countless kinds of pigments mixed together, and weird pictures drawn by splashing ink in front of my eyes.
  I don't know how long it has been.
  When Su Ziyu's consciousness was restored, he was standing in a cold ice.
   It seems to be winter outside.
   The whole world is wrapped in silver, and the rising smoke can be seen vaguely in the distance. It seems to be a town with human life.
   stepping stepping.
A sound of horseshoes came from behind. Two men wearing heavy leather jackets and coats covering half of their faces were riding from behind. They glanced at the weird squid and exchanged softly. He quickly left.
   This is the chessboard country.
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