Vol 2 Chapter 28: White Empress

   "Don't be afraid. Little one."
   Queen Bai smiled and stood up. She was very slender and didn't feel when she was lying down. She probably stood more than two meters tall.
   Her smile is quite charming, making people feel intimately close. As her voice sounds, Su Ziyu's mood gradually calms down, but her hand is still pressed on the handle of the knife.
   "Ah." Queen Bai stretched her lazily, her almost perfect figure was very attractive. She glanced at Su Ziyu: "It seems that you know a lot!"
   The sense of crisis brought by Superman's perception gradually subsided.
   But Su Ziyu's expression is still quite alert, he slowly said: "You are also polluted?"
   She has the same breath as Winter Witch.
   Rotten taste.
   "Hmm." Queen Bai raised her hand gently, and a seat appeared in front of her. She nodded calmly: "Yes. I am also polluted."
   "But this level of pollution has not affected me."
   She is very confident.
   The white queen in front of her is different from the rumors. In the rumors she is noble, beautiful, gentle and kind, almost a perfect female incarnation. But now Su Ziyu saw the proud, powerful, and mischievous White Queen. He even teased him as soon as he saw him, releasing a rather dark atmosphere.
   He is very sensitive to this kind of breath after the enhancement of perception!
   "Don't you believe it?" Queen White giggled suddenly, her red lips slightly said: "You look like a psionicist."
   "Why not open your eyes and take a look?"
   Su Ziyu's expression was a bit hesitant, but then a glimmer appeared in his eyes.
   A tingling erupted directly in Su Ziyu's spirit. He couldn't help but snorted. Then he looked at the white queen in front of him.
  He saw a god-like existence.
Behind the charming and touching figure of the White Queen is a giant woman sitting on the throne of ice. Her appearance is almost exactly the same as that of the White Queen, except that she is only 20 to 30 meters tall and is white. Shrouded by the aura. The godlike giantess stared at the front, most of her body was covered with ice, but she could still see a trace of dark and rotten breath from her.
   The giantess's eyes fell on Su Ziyu's body. She said in a calm voice: "You don't seem to have seen yourself. Why don't you look at yourself?"
   The voice fell.
   Su Ziyu's gaze turned upside down, and when he recovered, what appeared in front of him was an expressionless self.
   is another one behind him.
   He has an unusually tall body, about five meters in height, and the muscles on his body are extremely strong and full of an explosive force. The suzifish in front of him looked very cold, his scarlet pupils stared forward, his hair had become a thick braid, one hand had turned into a huge gray bone blade, and the other The hands are three slightly creepy dark cyan tentacles that are constantly changing their appearance, and there are two slightly bulged sarcomas on his back vertebrae. He looked up at himself, and then the sarcoma on his back broke apart, and two sharp bone spurs meandered from the back, turning into a pair of bone spur wings that made people look cold.
   "What the hell!"
"this is not me!……"
   Su Ziyu gasped violently, and his state of vision had disappeared due to mental instability.
   He looked down at his hands and muttered: "Pollution value."
   "I am also corrupted by flesh and blood."
  Under the state of vision, Su Ziyu's ghost image behind him is like a super-distorted self, even more terrible than super-distorted!
  No wonder Winter Witch's attitude towards him was a bit strange at first.
   She should have seen it already!
   "Giggle! Look, you are also polluted." The white queen lay back on the throne again. She lazily held her chin with her white palm, expressing her taste: "Aren't you yourself?"
   did not feel any abnormality.
  The flesh and blood corruption in his body has not yet erupted, and the pollution value has not reached the requirement of becoming that super-distorted form. In the wasteland world, the squid had only been injected with two anti-radiation agents. The first was when he escaped from the Southern Cross with Pasha, and the second was before he left the wasteland.
   Those anti-radiation agents have a big problem!
   Su Ziyu's other self seen in the state of acuity is completely a cold monster.
   "What do you want to express?" Su Ziyu, who had calmed down, looked up at the white queen in front of her, and his eyes were no longer affected by the amazing beauty of the other party. She stared straightly at her eyes.
   Queen Bai's expression gradually became serious.
   She sat up and met Su Ziyu's gaze: "The proud witches of the fairy land will actually ask you for help. The situation is worse than I thought."
   "I want to solve all this trouble."
   "You must trust me unconditionally!"
   "Rather than letting you find that I am also polluted. I would tell you the initiative."
is it?
  By the way, tell me, am I also polluted?
   A dark-bellied woman.
   Sure enough white things are cut in black~EbookFREE.me~ The white queen in front of her is not as simple as rumored, she is a very powerful woman, much more difficult to deal with than the winter witch.
   "How did you get contaminated?" Su Ziyu was contaminated because he was injected with anti-radiation agents, but why did the Winter Witch become that look? He had only a vague guess.
  He continued to ask: "The Witch of Winter and a big goblin came to you?"
   "How did they get polluted?"
   Queen Bai heard silence for a moment, then whispered: "Golden Apple."
   Sure enough!
   The strange changes that took place in the Winter Witch are related to Golden Apple.
   "Do you know why I can stay awake?" Queen Bai stood up, and she slowly opened a box next to it.
  Golden apple.
   A legendary golden apple appeared in front of Su Ziyu's eyes. It exudes an unparalleled fragrance, which makes people want to swallow it.
  Queen White moved the box gently.
   The golden apple that appeared in front of him had been bitten by someone in the back, and the bite-sucking place, like the black mud juice, was slowly dripping.
   "Want to have a bite?" White Queen chuckled unusually charmingly.
   Is this woman crazy?
   Su Ziyu shook his head quickly. The longer he talked with the white queen, the more he discovered the madness hidden under the beautiful face of this woman.
  No wonder when Rebecca came in with a face that was hard to say.
"We found three golden apples in the ruins of the old world." Queen White sighed and closed the box gently, slowly said: "One is here with me, one was taken to the home of the goblin, the last one. One was taken away by the Dragon Witch."
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