Vol 2 Chapter 4: Hunter II

  Fantasy is a powerful warrior.
During the day, Su Ziyu has the opportunity to take a closer look at this demon hunter who makes him feel a bit of a dangerous breath. His age is not very good to guess. He looks about 30 or 40 years old, but his long hair is already Off-white. There are countless scars on his body, the most striking are the scars on the jawbone and the corners of his eyes.
   He wore two swords, a long sword and a cross sword. The former looks more common, the latter seems to be a silver-plated weapon.
  As Su Suyu observed him, he was also carefully watching Su Suyu.
   The more shocked the more I look, the more mysterious I become.
   First of all, the squid's age does not seem to be large. It is difficult for the devil hunter to judge a person's age by appearance, but such a young appearance has such a powerful strength, it really shocked Fantxin. More importantly, he did not see any scars on Su Ziyu, which represents an important thing, that is, the man in front of him is either strong enough to kill those monsters easily, or he has far more than others. Human regeneration ability.
  In his opinion, Su Ziyu is a taciturn person.
Although he tried to mention some topics along the way, he wanted to inquire about the origin of Su Ziyu, at least to figure out the school of demon hunters he came from, but Su Ziyu did not give any positive reply, but said that he was a random The purpose traveler is roaming around to find some fun to make money by the way.
   Su Ziyu's tone is too tight, he has almost nothing to gain.
   However, when eating and resting at noon, Van Tesin still found a problem, that is, this Su in front of him would not play the Quinte card.
   Was he from a hidden school of demon hunters?
  Fantasy couldn't imagine that there were still demon hunters who would not play the Quinte card, so he felt he had to teach the young man in front of him how to play a wonderful game of Quinte card.
   Two wins in the last three games, he lost.
   As a Quinte brand master, Van Tesin was a little puzzled. It was clear that the opponent was just a novice and his luck was not good, but why did he lose?
   must be because I have had a bad luck recently.
  Fantasy found a suitable answer for himself, and then prepared to find Su Ziyu for two games at night.
   A duel of the Quinte brand brought the two people closer.
   At least when they hurried off next, they looked as if they had just met friends.
   In the evening, they came to a town nearby.
  Fantasy went to the town to hand in the task, while the two were waiting outside.
  Su Ziyu is a bit strange, and asked: "Why don't we go in and find a hotel to rest?"
   Melissa turned her head and looked at him strangely, and said softly: "They are afraid of us."
   Ordinary people?
   afraid of us? Ordinary people are afraid of demon hunters?
   Su Ziyu's thoughtful expression, no wonder when they saw several farmers on the roadside during the day, they were all in a hurry to leave.
  Melissa was wiping her weapon. Her eyes fell on the black short blade at the waist of Su Ziyu. She suddenly said, "Do you want to try it?"
   Su Ziyu looked up at her and stood up and said: "Yes."
   A cold light pierced his eyes.
   Su Ziyu waved his sword away, and the huge power almost let Melissa's weapon fly away. Her expression suddenly became very dignified, and she moved her footsteps to a more delicate battle.
   Dang Dang Dang.
   Su Ziyu didn't even move his footsteps when he stood on the spot. Only then did he find that his perception enhancement was so powerful that he could almost predict the direction of the other party's attack. Melissa's strength is much worse than that of Su Ziyu. If it is Van Tesin, he can't predict the amazing shooting speed.
   "What kind of swordsmanship is this?" Melissa gasped and asked curiously.
   "White Raven Sword Art." Su Ziyu smiled.
   stepping stepping.
   A sound of horseshoes came.
  Fantasy rode a horse and led two horses from a distance. He threw a purse from a distance and said, "This is your share!"
   Su Ziyu reached out to catch it.
   He opened it on the spot without a second glance, and saw three gold coins, plus more than ten silver coins. This move made Van Tesin's expression relaxed. If Su Ziyu didn't look at it after receiving the money, he would feel extremely vigilant.
   "The horse you want." Van Tesin led a black horse.
   "Thanks." Su Ziyu collected his money bag, turned his horse directly, and waved towards the two people in front of him: "The money and goods are clear. Goodbye."
   finished, he was ready to leave without looking back.
At this time, Melissa suddenly whispered behind Van der Sin, and then Van der Sin screamed: "In the southern port city of Lund, there is a very profitable big business. "
   "I don't know if you are interested?"
   has gone out more than twenty meters away and stopped the reins and stopped. He turned his horse's head to come to Fantzen and smiled: "As long as it is a profitable job, I am interested."
   Acting perfect score~EbookFREE.me~ Su Ziyu couldn't help but give himself a compliment.
   Yesterday he discovered that there may be some secrets in these two demon hunters, but it is undesirable to directly test them, because Fantxin is an experienced and cautious guy. Su Ziyu's behavior after getting the money is a temptation, but if Van Tesin does not speak, he really intends to leave.
  Anyway, no mission has been triggered yet, and the world is not eroded seriously.
   as he said at the beginning.
   Su Ziyu is slowly defining his behavior as a traveler. If there is nothing to gain here, he can roam around to see what he can find.
  As long as it can trigger the task of increasing the level of authority, his current strength is more suitable as an investigator.
  As for removing the source of pollution, let's talk about it later.
   Su Ziyu felt that there should have been more than one person in time and space inspector. In addition to those responsible for the positioning of plane coordinates and investigation of pollution sources, there should be some more powerful space and time inspectors responsible for cleaning up those pollution sources.
   But now he hasn't found the organization, or the organization may no longer exist.
  Space-time hub may be a clue.
  Fanthin's attitude towards Suziyu was obviously much friendlier. When camping at night, he pulled Suziyu on the floor and sat for another three games of Kunte.
It is a pity.
   He still lost because of bad luck.
   This made Van Tesin a little depressed, because he did not know when his luck would be better. It is also strange that Su Ziyu won by himself. He is not very good at playing cards, but when playing, he finds that he seems to be winning.
  Kunte is a very interesting thing, he likes it very much.
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