Chapter 159: Blockade [2/3]

   "Hello, Mr. Sun, my surname is Zhao, and I am the vice chairman of Linping Yulingshi Guild, please come with me."
   is a middle-aged man who is in his early forties and has a big belly.
   He swept his gaze towards the Whale Island University team, and saw the elves in the final form, secretly speechless.
   Everyone in the world knows that famous schools are strong, but Chairman Zhao knows how strong they are today.
   Since the emergency signal was sent out, within two minutes, Whale Island University has mobilized an elite team of twenty people, all of them are students!
   The elves of many of them...Chairman Zhao estimates that they are better than his own.
  ‘I am old, I am old. ’
   He has long lost the effort to hit a higher level. He just wants to properly resolve the black guild, so as not to be unstable in the position of the vice chairman.
   A group of people walked towards the guild building not far away.
   When I got downstairs, I happened to see a few special transport vehicles open.
   jumped down a lot of elves, and a group of people as young as them.
   "I am from Dongyun University."
   The fourth team of Su Hao, whose captain is called Zhou Ming, is one of the outstanding sophomores and has also participated in similar tasks.
  He said, "The distance between the capital of Dongyun Province and Linping City is just over 100 kilometers. In addition to the team supported by our Whale Island University, there must be people from other universities in Dongyun Province."
   Zhou Ming looked at Su Hao and Bai Hongzhen, "This is your first time participating in a large mission. I hope you watch and listen more, and don’t act arbitrarily... Large missions are completely different from ordinary arrest missions!"
  Bai Hong frowned, as if he wanted to say something but didn't say anything.
   Su Hao shrugged, saying that it was okay.
   Of course it is safer to hold a group.
   A group of people filed in and came to the wide command hall.
   Many professionals sit in front of a computer, liaising, directing, analyzing, and deploying personnel.
   There are also some local guild imperial ambassadors, and other senior officials, a group of people are discussing countermeasures.
   When the support team from Whale Island University walked in, many people looked much more relaxed.
  Tutor Sun and other commanders are discussing.
   Su Hao and his group of students of course listened quietly.
   and accept assignment.
  He looked around.
   Three universities in Dongyun Province have come to support teams. Among them, Dongyun University is the key university. There are about ten students in the team, but not all of them are elite.
   The other two are just ordinary universities, with fewer students.
   is only three or four, and most of them are just entry-level.
  The main force they support is the mentor team.
   After all, the Elf University is essentially an official power.
   "Most of the tutors in ordinary universities are veteran elites."
  Of course, there must be a master tutor.
   A key elf university like Dongyun University, and a king of heaven.
   is just a big gap compared with Whale Island University.
This is especially true for    students.
   Several seniors from Dongyun University looked at the team of Whale Island, their eyes swept over the elves, and then they saw those younger students with complicated complexions.
   At the front of the command hall, a map was shown on the screen.
   The president of Linping Yulingshi Guild stood there and said:
  "We tracked the traces of several imperial criminals in the eastern suburbs, near the Longhu villa area. After comparison, it was confirmed that they were recorded felons, and they would have contact with Hei.
   "After analysis, we determined that there are black club strongholds in this area..."
   The map on the screen is enlarged, and the area is drawn with a red circle.
   is just a bit big.
   covers the Longhu villa area and several surrounding communities.
   The experienced people frowned.
  President continued, "We dare not continue to investigate further. Given the sophisticated level of the criminals in the black gang, they will be alert if they are disturbed.
   "Moreover, there are residential areas around, and we are even more worried that the madmen of the black society can't do anything when they see things."
   is not impossible.
  Those guys from the terrorist organization have countless lives in their hands, and they are desperate to do everything.
   But it’s even worse if you don’t remove it.
   That is a time bomb that may explode at any time.
  Worrying about the transfer of the black club members, the strategy meeting did not discuss for too long, so Tutor Sun came to them and began to assign tasks.
  "The first team, the second team and I went into the community to find the black club stronghold. The third, fourth, and fifth team, you patrol here, here, and here respectively, pay attention to the criminals who escaped.
  "The members of the local special forces team will assist you, and ask them for details.
   "Start the action in one minute."
   At a major intersection, the traffic police has set up a checkpoint.
   In order to prevent outsiders from entering, guide those inside to leave.
   a little further in, the local special forces set up a circle.
The   Special Team is one of the main forces under the Guild of the Godsmen.
   They are not imperial emissaries, but they carry special firearms, and on their wrists, they also wear imperial bracelets that can withstand a small amount of damage.
   has experience in dealing with elves.
   "Nevertheless, you still have to rely on your classmates to deal with the wanted criminals in the black club."
   "Don't worry, Captain Fang!"
   A student from Dongyun University said, there was a bit of tension and excitement in his tone.
   He looked at the four people at Whale Island University, "We are on the left, and are you on the right?"
   Zhou Ming nodded indifferently.
  The four-person team of Whale Island University walked forward with a member of the special team.
   Looking around,
   The road outside the Longhu Villa area is very spacious, but there are not many vehicles at this time.
   After walking for a few minutes, Bai Hongzhen proposed to divide the team.
   "When we look for this, when will we find the criminals of the black club? I think it is the best to separate. Each of us has the ability to defeat and capture the elite level, and acting alone is the most efficient."
   Captain Zhou Ming shook his head, "No, you are all newcomers with no experience. The reason Sun Teacher put you on my team is to let me take care of you.
  "Yes, you have the ability to defeat the ordinary elite level, but how do you know that the black club strongholds are all ordinary elite level?
   "Even if you are stronger than them, how much stronger can you be? Can you knock down the enemy's elves in a short time? Can you ensure that they will not take hostages and harm innocent people?
   "If you can't, what's the point of you rushing to shoot?"
  He paused.
   "Our team has elves who are good at defense, attack, control, reconnaissance, etc. After discovering the target, using thunder to control the opponent is the most correct way to deal with it!"
  Bai Hongzhen opened his mouth, but couldn't speak again.
   Captain Zhou Ming looked at Su Hao again, "Let your Tinder Raven go up to the sky for investigation. At this time, every car and everyone is doubtful."
   After he finished speaking, he saw that Su Hao's velvet raven still hadn't fly into the sky.
   frowned involuntarily.
   "I'm already investigating." Su Hao said, "I mean the investigative elves, not the tinder crow, but the dream butterfly."
  Su Hao didn't dare to let the fire velvet crow leave the Ming: "???"
   He frowned deeper.
   Even if the Mimengdie has the ability to detect, but from beginning to end, the elf is lying on Su Hao's head. Did he do anything?
Nothing at all!
   He was a little angry, he heard...
   "Two hundred meters ahead, a pedestrian is about to come out of the corner.
  " More than a hundred meters away on the right, there are two people.
   "There are four people on the road on the left, moving fast, it should be a vehicle."
   Zhou Ming was taken aback.
   The next moment, I saw a pedestrian wearing short sleeves walking out at the corner of the road ahead.
   A moment later, another car whizzed in from the left and was stopped by a special team with a card in the rear.
   The expression in his eyes looking at Su Hao changed.
not far away,
   A young man in casual clothes walked down from the stopped car.
   He cursed, "Dare to stop my car, do you know who my dad is..."
   However, before finishing speaking, a loud bang came from the villa area.
   The earth seemed to shake.
   Su Hao raised his head and looked into the distance.
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