Chapter 427: Chubby Bear Leaving the Team

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The huge blue-violet light cocoon cracked and exploded, and the dazzling lightning burst out, making people unable to open their eyes.
But just a little bit of observation will reveal that there is a hint of orange in the endless blue-violet thunder.
Very subtle, but very eye-catching.
The crackling thunder continued, and in the shining thunder light, a sturdy, soft and shiny thunder roar strode out.
Wherever it passed, the violent thunder became calm, lingering around it obediently, gradually absorbed it, and turned into a part of the power of the fat bear.
It is the master of Thunder!
Chubby Bear let out a domineering roar, stepped at a pace that his six relatives did not recognize, and suddenly stopped when he walked out dozens of steps.
Turned his head and looked back.
A silver box was turned into dust in the thunder bombing, but there were still some high-level thunder-type treasures in the box, which were not destroyed in the thunder bombing.
This is the remaining material used in the advanced ceremony.
Sister Die and Su Hao often teach it, not to waste, not to waste, not to waste, not to...
When the Fat Bear thought of this, he moved back with a guilty conscience, took up the remaining treasures and scanned the surroundings to make sure that there was no omission, before ran away from the thunder prison in peace.
The Fat Bear’s Homecoming makes the many bears who can only play games and brush the emptiness of movie life on weekdays, suddenly rejoice, and the whole Xiongwang Mountain is like a festival.
As soon as the game bears are happy, they play games all night without interruption.
This is nothing to the energetic bear clan, it just costs more computers.
The cooking bears make a table of exquisite dishes, including elf dishes, but there are also many local specialties in Longguo.
It happened that Shitian and others in Xiongwangshan enjoyed this benefit. The chefs of the bear clan were of good level. The most important thing was that the ingredients were excellent. After eating, the Yulingshi was running in the wheat field and returning to his hometown.
The elves are even more enjoyable. A large amount of precious materials and high-grade precious materials are eaten in their stomachs, and they are a bit supportive, but as long as these foods are absorbed and digested, the elves' strength can be improved.
"The bear cubs are so hilarious, they can't go away at all!"
Shi Tian was painful and happy.
Suffering in the contract is more difficult, let alone starting with the second generation of the monarch, even the second generation of ordinary people don't like him.
But the elders of the bear clan were in a good mood, and with a wave of their big hands, they allowed them to stay on the mountain for a longer period of time... The time was extended several times. It is impossible for him to contract a little bear, right?
You can continue to enjoy the feast of Xiongwang Mountain, and there is nothing wrong with thinking about it.
Two days later...
"Thirty years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi... These bear cubs actually asked me if I could play games? They also dislike my game skills? It is unreasonable!"
"Isn't a contract such a thing that the better the Yuling, the more resources, the more popular and more marketable it is? What's the matter with the elves of Xiongwangshan?"
After careful consideration, Shi Tian felt that his location was wrong.
He chooses elves in the main hall of the Internet cafe, doesn't everyone like playing games?
"Even if these elves are talented, they are not worthy of contract. My Shitian elves must have the determination to reach the top..."
Thinking of this, he strode towards the training area on the mountainside.
In the training field, there was a loud bang before Shitian was approached, and the huge movement also attracted many elves and imperial ambassadors.
"Is the monarch-level Thunder Roar now practicing his hand after he advanced?"
he thinks.
From a distance, he could see Pang Tian Wang who was holding his hands and was full of strong demeanor watching the battle.
It's just that for some reason, Pang Shishu's hand trembled?
Shi Tian stepped forward, "Uncle Master, is this...?"
He looked.
There are two elves on the field.
One is the Arhat panda, with its strong body and knotted muscles roaming like a dragon and snake, and its fur is plated with a brilliant golden beam of light. Compared with the panda elder in charge of foreign affairs, the Arhat panda on the field is more sharp and far-reaching. Looking from afar, people can't help but feel terrified.
And the other...
It seems to be called Die Fairy?
Was it the elf brought by the emissary?
"This fairy butterfly is also the elf of King Su Tian, ​​um, monarch level."
When Pang Tianwang spoke, his expression was a little complicated.
Shi Tian didn't notice, but was shocked in his heart, "That young man has already cultivated two monarch elves? Is this strength capable of participating in the group stage?"
Shi Tian did not watch the group match, and it was meaningless to watch the game through the live broadcast. He only knew that there were many strong players in the group match. Even the veteran kings like Pang Shishu once said that it is difficult to qualify.
Most newly promoted kings will not participate in such events to avoid being abused.
But the young King Su, I am afraid that he has already left the ranks of the newly promoted heavenly kings.
Terrible as...
He thought, suddenly widening his eyes and staring at the court.
The monarch Arhat panda stretched its legs in a lunge at this time, and the upper body was slightly leaning forward, the two palms were folded to the right ribs, and the palms were slowly rotating outward... It seemed to be a special secret starting style!
Waves of pressure rushed to the surroundings like mountains and seas, making Shi Tian cold and sweaty in the hot day, and the barrier of "Gu Ling: Guardian" popped up involuntarily.
He saw that there were countless golden light particles gathering between the heaven and the earth, gathered between the two palms of the Luohan Panda.
Like a dazzling golden ball of light, floating and trembling, the monarch Arhat Panda's eyes became sharp, and the two palms that emptied on the right side of the body suddenly pushed out.
this moment,
The golden light was dazzling, and a thick golden beam of light blasted out, with an unmatched power that penetrated everything, and blasted straight to the fairy butterfly on the left side of the field!
In the field of vision, everything is brilliant and golden.
Faced with this blow, Die Xiaodie's face was full of seriousness.
If it relies on illusion and shifting its shape to change its shadow, it can indeed easily escape, but...
Butterfly did not hide.
It just squatted down, pressing its hands on the ground in front of it.
A touch of emerald green spreads out quickly with two hands as the heart. This is the real illusion of the scenery of the fairy palace, but Die Xiaodie made changes to the buildings in it.
In an instant, the emerald lawn spread tens of meters forward, and the outline of the Immortal Palace Palace appeared, but it was not a whole palace, but a wall.
A thick wall with countless patterns all over it, made of hard and precious rocks!
Such walls appeared side by side, turning from virtual to real, blocking the golden beam of light from the hole.
boom! ! !
The earthquake trembled.
The first wall of nothingness was quickly pierced, and pieces of broken earth and rocks flew out, turning into light particles in the air and dissipating.
It was the second and third walls of nothingness that were broken open, but the momentum of the golden beam of light also quickly slowed down. Finally, when it hit the fifth, the last wall of nothingness, the golden light wave exhausted its energy and collapsed.
The trial is over,
Die Xiaodie got up and flew a few times around the pierced walls, her little face thoughtful.
‘To sum it up, it can be like this, this, and then this... the defense of the Wall of Nothingness can be improved significantly. ’
Finally there is a defensive move~!
Su Hao stayed on Xiongwang Mountain for a week and enjoyed the VIP13 treatment.
But he is the man who wants to break through the crown, how could he stop at Xiongwang Mountain.
Er Harin is still urging.
Seeing that the fat bear gets stronger day by day, it also wants to evolve quickly.
In front of the mountain gate,
Fat Xiong's complexion was tangled, not only reluctant to part with Sister Die...and Su Hao, but also at the group of fans in his hometown.
"In that case, you should stay in Xiongwang Mountain for a while."
Su Hao said.
After all, Chubby Bear has grown up can't deprive it of the fun of acting.
He also said, "It's okay to stay in Xiongwang Mountain, but you can't lose your training. When the official competition starts, I will check your progress again."
"Oh oh oh~!"
The fat bear nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and looked like a bear very obedient.
But what is in my mind is to open black, open black, and open black...
Su is very clear.
He didn't worry, he had already asked several bear clan elders to'look' at the big fat bear.
I believe that the elders of the bear clan who regard Fat Bear as the future star of Xiongwang Mountain will definitely teach it very seriously, seriously and strictly.
Su Hao believed that when he came here a few months later and took the big fat bear away, the bear must have undergone a very obvious transformation.
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