Chapter 482: The weather stops, can I do it again? (2 in 1)

This Vulcan soldier was completely red. Unlike ordinary Vulcan soldiers, its lower body was not like a wandering ghost, but had feet.
Obviously it is a Tier 4 Vulcan Soldier that may be a Tier 5 form.
Su Hao can judge that the Vulcan soldier in front of him is a little bit stronger than the one from the Son of the Sun.
at this time,
The Vulcan soldier crossed an arc and flew down to the valley. The huge scarlet soles stomped on the ground, and the ground cracked constantly and plumes of white smoke rose.
"The Vulcan Soldier was so badly injured that its strength could not be reduced!"
Su Hao stared, and the Vulcan soldier's message appeared on the panel.
It is the same kind of elves as Heiwuchang. There is no contract anymore, but it inherits the will of the imperial emissary and silently guards the alliance.
There are many such elves in the league. The most famous one is Elephant General Bud. He is not only the pinnacle of elves, but also a best-selling author, traveler, and gourmet.
It is the spiritual mentor of many elves who have lost the elves.
In his early years, Die Xiaodie got his enlightenment from the writings of the Xiang general Bud.
In the distance, in front of the valley of sword marks, many people looked ugly.
"Master, the elves attempts of King Carter and King Ian failed, and now even the Vulcan soldier Asd is injured and retired. Who else can explore this valley?"
"You can invite a big man."
"How is it possible, how can the crowning figures have time to care about these little things."
"Could it be that this valley can only be sealed up, and then I can find a way to explore it later?"
As the imperial ambassador of the Exploration Department, most people have a curious and knowledgeable heart. They really want to know what is in the Valley of Swordscars.
Even if you tell them clearly that there is nothing, it is better than just looking at it, but not being able to go deep into it.
"It's not necessary to seal it up."
One of the heavenly kings said, "If the sword intent impact has withstood a lot, and gradually get used to it, the elves can go deeper. If you continue to try, you may not be able to reach the center of the valley of sword marks."
"Furthermore, resisting the impact of the sword intent can also sharpen the spirit's will, as long as it does not exceed its own limit. In general, even if there is nothing in it, just treating it as a training ground is as valuable as it is."
"Congratulations, Maggie commander."
Maggie led a flutter of red and hair, and said with a smile, "If you can discover the secrets in it, wouldn't it be double happiness, please, Ian~~~"
The brown-haired king swallowed, nodding his head, "Wrap it on me."
At this time, the commander Maggie turned around and asked, "This is...?"
The tour guide...Oh, a certain Exploration Department Yulingshi said, "This is Your Excellency Inspector Su."
Commander Maggie thought about it first, and then his eyes lit up and he was very enthusiastic.
Oh, old woman.
Su Hao is not interested.
"Commander Maggie, my elves want to try the Valley of the Swordscars, there is no problem, right?"
"Yes, just follow the normal exploration rules~"
The alliance's exploration rules are very complete, not only for the exploration department, but also for other imperial ambassadors.
In a certain treasure place, which team discovers first has the priority to excavate. This time may be three days and five days a day, or even longer.
Once exploration is blocked, the right to excavate will fall to more people.
For example, Ian King and Carter King who were invited.
It also includes the uninvited Su Hao.
But this corps of the exploration department still has the first authority. If Su Hao helped to explore the entire valley of sword marks, most of the credit is still on this corps.
If Su Hao discovers treasures and inheritance, it belongs to him—the supreme rule of exploration is that things that are unowned only wait for those who are predestined, whoever finds them first.
But also need to pay some ticket money.
Then pay an expensive exploratory income tax to the alliance.
Su Hao didn't care much about whether there were treasures in the Valley of Swordscars, he just provided the crow with a chance to experience.
For other elves, the valley of sword marks can only exercise will.
But for the crow...
Die Xiaodie had tried secretly just now, and the impact of the valley of sword marks was similar to the impact on that tile.
The place is not wrong.
But the rules must be stated clearly to avoid disputes in the future.
"The sword intent impact of the Valley of Sword Marks is directed at the spirit sea, but this kind of attack is not a spiritual type, it is very difficult to resist, and more can only be supported by the will of the elves."
"But there is a limit to will. Once it exceeds the point that the elf can bear, it will easily cause the Spirit Sea to be damaged, and it will be troublesome to recover..."
Although Maggie commander is an old aunt with very heavy makeup, she has a good heart. Many key points they have discovered in the previous explorations have been shown to him.
at this time,
The Vulcan Soldier Asd’s Spirit Sea was damaged and could not try again in a short time, but the two kings of Ian and Carter had recalled the elves in time just now-this is the advantage of the Imperial Spirit, and the Vulcan Soldier can’t hold it. , Had to run a return journey, and suffered damage in the middle, but the other elves were summoned to the front with a gesture of Yu Ling.
One more guarantee.
The elves of Ian and Carter were not injured. They rested for a while before rushing into the valley of sword marks.
King Ian’s is a cannon lobster, which is like an armored tank, kakaka fast forward.
The King Carter dispatched a blasting bat, the size of which was similar to that of a normal blasting bat, but with one more pair of wings... the two pairs of wings were lightly flapped, and it turned into streamer and flew into the valley of sword marks.
It is an advanced explosive bat with speed.
It flew fast outside the valley, and when it stepped into it, it seemed to be stuck in mud. The two pairs of wings flapped and flew faster than the giant cannon lobster crawling, not much faster.
Su Hao knew the reason.
One is that the sword intent in the valley of sword marks is as substantial as it affects the space, and the second is that the elves need to condense their willpower into one unit to resist the impact of sword intent.
Most of the mind is on this.
The faster you fly, the faster you die, and the gradual progress is the most correct way... The heavenly kings are always experienced.
Not long,
Maggie Commander also dispatched one of his strongest elves, a coral fairy snail, which clings to a ring of coral reefs outside of the shell. Kind of way.
This is also a general-purpose advanced, but the scope of application is narrower.
The coral fairy snail sprays a wave of water, wraps itself up, and flies forward, but the speed at which it moves is obviously not as fast as the giant cannon lobster and the explosive bat.
"Yes, the title of commander is equivalent to the title of my trainee inspector. Most of them are weaker heavenly kings, or non-tenant kings of Tianjiao level."
If the strength is strong enough, then Maggie is in charge.
It's really rare for him to be powerful, handsome, and with the title of a trainee inspector.
Who told him to be so strong before the appraisal of removing the apprenticeship started.
"You go too."
Su Hao stood on tiptoe, the power of Vientiane imitated Fluttershy's power of thought, barely held himself up, and finally photographed the crow's head of the crow, and immediately waved with satisfaction.
The Crow instantly spread its wings and flew out, and a hurricane spread out around its starting point.
But no one cared about such a strong wind, just looking at the Vulcan Crow flying extremely fast in the distance, frowning.
"This speed is too dangerous!"
"Yeah, yes, didn't you just say that the commander said that the deeper the valley of sword marks, the stronger the sword intent impact. Keep a certain speed and advance slowly, not to mention this Vulcan Crow is the first attempt. "
"Such a powerful Vulcan soldier, he did not dare to fly at this speed at first. I bet 50 cents. This Vulcan crow has to slow down within 30 seconds."
"I bet two dollars for 20 seconds. If it doesn't slow down, it will definitely get hurt!"
"Damn, 30 seconds and 20 seconds have been gambled, what else can I bet on, after all, it is a powerful monarch elf, and it must go deep to be unable to bear it."
Crow is far from flying at full speed, but it is also extremely fast.
Looking from a distance, a golden stream of light passed through the air, pulling out a long golden line of fire.
After a short while, the coral fairy snail, which was slowly advancing in a wave of water, stopped, and the little fairy-like figure flew out of the screw mouth and stared at the sky blankly.
Further away,
The giant cannon lobster is chasing the blasting bat, and the two elves are competing. Ian Carter, the two heavenly kings, also focus on their respective elves through the "Prince: Vision Sharing".
at this time,
The Explosive Bat is hundreds of meters ahead of the Cannon Lobster, but the speed of the Explosive Bat's wings quickly slows down.
The sword intent pounded like a tide, making its face wrinkled.
Gradually, it was difficult to maintain even flying, and the whole figure became shaky.
"The limit of the Explosive Bat is here. Although it is a few hundred meters deeper than last time, it is still far away from the core."
King Carter in front of the valley sighed and raised his hand to summon his elves back.
The Cannon Lobster is not as fast as the Blaze Bat, but it can hold on. One step or two steps, it crawls. Although the sword intent is increased and the pressure is doubled, the Cannon Lobster still exceeds the farthest distance of the Blaze Bat by a full one or two. One hundred meters.
Ian Tianwang's face was stunned, "Speed ​​doesn't mean anything, what a real man wants is endurance."
He stretched out his hand to summon the giant cannon lobster that was already at the limit.
Suddenly stopped.
The giant cannon lobster raised his head, and the king Ian couldn't help but raised his head.
A bright golden streamer flew over the head of the giant cannon lobster, setting off a hurricane.
A crimson Vulcan crow spread its wings and flew high.
"It's so fast!"
The feeling for King Ian is even more comfortable, unlike his giant cannon lobster, which has already endured to the limit at this time, and his thoughts are beginning to be confused.
He hurriedly performed the imperial spirit technique that he had forgotten because of surprise. After a second or two, ripples of water appeared in the space in front of him, and the giant cannon lobster appeared.
The expression was a little wilting.
It's just that at this moment, no one cares about it, the eyes of the imperial envoys outside the valley are focused on the bright golden figure in the distance.
Visual inspection has flown several kilometers.
The speed of the Vulcan Crow also gradually slowed down, and sword intent attacked from all directions.
Unlike tiles, you don't need to observe it, or even look directly at it. Just being in the valley, you have to endure such shocks continuously.
It is like a sharp sword with a handle, slashing on the skull.
But the crow was not stunned, and its eyes became brighter. What it saw was not just a sword intent, but also saw the sword cut down, cutting through the trajectory of space.
In its eyes, it is especially wonderful, containing the heaven and earth.
Its flying speed became slower and slower until it stopped completely, its wings hung in the sky, its eyes closed tightly, and its sword-like wings trembled slightly.
It's like trying and learning.
The spiritual envoys outside the valley couldn't see clearly, only knowing that the Vulcan Crow had stopped.
In just a few minutes, the Vulcan Crow had already conquered them with a powerful posture-most of the elves in the regiment had let the elves try, knowing the horror of the valley of sword marks.
at this time,
Their bet has become how far the Vulcan crow can fly, and seeing the crow gradually stop moving, exploring the people in the corps, expressing regret.
"This distance is still worse than Master Vulcan Soldier."
"To be reasonable, you didn’t hear Master Commander say that Vulcan Soldier is rarely an opponent at the Monarch level? It is normal for Vulcan Crow to have a slightly different distance, but it was flying too fast. If it was flying at a slow speed, Lord Vulcan Crow, it should be able to fly farther."
Before they knew it, they had already given the title of adult to the Vulcan Crow.
It's a pity that Crow didn't hear it.
It didn't endure to the limit, it couldn't continue to fly forward, but it suddenly had an epiphany.
It is a very, very rare epiphany in its life.
Let it stay where it is, still maintaining its instinctive hovering posture.
Finally, the imperial envoys in front of the valley realized something was wrong.
"It stands to reason that if you can't hold on..."
It should be like Carter's blasting bat, shaking on the spot, how could it be steadily hanging in the air.
Maggie leads the three heavenly kings, Carter and Ian, with their mouths slightly open.
The Vulcan soldier who was resting and recuperating opened his eyes and stood up suddenly.
In the valley of sword marks,
The invisible sword intent envelops every inch of space, invisible to the naked eye, and the law of slashing that can't be sensed, like a long river flowing.
The eyes of the dull crow were closed tightly, and in his mind, the sword shadow turned into thousands, and each sword cut represented a different cutting law.
There are cuts to cut off the imprisonment.
There is a cut to open the space.
Cut in two pieces.
There is a cut to cut the self.
Different laws burst and evolve in my mind one after another, and a little stupid crow in his mind also slashed.
One cut, two cuts.
Ten thousand dollars, one hundred thousand dollars.
I don't know the years.
The time of stagnation began to slowly move The mark of slashing on the forehead of the crow blossomed, and a sharp, slashing breath rose into the sky, and the valley of sword marks was like a sword. The violent wind slashed the surrounding grayish-white rocks, leaving shallow traces.
Amid the loud cry, the eyes of the dull crow opened, and the golden flames burning in the pupils turned into two golden swords to shoot out.
It waved its wings, and a bunch of golden glow flew out and shot directly into the sky.
There is a thin slit in the vaguely visible space, which is difficult to close.
A casual knife is a blow that contains the law of deep cut!
Duan Crow felt that, against himself before entering the valley, he could now fight three of them one by one!
Before it can also be cut off, it is not an enemy of the opponent.
Me, dumb crow, bloat.jpg!
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