Chapter 54: Rules and start

  The man wearing the big buckle stepped forward, "I am the head of the referee team for this joint exam, Zhou Weiping. Now, I am here to announce the rules of the joint exam and everyone should be disciplined!"
   Zhou Weiping’s voice was very loud, and it was overwhelmed by the wind without any amplification equipment, and it reached everyone's ears.
   His aura is even more full, and he feels like the tyrant bear of the instructor bear, and it shocked the audience at once.
   Su Hao thought he was familiar.
   seems to have heard of the name somewhere.
   thought and thought,
   A resounding name flashed in his mind.
   Zhou Weiping, the king of waves!
  ‘It turned out to be him! ’
   is alive... the heavenly king who has seen it with my own eyes!
   But, a small entrance exam can invite the King of Heaven? Does the school have so much energy?
   Su Hao doesn’t know.
Around   , many students who recognized Zhou Weiping's identity looked excited.
   But under Zhou Weiping's aura, they still stood there honestly, not daring to make any unusual moves.
   Zhou Weiping began to announce the rules for the entrance exam.
   "At the beginning of the entrance exam, everyone draws lots to determine the location, and enters in batches from the 23 entrances south of the original forest area. Your task is to reach the end point 80 kilometers away within three days..."
   Su Hao understood.
   did not miss their expectations, it was a three-day "wilderness survival".
   But in the original forest area, there are towers that provide candidates with supplies. Food and living materials are all available. The main test is their combat ability and hiding ability in complex environments.
   tests the comprehensive quality of students!
   Than before, you only need to move your mouth to direct the elves on the arena, it's too difficult!
   Many students look ugly.
   has nothing to do with the strength of the elves, just thinking that you have to cross such a long distance on foot is desperate.
   But Zhou Weiping hadn't let them go, and continued.
  "In the primeval forest area, there are a large number of wild elves, most of them are grown-ups, even if they have not been specially nurtured, they have certain combat effectiveness, and...
  "Does not rule out that there are entry-level elves in the original zone.
"Except for the wild elves, all candidates are also your competitors. Defeating an elves can get 1~3 points, while defeating a candidate can take half of the points he has... You cannot reach the end within the specified time. Yes, the same as being defeated, losing half of the points.
   "Finally, ranked in the number of points, the top ten, on behalf of the blue smurf breeding base, I will give you a surprise reward!"
   After Zhou Weiping finished speaking, he paused, "Now, ask teachers from each school to distribute the entrance exam equipment."
   After speaking, Su Hao found that the head teacher, Old Chen, had opened a box with silver bracelets standing upright.
   "This kind of bracelet is called a defensive bracelet, which simulates the guardian of the gods, and can form a mask outside the body to resist a certain degree of attack..."
   Zhou Weiping said in the distance, his expression serious, "I remind once again that wild elves will not fight your elves stupidly. The role of the defensive bracelet is to provide you with protection.
  "Similarly, there are no restrictions on the battle rules in the entrance exam. You can also order the elves to directly attack other students and consume the energy of their defensive bracelets.
  "When the energy of the bracelet drops to 50%, a warning will be issued. When it drops to 30%, it means you have been defeated and eliminated, and the corresponding personnel will take you away from the examination room.
   "There is also a help button on the bracelet. If anyone can't support it or is in danger, they can ask for help. It is also considered eliminated."
  The rules are complicated and complicated, but simple...
   Su Hao summed it up, that is, set off, head to the end, and defeat all the students and wild elves he saw along the way.
   Su Hao put on the bracelet.
   A thin mask immediately appeared outside his body.
   is like isolating everything else around.
At this moment,
   Zhou Weiping in the distance said at the end, " can choose to form a team, up to three people, get points evenly, or you can be alone...give you five minutes to determine the team and submit the list."
   After saying the words of King Zhou, Su Hao felt all eyes around him.
   Classmate A is shy.
   Classmate B's eyes are burning.
   Li Songting stared at himself.
   Gu Lingyao also has the intention of forming a team.
   Liu Ren... I only feel pressured, and they are all competitors looking at them, "Old Su, boss, don't leave me--"
   Su Hao stretched out his hand to stop a Liu Ren who was about to break down.
   said something that disappointed them, "I am alone, you are free.
   "However, I suggest you team up with Li Songting and Gu Lingyao."
   In the whole Ancheng No. 1 Middle School, apart from themselves, they can also be able to use them. They have the same level of elf training, and their positioning can complement each other. Teaming is the most suitable.
   As for yourself?
   Su Hao is rushing to the top three. Teaming means evenly splitting the points and absolutely missed the top three.
   He chose to be alone without hesitation.
   After a while,
   The entrance where the examinee is located is confirmed.
   Su Hao himself is in the 18th entrance, and Liu Ren and his team are in the 11th.
   Under the leadership of a referee group Yu Lingshi, Su Hao, along with the other candidates who entered from the 18th entrance, took a sightseeing coach to the corresponding location.
   Batches of candidates enter in order.
   What is interesting is that although the entry number is random, the entry order is not.
   Relatively weak students enter first, and those with a high level of elf cultivation and good records come in second.
   This order is similar to that of the Collector’s Edition information.
   And Su Hao himself, ranked last.
   "Next, candidate Su Hao."
   The expressionless referee said Su Hao pulled his clothes, took the two elves, got up and walked into the primitive zone.
   walked a short distance, and looked around, there were tall trees several stories high all around, dense branches and leaves covering the sky, only a little dappled sunlight fell.
   "I just left ten minutes late, so I can't see anyone."
   He also knows that those players who are weak must run as fast as they can.
  Wild elves are the scoring items for ordinary players.
   Su Hao looked around and found some traces of trampling.
   But he looked at it for a while and found that he would not be tracking at all.
   "Do you know how?" he asked the baby silkworm.
   "Goo, coo, coo!"
   "Oh yes, first find a supply point... remember that the supply point is from the tower... Little Fire Crow!"
   The little fire crow flapped its wings and flew upward through the dense leaves.
   Soon, it flew back.
   Su Hao nodded, and walked in the direction of the little Huo Crow.
   Xu is still near the periphery of the primitive area, Su Hao walked for more than ten minutes, only to find a single elf.
   He gently pushed aside the grass.
   "It's a fluffy ball, it should be a wild elf, let us quietly go around from behind..."
   Before he finished speaking, the baby silkworm threw out a miniature energy ball.
   An energy ball the size of a table tennis ball flew out with a swish, and BOOM blew the fluffy ball.
   The silver bracelet vibrates.
   "Points +1."
   Su Hao had a black line. Just when he wanted to say something, he heard the baby silkworm screaming.
   Looking in the direction, in the distance, a white tower is visible through the canopy.
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