Chapter 103: Get what you want

Luna followed Hua Mu, and when she saw the white pillow, she was busy and licked.
"Luna ..." The unicorn has completely turned into a big guy, and the white pillow can't resist its intimacy, laughing and pushing away its head, "Don't be so itchy."
Luna didn't seem to understand and still rubbed her along the way. Hua Mu has a laissez-faire attitude, and even secretly prays that Luna can summon Hati quickly.
The white pillow has not only paved the floor, but also cleaned it again. The chalet did not have doors for the time being, the walls were leaking, and the roof had not been properly waterproofed.
The room was empty, only the shabby recliners and some scattered items and tools that had been made before were piled up in the corner.
The white pillow brought in the canvas wrapped in hay, and asked, "Miss, do you want to take a bath first?"
"Is that too early?" Hua Mu thought about his plan in his heart and answered very casually. But the Sentinel blushed suddenly and stumbled for some reason: "The sun is now, there is now, and the water temperature will be more comfortable."
"Well, that's right," Hua Mu looked at the cramped white pillow and boldly invited, "Then, let's go together, I see you sweating all over."
White Pillow hurried back two steps and bowed his head to smell his shoulders. Although the sentinel has a keen sense, she is somewhat insensitive to the smell on her body. She is afraid that the smell of sweat on her body will smelt flowers.
Hua Mu couldn't help rolling his eyes. "No, I didn't smell anything."
And even if she doesn't mind, this is proof of the hard work of the white pillow!
"Why do you wash it first? I'll burn the fire so that you won't smoke until you cook. When you cook, I and I will wash again."
Because Huamu's talent in cooking is far beyond the number of streets that White Pillow doesn't know, she will no longer take the initiative to grab this task.
Hua Mu was accustomed to White Pillow's incomprehensible style, and did not show much disappointment except humming.
"Huh, whatever you want."
Anyway, she is going to ... hehe.
The white pillow sent flowers to the stream to take a bath, moved the tables and chairs into the house and started to fire and process the ingredients. In the morning, she went to the beach specially, not only caught fish and seashells, but also found several sea urchins. She kept them in a bucket as long as they ate them within a day.
Hua Mu is very interested in cooking, but he doesn't like preparing in advance and finishing work. White Pillow naturally shoulders these important tasks without turning back.
When she was ready, Hua Mu returned from the shower.
"Are you ready?" Hua Mu lowered her head while wiping her hair and asked the white pillow who was crouching to pack things.
"It's all right, you just ..." The white pillow looked up at her, and the words came to an abrupt halt.
Missy's skirt has long been broken down into more useful personal items, and now it is used to wearing only small vests and straw skirts. The blonde short hair was slightly longer, and she slumped smoothly on the back of her neck because she was not completely dry.
The girl's delicate body was a little more plump than when she first arrived on the island, and her thighs and arms showed a slight sense of sensuality. The fair skin is slightly wheat-like due to long-term sun exposure, but it still has a huge contrast with the sentry.
Such a beautiful person, even if the little princess who was originally like a fairy was contaminated with fireworks on the earth, it was still beautiful and dizzy.
Hua Mu saw that she was motionless as if she had been fixed, and she waved her hand in front of her for unknown reasons.
"What happened to you?"
White Pillow hurriedly looked away and panicked: "No, nothing, I'll take a bath first ..."
She spoke eagerly, and then felt wrong, afraid that Hua Mu would add like a misunderstanding.
"Yes, it's too dirty."
"You just go."
Although Hua Mu felt that White Pillow's performance was a bit strange, but now he was full of his own plans, and did not delve into the other party's strangeness.
White pillow stood up in a hurry, almost even accidentally knocking over the processed ingredients.
"Are you tired today? Why are you so clumsy?" Hua Mu held the pot, and secretly prayed that the sentry should not be physically exhausted.
"No, no, it's just a little dizzy to stand up suddenly, then I'll first, first ..."
"Go, go, don't forget to take your clothes."
The white pillow was almost fleeing into the wilderness, soaking his body in the water slowly calmed down. She kept restraining herself and was able to endure it, but once she started thinking, she realized that she was thinking about it all the time.
Her gaze could not leave the body of Missy, her delicate and smooth skin, her bright and supple blond hair, and her colorful lips.
Not only is it as close as these days, her body is eager to make more intimate contacts.
If Missy knew she was such an indecent person, would she hate her?
White pillow was deliberately washing his body while thinking.
The master said that most girls cannot refuse flowers and gems, because love for beauty is human nature. Should she pick some flowers and go back? Missy seems to like flowers.
White pillow full of brains are all about how to get Hua Mu's favor, Hua Mu is thinking about how to let this dull sentry come to the rescue. With wine, with candles, with delicious food, with rings ...
She looked at the unicorn chasing the flare in the distance: the assist was there.
Should I seduce to wear less?
Hua Mu touched the grass skirt, hesitated a little.
But it ’s too embarrassing to have even less, she is not a white pillow!
What's more, this seems to have no effect. I almost got rid of it before and didn't move the stupid dog. How did the protagonist in Xiaobo Ben start, why can't she remember?
Hua Mu sighed, remembering the experience of numerous failures before, couldn't help but feel a bit desperate. If she can't get what she wants at night, she may really have to help lure directly to dirtytalk.
Do n’t let her do that, please!
The main course of dinner is stewed fish in coconut milk with herbs, smoked oysters with lemon, melon stained rainbow and ham mushroom soup, and the appetizer is sea urchin sashimi. The breadfruit is steamed until it is soft and sweet, and then smeared with coconut oil and then lightly roasted until golden and crisp on both sides. It is served with taro puree as a staple food.
Although it is only possible to drink honey wine in a cup made of bamboo, Huamu still carefully decorated it with lime.
When everything was ready, Hua Mu found that the white pillow was a little slow today. The efficiency-conscious sentinel bathed for no more than ten minutes, but it has been almost an hour today and has not returned.
Xiaoxi was close to the wooden house, only a row of shrubs, Hua Mu was thinking about whether to find her, the white pillow finally appeared in her vision.
She had never seen the other person walk so slowly, her hands behind her, and every step seemed to be careful.
Hua Mu leaned against the railing and waved at her.
"White pillow, it's time for dinner, hurry up!"
Please let her have a quick meal too!
White Pillow looked up at her and then accelerated her pace.
Hua Mu hurried back to the house and lit the candle, and the room soon filled with a very light and light scent of mint. This is a simple candle she made with palm wax and mint. The smell is very light and natural, even the sentry likes it-the sentry likes the natural taste.
"Miss ..."
Hua Mu just heard the white pillow's voice when she was ready, and she turned around and saw her standing in the doorway, her posture was a bit tweaked.
"Cough, why don't you come in?"
Hua Mu was a little bit guilty, so I didn't see that the other party also had a guilty look.
White Pillow hesitated for a while before slowly leaning over.
"Miss ..."
"Why, why do you stand and have to eat."
Hua Mu was a bit stunned, and the dinner was so well prepared, it was really a bit overwhelming. Although the white pillow's dullness may not be felt, she was embarrassed for herself.
The sentry took out a bouquet of elegant white flowers from behind and handed her stutteringly: "I saw the creek grows and grows some flowers, and I think it is very, very suitable for you ... to send it to you."
Hua Mu was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable.
Most of the flowers in the tropical rain forest are bright and dazzling. It is not easy to find such a small bouquet of white flowers; the bath she went to before the white pillow did not see any small white flowers by the creek ... The white pillow turned out Give her flowers! ! !
Hua Mu looked at the other person's blushing face, hoping to jump up and kiss her immediately.
"Uh, thanks, thank you."
But I don't know why, she heard the unknowingly thankful and polite thank you, and her voice sounded so stiff and nervous.
Her hands were a little trembling, and she took the bouquet tremblingly, and even shuddered when she touched the fingers of the white pillow.
She thinks today's sentinels are different.
"Sit for dinner, I'll get a bottle and put the flowers in."
White Pillow sat down honestly and waited for Hua Mu to come back for dinner. The two thought about each other, and the atmosphere was somewhat embarrassing. The dinner was quiet, and Hua Mu was shocked that this was not possible, so there was nothing to say: "Cough, is it delicious?"
The sentry had a little sense of ritual at night, and he was not in a hurry.
"Hmm, it's delicious."
"I used the coconut oil I saved a few times before, and the ham is the last one. This is a very luxurious meal."
So please, let her do what she wants.
White Pillow licked his lips and asked nervously, "Miss, are you happy?"
Hua Mu nodded, "I'm very happy."
Although there are some unsatisfactory things, but happy to do not leave.
The sentry smiled joyfully, and said to Hua Mu while pulling out his pocket: "Miss, the one you said last time ... I, I've done it."
"What are you doing ..."
Shown in front of Huamu is a ring, round and white pearls inlaid on a wooden pallet with some simple shapes and colors, like what a little nobleman inherited from the grandmother of a grandmother in the Middle Ages, known as heirloom small item.
Although it's not exquisite, it doesn't have a charm. And under such conditions, it is very rare to be able to make the wooden tray so round and small.
White pillow looked at her anxiously, "No, it's not very nice, but the setting is made of agarwood, I remember you ... you like its taste."
Agarwood is extremely rare now, and she doesn't know where the white pillow was found. She has made a ring quietly.
Huamu's eyes were slightly hot, and he was dumb for a long time before saying: "No, I think it looks good."
It turned out that she was not only thinking about it, but White Pillow never forgot.
She stretched out her left hand and handed it to the white pillow, and said softly: "Please help me put it on."
She lifted her ring finger naturally, and the white pillow put the ring on her hand carefully and preciously.
Hua Mu felt that the white pillow's calm palm was shaking, and her heart was filled with sourness and sweetness.
She likes the white pillow because the other party has never looked down on her.
Her position is destined that she must present herself in front of others, and accept the eyes and comments of others. In any position and treatment, you should be mentally prepared to accept what kind of obligations and responsibilities.
Hua Mu knew that he had been given preferential treatment, so he never complained about it.
But that does not mean that she is not uncomfortable.
From appearance to inside, being snooped, commented on, and consumed, she gradually began to accept this kind of self, and even calmly treated herself as a prototype for various pastimes.
She has been able to ignore the eyes and words of others.
But White Pillow's cherishment of her still made her feel a very deep weight. She knew that the other party had been looking at herself, always behind her, and always supported her protection.
Silence is her merit, and loyalty and steadfastness are her most rare and noble qualities.
"I also have something to give you, reach out my hand."
Hua Mu took the one she made out of the small bag—she disassembled the jewel of the necklace and made it into a ring from the fibers of the pandanus.
White Pillow was flattered and extended his hand nervously in anticipation.
Compared to the slender hands of noble girls, the sentinels are obviously more weather-resistant. The skin is not tender, and the fingers are not slender, but the powerful palms and fingers with distinct joints still have a different beauty.
Hua Mu solemnly put a ring on her.
Then, as if not knowing how to express it, no one spoke. The two picked up the tableware tacitly and ate the rest of the dishes quietly. Washing tableware, brushing teeth and gargle, everything seems to be orderly on weekdays.
Only the cup of mead on the table that has not been moved makes a little difference tonight. The golden clear liquid looks delicious and attractive under the candlelight.
Hua Mu took the lead in the advanced room and took the courage to drink a few sips of mead. The liquor was added with lime juice, and the taste was very different from what she had imagined. The alcohol concentration of mead does not seem to be low. The unique bitterness of alcohol and the acidity of lime are mixed together. It is not really wonderful. After drinking, it makes people feel floating.
The heat rising from the stomach made Hua Mu feel that he was omnipotent at this time.
Bai Zhen saw Hua Mu as soon as he entered the door, and the other party stood blankly, his eyes seem a little confused.
As she called, Hua Mu's somewhat scattered eyes gradually gathered on her face.
Then, White Pillow saw a very exciting smile.
"White pillow ..."
And the beautiful sound.
She knew that it must be a different night tonight.
The author has something to say: Everyone knows that a big section is about twenty chapters, but the next chapter is about to enter the next big section. Therefore, in the sensitive period, the happiness of Missy depends on everyone ’s brain to fill in 100,000 words.
: P
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