Chapter 127: 126

In the past, except for holidays, Huamu had to wake up before 6 a.m. every day. It took an hour to organize the image, an hour to eat breakfast, and the tutor arrived at about 8:30.
After finishing the three and a half hour class, they dine with their father at 12:30. Solve lunch within an hour, take a nap for an hour, and the next two hours are time for hobbies. She usually practices musical instruments, arranges flower gardens or rides horses. If she wants to be lazy, she reads a book, watches a movie or communicates with a handkerchief in the name of communication.
At five o'clock in the afternoon, she will go to the palace to meet the queen-this is more casual, usually the two will have dinner together. After seven o'clock in the evening is free time. She usually ... read some discordant books or movies and write some impromptu poems for weekend communication. You must sleep before eleven o'clock in the evening, otherwise you may not get up the next day.
On holidays, she can sleep a little later, and getting up at eight or even nine can be forgiven. After a brunch, I prepared a little, and then rushed to various salons or parties-when she was hosting, she was ready to meet the work.
Festivals are usually busier because there are various celebrations and banquets that need to be prepared and attended. After 16 years old, her aunt began to let her participate in these, and gradually became familiar.
This is the life of her noble lady who used to be
leisure, elegant, refined and busy
Almost 10:30, Hua Mulai still didn't mean to get up on the white pillow.
The sentry was afraid that she would starve her stomach and wanted to wake her up.
"Woo, don't be noisy." Hua Mu rubbed her soft "pillow" and muttered dissatisfiedly, "So sleepy ..."
"It's half past ten."
Anyway, it's nothing important, even if she can't think of bed at one and a half.
Hua Mu tried to lift his body and kissed the sentry's jaw like a soothing reward, and then buried his face in the other's full chest again. The urn snorted and said: "Good, let me sleep again."
The white pillow blushed, and after a long while, he said again: "Aren't you hungry yet?"
Hua Mu is still sleepy. Recently, the sentinel was very passionate. He slept awkwardly and heard the other party saying that he was hungry. "
What is Missy talking about?
It's almost lunch.
Hua Mu sighed lightly as if helpless, moved her body downward, and said vaguely: "Even if you really like it, it's a bit too much ... Are you spoiled? Aunt said ..."
Bai Zhen didn't want to think about what Hua Mu misunderstood. She only knew that it would no longer be misunderstood.
"Miss, sorry ..."
Ah, her day now starts from the "dharma in place" in the middle of the morning!
The sentry was refreshing and refreshing early ... No, it was already lunch, and Hua Mu collapsed into bed completely and didn't want to move.
If you can, she will have no problem sleeping for a day.
Lunch is boiled cassava, clam kelp soup, fried small crispy fish, cold palm flowers and fried flying squirrel meat.
Unlike the elegant and decent way of eating in the past, she now ... many times do not need to do it by herself.
After eating and drinking, Hua Mu decided to wash up and get up and start the day ... or half a day of labor.
The sauce does not need to be added for the time being, and there is no need to add sea salt. Today, her main task is to deal with the honeycomb brought back by the white pillow yesterday.
I ate a deep fried bee pupa last night. Today I pickled lime slices with the collected honey. The remaining beeswax can be used as a bite to chew, except for candles.
This is not a physical activity. Hua Mu did it while humming, and quickly completed two large jars of honey and lime slices.
Blowing the sea breeze under the shade of the trees on the beach, looking at the sea, and then a glass of sweet and sour ice lemonade is definitely a great thing in life.
The task was completed faster than expected. White Pillow went to the beach to catch fish. Anyway, she had nothing to do with it. She simply took out the previously dried mushrooms and dried bamboo shoots and dried them again. Taking advantage of this time, she went to check the collection of nectar on the sugar palm and picked some fruits by the way.
The white pillow still hasn't come back, Huamu took some ice cubes from the "refrigerator", soaked a glass of lemonade, and lay down in the shade to read. These books are completely different from those she had read in the past, and boring is inevitable.
Huamu only looked at a few items recently, and soon entered a sleepy state.
Without the white pillow, her biggest entertainment project cannot be launched. Since the weather is good, it is better to sleep in the afternoon.
As soon as she began to think, her drowsiness immediately invaded. The spice that repels mosquitoes, snakes, and ants is on the side. It is made of beeswax mixed with many herbs. The reserve grain sleeping on her stomach is also a certain warning to the danger. After confirming the safety around her, Hua Mu quickly fell asleep.
The sky was high and the clouds were calm. Under the warm sunlight, the calm sea suddenly rolled. A dolphin jumped high out of the sea, drawing a beautiful arc in the air. There was a woman sitting on her body. The woman had a good figure and a sturdy physique. The wheat-colored skin, deep facial features, and dark long hair and pupils made her look exotic.
"Thank you, Helena."
The white pillow carried a yellow diving bag in his hand, which seemed to contain a lot of things.
"Bah ~" The dolphin received her gratitude, sprinted happily in the sea for some distance, and then slowly sent her to the coast.
The white pillow threw down the things brought back from the base and returned to the water, stroking the belly of the dolphin as if rewarded. The lean muscles soaked in seawater seemed to glow under the sun, and their bright smiles were also full of infectivity.
Helena circled around her, rubbing her body and tail against the body of the sentry, whispering intimately. The long hair of the sentry that was randomly stuck behind his head was quickly scattered by the entanglement of dolphins, and the original sharp edge of the face suddenly softened.
"Helena, haha ​​don't do this ..."
The bottlenose dolphin touched the white pillow's lower abdomen with a long kiss, rolling in the water as if to get compassion, rolling up waves after waves.
The sentry played with it with all his heart and soul, and stroked it lovingly from beginning to end.
"Okay, Helena, go grab some food yourself, I'm going to work."
"Yeah ~"
The dolphin reluctantly rubbed her with her tail, crying haunted.
"This will not work. When we can leave this island, I will find you a handsome guy."
Helena seemed to understand what she meant, and flicked her tail and swam away.
The white pillow returned to the beach, briefly wiped the sea water on his body, and dragged the diving bag to the side of the diving cabin. The back panel of the diving cabin has been opened, revealing the structure of the cabin.
The working principle of the single-person diving cabin is very simple. The dive depth is adjusted through the water pressure cabin, and the 56-mm 600mm propeller can control the direction of advance. The diving cabin is equipped with an automatic driving system, even if you don't have a little experience, as long as you understand the settings, you can easily drive.
Most of the space in the diving cabin is used for the cab and the water pressure cabin. The real power system occupies a small volume, and most of it is also occupied by batteries.
After being left for almost thirty years, not only the remaining power in the battery, but also the capacity of the battery itself has been reduced a lot. Even in the full capacity state, the working time of this kind of diving cabin is generally only about ten hours.
This is currently the biggest problem in the diving cabin, and the way White Pillow thought of was to replace the battery with a small nuclear reactor power supply system that guards the robot.
There is naturally a mechanical department in the tower, and there are even sentinels and guides specializing in this area. White Pillow has always been serious in learning, and the foundation is very solid, and simple repairs are not to mention. It's just that this device more than thirty years ago is very different in many constructions from today. She has searched for many times without finding the instructions, and finally can only do it for granted-the ability to suspect the devil of Laplace At this time, it seems to be of no use.
Because of this, the work progressed slightly slowly.
The materials came up in batches, but she still didn't find a suitable transformer to replace the original battery, either the voltage was wrong or the volume was too large.
Today, there is still not much gain. She is afraid that Hua Mu will be anxious. She has to pack up her tools and bring the fish basket home.
Back near the hut, she saw Huamu sleeping under the shade of a tree from afar. The sweet and calm sleeping face of the blonde girl is very beautiful under the soft mottled halo. The thick and long eyelashes are like the wings of a golden butterfly, but a slight tremor is enough to attract people's hearts.
The reserve grain lies comfortably on her lower abdomen, one person and one cat are very harmonious.
Seeing that the mosquito repellent incense next to it had almost burned out, Bai Zhenzhen stepped forward and wanted to order another one for her. The grain reserve seemed to feel, his ears moved, sat on Huamu's stomach, and yawned lazily.
"Meow ~"
"Hush ..." The white pillow lifted the reserve grain from Huamu lightly and threw a fish at it.
The rusty spotted leopard cat raised its fish tail and jumped on the branch to nibble its own meal.
"White pillow?"
Hua Mu didn't sleep deeply, and the grain reserve was still awake in the end. Seeing the familiar figure around her, she reached out unconsciously and touched her face.
"Miss." The sentinel knelt beside the recliner, squeezed the girl's hand over his mouth and kissed it. The tone was soft and full of love. "Want to sleep a little longer?"
"Uh ~ no need. It's almost dinner time? I'll do it at night."
Bai Zhenhua had a messy hair sleeping on Huamu Mu's face, gently touching her forehead like a little girl.
"It's not too late, you can lie down for a while and get up slowly."
Hua Mu moved his body to free up a side.
"You have been back for a long time these days. Stay with me for a while."
"Slightly something ... I caught a blue crab today, which is quite big."
The sentinel lay down beside her and spoke softly homely.
"The half is fried and baked, and the baked crab with mushroom sauce is ready."
"it is good."
"I want to reclaim a field in front of the house. I can grow some commonly used spices and ingredients. It will be more convenient to use when cooking."
"Then I won't go to the beach tomorrow, let's do it together."
"Hmm ..."
Although preparation is very important, the time spent with Missy is even more important.
The author has something to say: Missy does not actively think about going back, to a certain extent ... quite normal, 23333.
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