Chapter 137: Start preparation

After comprehensive consideration, the white pillow initially determined the size of the sailboat. In order to ensure that there is enough space to rest and store items, the length of the hull needs to be about 7.5 meters, and the width must be more than 2.5 meters.
The main timber used to make ships is the Begonia fruit tree, which is a mangrove associated plant. It has a tough texture and is very resistant to seawater immersion. Due to its high density, it is also very resistant to wear and worms.
Before starting to build the ship body, a model must be made for design modification. Bai Zhen listened to Hua Mu's opinion and went to the base to restart artificial intelligence. By the way, the performance of the diving cabin was tested again.
It takes less time to enter the diving cabin than to enter from the entrance of Mid-Levels. After entering from the dark port, the two went directly to the negative B floor.
What Hua Mu didn't expect was that the experimental body was still frozen. Not to mention any signs of decay, even the nutrient solution was not melted. And the cold radiated by this makes the whole negative B layer more cold.
"My God, what's going on? Why doesn't it change?"
Hua Mu stomped her feet cold, but fortunately, the White Pillow had expected her to wrap her jacket around her.
"Hati has been maintaining capacity, and I will make supplements every time I come down. If it rots, not only the negative B layer, but the entire base will suffer."
The nutritional bulkhead also has traces left over from the last battle, and the huge perforation is surrounded by cracks that spread like spider webs. But the robots that were frozen by the white pillows not only thawed, but were also demolished.
This is of course a masterpiece of the White Pillow. In addition to removing the power reactors on them, she also disassembled the plasma gun parts separately.
The sentry was so stunned that she was stunned. In her view, those chunky robots were round and there were no gaps. I do n’t know where they were taken from.
There are courses on photons and mechanical equipment in the tower. Sentinel and guides specializing in this direction can even use the mental body to directly hack the enemy's light brain, causing the entire system to be paralyzed.
Although White Pillow is not a specialized sentinel in this field, but she has excellent performance in all subjects, and occasionally acts as a half hacker when there are no professionals in the team.
The light brain control room is located in the middle column of the A layer, just above the brain of Leviathan. The two did not spend much time on this, and quickly found the place.
In the case of total power loss, the defense system in the base is almost equal to zero. Hua Mu had no effort to blow away, and the white pillow pushed the door open.
The huge host almost fills the entire room, but the real core of artificial intelligence is only as big as a fingernail. Bai Zhen found the backup power input interface, linked the reactor, and inserted a small disc with a projection on the input port on the other side, and directly operated it with the disc.
Hua Mu only saw the operation of the white pillow, and soon a female voice with some microelectronics sounded.
"The system is restarting ... Enter the management mode ... Please enter the password ... Violation detected ... Confirm ... Log in with another account ... You will not be able to obtain the old account capital when creating a new account ... Start the power saving mode ... 80% reduction in computing power ... Welcome to Frankenstein Base, I am a small artificial intelligence ... Confirm switching account, please select a username ... Please enter the password ... Login successful ... Welcome to Franken Stan Base ... "
"what have you done?"
Hua Mu didn't know where the disc came from.
"I modified the light brain of the diving cabin, made a simple system disk, and cleared the password of the original account ... Fortunately, this BUg has not been modified thirty years ago."
Hua Mu understood.
"I don't see it, you are still a hacker!"
Bai Zhen smiled, "Not so powerful, this is something that anyone with a little brain knowledge can do now."
Hua Mu snorted, "Okay, am I a light-headed idiot?"
Whether she or the white pillow, the original itself carries a miniature intelligent light brain. It's just that she firmly believed that her aunt and father would follow the light brain to grab themselves and throw both of them into the sea.
Bai Zhen smiled, "I don't mean that."
Hua Mu doesn't really understand these things. Except for communication, her light brain almost always looks at small books.
"Okay, quickly ask if it has anything useful."
White Pillow continued to operate the light brain, and after an answer, turned off artificial intelligence again. But after closing, she didn't leave immediately, but instead disassembled the host. Each shell of the huge mainframe looks like a wall, but she used only a few simple tools to remove it.
"What are you going to do?"
"I plan to take Xiaohua's core away. Even without these peripherals, its computing power and storage capacity are much larger than the light brain that comes with the diving cabin. I have copied the basic information to her own system disk. It ’s also more convenient to get things up. "
Hua Mu didn't think he should ask, but he couldn't understand anyway.
The core of the small flower is just the size of the thumb nail and the shape looks like a contact lens hundreds of years ago, but the texture is hard like crystal. The white pillow put it into the disc, and the picture was quickly projected on the disc.
"Starting ... Abnormal environment is detected, and the computing power is reduced to less than 1%. Will you continue to open it?"
Female voices were replaced by icy synthetic sound effects, which did not feel like little flowers at all.
Hua Mu looked left and right again, full of curiosity.
"You took it with you? In such a small disc?"
"Aren't our previous light brains smaller?"
"How about that, it was originally miniature, this originally ..." Hua Mu made a "so big" gesture, "all as big as the house."
"Because since more than fifty years ago, the computing power of chips of this size has been more than enough for any civil facility, and whether the full capabilities of the chip can be used depends mainly on the peripherals. The size is gradually unified with the micro-optical brain chip. So even if it can be made smaller, it will generally adopt the standard size. "
Hua Mu listened dizzy and felt that the white pillow was suddenly covered with intellectual brilliance.
White Pillow smiled and hugged her in his arms.
"Miss, let's find something quickly."
According to Xiaohua's guidelines, White Pillow first searched the maintenance equipment placement area. A huge base, full of various experimental equipment, and located deep in the island, daily maintenance is of course a very important item.
In addition to the equipment used manually, there are a large number of maintenance robots in the maintenance equipment placement area. However, unlike the robots that prepare their own batteries, they can't move at all when there is no power in the entire base.
For two people who have lived a primitive life for a year, these tools are like saviors. In particular, handheld laser cutting machines and polymer composite adhesives can not only speed up the ship's manufacturing rate, but also strengthen the firmness and waterproofness of the hull.
In addition to these materials, what surprises the white pillow most is that there are solar panels. The power of the small nuclear reactor is not much left after being used by the defensive robot, because it is the backup battery of the diving cabin, and she does not want to use it lightly until the last resort.
Before, she had a hard time deciding whether to use the electricity for daily life on the ship or only to provide it to the diving cabin. The emergence of solar panels helped her solve this problem. After that, tarps, hand drills, and various types of screws can also be used.
For the two of them, the most cumbersome task is how to transport these things back little by little. When the elevator is on strike, the cart cannot be used. There is no other way than to rely on the manpower back. However, it is not a big problem to carry these things with the strength of the sentry, but the diving cabin cannot hold too many things at a time, especially when it is full of two people.
Luna illuminated the two people throughout the journey. When they passed the lobby on the first floor, they saw Leviathan's brain that had lost their vitality. The brain does not look much different from what it was two months ago, but the culture medium has become a bit cloudy.
White Pillow stopped, and somehow it seemed a little fascinating, and Hua Mu also stood silently at the nutritional cabin.
"Will it stay in this state in the future?"
"After the base loses power, the filtration system and sterilization system will fail, and it will begin to corrupt soon, just like the previous experimental bodies."
Hua Mu still remembers the scene when his spiritual body disappeared.
"It's so pitiful ..."
Originally living in the sea carefree, even nurturing life, but because of human capture, was used as an experimental body.
"The harm of intelligent creatures is tangible to humans, so I have no position to say that it is pitiful."
How many intelligent creatures have been killed, even the white pillow can't remember. Although she is not a human born in a normal way, she is also called the "inhuman" by humans, but in the bottom of her heart she still treats herself ... or desires to treat herself as a human. For the benefit of humanity as a whole, this method of removing disasters is inevitable.
However, to be more precise, she may be more intelligent than humans. It is a wish for her to become a person, perhaps, a wish that will never be realized.
She recalled the reason for her abnormality, and the removal of the monitor seemed to be the key. Although instinctively resisted, she returned to the base immediately after guessing and injected the monitor back into her body.
But it is useless and has no effect. Pandora ’s magic box is a disaster that cannot be recovered once it is opened. Xiaohua also said that if a new monitor is not injected at the same time it is taken out, it will no longer work on the experiment.
The only person who can think of asking for help is the master. She can only hope that there will be some means to suppress this crazy desire after returning to the empire.
She must be faster and faster, otherwise, whether she can leave the island will become a suspense.
The author has something to say: The two will hang up and go home as soon as possible!
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