Chapter 140: You treat me like a kitten

While Hati was in chaos, White Pillow groaned with pain. Compared with the interference of the guide on the flesh, the direct attack on the mental body makes the sentry unable to withstand.
Luna finally couldn't control her little hoofs, and yelled "Woo-hooo" while leaning close to the white wolf and rubbing her forehead.
Hattie's screaming quickly weakened, and then a comfortable grunt made in his throat.
Hua Mu also squatted beside the white pillow at this time, stroking the trembling shoulder of the sentry with his fingers.
"Will you listen to me quietly now?"
The sentry hung his shoulders and leaned weakly against the wall, his breath weak.
"Miss ..."
This is the second time Hua Mu has seen such a fragile sentry, and it must be fake if he does not feel distressed. But how to say, even if you treat the white pillow, what you can't do is not.
"what is the problem?"
The white pillow that has recovered a little reason has long been shameless and self-confident. I wonder if it is because of the pain or the physiological tears that overflowed my fear.
"Miss, don't look at me ..."
It's too pitiful. The sentinel is now a little bit more delicate than the tragic and tragic at first.
"Will you make things clear soon?"
Yes, even if this incident made White Pillow faceless with Hua Mu, it would be completely impossible to hide at this point.
The sentry told Huamu intermittently after returning from the base. For her, the collapse of endurance is almost equivalent to the collapse of personality. The only evidence that made her feel like a human, and the only proof that held her as a normal human would no longer exist.
Hua Mu listened to her, and her brows were tightly ruffled together-this matter is indeed very serious. Although this property is good in Xiao Huang Ben, she doesn't want to experience it for herself.
Even if they are two people in love, even if they are combined sentinels and guides, there should still be an independent personality between independent individuals. Such a situation with Bai Zhen is obviously "abnormal". Hua Mu will never let her indulge her because she doesn't want to see her pain.
She knew that White Pillow had never dared to tell herself about this, and she certainly did not want that to happen.
But how can we stop this? If it weren't for the White Pillow to maintain some reason, she could never have stopped her. Hua Mu understands her situation, physical and experience gaps are irreparable gaps.
As long as the white pillow shakes a little more, she has no way out.
So you want to go back so anxiously? This guy must be upset? If it were n’t for fear of not being able to go back alone, it might have done the same thing as before.
What should I do?
Hattie has recovered his spirits and hugs Luna, the scene is very unsightly. Although it is not the first time for Huamu to such a thing as a unicorn, it still feels amazing every time.
Is it so comfortable for the two spirits to lick together?
Well, if it feels like holding it with a white pillow, it is indeed very addictive.
Ah, this wandering pervert, holding Luna is simply addictive, right? Obviously, she couldn't get close to the white pillow now, but the two spirits obeyed desires, and didn't worry at all.
But human beings are neither animals nor spirits, and they cannot just obey desires.
"I know, that is to say, as long as I am stronger than you?"
Of course, she ca n’t be stronger than White Pillow. She graduated with Neta ’s chief performance and is known as the strongest sentinel in the past ten years. Not to mention her noble lady who has less than one year of guide knowledge, even if it is among the excellent sentry guide groups in various countries in the world. I can't pick a few people who can absolutely suppress her.
What's more, her current strength is several times stronger than she did not know in the past.
But Hua Mu dare to say such words is not overconfident, she has her own thinking. Judging from the situation just now, Luna's appeasement is still very useful for Hattie. Luna won't lose to Hati alone.
The question is, to what extent can you control yourself after the white pillow.
Bai Zhen also doubted this hypothesis, and hesitated and embarrassed.
Hua Mu patted his chest and proudly said: "It's nothing, I wasn't that great just now? I know you want to protect me, but if I'm stronger than that, wouldn't you think so?"
Although there is currently no way to solve the situation of the white pillow from the root, as long as the white pillow is temporarily controlled before going back, you can make plans after returning to the empire.
What she needs is not stronger than the white pillow, but a way to temporarily suppress her.
"Don't look unbelievable, Miss Ben is a genius. Of course, you have to help me win you. After that, you have to tell me your weaknesses and ways to overcome you."
The white pillow stopped her tears gradually, and looked up at Hua Mu, who was eager to express her emotions, only to feel dazzling.
There is no fear of her because of this matter, nor is she becoming paranoid because of love or compassion-that is certainly not right, so that morbid concepts should not be accepted by anyone, even if they are righteous In the name of love.
She proposed a seemingly impossible plan, but once again showed her wisdom. Not only is it positive, optimistic, and strong, but also the reason and principle that is most difficult to maintain in front of a lover in such a closed environment.
This is the flower that the white pillow loves, this is the future monarch of the empire, this is a human with "common sense".
For White Pillow, if patience is her last line of defense as an ordinary person, then Hua Mu must have set her a benchmark for ordinary people. And this matter is really important.
Hua Mu looked down at her tearful face, her long black hair stuck to her slender neck with sweat, and her deep pupils flashed helpless and fragile tears, and the sentinel was unprecedentedly delicate Amorous feelings, can not help but give birth to a little compassion.
Hua Mu touched her head.
"Don't hide from me if you have any problems in the future? I know I used to be useless, but now, how much should I be able to help?"
White pillow covered her face and made a weak sob.
"Miss ..."
Hua Mu's body hugged her cold body in her arms, "I don't like doing nothing like you want, I don't like being imprisoned in a cage called 'security', I don't like between lovers Inequality. But I do n’t like to leave you alone ... shall we work together, OK? "
"Um ..." Bai Zhen finally reached out and hugged Huamu gently, responding to her with a cry, "Uh huh."
For the sake of Missy, and for herself, she felt that she could continue to work hard.
More than half a month had passed since the leader was captured, and the two sides began a protracted confrontation. Because the news was not disclosed, the people were still peaceful, but the parliament and the government had already become a mess.
The capture of the invincible leader puts a lot of pressure on them mentally, and the decision that the queen may make makes them more worried.
Would the queen agree to exchange a leader in Hezhou? Haven't made a decision, are you talking about the conditions with the other party?
Not to mention that the leader was originally a member of the royal family, only to talk about the relationship between the two, and your majesty, who is full of humanity, must not ignore her life and death?
After they racked their brains thinking about how to persuade the queen, they finally ushered in the first remote cabinet meeting.
His Majesty was still on the front line, although he was pale and pale, but he did not change his usual style.
Emotions are fairly stable.
The ministers awaited him with anxiety in their arms, and even the most impatient officials on weekdays chose to be silent at this time.
The flower cluster glanced around the ministers present and slowly said: "It must have been known to everyone, I will not repeat them here ..."
Prime Minister Hua Ming has serious concerns on his face. His Majesty's trust in the leader has always been in his eyes, not to mention others, only to say the meaning of the leader to the tower and the country. It does not seem to be so unacceptable to exchange with a Hezhou.
But this is after all an appearance, and the sovereignty of a country must not be severed by a single person. The empire is still in its prosperous period, and even if it loses its leader in this war, it is only a matter of time before it recovers. But once Hezhou is delivered, the split seeds will be like this.
And as the exchanged leader will no longer be majestic, can continue to play a role in suspense.
These are only in the queen's mind.
"I don't intend to accept the conditions of the flower policy, and I have no intention of peace talks."
The Queen's words caused a little commotion, and the officials looked at her expressionless face with a sigh of relief, but also felt a little chill in her heart.
This is the monarch, no matter how benevolent and humane it seems, there is nothing more important than the country in their eyes.
"Leaders have contributed a lot to me, the royal family, and the country over the years, and the empire will actively rescue them. But no one can be a bargaining chip for the division of the empire's sovereignty, even me. If the leader suffered misfortune this time, The empire and the people will always remember her. But the operation of the tower must not be without a leader for a day. After careful consideration, Duke Hua Jian will temporarily replace some of the responsibilities of the leader, and then decide before other things wait for the situation to stabilize. "
The Queen's meaning is very obvious. If you lose a leader, choose another one. No one is irreplaceable for the empire, not only the officials present here, but even her own.
The sensuous decision of the flower cluster made the ministers think about the words that were not useful in advance, and after expressing a few words of wisdom and regret, the meeting fell silent.
The flower cluster showed a little exhaustion, and finally said: "Although the empire has lost in some battles, we still have an absolute advantage. We can't spend the dying struggle at the end of the road. Of course, people who break the wreck often have ordinary people. I ca n’t think of it as crazy. In order to prevent greater losses in the subsequent battles, the headquarters will modify the combat plan and redeploy the troops, and will not rashly act in a short time. "
"Before the plan is re-formulated, the parliament's persuasion will be handed over to you."
Hua Ming's face was slightly paler, and the theme of this council was more clear. He didn't know whether the things Huahua had said before were true, but there was no doubt that she wanted to delay the time.
The queen did not give up the leader.
The author has something to say: refers to the mother and daughter 23333333.
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