Chapter 141: leader

"Huazheng, did you know? Today the cluster sent a notice of formal refusal to negotiate. This is the person you are loyal to, who likes you to love you, but treats you as worthless.
Huazheng was suspended in the nutrient cabin, and slightly looked down at the man sitting in front of him, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Although she was naked and her hands and feet were missing, her face did not show a trace of shame. It seems that what she suffers here is not torture, but enjoyment.
Instead, the two sentries who maintained their abilities on both sides of the trophic chamber were cold and sweaty, and their faces were pale. In order to suppress the ability of Huazheng, Huace had to arrange for them to take turns on duty. Although he threatened the flowers with a strong attitude, he actually had no way to take this woman.
The strength of Huazheng has exceeded his imagination. Even these sentinels and guides that are specifically aimed at her can only rely on this special nutritional cabin to temporarily suppress her ability. Not to mention that she was released from the inside for research, even whether she could be kept shut forever is unknown.
But even dissolving the nutrient solution of the flower kite has greatly accelerated his research progress. He has no reason to refuse the plan to delay the flower cluster. The personnel in the base are all his confidants, or have to obey his orders. The food stored is sufficient for more than ten years, and he has completely independent supporting facilities, which he can afford.
The most important reason why he wanted Hezhou was for this elaborately operated base. As long as the experiment is successful, victory will become irrelevant. Not only can he revive Alisha, he can also realize his ambitions with this technology.
The ability to resurrect important people and achieve eternal life is an irresistible temptation for anyone. He believes that there will be countless countries willing to provide him with political asylum.
The longer the flower cluster is in place, the more restrictions there are on him. His forces were disintegrated little by little, people he trusted were replaced one by one, and usurping the throne had become an unrealizable delusion.
He could only take action before the hands of the two actually touched the Hezhou Tower branch, and the Jedi counterattacked. All wins and losses before catching Huazheng are not important, this is his real purpose. As long as he seizes this incomparable monster with a human skin, his victory is only a matter of time.
But the rejection of the flower cluster was somewhat beyond his expectation. Others did not know the relationship between the two, but he knew it clearly. Among the guests who were rumored by the outside world, only this one is worthy of the name. The two even have a daughter, which shows that the cluster of flowers is really tempting to Huazheng.
The members of the royal family clearly got rid of the shackles that the guide and the sentry must be single matched, but one by one is incredibly obsessed with oneness. This may be the irony of those ancestors who hope that future generations can override others.
Huazheng was naturally unable to answer Huace's words, but her calm expression still angered the other party.
Huace kicked her nutritional bulkhead and looked at her like any garbage.
"what are you laughing at?"
The leader's near-perfect body is not in his eyes. The more beautiful and powerful, the more disgusting it is. If it weren't for these things, or for the dross that no one could even count, how could Alisha go further and further away from him, and would rather leave him by death?
These guys are not worthy of sympathy, especially Huazheng.
The leader lowered his eyebrows and seemed to be in a lethargic state, but Huace knew she could hear it, and maybe there was a conspiracy in her mind. The more calm the Huazheng was, the more Huahua wanted to tear her calm surface.
"I almost forgot that the leader didn't have feelings at all ... Since that's the case, I don't think you even care about what happened to Mu Mu?"
Huazheng suddenly opened his eyes at this time, and the blood-red pupils were especially ghostly in the greenish nutrient solution.
Hua Ce's discovery aroused her interest and made an unpredictable expression.
"Ah, want to know?"
Hua Zheng's smile finally changed a little, and the slight arc of the corner of her mouth suddenly expanded, but it showed a bit of indifference and cruelty.
"Do you think that you can still be scared of me by this way? Known as the strongest sentry in history? But it's just a test article, what qualifications do you have to become a leader?"
Huace once thought that even if he could not succeed to the throne, at least the leader must be his own position. However, this monster fell from the sky on a certain day, and the majestic land became the king's adopted daughter, even before the inheritance rights.
Hanahara has created a protector for a pair of children who are not suitable for scams, and has set the most insurmountable obstacle on his way to the peak of power.
"Ah, it, it!" Hua Ce thought of it all the time, and thought of what was at his disposal was destroyed by the uncle time and time again, and anger and manicness inevitably occurred in his heart. Ability? Obviously it should be my father's thing, clearly my thing ... "
Hua Zheng looked at him indifferently and was not interested in his complaints.
Hua Ce Nian Nian chattered for a while, and suddenly recovered, she was still humiliating her, and she raised the topic nervously.
"Oh, Mu Mu, we are talking about Mu Mu. Do you know why her boat has an accident? The so-called most advanced and strongest" whisperer "didn't stop the wind and waves. It's too strange to think Right? "
The empire did not salvage the wreckage of the ship, and the positioning system in the black box was completely out of order in the marine wonder circle. This is a real needle in a haystack.
But if you think about it, you should understand that this matter is not that simple. But if it's a trick to make a ghost, then there must be a spy among the people they trust. If you think about it further, the whisperer had undergone a rigorous inspection, and the only one who could do something about the qualified report was the then leader, Navy Major Du Minjun.
Du Zijue's father and Hua Jian were good friends. They also became majors in navy at an early age with excellent guide qualifications, and won the attention of the flower cluster and Hua Jian.
Huazheng did not even prevent him from interacting with White Pillow.
"Who do you think is the right person? If he didn't send me a message, your plan might really succeed. But in the end it was my victory, you haven't forgotten, he is still at the front line headquarters as a special attack team A member of her can see Her Majesty every day. "
As soon as Hua Ce's words fell, the originally calm nutrient solution suddenly appeared a vortex around the flower kite, and the sentries and guides who had been working together on both sides of the nutrition cabin seemed to be pushed outward by a huge force. , The body shot the wall. Not only did the nutritional cabin begin to tremble violently, but even the lighting in the room began to flicker.
Hua Ce stepped back quickly and sounded the alarm. Soon, four people rushed into the room and released their spirits together. These four people look very similar to the previous two, only the masks in the form of eye masks can make a clear difference. Not only the appearance, but also their spiritual bodies are almost transparent, which is extremely rare between normal sentries and guides.
The two sentinel guides who were slammed away at first seemed to feel no pain and they stood up quickly. Two nearly transparent spirits jumped out one after another. The six people surrounded the nutrition compartment, and the six spiritual bodies were connected together, like a circle made of water, trembling and twisting slightly in the air.
Suddenly a cluster of blood flowers bloomed in the nutrient solution, followed by a second cluster of third clusters, in which the body opened the flesh in a few seconds, and the blood soon dyed the whole irrigation nutrient solution to scarlet under the influence of the vortex.
Not only the skin, but also the internal organs of the flower kite were affected, and only the remaining limbs were twisted in a strange manner. Huace leaned against the door and gasped fiercely. After seeing the vortex finally stopping, Tie Qing's face slowly recovered.
"Ha, hahaha ... Huazheng, you are dying."
A slight dizziness made him almost stand unsteady. Although it was aimed at the ability of Huazheng to release, it also affected him a little. The six quasi-S-level sentinels and guides have unique skills that are as powerful as a small hydrogen bomb.
Huace leaned against the wall and arranged his manners slowly. To be honest, a very important reason why he hates Huazheng is that he fears her uncontrollably. Her power once left a deep shadow in his heart. The force that made people resist nothing made him have to give up the position of leader.
This was a nightmare in his life, and a humiliation that he could not wear away. Since then, he no longer dared to face Huazheng directly, not even the courage to use her as an opponent.
However, he found other ways, other more effective and effective ways to restrain this monster.
After all, people are creatures full of wisdom, know how to absorb experience, and how to borrow external power. After all, isn't it humans who made this monster? There is no reason why he would lose to her.
With the ability to work together, the six sentinel guides were immediately divided into two groups. The original two of them withdrew from the battle circle, while the next four slowly approached the nutrition compartment while connecting the spiritual bodies into a circle again, tightly tightening the bulkhead .
The nutrient solution muddy because of blood flooded the leader's almost transparent body, and only part of the flesh and blood residues were looming in the float.
Huace's fear turned into excitement when he saw his opponent's ugliness. The thrill of bullying made him tremble with excitement. However, several of his fighters were obviously exhausted. He restrained his desire to continue torturing Huazheng and patted the corner of his clothes and turned out of the room.
"Look at her."
Waiting at the door was a young man with brown eyes and brown eyes. Although he was wearing a military uniform, he still couldn't hide his temperament. But his expression at the moment was very low-eyed, and he greeted the flower policy respectfully.
"Master Father."
Huace glanced at his face, his expression softening slightly.
"Derrick, I will give you the flower kite. Don't let me down."
Even without the qualifications of sentinel and guide, it is after all the son of him and Alyssa. No matter how much regret and dissatisfaction he can resolve with his father's love, as long as Derek can give birth to qualified offspring, who can question his inheritance qualifications?
The author has something to say: Distressed leaders.
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