Chapter 151: Reunion

Various alarms began to sound madly, and the research institute was also in chaos. Shen Mengxin and Chen Guan instinctively protected the flower clusters to evacuate, but they saw Hua Mu suddenly ran towards the door with an unusually agile posture.
"Miss, this is dangerous!"
It really doesn't look like the skill of a completely untrained guide. Not to mention that Shen Shihe and the flower cluster didn't react, and even Shen Mengxin was a little caught off guard. Although Chen Guan was able to respond, he did not dare to act because of the order without a cluster of flowers. Several people watched as she turned and mounted the summoned unicorn.
"Mu Mu!"
Although the flower cluster was not the first time I saw Luna, it was only a larvae at that time, which was totally inferior to the majesty that came now. The room was narrow, but the unicorn was extremely flexible through the gate and disappeared in an instant.
"His Majesty!"
"Chen Guan, go and protect Mu Mu!"
Hua Mu's heart was beating violently, and his heart was in pain, tears blurring his sight completely, only holding the unicorn's neck tightly, with the name of the white pillow silent in his mouth.
"Luna, take me ... take me to the white pillow ..."
Luna sighed with sorrow, and immediately took Hua Mu to the waiting room outside the meeting room. The frost-covered glass window made a loud noise when it was struck, and the dense lines indicated its end.
There are already sentinels and guides waiting in line, and huge protective shields and special capture nets are also ready.
As the person in charge of the scene, Xu Ying soon discovered Huamu, and the atmosphere suddenly became more tense and tense.
"Miss, this is dangerous, please take refuge immediately."
Even though the queen's pregnancy heralds the decline of Huamu's succession, as an important member of the royal family, her safety level is still second only to the queen and the grand duke.
"Ler me get through!"
Hua Mu heard the white pillow's roar, and could not care about anything else.
"White pillow is now unconscious, you are too dangerous here!"
Xu Ying couldn't help persuading her and had to use compulsory methods to stop her. What she didn't expect was that the young lady who had always been respected and honoured was so powerful that she almost couldn't resist. Fortunately, Chen Guan came in time to help her stop her.
"Mrs. Majesty, let me take you back."
"I don't want, I want to see the white pillow ... what are you going to do to her!"
Xu Ying and Chen Guan smiled bitterly. Nowadays, this situation is not what they want to do with White Pillow, but what White Pillow will do.
Just when the three of them were deadlocked, the already precarious glass window finally shattered completely in a loud noise.
"The protective shield is ready, the catching net is ready, and pay attention to the movement of the white pillow at any time!"
Almost at the same time Xu Ying gave the order, a white figure had suddenly jumped out of the broken window. Five or six catching nets formed the Tian Luo Di net with almost no gaps, and flew towards the white pillow.
But the posture that the white pillow jumped out did not fall to the ground, but instead fell against the ceiling against the gravity, and the first few capture nets were empty.
"Don't judge her actions with common sense, catch the net ready!"
The catching net made of polymer composite material is equipped with a powerful current device, which is used to deal with the most manic sentinels that can no longer be suppressed with neutralizers.
The long hair raised by the white pillow has long been spread out due to intense movements, and the appearance of her shawl makes her farther and farther away from the human image. She raked in the body and landed on the ground with only one hand left, looking like a disabled wolf.
The white pillow's green eyes tightly locked the flowers in the crowd, licking the chapped lips because of the disturbance and desire.
This time, seven or eight capture nets were fired at the sentinel at the same time, spreading their minions overwhelmingly.
However, the white pillow seemed to anticipate the trajectories of these capture nets. A few of them moved back and forth on the ceiling wall, and dodged in the past.
Then he slammed into the shield with his body.
This is not an evenly matched battle. No soldier on the scene would be stupid enough to fight head-on with the Super S-Class sentry. All they can do is defend and catch, and treat her with the power of the team as if they were treating a disaster-caused intelligent creature.
When they saw the white pillow rushing over with their bodies, the trained sentries immediately adjusted their formation. The shield array originally lined up was transformed into a shield wall with a height reaching the ceiling, and the combination of upper and lower completely blocked the attack route of the white pillow.
The collision between the flesh and the shield made a huge noise.
Hua Mu has burst into tears, struggling to break free from Chen Guan and Xu Ying.
"Stop playing, white pillow, white pillow ..."
The sentry groaned angrily, a huge ice wolf looming behind her.
"Miss, please leave as soon as possible, the major attack ..."
Just two shocks back and forth, the shield formation blocking the front is already in jeopardy. The guide standing behind the sentry is not nothing to do, they have been trying to influence the spiritual power of White Pillow and interfere with her actions.
But for sentinels whose sages were not very clear originally, this kind of mental interference had little effect.
The shield soon became thick with frost due to contact with the white pillow, and gradually shattered during the impact.
What a terrible power is this? Except for the leader, there is no sentinel who is called like a white pillow now. These sentinels and guides cannot have a confrontational heart.
If they can, they want to turn around immediately and escape from the white pillow as far as possible.
"Miss, offended."
Seeing that Chen Guan couldn't stop the white pillow, she couldn't help but hold Hua Mu's waist with one hand, trying to force her away. The move finally angered the white pillow completely, and a loud wolf howl suddenly sounded in the room.
Not only the sentry, but also the guide present felt a dizziness, and the shield was finally completely destroyed at this moment.
Chen Guan was sluggish due to the influence of his voice. After this short moment, a giant white wolf landed in front of him as if falling from the sky, blocking the way of the two.
"White pillow ..."
It wasn't the giant wolf but the white pillow. It was a sentinel that exuded a terrible breath all over his body.
Chen Guan just faced her like this, but her eyes were tightly locked, and she felt her hands and feet were cold and could not move. He couldn't even speak, only the cold sweat behind him told him that he was still alive.
The gap in strength is too great, not to mention protecting Hua Mu, he can't even escape himself.
"Big, big ..."
However, White Pillow's attention was not on him, and his eyes stayed for a second before turning to the person he cared about.
"White pillow!"
Hua Mu broke free of the already stiff Chen Guan, and finally threw himself at his sentry regardless.
The white pillow straightened up and stretched out his long arms to hold her in her arms, but when the finger touched Huamu's skin, the pain from the other side made her slam and then back away.
Hua Mu's wrist was touched red quickly because of the cold, and a layer of goose bumps appeared on his body.
"White pillow!"
Seeing this scene, the sentry backed off again and again, and quickly leaned against the corner of the wall. The sound of "吚 哚 呜呜" appeared in his throat.
Hua Mu felt sore in her nose and leaned towards her without hesitation.
"My white pillow is fine, I'm not cold."
The Sentinel shook his head and shook his hands and feet in a panic, his tall and straight posture curled into a ball, completely free of the brutality and ferocity just now.
Hua Mu saw that she refused to touch herself and said to Xu Ying quickly: "Find me a thicker suit."
The others present were stunned.
Although the appeasement of the partner is indeed very useful for the sentinels, it is usually difficult to distinguish and receive messages in a rage situation, and it is necessary to go through a deeper appeasement to restore reason.
But White Pillow did not restore their sanity to them. If they really wanted to say it, it would be better to say that Hua Mu had tamed the sentinel in a violent state.
No, no, it should be that the white pillow keeps the last reason for the young lady even in a violent state.
Judging from the battle just now, they have no chance of winning, and Hua Mu may be the last hope. Xu Ying quickly applied to the queen, and after obtaining permission, ordered her subordinates to fetch a warm clothing.
Warm clothing is a new product being developed by Tari, which is specially used to deal with the combat missions in polar environment. The material is light and thin, and it has a good thermal insulation effect.
Hua Mu hurriedly put it on her body, and immediately leaned on the white pillow without finishing.
"White pillow, I'm fine, I'm not cold, you see ..."
She reached out and touched the sentry's face, stroking her messy black hair and letting her stare at her.
"White pillow ..."
Seeing the white pillow covered with a wounded embarrassment, Hua Mu once again had a sour nose and tears.
"Big and Missy ..."
The black eyes of the sentry stared at her tightly, with greed and tenderness.
Hua Mu didn't care about the others present, bowed her head and kissed her cold and cracked lips.
"White pillow, white pillow ..."
This behavior apparently comforted the sentry very well, and she finally embraced Hua Mu with courage and raised her head to accept the gentle comfort of her partner.
The atmosphere of the space, which was still fierce and fierce, changed suddenly, and others stood on the spot for a while, wondering what to do.
Let ’s go, what if Miss Hua Mu does something? Don't go, it's embarrassing to see Missy and Major Bai innocently beside each other.
Everyone can only turn around silently, but there are still other troubles about turning around. Because there was no one speaking, the scene was quiet, the kissing sound was very clear, and a group of sentry guides were red-faced.
Since the leader was captured, the inside of the tower has been depressed. Although the Queen said she would actively rescue, she also expressed her stance of never negotiating, and she was panicked for a while. The leader is the direct leader of the sentinels and guides, their nominal teacher, and one of the most powerful sentinels today—or even the only one.
She is not only the goal of everyone, but also the spiritual pillar of everyone. The loss of the leader has a greater impact than the damage to the empire, but it is between the tower and the troops.
Just when everyone was at a loss, the return of White Pillow and Hua Mu suddenly became a variable. The leader's close disciple, the young sentry who claimed to be the best graduate in the past decade, has become such a powerful presence in just one year, and they cannot even judge her strength or weakness at this moment.
As an enemy, White Pillow is naturally terrifying, but how about becoming a teammate?
After the appearance of Hua Mu, White Pillow's reaction made everyone feel relieved, and then could not help but give birth to unlimited hopes-if she joins the rescue leader's assault team, the success rate will definitely increase greatly!
All in all, what did Miss Hua Mu and Major Bai experience this year? Or is it their relationship?
Ah, Major Bai is clearly such a restrained person, even when there is such a time. Miss Hua Mu is only 19 years old this year? Is it overkill? Although sentinels and guides usually look for spouses early, they usually wait several years for marriage. Is it a bit too early now?
Oh, can they go first? If you go on like this, Missy is not in danger of life. They are likely to have it. After all, the royal family is not so good to know!
The author has something to say: Hua Mu: Only reluctant to electric white pillow.
Hatty: Ao? ? ?
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