Chapter 157: convince

The recovery of the white pillow looks very good, but it has returned to the previous level in a few days. It didn't take long for Shen Shihe to give a qualified report, allowing White Pillow to participate in the operation.
"It's not fair!"
The next day, the three of them would leave for Hezhou Command, but Hua Mu's room in Huacui refused to leave anyway. Hua Tu has always had a way to deal with her, after all, Hua Mu looks self-conscious and actually knows everything.
Only this time, the other party didn't eat hard and hardly, and no matter how upbringing, she just lay down at her feet to play rogue.
"Mu Mu ..."
The flower cluster has a headache. She understands Hua Mu's worries very well, understandably, and put the noble lady who has no training experience on the front line. This is a ridiculous thing that no one can allow.
"Aunt, I'm a white-pillow guide. Isn't it that the sentry and the guide cooperate to play the best role? You also saw that my ability is very strong and I can definitely help!"
Hua Mu didn't want to be separated from White Pillow at all. After the spirit was combined, the two people had a deeper attachment to each other. She has heard White Pillow describe the strength of the leader more than once, and even the leader has been captured. The danger of White Pillow's mission can be imagined.
"Your ability may indeed be very strong, but this does not mean that you are qualified to perform the task. Both the White Pillow and other sentries and guides have been trained for a long time, and their experience in skills, tactics and battlefield intuition is not so-called. The ability to make up can be compensated for. You are not going to help, you are behind. "
Hua Tu said mercilessly, Hua Mu heard tears in her eyes, but she stubbornly said: "I have clearly been trained, and the white pillow taught me on the island for half a year. I am also training urgently these days ..."
"Don't underestimate the soldiers of the empire!"
Hua Mu completely forgot to worry, and for the first time blatantly rebelled against the flower cluster.
"I don't underestimate the soldiers of the Empire, but aren't you not promising me such a condition? It's unfair!"
For the first time, Huatu went through the child's rebellious period, and was almost sulking. One newspaper after another, this may be the end of her disobedience to her father.
"You are not talking to me about the conditions. I will not agree to either of the two requests. Me and your father are on the front line. There was no way before. Now you can just stay at the emperor. You think there is no trouble in the front. Did your aunt ask you to watch it for me. As for your marriage with Baizhu, do n’t even think about it until you succeed to the throne. "
"Why !?" This is the most incomprehensible thing for Hua Mu. Isn't it too strange that the pregnant queen is going to the front, but she wants to stay behind in the imperial capital? "If you want to stabilize the overall situation, your aunt is the best choice to stay in the capital. And as long as your child is born, the succession order of my father and me will decline, and the ministers and parliamentarians will not care about my situation at this time. "
Hua Tu's face sank, "But I care! With or without this child, you are the only heir in my mind. Your father can have no interest in the throne, but you can't."
This is the first time that Hua Tuo clearly expressed her desire to succeed to the throne. Hua Mu only felt incredible.
She also took this matter for granted, and once demanded herself as an heir. Hua Tu has always been teaching her step by step. Compared with the general crown prince, she is not harsh, so she always thinks that her aunt chooses herself only because she has no heirs.
"I do not understand……"
Just when she thought she had been freed from this shackle, thinking that she could be more casual and arrogant, that she would be okay with a little more willfulness, her aunt told her.
"Sooner or later you will understand."
Hua Mu doesn't want to understand "sooner or later", and even the key now is not to understand this.
"I just want to be with White Pillow ... Even if I don't go to the mission, just let me stay at the command post. Aunt, I won't hinder you, just wait?"
Hua Mu's sobbing face made the flower cluster feel a little guilty, and the original tough tone softened.
"I know you are worried about the white pillow, but she is an imperial sergeant and an apprentice of the leader. These are unavoidable responsibilities. Not to mention that she is yours ... do you understand? Not only her, but you, too, you Like my father, including me, we have our own responsibilities. "
"In that case, then I will go to the frontline instead of you. You are right. We have our own responsibilities. You are the queen and still pregnant. You should settle down in the emperor in any case. Since the white pillow is a leader's apprentice If I ca n’t escape my responsibility, then I ca n’t escape as the wife of her apprentice. What ’s more, she took care of me when I was a child, so I should help me to save her. I will wait at the command post, I will never It's causing trouble for White Pillow and Dad. "
The cluster of flowers seemed to be suddenly touched by something, and looked at her with a little panic and helplessness.
"You, do you remember?"
"Remember ... oh, are you talking about each other?"
The flower cluster pursed her lips and murmured.
Hua Mu's face also calmed down, "Yes, I remember, she is your lover."
"Then you ..."
"I also remember that you erased my memory."
Hua Mu's words made the cluster tight, "mu Mu ..."
Fortunately, Hua Mu didn't seem to care very much, "Although because of this incident, I and the white pillow also made a big bend, but I can understand you. After all, I saw something that I should not see."
She thought that the scene at that time could not help but blush, "I just want to let you know that my previous attitude does not mean that I don't care about her. I know you want to go to the front line because you are worried about her, but since the white pillow has made a guarantee, then She will definitely do it. I said not only to worry about the white pillow, but also to worry about you instead of going to you. Aunt, did you not find out? Your condition is very bad. "
Now that the point has been reached, the flower cluster has not stopped her position.
She sighed heavily, "I know, I agree that you go to the command, but you must not take part in the operation. As for your marriage, it will definitely not work next year. I did not stop you because of myself and Azheng ... But some things are not that simple. "
There are certainly objective reasons why Huatuo opposes the marriage of the two, but part of it is out of fear. She had never believed in destiny and curses, but now ... the possible loss of the flower kite made the flowers uneasy. She didn't want Huamu to have the same experience as herself.
"Mu Mu, you must remember that your aunt not only treats you as a niece. Even with this child, your position in my heart will not change."
Hua Mu is not dull, and can feel that the flower cluster has been emphasizing this matter for a while, and it seems that she is afraid that she will be greedy.
"Aunt, can I ask you a question?"
"……go ahead."
"Is this kid, you and the leader?"
Huatu didn't want to lie to her, and nodded hard.
Hua Mu's face was a lot lighter and he smiled and said, "That's how it is ... Fortunately, it's so. Aunt, I'm very happy for you. This is sincere. I originally thought you had to accept the proposal of the Parliament because of my disappearance. This child, but since she is the child of you and the leader, I think you must be very happy. "
In fact, the flower clusters have not had any real sense of the children in the stomach until now. At that time, the situation was urgent, and there was a sudden accident with the flower kite, and the preparation work was not done. After Hua Zheng walked away, she was absent all day, and the remedy was not timely enough-or she was under pressure at the time and vaguely expected this to happen.
However, the child is still too late. If it is not because of pregnancy, she can personally rescue A Zheng.
The flower cluster lowered its head and subconsciously touched the slightly bulged belly, and couldn't help remembering the scene of being pregnant with Huamu. At that time, her relationship with Huazheng was not very good-although today it is not a lot of closeness and harmony, but at that time even with suspicion and precautions.
It is undeniable that Huazheng has a fatal attraction to her. Her appearance, her strength and even her bad personality make the flower clusters unable to extricate themselves. But Hua Zheng's ruthlessness made her realize that she would not get a response after all, and all the love shown by the other party was nothing but an illusion.
She was resentful and aimed everywhere, but she still couldn't excite the other. Hua Mu's birth was not an accident, and now thinking about it is like her dying struggle. But the cruelty of reality is that it sometimes does not use human will as a transfer, and things that cannot be changed cannot be forced after all.
It would be nice if she could be as ruthless as Azheng.
Flower clusters are so expecting and doing so hard, trying to keep their sincerity and refusing to deliver, and almost twenty years have passed unconsciously.
She didn't know until now that the past stubbornness and unwillingness had no meaning at all. As long as Huazheng can live, she will never beg her again, and she will never speak out.
She just loves her, even if she can't experience the same feelings.
Flower cluster thinks like this, finally gave birth to a little joy in the belly of the child.
"Mu Mu, don't be the same as your aunt. You don't know how to cherish until you can lose it."
Hua Mu was a little surprised, "Why do you say this, is your relationship with the leader bad?"
The flower cluster shook his head wryly.
Hua Mu looked at her, thinking and saying, "Aunt, I don't know your specific situation, but I can see that you love leaders very much."
The flower cluster did not deny, "But Azhen ..."
"I think the leader cares a lot about you. She always mentions you when she talks to me. Every time she says, what about your aunt. She said you don't like her being close to me, so the two of us can only be secret friends. At that time, you were really indifferent to her, and I thought you did n’t like her very much. Once I asked her, "Aunt is not good to you, why do you still want to protect her", the leader said you did not treat her bad, she was sorry you."
The author has something to say: The Queen strives to pull the flag.
Hua Mu: Later, my brain was full of yellow scraps. It may be that when I was a child, I watched scenes that I should not have watched, and I fermented in my heart.
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