Chapter 15: Energetic young lady!

White Pillow has not explored the entire island. After solving the survival problem, she tried to keep the range of activities as far as possible, and has not walked out of the place six kilometers away from the coast so far.
But even without full exploration, she has realized that the island is by no means small. Huamu owns three islands, the largest of which is 35 acres, and it is already the number one private island. But the island is less than 100 square kilometers. If it is not within the scope of the shipwreck circle, there can be no trace of human involvement.
This is also the reason why White Pillow dared not explore too much.
The smaller the island, the simpler the ecosphere, the greater the independence and stability. Although a hundred square kilometers of island is not enough to feed any large carnivores, the white pillow still dare not take risks. The enclosed environment is likely to create alienated creatures. If some of them contain toxins, it can be more difficult to deal with than any large carnivore.
But now it's time for her to explore the island more deeply, and the two people's freshwater is indeed at a critical level.
The coast where Huamu and White Pillow landed was located on the south side of the island. The coastline was not long, but Bai Yumi was blocked by cliffs on both sides. One of the principles of waiting for rescue is not to be too far from the place of difficulty. In addition, the coastal environment is simple, the vision is wide, and the food is relatively simple. It is a good place for two people who have just settled in a strange environment.
The white pillow settled here.
The next day, Hua Mu woke up very early. White Pillow waited a long time ago, seeing that she was still sleepy and handing a bottle of water.
Huamu has not brushed her teeth for more than ten days and can only keep her mouth clean by picking teeth and gargle every day. This was unimaginable to her in the past, but now, she can even swallow the mouthwash.
At least I vomited last night.
Hua Mu comforted herself when she tasted today's first sip.
Her throat cried when she snorted. I didn't eat a few bites last night, and my stomach seemed to be burning this morning. Fortunately, she quickly smelled the food.
The sentinel clearly took this into consideration and prepared breakfast early in the morning.
Hua Mu yawned and asked hopelessly: "What to eat in the morning?"
"There are fish and shellfish, and ..."
"You have gone to sea?"
Hua Mu immediately cheered up and looked at the white pillow carefully. The other person's hair was wet, and his almost naked body was not completely dry. The sea water in the early morning is no better than in the daytime, Huamu just feels that he will freeze to death after just washing his hands.
Bai Zhen didn't notice Hua Mu's displeasure, and said like a treasure: "Miss, when I got up in the morning and saw the light in the sea, I went to take a look, and found a large group of squid. Didn't you say you got tired of shellfish last night? Exactly ... "
Hua Mu touched the arm of the white pillow with her face, and found her body temperature was frighteningly low.
"Big and Missy ..."
In addition to being kicked, White Pillow was rarely flattered by Hua Mu when she was so actively touched.
"Aren't you cold?"
"Ah?" White Pillow was asked dumbfounded, and after a while he shook his head, "I'm not cold."
con man.
Hua Mu looked at the small pile of fire squids in the plastic basin and felt that there was no appetite at all.
"White pillow, do you know our current situation?"
That's right, she is weak, squeamish, and self-willed, but I really want to talk about the inconvenience, this silly big sentry is even more excessive?
Why should you worry about her and not eat meat? Why give her water to drink? Why risk your life to catch these meaningless things, just to improve her food?
Just because she is the heir to the throne of the empire?
Bai Zhen didn't know why Hua Mu suddenly started his temper, and was helpless: "Miss, as long as more than ten days ..."
"Do n’t tell me anything for more than ten days, you can still hold on for a few days? Expenditure and income are not directly proportional to catching these things that are not enough to eat. Are you not an experienced person? Are you very good at survival in the wild? Why do you do it? Things are so unreliable! What is the first priority for survival in the wild? "
White Pillow stared blankly at the excited Hua Mu, slightly understanding what she meant to express.
"... but my first priority is to ensure your safety."
"I can be safe when you are safe! Besides, it doesn't matter whether you eat well or not. Besides, as far as your cooking skills are concerned, it's not good to catch a king crab!"
White pillow is touched and ashamed.
"Miss, sorry ..."
Hua Mu felt he was vomiting blood.
In fact, many times, she did not understand why the white pillow made her feel so irritable. Irritable when she is alienated, irritable when she is pleased, and even more irritable when she is treated with care.
At this time, she should desperately need the loyalty of White Pillow, but Hua Mu is even more bored when she thinks of her loyalty to herself.
She didn't know what she wanted, did she lose her temper because she cared about the white pillow? No, she just wanted to lose her temper.
"From now on, you are not allowed to take risks. You can catch whatever you can eat. I will solve the problem of taste myself."
Hua Mu didn't believe that she would be useless. Although she could not carry it without raising her shoulders, it was not her strong point. Anyway, she is a master of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she is a famous lady who is good at tea, flowers and wine.
What is a noble? Noble no matter what kind of environment, they can not reduce their quality of life and taste! She must be decent, noble and elegant when she goes back.
Firefly squid, it's delicious.
White Pillow is going to find water sources, collecting props to make distillation devices and catching food, while Huamu wants to find some spices. But the speed difference between the two was too great, and Hua Mu did not want to let the white pillow carry the burden on his back, and finally decided to divide the soldiers into two ways.
Of course, White Pillow disagreed at first. She was worried when she left Hua Mu on the beach, not to mention letting her go find the spice alone. But Hua Mu's heart was decided, and he repeatedly promised not to enter the rainforest, only to act on the lawn near the coast.
White Pillow finally had to put her on the grassy more than a mile away from the beach, and gave her the holster and another gun.
"Miss, if you are in trouble, please shoot immediately, I will rush over as soon as I hear the sound."
"Also, don't take off the straw hat. Those seabirds seem to be particularly fond of shiny things."
Alas, people are really pretty jealous. Hua Mu consciously didn't take care of her hair these days. It was already bleak enough, and she never attracted seabirds.
"I know, I know."
"and also……"
"Don't hurry up, how can you change so much?"
Hua Mu disgusted her with long talk.
I couldn't let go in the past half a day ... Cough, I can't say half a word, and now the words are all long sentences.
White pillow turned back one step and three times, and Hua Mu finally had to make a threat before the other party reluctantly left.
"I look down on me too!"
Hua Mu picked up the weeds in anxiety to vent his anger, and after a while he was tired and sat under the shade of the tree.
It was too hot, and there was so much grass, her eyes were all about flowers. Squatting to identify wild grass is not much easier than collecting shells. At this time, she has backache, numb legs, and dizziness and Venus. And yesterday the place where the injury was still hurting, she had to choose to rest for a while.
Hua Mu watched the time while drinking water and found that it was less than an hour later. There is nothing going on in terms of spices, not to mention that the bottle of water she is carrying is only half left.
It's really not easy to do anything.
Clearly, I found the patchouli, why didn't she find a suspected spice for a long time? There are a lot of spice herbs on her own private island, but it is not specially cultivated. There is no reason why there are no plants on this island.
Hua Mu was very reluctant and did not want to go back empty-handed. She suddenly envied the sentry at this time. If she could have a keen sense of smell, it would be more effective to find the spice.
She was thinking this way, and from a distance she saw the white pillow running towards her side, still holding something in her hand.
It was time to return, Hua Mu thought of an idea.
The white pillow holds two coconuts and some red fruits in his hands. It has been rare to show a bit of joy on the rigid face. Hua Mu found that her expression seemed to be more obvious.
"What's the matter? In such a hurry."
She spoke calmly, but her eyes were fixed on the fruit in the hands of the white pillow. The red ones seem to be lotus mist, the smaller ones are smaller, but the victory is complete and tender. The two have not found fruit trees these days, but most of the mature fruits have been damaged by insect birds except coconuts.
"Miss, I found some fruits." White Pillow walked about three kilometers east after reaching the foot of the mountain, and then found a large piece of coconut tree and some other fruit trees. Unlike the dwarf coconut trees on the seashore, most of this coconut tree is as high as seven or eight meters, the highest is even more than ten meters, and the number of fruits is much more than the two have seen before.
For more than ten days on the island, not only the white pillow, but also Huamu knew how useful coconut is. Coconut juice can be drunk, fruit can be eaten, coconut shell can also be used as a container, really is a treasure.
When drinking the last coconut, Hua Mu still felt distressed for a long time. At first glance, she saw the two holding in the white pillow's arms, and the saliva was secreted automatically.
"Where did you find it?"
"In the northeast direction, Miss, you eat first, and I will take you later." White Pillow couldn't wait to open a coconut for Hua Mu, but Hua Mu refused to drink.
"Don't worry, the coconut is placed first." She only took a lotus mist and didn't want to eat it in her hand. "You take me to see it now."
She can't care about finding spices now, the coconut tree is much more important than that. If there is a large area as White Pillow said, then the water problem is half solved.
The white pillow felt Huamu's joy, and the coconuts were thrown aside, and she squatted down to get her up.
"Miss, the road is a bit difficult, please be careful."
Anyway, it is not her leaving!
Hua Mu jumped and lay on the back of the white pillow.
The author has something to say: the cause of irritability is of course ...
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