Chapter 167: Missy dispatched

Only a few minutes after the white pillow set off, Hua Mu began to feel anxious. Although Liang Jinshen has been arrested, she just feels that something is wrong.
If Liang Jinshen was to prevent the plan from succeeding, would n’t it be more surprising to win by doing it again on the way to the task? When White Pillow is half a rank lower than him, the actual battle is between him and Bo Zhongzhong, and now the level is more than S level. It is not that the sneak attack can not get the benefit when it is critical. Why did Liang Jinshen want to start in the enemy's base camp?
Hua Mu felt more and more puzzled. Just moments later, Liang Jinshen was informed that she was awake. She immediately decided to interrogate him.
Liang Jinshen, who had just completed the operation, had a haggard and pale face, but his spirit looked good. As soon as Hua Mu entered the infirmary, he saw that he was struggling to get up.
"What about the white pillow? Where is the white pillow?"
Although he has been seriously injured, he is an S-class sentinel after all, and his strength cannot be underestimated if the anesthesia is not completely withdrawn. The medical staff did not dare to give him a sedative because of Mu Mu's questioning. He was tortured miserably and finally fixed him on the bed with restraint straps.
Hua Mu sees that he still misses the white pillow when his emotions are so out of control.
"Stop calling, White Pillow is going to perform the task."
Liang Jinshen had to use a lot of neutralizers because of the illegal drugs that stimulated his potential. At this moment, his side effects made his mentality not very clear.
"No ... White pillow, white pillow, you can't go, you can't ..."
Hua Mu was frightened by his tone, and even more doubtful.
"Why can't White Pillow go? Do you think she will be able to rescue her ... Is the leader right? So I don't want her to participate in the mission."
Liang Jinshen didn't seem to hear her, staring crimsonly at the ceiling, panting, breathlessly: "No, white pillow ... yes, there is danger ... you can't go ... there ..."
Hua Mu saw that he could not communicate at all, and had to summon Luna and let him appease Liang Jinshen first.
The tall unicorn unicorn appeared in the room with a bright light. Several sentinels and guides protecting Huamu looked straight, and couldn't help but feel a little fascinated.
Luna shook her head, lowered the unicorn and released a white light, the streamer poured on Liang Jinshen, wrapped him gently, and then disappeared.
The originally sentimental sentinel was only tamed in an instant, gradually calming down, and his breathing slowly calmed down.
"Major Liang, can you recognize me?"
Liang Jin looked dumbly at a certain point in the air, and it took a while for his voice to say hoarsely: "Miss Hua Mu."
Hua Mu was relieved and sat down in front of his bed. "Do you know how you are now? There are more than a dozen counts of charges waiting for prosecution, enough for you to stay in jail for a lifetime. Instead of worrying about the white pillow, it is better to worry yourself."
Liang Jin moved his eyes deeply and looked at Hua Mu's face.
Hua Mu understood what he meant, and that was the look that had already put life and death away.
"Major Liang, I have seen your resume. You are a very good sentinel. I don't understand why you have to betray the empire to help Huace. Did he give you any promise?"
Liang Jinshen smiled miserably, "I haven't helped Huace, what is his morality and how can I be loyal to him?"
"Then I don't understand. Since you are not a strategist, why do you want to destroy the action of saving the leader?"
Liang Jinshen said: "I didn't want to destroy the action either. If I didn't go to sleep, I would go, and I would replace her to save the leader."
Hua Mu could clearly feel Liang Jinshen's dissatisfaction with himself. Although his words didn't show up, his eyes and attitude had already been revealed.
"You go? If it's useful if you go, why are the leaders trapped in the enemy camp until we return?"
It's ridiculous, he is dissatisfied? She is not satisfied yet! This guy not only coveted her white pillow, but also gave them a whole moth at a critical time.
"But this time is different! This time, this time I got the medicine ..."
But despite his dissatisfaction, Hua Mu still didn't think Liang Jinshen would be a traitor. After all, how could it be so stupid to hide it for so many years?
"Do n’t tell me the medicines you used before, because it ’s your life to rescue them in time, otherwise the light medicine will be enough for you. White pillow alone will knock you down, and you still want to use it to save the leader What. "
Liang Jinshen showed a bit of shame and anger and stiffly said: "That's because the white pillow is very strong ... But even if she is strong, this mission is too dangerous for her! Minjun said Huace has a special one for her Weapon, I can't let her die. Now it's too late, let the white pillow come back, and I will replace— "
Hua Mu finally heard something strange from his words, "Do you mean Du Minjun?"
Liang Jin was stunned for a moment and muttered: "Minjun has been in Hezhou longer than me and knows more ..."
Hua Mu looked at him with a sullen face, "He knows more than you, then why don't you tell my father directly, and Bai Zhai, just tell you? Do you know? Saying you are a traitor, let's be alert It ’s him, so we ’ve already prepared. "
Liang Jinshen looked at Hua Mu in shock, unable to channel: "This, this is impossible ..."
Hua Mu no longer talks nonsense with him and gets up to go. If Du Minjun has a problem, then the white pillow is really dangerous.
"Wait, Miss Hua, Hua Mu, where is Min Jun?"
Huamu didn't look back, "He and Bai pillow together."
It has been nearly twenty minutes since the operation started, and the team is likely to have penetrated deep into the base. Not daring to think about the consequences, Hua Mu immediately contacted Shen Shiming, the chief of staff of the current command headquarters, Hua Jian.
"Mu Mu, the matter you are talking about now needs to be handled carefully. Liang Jinshen's suspicions have not been eluted, and he cannot believe him alone."
"But what if it's true? It's too late to notify my father now."
The communication in the underground base is completely shielded, and even the teams cannot be contacted, let alone the headquarters has contacted them.
"Then do you have conclusive evidence? In addition to Liang Jinshen's testimony, what else can prove that Du Minjun is a traitor?" Shen Shiming's suspicion is fully in line with common sense, and Hua Mu's request will greatly shake the military's heart, and it is impossible for her to listen Go for it without reason.
The time passed by one minute and one second, if you go to find evidence at this time, you will not be able to keep up, and then it will be too late.
Hua stomped his feet, "Well, you don't want to go to myself."
Shen Shiming also watched her grow up since she was a child, but she said helplessly: "Mu Mu, I know you are worried about your father and the white pillow, but this is not a child's play, don't be willful."
"I'm not capricious! Du Minjun really has a problem, I used to think he was wrong!"
Shen Shihe shook his head, "His Majesty and the Duke were assassinated. Minjun's father sacrificed to save them. Tens and nines of the people who sent the assassinations were tactics. Minjun volunteered to come to the Hezhou branch to collect information. Talk about why he should help his father to kill his enemies? "
Hua Mu was choked, and finally realized that whatever he said was useless, he immediately turned and left the combat command room.
She was angry, and the guards around her did not dare to speak, trying to reduce her sense of presence. Hua Mu suddenly stopped and looked at the guide next to her, squinting and looking at her.
"Big lady, big lady?"
This guide guard is called Shang Yue, and he graduated shortly after graduation. Because some of the family's details are assigned to the front line this time, the work done is also important and easy. She originally thought that this lady was here instead of the queen to console her with the same gold-plated scene. She didn't expect the other party to take the initiative to participate in all links from the beginning.
Hua Mu looked at her from head to toe and asked, "Are you wearing a combat uniform?"
Although she didn't have to go to the frontline to fight, she was in a state of preparation. She was under a major task of protecting Huamu, and she was naturally armed.
Shang Yue nodded.
"Oh, great, you go to the room with me."
Before Hua Mu, they would never let them into the room. Shang Yue was a little puzzled, and dared not to ask more, and followed her into the room honestly.
"Do not move, take off your clothes."
It was just that the door of the room had just closed automatically, and Huamu had an extra mini in her hand, which rested on her forehead.
"No call, no fight, or I will say you attack me."
Shang Yue's heart was cold, and he was crying.
"Miss, what do you want to do?"
"Get the clothes down."
But didn't you stop me from moving?
"I, I have nothing to look at ..."
The little girl is probably as big as Hua Mu, with tears in her eyes like she was about to be violated. However, Hua Mu didn't show any heart for Xiangxiangxiyu, and threatened in a low voice: "If I don't take it off, I will shoot."
Isn't Shangyue without a brain? Following Huamu, she knew her plan and asked: "Miss, you can't do this, it's too dangerous."
"Crap, hurry up!"
Shang Yue looked as if he was dead, "Miss, if you have a length and a length of two, it is also my negligence. It is all dead, you might as well kill me now."
Hua Mu was really going to be mad, and he just started. She followed the white pillow to learn a lot of fighting styles, and also trained urgently in the tower for a few days, but she had some posture. It happened that Shangyue's fighting skills did not pass the level, and she was afraid to resist even when threatened by her just now, and she was pressed to the ground like a soft foot shrimp.
"Miss, don't ..."
Shang Yue couldn't think of his death. This legendary lady show would be so rude, violent and tough!
"No calls, no calls, no calls, no calls."
Hua Mu picks Shang Yue for no reason, this young and tender young guide sees which family is packed in for seniority, and typically has little talent and high experience. This kind of thing is not a big problem with eyes closed and eyes closed, not to mention that she can use them now, and it is thankful.
The uniform was a little difficult to solve, and it took Huamu several minutes to take it off. Shangyue only had underwear and underwear and had to shrink into the sheets that Hua Mu threw at her, but she saw that the young lady changed her clothes in front of her without any shame, and then jumped off the window and flew away with her unicorn .
The author has something to say: Shang Yue: She has taken on the task of brain supplement that Missy can't afford now.
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