Chapter 174: within Temptation

Derek will take the initiative based on Huazheng's instructions. Although he didn't understand it, he still obediently took Huace with a neutralizer and brought him out.
"Derrick?" Hua Jane was a little surprised. He didn't expect him to declare his own victory in the end.
Derek raised his hand and said with a grin: "Uncle, I haven't seen you look so handsome for a while."
He was used to talking, and would have coaxed his elders to be happy, but he never expected that even if he was in such a situation, he would still die. Hua Jian saw how much he couldn't cry or laugh, but today he couldn't laugh anymore.
He sighed helplessly, "You are all right, and Your Majesty is very worried about you."
Afterwards, he looked at the embarrassed and unprepared image on the ground.
"Hua Ce, Admiral Hua Jian simply arrested you for treason, Your Majesty, Parliament and the People's Association will personally convict you."
Hua Ce leaned on Derek and sneered, "Hua Jian, Hua Jian, are you really stupid? The throne is your sister, the daughter is your sister, now in order to save her lover, you still have to Risking your life. What about your lover? What about your children? What can you end up with? "
White Pillow, Derek, and Xu Ying all lowered their eyes, as if they didn't hear what he said at all.
Hua Jian did not squint, "So, we can never understand each other. White pillow, you go to bring the leader back, Xu Ying and I will send Hua Ce first."
White Pillow didn't dare to delay, and hurried towards the laboratory in Area B.
Now that the main thief has been captured, the previous scruples are lifted. Hua Jian saw Derek being injured, and she and Xu Ying could not bring Huayuan Ziwei and Fu Wen back together. Then she said to Xu Ying: "You take Derek for treatment first, then get in touch with the camp and say it can be stationed Troops ... let ordinary soldiers come in first, I will give you permission. "
After all, the situation of the White Pillow is still unclear, and for the time being the Sentinel can only avoid them. Fortunately, the leader temporarily lost his ability, otherwise he could only rescue him by himself.
"That's only you and ..."
Xu Ying was a little worried, but she did feel that it was not good to put Huayuan Ziwei alone here. Derek obviously also suffered a lot of injuries, and seemed to struggle very hard.
"Let me stay."
"No, I'm here, and Derek will leave it to you."
Xu Ying thought that he had any arrangements, and finally nodded, leaning his light brain on Hua Jian's light brain to get orders.
Derek didn't really matter. He threw the flowers on the ground and rubbed his face shamelessly next to Xu Ying, said intimately: "Then trouble this guide sister."
Xu Ying didn't have the feeling of Jane and his uncle and nephew, and he didn't have a good air: "Go by yourself."
She knows whether this guy is really sincere, but she would not lose so many comrades-in-arms if his father did something about it.
Derek didn't mind her attitude, and she followed her lamely and honestly.
Hua Jian saw the two walking away, and then looked at the flower strategy sitting quietly on the ground.
"What is your purpose?"
Hua Ce laughed lowly, "I know, Hua Jian, I know that no matter how innocent you are, if you involve Du Simin, you will be full of desire and motivation."
Hua Jian looked at him coldly and closed his lips.
"Do you know why I studied these? Alyssa, Simin and even Uncle will come back ... No, it is better to say that they have come back. That Du Simin who has all the good memories with you is here, you are going to Have a look? The choice is yours. "
Eighteen years, it has been eighteen years since Simin left him. Hua Jian has always dreamed of her, dreaming of her youthful and beautiful face, gentle and soft smile and sweet and beautiful voice.
"Clone people can't integrate memory ball technology at all, don't lie to me."
Memory ball technology refers to a technology that can save the memory of the deceased, because the storage device is named after the ball. This technology was originally developed for the purpose of investigating and solving cases, but it was later criticized as "inhumane" by some people because of the high requirements for the integrity of the brain, and the means of acquiring memory by stimulating the brain of the deceased. Coupled with the inability to specifically select the memory that is beneficial to the case, the post-screening project was too large and was eventually abandoned by the judicial system.
However, it is said that the technology is still being developed in the inner tower, and it has been improved to the point that it is no longer necessary to separate the brain.
"Yes, generally speaking, clones can't carry the instant input of memory. The flesh is as short as a month and a year will quickly collapse. But I haven't said it before? As long as the cells of Huazheng are integrated, these are not problem."
Hua Jian's hand seemed to be shaking.
"Where? Where is she ...?"
Hua Ce's voice resembled a devil's whisper, "The fifth floor, in a place that only I know."
This was the temptation that Hua Jian could not refuse, even if she just took another look, and looked at her face again.
"Take me to see her."
"Don't want to hear my terms first?"
"I won't let you go."
Huace looked at his face and grinned ugly, "My condition is not this ... Alyssa, please don't dispose of Alyssa."
Hua Jian finally saw his expression clearly: a lost loser, a madman who lost his soul, and a husband who lost his lover as much as he did.
He sighed deeply, "I will not make a guarantee ... take me to see her."
"Master!" When White Pillow rushed to the laboratory, he saw Huazheng pulling the trachea inserted between the larynx out of the body. "I will let you out immediately!"
Hua Zheng's body has basically recovered, and the wound between his larynx is healing quickly. Although the Sentinel's ability is temporarily unavailable, the body's regeneration ability is still there.
The white pillow put off the nutrient solution while taking off her coat anxiously.
As the nutrient solution is discharged, the body of Huazheng becomes clearer. Before the liquid was completely drained, the white pillow hurriedly opened the hatch and covered the coat with Huazheng.
"Master, are you okay?"
The leader is 168 tall and does not look as slender as a sentry. His wide coat just covers his hips and looks particularly petite when standing with the white pillow.
Huazheng raised her eyelids and glanced at the white pillow, whispering: "You and Little Sweetheart combined?"
The white pillow turned red, and Zhiwu said: "Master, me, me ..."
"I didn't say it was bad," Huazheng's expression was indifferent, making people see no emotion. "It seems that she can calm your runaway situation, which is better."
Despite saying this, Master does not look happy either.
Bai Zhen has only seen Huazheng's face a few times, his expression is always like this, and he seems to be not interested in anything.
"Master, have you gone yet? Or do I ... carry you out."
"No, I can go by myself. Du Minjun ... where?"
Even if there was still no expression, White Pillow knew she was angry. Because the tone is too plain, even a little pause is especially obvious.
"Master, you know he has a problem? I trapped him in the escape route."
The corners of Huazheng's mouth slightly pressed down.
This must have been extremely unhappy, and she also saw Master's expression the time Her Majesty was assassinated.
"Do you want me to take you to see him?"
Huazheng walked to the corner of the laboratory, opened the cabinet and took out his clothes and equipment.
"He should be gone."
"But I already ..."
"He is not as simple as you think," a full set of clothes, masks, cloaks and hummingbirds are all placed here, and the flower kite is put on the white pillow while changing clothes, "I can act on my own, you can see Hua Jian Where was it taken by Huace. "
White Pillow was very surprised.
"Looking at the monitoring, you are always so nervous in front of me. Will Master eat you?"
This has become a habit, and White Pillow has no choice.
"How can Grand Duke follow him ..."
Huazheng sneered. "After all, emotional use is the inferior root of humanity. You can watch it and don't let him do stupid things."
"how about you?"
"I'm going to ..." For the first time, White Pillow heard Huazheng pause for a long time, "chasing Du Minjun, or origin γ."
"But you can't use abilities now."
The flower kite has been quickly and neatly dressed, "Yeah, there is a high probability, no, it must not be able to catch up. But ... this is the root.
Bai Zhen didn't understand what she meant for a while, only thinking that since she couldn't catch up, then Master would not be in danger. As Huazheng said, she was always very nervous in front of her. The guilty conscience and level difference made her only obey orders.
Waiting to run out of the white pillow in the lab, I realized what the inferior root of the kite was.
Master is very angry, very angry, and has nowhere to vent, so even if she understands that she will not be able to catch up with her, she must do it. Because they are humans, they do things that make no sense.
Does Master also use emotions?
White Pillow didn't dare to think, only chased towards the target by virtue of the sight seen in the monitoring.
The fifth basement can only be reached by elevator, and the password is only known by the way. This is a room of less than 40 square meters, with nothing but a few pieces of equipment and two huge sleeping cabins.
Alisha and Du Simin lying in the nutrition cabin are still the same.
Hua Jian was already in tears.
"Thinking, Simin ..." He involuntarily let go of the strategy, staggering towards the place where the nutritional cabin was, his eyes compassionate and gentle.
Hua Ce looked at him coldly and said slowly: "Speaking of it, you always think that Du Huan is to protect you and the flower clusters, but why should Du Minjun help me?"
Hua Jian had been blurred by tears, and could hardly hear him. "We will interrogate it."
Hua Jian knew that his mind was chaotic, and slowly said: "Because Du Huan was killed by Hua Zheng."
Hua Jian suddenly turned back, "What are you talking about?"
Huace was beaten with a bruised face and a swollen face with a twisted smile, "Why did Huazheng kill him? Because she found Du Huan betrayed you. Du Huan would give Du Simin some local products every year? Simin is weak , Coupled with the loss of production, no one will doubt her cause of death, except for Huazheng. "
The author has something to say: Dagong wants to be angry!
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