Chapter 17: Energetic young lady!

Huamu was once popularized by his friends about the benefits of Miswak, because its milky secretions have the effect of sterilization and fresh breath, and even toothpaste can be saved. Only for her, because she does not pursue the so-called pure natural life state, there is no need to deliberately give up the convenience brought by industrial civilization. She has never tried it so far.
Recalling these things, Hua Mu couldn't help but complain.
Why is it that she, who is inseparable from modern technology, encounters this kind of thing? Should n’t we let the hungry gangs do nothing, and every day we want to return to the naive ladies and come to live on this island for a few months?
It is always a good thing to find alternatives to toothbrushes and toothpaste. Hua Mu let the white pillow cut a dozen pieces into his pocket on the spot. The two ate some of the lotus mist just picked and temporarily padded their stomachs.
The two are going to settle lunch here, and of course they have to set up another fire. Bai Zhen gathered some dead branches and hay nearby, and Hua Mu crouched to watch her use flint.
Although this is not the first time I see it, Hua Mu still feels pleasantly surprised every time I see the white pillow wipe out Mars and light the hay.
The fire stick is only ten centimeters in length, one black paint, every time you use it, you need to scrape off an oxide layer on the surface.
Hua Mu still doesn't understand why the White Pillow brought such a thing. Although it is indeed a great use now, how can it be more convenient to bring a lighter or even a match?
The white pillow lowered his head and blew Mars on the hay, a dedicated look, without even noticing that his face was stained with grass dust.
The sentry has been in the sun for more than a dozen days, and the skin, which was not too dark, has completely turned into a wheat color. Probably because of lack of food, people also look leaner. But her dark pupil was sharper and more sharp than usual, and she looked alert at any time.
How can Huamu not wait to see the sentry anymore, this time it is inevitable to fight from the bottom of her heart and rely on her.
To be honest, a little handsome.
It's not the appearance of the white pillow, but the reliability shown by all sides makes Hua Mu feel a little handsome.
But once such a thought came to mind, Hua Mu would immediately be alert again.
This must be the so-called suspension bridge effect, she has experienced it several times! After experiencing danger, being rescued by one's life, and relying on one's life, no matter which one is taken out alone, it is enough to cause a surge of adrenal hormones.
So it feels like the heart is speeding up, the white pillow looks more and more pleasing to the eye, and the sentinel is also pretty cute, all are illusions!
Hua Mu moved his eyes away from the beautiful arm muscles of the white pillow.
Since it is the suspension bridge effect, it is not only she who is the one who can produce this feeling. In case the silly big white pillow misunderstood something and started thinking badly, what could she do?
The fire was born soon.
"Miss, I'll go to the beach to see. You can wait here."
The view here is wide, and there is no danger in the vicinity for a while. Bai Zhan deliberately caught fire, which can be regarded as a guarantee for Huamu's safety.
Hua Mu tried his best to show his indifference because of his cranky thoughts, but he felt a little nervous in his heart. Looking at the back of the sentry, the thoughts in the brain gradually became chaotic.
She remembered that White Pillow was twenty-four years old. If there is no dedicated guide for this age of sentry, the biggest possibility is that the matching rate is not enough. Although there are now inner and outer towers, there are still many rules in the sentinel and guide circles.
Whether it is a sentinel or a guide, almost all of them begin to look for suitable objects as soon as they reach adulthood. Her father will be so anxious and actually related to tradition.
Sentinel is much more unstable than the guide, so it is often more urgent to find a partner. Most of the sentinels in poor families will choose to enter the inner tower to serve the army. The main reason is that the tower will not only provide free white films and public guides to soothe the service, but also provide blind services for sentinels in need.
Has White Pillow ever been on a blind date?
Hua Mu is not the first time to think about this issue. Every time she returns to her job in the tower, she will think about it again.
Women ’s sentinels are naturally preferred by male guides, but if they are not so attached to gender, and only considered from the perspective of sentinels, there is nothing wrong with female guides. Considering the scarcity of male guides is even worse than female sentinels, perhaps White Pillow has already met many female guides!
The sentinel of Neta began blind date at the age of 18, and had not found a partner by the age of 24. The circle of sentinels in his country was so large. The situation is basically not for the orphans, only for young and old.
Hua Mu once again had a strong sense of crisis in her situation.
It ’s just a mismatch, but her physique ... is too dangerous!
The white pillow didn't go to the sea this time. There was a skirt reef on the south side of the beach. After low tide, some areas were exposed. White Pillow just strolled around a few times and found a lot of food in the puddles.
In addition to a few perch-shaped fish, she also picked up a lot of oysters and a few sea urchins, which can be described as full return.
The resources here are indeed much richer than the coast where the two landed. A large group of coral reefs inhabit a large group of marine life. If you move here, at least you can get a lot easier in getting food. But White Pillow could see that Hua Mu did not have such an idea, so he had to temporarily put this idea in his heart.
She handled several fish by the sea, then put on her pants and shoes and returned to Huamu's place of rest. The other party seemed to be thinking deliberately, not noticing that she had returned.
Hua Mu's condition for the past two days is indeed not good in White Pillow's eyes. If she had encountered many good things today, she might have begun to worry about Hua Mu's depression.
"Ah? What, what?"
Hua Mu looked a little flustered, daring to look at the white pillow.
Bai Zhen remembers that Hua Mu loves to eat sea urchins and offers food deliberately, hoping to use this to comfort her recently devastated heart.
"Miss, I caught a few sea urchins. Do you want to be sashimi or cooked?"
Sea urchins are delicious when opened, and the white pillow really doesn't want their bad cooking to spoil them.
"Well, then sashimi."
Hua Mu seems to think so.
The white pillow put the fish and oysters on the banana leaves first, and opened the sea urchin for the flowers.
April and May are the most delicious time for horse dung gallbladder. The orange-red raw and colonic glands are soft and creamy and melt in the mouth. Even without any spices, it is enough to intoxicate its fat taste.
Huamu ate one and the second.
This is life!
Hua Mu was almost crying with excitement.
Sure enough, the best thing in the world that can save the soul is food. No matter what kind of difficult situation you are in, as long as you eat well, people will not despair!
Hua Mu contained the sea urchin in his mouth, almost reluctant to swallow it, just wait for it to slowly melt and slide into the throat.
"One more, one more."
White Pillow only picked up a total of four, because Hua Mu told her yesterday that she did not specifically look for it. At this time, she looked at her with a happy face and couldn't help but regret.
She opened the third sea urchin with a dagger, carefully picked out the radial glandular colons and handed them to Huamu.
Hua Mu took it before himself and ate it again, but this time he couldn't wait to scream the yellow sea urchin on his finger. Because the sea urchin yellow is too soft, and the white pillow has a lot of hands on it, Hua Mu looks really wasteful, and can't wait to lick it into his mouth.
The soft and bright red lips of the noble girl gently rubbed against the rough and slender fingers of the sentry, which was softer than the yellow urchin.
White pillow felt a numbness in his heart, blood seemed to surge suddenly, his face flushed suddenly. She was awakened as a sentinel at the age of twelve, and entered the Tazhong for twelve years. She has been on a mission alone for eight years. She has been a guard of Huamu for five years. She has experienced many life and death difficulties during this period, but she has never been like today. This makes the body weak and hands soft.
She didn't quite understand what was wrong with her, only ashamed and ashamed.
Hua Mu's lips showed a contented look on her lips, "You can eat the rest, um, it's delicious."
If you put it in the usual time, the white pillow must think of giving it to Huamu, but at this moment, because of her confusion of thoughts, she has not responded and wants to give way.
As a guard of the royal family, White Pillow's treatment is not bad. Coupled with often attending the banquet with Hua Mu, the taste of Shanzhen seafood is not much less than that of the other party. It's just that she doesn't know how to enjoy herself, especially when it comes to eating, she rarely pays attention to it. Most of them eat it, and she never had any special feelings.
But today's sea urchin does let her experience unprecedented taste enjoyment.
The dense taste, sweet taste, and ...
White pillow couldn't help but licked his fingers, and his eyes swept subconsciously towards Huamu's pink lips.
It's no wonder that Missy's intentions are still unfinished. It turned out to be really delicious.
The sentry made up his mind to pick up several sea urchins for Huamu every day thereafter.
Once tasted delicious, Huamu can no longer tolerate these rough and rude cooking methods. She saw that the oysters and fish had not been fully processed, and she remembered the matter of looking for spices before.
"White pillow, some wild mint stuffed in the belly of the fish," she thought about it, and took out a fruit that looked like lime from her pocket. . "
This was discovered by the two people around the coconut grove, and there are about seven or eight plants with lush fruits. It looks like a reduced version of lime, only the size of kumquat, exuding the unique fragrance of Rutaceae. The white pillow tasted a little bit, the taste was sour, so the two picked only a few.
Huamu originally wanted to bring water to drink, but now I think of it. Lemon juice also has a deodorizing effect.
Although there is still a certain distance from her expected cooking, things can't be done overnight. The two of them have other things to do in the afternoon, and they can only be patient at noon.
What's more, she had already tasted delicious food in advance.
White Pillow did it one by one, and on the thirteenth day of the fall on the island, the two finally tasted the first real food.
There may be many biological differences between humans and animals, but Huamu believes that it is humans who are greater than animals to make natural ingredients delicious.
The author has something to say: Hua Mu: I said she coveted me!
Every day I imagine that Sentinel is okay to think about myself, do you know the Pygmalion effect?
The only reason why humans are greater than animals is human arrogance.
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