Chapter 183: Two lines of tears for loved ones

It is a white pillow.
It's a white pillow! She should have known, she should have recognized, this is a white pillow, this is her lover!
The wound on the back near the heart is the medal that was left to protect her. This is evidence that even the clone can't be faked.
Why didn't you recognize it until now? Why should she be so cold to her? I also said that I hated that ... obviously I came back with a white pillow.
I thought it was an extravagant hope that would never happen in my dreams. I thought it was an extravagant desire that would never be realized in my life, but I treated her like this after she returned.
It does n’t matter if she does n’t remember, as long as she remembers, the white pillow is the white pillow anyway, the person she loves.
"White pillow ..."
Don't wait any longer, she has waited for five years and thought she would have to wait a lifetime. At this moment, she didn't want to worry about anything, just wanted to hug her tightly, just want to confirm her practically.
This is the white pillow.
The young female guards were almost drunk with Her Royal Highness's charming and soft voice, and her heart was tickled and sore.
She knows that as long as she doesn't think about anything and hugs the other party tightly at this moment, the scene in her mind will become a reality.
Is this what I long for?
Under unclear circumstances, there was an irreparable relationship with Her Royal Highness.
The sweet lips were moist and bitter with tears, and gently touched the white pillow's lips.
This is never the case. She really cares ... or may have fallen in love with this somewhat cold and stubborn Highness, but she never thought about this happening with her under such circumstances.
She hopes that the sorrow buried deep in Her Highness can be resolved, that her smile can be real, and that she can protect her.
When, of course, I do n’t mean that I do n’t want to do such a thing, but now I should n’t have reached this point. Before that, there are obviously more important things. For example, to further understand each other, such as exchange of feelings in a gradual manner, such as starting with holding hands or holding hands.
And if your Highness knows something about her past, the two may be able to talk in depth.
All in all, isn't this too fast?
"Your Highness!" The white pillow flushed, but gently and firmly pushed away Hua Mu's thin and trembling body. "We shouldn't, shouldn't be ..."
Ah, I rejected her again! White pillow always refused her, never changed!
Hua Mu opened her misty tears slightly, and looked at the white pillow with blaming and dissatisfied eyes.
What she knows, it really should be explained. After all, Bai Zhen didn't remember those things, and suddenly asked her to accept intimate contact with someone who said that she hated her.
But this is too much trouble to explain, it will definitely take a lot of time, and she has obviously waited for five years!
If it ’s still the white pillow, ca n’t you consider her hunger ...
Hua Mu calmed down a little bit.
"you hate me?"
First of all, it is still necessary to confirm the intention of the white pillow-can't you not like it?
White Pillow took a deep breath.
Her Royal Highness, like the gemstone, the green and clear pupils looked at her wetly, like a child, asking for care. Obviously this is a mature and intellectual image, but this expression has no trace of violation.
If you feel annoying, you will cry immediately.
Of course, she can never say that she hates, that is impossible. Although it was a bit sad when Her Royal Highness said that she hated her in front of her, she never gave birth to such a thought.
"There is no such thing ... how can I, I hate you."
The white pillow leaned back and leaned on the sofa, trying to avoid contact with Hua Mu's body, but Hua Mu leaned forward and leaned back in a tighter posture.
"Is that like it?"
Is this temptation? Still a test? Should I say whether I like it or something else?
White Pillow realized that she had sweated a lot, and looked away nervously: "I, I respect you very much ..."
"I'm not your teacher and elder, why do you want your respect?" Hua Mucai didn't want to hear such an answer. She hoped that even if Bai Zhen lost her memory, she didn't forget how she felt about herself.
"But you clearly hate me, why ..."
There has been such a thing, but then ... that's not to White Pillow.
No matter how it is explained, it is troublesome, Hua Mu decided to take a quicker way to speed up the battle.
White pillow widened his eyes.
The strong touch on her lips made her feel like her heart was tightly gripped. The senses of the guards are also very keen, and there is such a touch of familiar contact with this strange, but the only thing that can respond to the white pillow is a blank brain.
Hua Mu did not give her time to reflect and think, and invaded further.
Feel the moist and soft tongue tip across the mouth, the white pillow is almost dizzy with the sweet smell.
She is being ... kissed by your Highness, so she must not be hated, right?
The white pillow only felt that the waist was soft and leaned completely on the sofa.
Hua Mu doesn't want to take care of anything anymore. For her, there is nothing more important than kissing the white pillow.
"White pillow ..." She stopped breathlessly until her breathing was difficult, and her mouth was full of fluid.
"Your Highness ..."
Slender, white fingertips shuttled between thick, dark hair, tenderly and tenderly soothing the white pillow's numb scalp, and stroking the clear jaw along the cheek.
As if to confirm her existence, Hua Mu knelt straight, holding her head tightly against her chest.
The love and caress like a lover makes the white pillow sore and the eyes warm. Doubts, puzzles and even a little grievance seem to be no longer important.
"I don't hate you, I won't hate you ..." The joy of being recovered overlaps with the four years of years, and the words are not necessary. She wanted to let White Pillow know that she loved her, even after she "dead", she never changed, "White Pillow, I--"
Her words didn't finish, the two's light-brain communication broke out in unison.
White Pillow glanced subconsciously at the brain, and when he saw that the caller was the leader, he kept busy with the communication.
"Master Leader."
When Hua Mu listened to these four words, what joy, joy, and passion were replaced by anxiety, and then glancing at the caller in his light brain, the qi suddenly became the square of qi.
"where are you?"
There was a calm voice from the leader in the light brain. White Pillow glanced nervously at Hua Mu, and honestly said: "I, I and His Royal Highness are together ..."
"Oh ... has it bothered you?"
The white pillow blushed because of the other party's words, "No, no ..."
"Yes, bother us! Very disturbing!"
Hua Mu was almost mad, and it was more than trying to use clones to test her. Huazheng actually resurrected the white pillow but kept her in the dark. What right does she have to do this?
She was struggling with pain and patience, and she did not greet White Pillow in the first time. She also said so sad to White Pillow.
The leader didn't seem to hear her anger and said calmly: "Little sweetheart, you should answer your mother's communication request, she is very anxious."
"Shouldn't you explain it?"
"The fact is as you can see."
"Then what I see every day ... what's going on?"
"It's just a 24-hour loop video, it's very simple."
Don't be so calm! I don't seem to know where I was wrong. Too much, even if there is no emotion, it is too much!
"Why lie to me? Shouldn't you let me know about this at first? What purpose do you have? Playing with me and seeing me sad and happy?"
White Pillow listened to the full-bodied conversation between the two--although it was only the unilateral taste of Wang Nu, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.
"Your Highness ..."
Hua Mu swept the white pillow and let her shut her mouth obediently.
The leader was silent for a while, "There is no purpose, just let it go. This thing is done by me, your mother does not know. After all, she loves you so much, if you know it, she will not help telling you. . "
"So why do you have to hide from me? Is it a test? Test whether I am eligible to be an heir, or can I recognize the white pillow?"
"No, I said it, just let it go."
It's so annoying. Why is there such a feeling of powerlessness in face-to-face conversations, obviously when I was a kid?
Hua Mu turned off the communication of the white pillow, showing the child's heart in five years.
"Your Highness ..."
White Pillow nervously wanted to call back, but Hua Mu held his hand.
"Don't ignore her ... at least ignore her now!"
Bai Zhen looked at her worriedly, "Are you all right?"
The experience just now was a bit too exciting for her, but Hua Mu's situation made her more worried.
Hua Mu looked at the care in the white pillow and black eyes, and unconsciously smiled again, "I'm fine."
Although she was really angry, because the joy of returning from the white pillow was too great-her entire life suddenly became bright, so even these angers became insignificant.
"Then your telegraph ..."
Hua Mu glanced at the correspondent on the display, remembering Hua Zheng's words, and finally reluctantly picked it up.
"Mu Mu, where are you?"
The queen's voice was gentle and caring, and it sounded anxious.
"... with white pillow."
There was a moment of silence there, hesitating and saying, "Did you bother you?"
Hua Mu feels that the two of them are asking for reasons. She left with a white pillow, and only need to ask a little to know.
Knowing that a communication request was sent, this must have been intentional!
"The party is about to start, you should go to the party first."
Hua Mu glanced at the white pillow, which had become disorganized due to what he had done just now, and his amorous feelings barely maintained his reason.
"……I know."
She admits her fate. After all, there are still many things to be solved, and after many years, the first time should be more romantic and beautiful!
The author has something to say: two lines of tears for loved ones. Face to face (no
The white pillow is still that white pillow, pure sentimental sentinel.
The eldest lady is still that elder lady, full of pornography.
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