Chapter 3: What is the first thing to do in a remote island?

The difficult task of White Pillow is undoubtedly to protect Hua Mu.
Because the guide is much more stable than the sentry, it is not mandatory to enter the tower to learn now. Especially noble girls like Hua Mu, although they are also a guide, have never been to the tower. There was a special teacher who had taught her the knowledge of the guide, but Hua Mu was not interested at all, just remembered a summary.
However, the small white film is not esoteric content, Hua Mu understand what it is. The sentinel has five senses, and the guide is mentally and physically stable. When performing tasks normally, the ideal situation is that a pair of sentries and the guide act simultaneously.
The sentry is responsible for investigation, and the guide uses guide elements to help stabilize the sentinel's mental body, avoiding them from falling into mania due to excessive concentration, and even suffering from wandering.
It is a pity that the ratio of sentries and guides has never been coordinated. Once the excessive persecution of the guides caused many guides to be incognito, but now it is because the guides themselves are stable and there are very few voluntarily entering the inner tower. Exclusive wizard.
Almost all of the guides with exclusive guides are already combined sentinels. In addition to the single sentinels like White Pillow who go to the tower every month to comb the mental body by the public guide, the most common solution is to use artificial guides-small white tablets .
"Hey ..." Hua Mu quickly threw the small white film to the white pillow, looking disgusted.
In fact, the small white film is a normal distribution item for the sentry. The sentinel and single sentinel are absolutely inseparable from the artificial guide, otherwise it is very likely that the emotions will be out of control.
Of course, if there is a suitable guide to help appease, the sentries will not want to use the small white film.
Hua Mu dismissed the Xiaobai film entirely for personal reasons. What she disliked was not such an artificial guide element, but the sentry that needed the guide element to appease.
Bai Zhen understood Huamu's aversion to the sentry and hurriedly put away his things. She is a sparse female sentinel, which is why Dagong finally chose her as a lady guard.
Hua Mu watched her pack her things in silence, but she felt a little sad in her heart. Of course, if she put it in the past, she would never bother to think about it, but now the situation is just pressing.
She wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere, only to pride herself, she couldn't say anything. After a while, she looked at the white pillow and began to pack up other things. She had to hurry: "Now in this environment, you should also give me a gun to defend yourself."
White Pillow was right, and Hua Mu was very considerate to pick what he wanted from these things.
Hua Mu wanted it all, but unfortunately she would not use it. In general, her goal is to draw a white pillow, and she really wants to use the gun just for self-defense—God knows what else is on the island.
Hua Mu picked one at random, and took it in his hand to study it before using it. Although she has not been systematically trained like a white pillow, shooting games are also very popular among noble girls, and it is not difficult for her to use a gun.
Then I took the whistle and watch again, which made me feel at ease.
Seeing that she was not interested in anything else, Bai Zhen slowly picked up again.
The atmosphere is a little better, and Hua Mu has confidence to say something else.
"I'm hungry." That coconut fruit wasn't even a snack. Huamu was overwhelmed by the initial fright at this time. I just felt very hungry and very painful. "And it hurts."
The education that White Pillow received was absolute obedience, let alone let me talk about the randomness during the previous task. After following Huamu, she was a robot that was absolutely loyal to Huamu and only acted with Huamu's instructions.
Unless the life of Hua Mu is endangered, such as the shipwreck encountered before or the danger that may be encountered after arriving at the island, she will not act arbitrarily.
Especially staying away from and touching Huamu is the place that needs attention at the same time.
She took the initiative to pick coconuts to solve the problem of drinking water nearby. She did not take the initiative to help Huamu deal with the injuries on her body because these injuries were not enough for her to violate the close prohibition.
Including actions such as catching fish that need to stay away from Huamu, she needs to order.
"Miss, is it better to deal with your injury before that?" The current situation also made Bai Zhen realize that he can't just listen to Hua Mu's orders, but should also put forward some of his own suggestions, which also led to her The increase in discourse.
The injury on Hua Mu's body was not too serious, but it was enough for her, Jiao Miss, to hurt for a while. It was only that she did not want to show her cowardice in front of the white pillow, so she kept biting her teeth. She just saw the potion in the white pillow bag for emergency treatment of bruises and bruises, and she also thought about it, but she would never let the other party help.
"You give me the potion, I'll come by myself, you go catch the fish." She rarely showed a thoughtful look.
White Pillow didn't dare to disagree. While giving her that little bottle of potion, she asked again: "Then if I go to catch fish, are you going with me or resting here."
The place where Huamu rests now is about a hundred meters away from the beach. Because there are no other vegetation besides a few coconut trees, the view is still wide.
"I'm still waiting for you here, you go quickly." She judged that she could see the white pillow at this location, so she didn't want to go to the sun at all.
White Pillow judged the current situation and still had no opinion.
"Then take a good rest first. It should be less than two hours from the sunset. I'll take a rest here at night. I will go to explore the island tomorrow to see if there are water and other food."
Hua Mu actually quite hates the white pillow and only knows to obey the order, but at this time more or less so at ease.
"Freshwater should be an important thing on the island, why didn't you go looking for it before?"
"... I, I think you should be given some time to adjust."
Hua Mu glanced at the coconut on the ground, then at the wound on his body, and he understood the idea of ​​White Pillow.
Probably worried about her, let her stay here alone.
She was in a better mood and waved her hand to get the white pillow to catch fish.
"Now we are in distress, everything is premised on survival. If you have any suggestions, you must say it quickly. Reasonable action does not necessarily have to ask me ... Of course, I still have to report it afterwards."
Saying that it was for survival, or to gather people's hearts, Hua Mu relaxed some restrictions for White Pillow. At first, she was not used to seeing the white pillow as a robot, and she set various restrictions on her, which was extremely contradictory. Now suddenly she was given some permissions because of the change of circumstances. I don't know why Hua Mu felt a while.
White Pillow nodded and said no more, to prepare food for the elder lady.
Hua Mu took advantage of her leaving and hurriedly inspected his wound while smearing the potion. There were no more serious wounds on her body except for bruises and broken skin, but a bottle of potion was a few milliliters in total, and it was soon smeared.
The situation was very chaotic when the ship was killed, but Hua Mu clearly remembered some of the details. She knew that she only received some minor injuries not because of good luck, but because the white pillow wrapped her whole person.
She didn't dare to look carefully when the sentry undressed just now, but she also looked at the large bruise on the opponent's shoulder and arm. She suddenly remembered it at this time, and hurriedly checked the vial in her hand, and found that there was no drop left, and she couldn't help but feel guilty.
Although the sentinel's five senses are keen, the spiritual body does not have any difference between the physical body and the guide before the ordinary people. Their physical fitness is superior to ordinary people, which is completely the result of normal exercise, and it does not have the privilege of invulnerability.
Should I leave her a potion?
Hua Mu sighed, spent two seconds reflecting on his selfishness, and then left.
The sentinel said at least to plan on a one-month basis, she really has the heart of death. But until now, survival is more important than anything. Hua Mu still decided to calm down and think about what to do.
As long as White Pillow did not betray her, survival should not be a problem.
Near Niles is a typical equatorial rainy climate and tropical oceanic climate. Although the time to the island is still short, she can almost conclude that it is one of these two climates after seeing the coconut trees. The equatorial rainy climate and tropical marine climate have two benefits. The average temperature is neither high nor low, the temperature difference is small, and the rain is abundant.
Although Huamu does not understand the means of survival, some common sense still knows. Relying on the white pillow to live a month in such an environment should not be difficult, but the problem is that this month must have been very embarrassing-this is really unacceptable to her.
Hua Mu was wearing a white silk dress. Because it dipped in the seawater and dried out, a layer of salt flowers had formed on the surface. Not only the clothes, but also her skin and hair. This is a great disaster for the noble girls who love cleanliness.
Bathing, staying, going to the toilet, and changing clothes, I just felt desperate just thinking about Hua Mu. These facts were useless after thinking, she had to look at the white pillow that had walked to the beach.
The other party patrolled the shoal for a while, as if looking for a suitable place, and then took off his clothes.
The shame of the sentinel's cheapness is also one of the reasons why Huamu hates her. As a woman, even the sentry should not be so careless?
Her eyesight is very good, such a distance can clearly see the uninteresting sports underwear on the white pillow and the two long white flowers.
The sentinel was tall, and although Hua Mu had never asked her about her specific height, she could only see that she was more than 175 years old by visual inspection. Because of long years of exercise, there is no trace of fat on the white pillow, a flat belly, tight arms and thighs, and some beautiful muscle lines.
and also……
Hua Mu subconsciously touched his barren chest, and there was a sudden loss in his heart.
Damn it, it's just a sentinel, what a good figure!
The chest, which was obviously more proud than her, really made Hua Mu angry and jealous.
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