Chapter 40: return

Hua Mu wears a good skirt, puts on a coat, holds her legs and looks at the white pillow for dinner ... or supper. She didn't know if the sentry skills had improved, but she didn't pay attention to her own taste. Hua Mu had a deep experience.
Dinner is a slice of bread with grilled eel, the method is very simple. A large piece of breadfruit is roasted softly, roll the roasted eel in the middle, and make a simple burger.
The moray originally inhabited the bottom of the deeper sea. It was probably after the seawater was turbid and came out to forage, and was caught on the beach by the wind and waves. The white pillow was handled by the wind and rain, and when it came back to the cave, it was smeared with sea salt and baked half-cooked. At this time, it was sprinkled with basil and smoked with heat. The fat on the skin quickly became crispy and tender.
Hua Mu smelled the smell, and his stomach was rumbling.
The white pillow spurted the moray with hands and feet, cut it into small pieces and wrapped it in breadfruit, wrapped it with banana leaves and sent it to Huamu.
"Miss ..."
After that episode, there was obviously some embarrassment between the two. Hua Mu was arrogant and didn't want to take care of her, but White Pillow was uneasy and dared not get close.
Hua Mu looked at the food in her hand and couldn't help swallowing. I have to say that the scent is very appetizing.
"Is there no soup?"
"Yes, just cook for a while, you can eat some first."
Hua Mu took the "burger" and put a bite in his mouth. The moray is tender and tender, the fat is fat and sticky, and the addition of Shanghai salt has a slightly rough taste and the smell of basil. Compared with the fine cuisine Huahua once ate, it has a different flavor.
White Pillow has never handled food so seriously and carefully. This time, she tried her best to make Huamu happy.
"Miss, is it delicious?"
Hua Mugang was still angry with her. Where did she say "delicious", she pretended to perfunctoryly "uh" and kept talking.
Seeing that she was eating attentively, Bai Zhen turned around and brought out the cooked fish soup. This time she specially used lime to deodorize the fish flesh, added and wild onions and packed it in a bamboo tube. After boring for a while in the fire, she cooked the soup until the soup turned white until she gave Huamu.
The fish soup has a mellow taste and it is eaten with an eel burger, which really makes the index finger move.
At the beginning of Hua Mu, she still cared about the elegance of a little girl. When she lowered her head and saw her bare feet, she suddenly felt that she didn't need to pretend.
White Pillow saw her appetite was good and let her down. As long as you can eat, any disease is not a big problem.
She cut some chili powder and made an eel roll for herself. The breadfruit was twice as thick as Huamu's, and she ate it in three or two bites.
Hua Mu ate sweaty, and was fighting the last eel. The sentinels are tall, and the food they make is full of weight. She ate a little bit, and thought it was wasteful not to finish the meal. She drank the last soup and felt her throat was full.
"Miss, do you want more?" The white pillow was more attentive than usual, sitting on the side and staring at Hua Mu.
Huamu put a coconut pot in her arms, "No, no, it's so full."
This was the most full time she had eaten in her life, and her small belly ran out.
White Pillow saw that she was really full, washed the pot diligently with her hands and feet, and then sat by the fire, secretly glancing at her with her eyes from time to time.
Hua Mu ate too much and lay down for a while. After waiting for a long time, she didn't see the white pillow and came back to serve as a mat for her. When she turned her head, she saw her shrink into a ball and sat next to the fire in the cave.
Just because she was said a few words, would n’t she even take the mat for her?
Hua Mu was aggrieved, and refused to take the initiative, only to stare at her vigorously.
Not only was the white pillow not blind, but her eyesight was so good that she immediately discovered the call of the elder lady.
"Miss, do you have any orders?"
Hua Mu sulked his face and asked, "I'm sick. Are you going to freeze me?"
The white pillow glasses lit up and asked with some hope: "You, will you let me hold you?"
Isn't her meaning obvious?
"I just don't allow you to take off my skirt, nor do you want to kiss me, who made you not allowed to hold me? Are you not my cushion? How can I sleep without you holding me?"
White Pillow nodded with excitement, and walked to Huamu a few steps, swearing: "Miss, I will never offend you again, I, I am not perverted ... really just to make you feel better."
She didn't explain it. Fortunately, the explanation made Hua Mu's already quelled shame reappear.
How much does the sentry want to clear her relationship with her?
"Humph, don't dare you ..."
She only looked at the white pillow like a startled bird, and finally gave up the option of losing her temper.
It's so pitiful that the lady of her princely duke's palace had to accommodate a guard!
White Pillow was obviously relieved and sat cautiously next to Huamu. Huamu sat on her without a word.
The sentinel was a little stiff, and hesitated for a while and finally asked, "Miss, can you, can you tell me where is the line that offends you?"
White Pillow used to protect Huamu's safety and rarely had close contact with her. However, unlike in the past, the two may stick together for more time each day than they are apart.
Her friends are almost all soldiers, and they have been going straight, even with the guide, there is no big defense between the same sex. But the noble lady circle is obviously not the case. The elder lady pays more attention to etiquette. She has been scolded several times, and now she really does not know where the boundary is.
When White Pillow asked, Hua Mu was stunned on the spot.
"What are you doing?"
"I don't want to offend you to make you angry anymore, but I am different from you. Without your upbringing, I'm stupid. I don't know what kind of behavior you think of as an offense to Missy ......"
This is really stupid. It is better to say that being dull is more annoying. But Hua Mu didn't like the white pillow to classify the two as you and us, and she didn't like her to use the word offense.
When did she say she was offended?
"Why are you talking so much?"
White Pillow heard Hua Mu's displeasure and shut her mouth sadly.
Hua Mu held her hand around her and shouted, "I didn't say you offended me, I was always thinking about it."
"But you are not happy ..."
"Can I not be happy if I love it? I am not happy every day."
Bai Zhen thinks it's not. Missy will only be upset in front of her.
"But I don't want you to be unhappy, I think you can be happy, if I make you unhappy ..."
The sentimental words of the sentry rarely made Hua Mu feel a little moved-of course, only a little.
"I, I just breathe out, can't I relieve the pressure in one breath? Oops, you're so wordy, I didn't pursue it, why did you talk so much?"
White pillow hugged her behind her, warm breath blowing in her ears.
"That's a lot of you adults."
Hua Mu was shocked!
Where did her father and aunt find such a loyal and honest guard? Should she be happier? But why can't you be happy?
"Do you really think that? Don't you think I'm making trouble for no reason?"
"how come……"
Hua Mu didn't want to talk to her, and rubbed the white pillow's calf with the instep.
"Big lady, big lady?"
"Why are you ..."
"Can't I like it?"
"No, no, no."
"Did I offend you?"
"of course not."
"Well, sleep."
Bai Zhen didn't know what Hua Mu wanted to say, but she didn't dare to ask more when she closed her eyes and looked ready to go to bed.
She thought about it, and finally came to the conclusion that as long as the elder lady was happy, it would not be an offense.
"White pillow." Hua Mu suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.
"What do you ask?"
"... I'm going to the toilet."
Huamu slept for a day, and sweated for a day. When she was full and ready to sleep again, she realized that she had never been to the toilet today.
Fortunately, the wind and rain outside had stopped, and the white pillow carried her down to the beach to solve her physical needs.
There was no cloud in the sky, and a round moon was hanging on the horizon, making the night even more deserted. The sandy beach after the rainstorm was in disarray, with stumps all over the ground. Although the tide has receded, there is still a lot of rainwater flowing from the edge of the rainforest, washing away the places where the two passed.
Hua Mu looked at this masterpiece of nature and was really afraid of it. Fortunately, Bai Zhen found such a cave, otherwise she was not just sick.
"Miss, let's take a look back south tomorrow."
Hua Mu did not forget the storm that overturned the ship, and the picture at this moment cast a shadow on her heart.
After unwinding their hands, the two men went back to rest in the cave, and they were speechless overnight.
Hua Mu's fever was completely retreated, but the cough was not so fast, and he coughed together the next day. White Pillow cooked mint water for her, finished packing after breakfast, and the two were also ready to go back to the South Bank.
The white pillow originally wanted to pick some more breadfruit. Hua Mu was afraid that the vines on the cliff wall would not be strong after the wind and rain, and tried to stop her.
When passing by the estuary, Huamu found that the water source had become muddy, and she couldn't help but feel lucky to make preparations early. The two bamboos contained almost a hundred liters of fresh water, enough to drink for a while, and perhaps they could stick to the rescue.
On the return trip, the two were much faster than when they arrived, and they had reached the mangrove forest by noon. This path is full of traces of tropical storms, but it can be found that the further the south, the smaller the impact of the storm. After the two passed the mangrove forest and then near the coconut grove, the surroundings looked like they had just experienced an ordinary rainstorm.
Hua Mu consciously lost his luck, "I didn't expect that we waited so long and it didn't rain. It just rained on the whole island just after going north."
With the water, the fresh water is in white.
"Miss, we are actually just good this time, and the gains are not small."
From the perspective of White Pillow, it is already a lucky thing to say that this first rain can escape in such a cave.
Hua Mu didn't put her comfort in her heart-she only hoped that the two of them wouldn't be so unlucky when they went back.
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