Chapter 42: Make another bed!

Bai Zhensheng was afraid that Hua Mu was not happy, and hurriedly explained: "Miss, the hammock can only be used temporarily, it will be uncomfortable after a long sleep, so I think ..."
That ’s right. Although it ’s good to lie down while resting, it ’s sure to have backache when sleeping in a hammock.
"Okay, let you go for now."
The white pillow breathed a sigh of relief and continued to spread palm bark and banana leaves on the hammock. The hammock was finally completed.
Hua Mu looked left and right, expressing his satisfaction.
"It's not bad, I have one."
The sentry smiled humorously because of the praise from Missy.
"By the way, how heavy are you?"
Although the white pillow has guaranteed the firmness of the hammock, Hua Mu is still a little worried. After all, she usually lay alone, but now she wants to sleep two people.
And the other party is still a tall-looking sentry, I don't know how much heavier than her.
"I'm around 60 kg. Miss, do you have anything?"
Bai Zhen didn't know why Hua Mu asked this, but he said his weight generously.
60 kg! Everyone has a half and a half! The two people add up to two hundred pounds, can this hammock withstand it?
"Can your hammock withstand the weight of two hundred pounds?"
"An extra two hundred catties is not a problem ..." Bai Zhanhua suddenly understood Hua Mu's meaning halfway through, and said in a panic, "Miss you, rest assured, you can guarantee that there is no problem when you sleep alone. "
Hua Mu's mouth is already old, but his mouth says: "Hum, whatever you want."
After the two had finished dinner, the sky gradually darkened. Hua Mu was unwell and first lay down on a hammock to rest. The white pillow continued to pack up a pile of mess.
The ceiling was rebuilt, and the white pillow was covered with raincloth. The windshield is also reinforced with wooden piles, and it does not seem to be easily destroyed by wind and rain.
The white pillow stayed busy until late at night, simply wiped his body and sat next to the hammock. In the past few days, the two have experienced many things, and her energy has also consumed a lot. In order to avoid the situation of encountering sharks before, she took the sixth white piece.
Hua Mu was not asleep, so she knew that the white pillow had sat beside her. Although she was very sleepy and tired, she did not want to sleep alone.
After the white pillow sat for a while, Hua Mu started tossing and turning.
The movement of the hammock turned up was not normal. The white pillow soon found it difficult for her to fall asleep, and asked carefully: "Miss, is the hammock uncomfortable?"
Hua Mu was left out for a long time, and finally got attention, and immediately complained to White Pillow.
"Uncomfortable, the palm bark is so poking, cool and whizzing. Without a pillow, I sleep so tired, my body is sore and sore, my throat is uncomfortable, and my head hurts.
White Pillow can understand Hua Mu's discomfort, but just does not know how to solve it.
"Miss, I'll make you a pillow ..."
"I can't solve other problems by making pillows. I'm going to die!" Hua Mu was mad at the sentinel's sluggishness. Shouldn't she say it outright?
"You won't die, you ... ah!" White Pillow suddenly remembered that this scene seemed familiar, and the old lady also said that she was going to die, "Then, can I take it for you and be a mat?"
Hua Mu immediately sat up-almost did not turn over from the hammock, patted the hammock and said to her: "Now, since you are kind, I have no reason to refuse ... Not coming quickly!"
White Pillow was brave enough to speak out this proposal, but I didn't expect that he was right, and he couldn't help but be surprised.
"Okay, yes."
The white pillow woven the hammock so much that it was more than enough to lie down, and the weight bearing was obviously enough to carry two people as she said. After the white pillow lay down, the hammock only sank slightly.
The human body is much more comfortable, Hua Mu sighed with satisfaction on the body of the white pillow.
The pillows are so soft, the muscles feel good, the skin is slippery, and the smell is good.
"Big lady, big lady?"
Although somewhat accustomed to Hua Mu's troublesome touch, the sentinel's overly keen feeling still makes Bai Zhen feel at a loss.
"Um ... what's wrong?" Hua Mu was too lazy to explain anything to her, and she just ridiculed her.
It ’s her escort, what ’s wrong with her? No less meat.
"No, nothing ..."
As long as Missy likes it, she can bear it.
Hua Mu was satisfied, and comfortably touched the Sentry muscles to fall asleep. In a few days, they may have to go back, and once they return to the Duke's Palace, White Pillow will definitely not be able to sleep with her again. If she doesn't touch enough books in these days, there will be no chance in future.
In the next few days, the two had a leisurely life, because Hua Mu was going to recuperate, and the white pillow would not be too far away from her except to find food and materials. The refuge has been renovated and is stronger than the original one. There was a second rain on the island, and there was no more damage except for a little water leakage.
Huamu needs to see if there are any ships passing by on the sea every day. Even if she knows that White Pillow ’s vision is much better than herself, she will definitely find out sooner if a rescue boat comes over. She still does this every day.
But the time passed day by day, the thirty-first day, the thirty-second day, the thirty-third day ... until the fortieth day, there was still no sign of rescue.
Huamu is comforting herself every day, searching must take time, and rescue will come tomorrow. Over time, comfort has gradually become less useful.
She was full of anticipation and disappointment, but she couldn't do the hysterical things as before.
"Miss, won't you visit today?"
White Pillow checks the wolf smoke every day, and often goes high to look at the sea. Not only Hua Mu, she is also very worried about the current situation. It is not easy to dispatch the Navy to conduct a large-scale search. Even the Queen ’s proposal must be passed by Congress. If it is only a small-scale search and rescue, it has little effect in the marine wonder circle.
White Pillow was afraid that after a long delay, the empire would give up rescue.
"Don't look at it anyway. Nothing."
Hua Mu was paralyzed in a hammock and answered weakly. Because he thought he would go back soon, Hua Mu rejected the white pillow's proposal to make a bed, and the two had been sleeping in a hammock these days.
But the hammock had almost no support, and after a long sleep, it caused backache. The white pillow didn't feel much, Hua Mu could not bear it anymore.
If rescue doesn't come all the time, does she always sleep in a hammock?
No, no, rescue will come. But before that, she needs a comfortable bed. No, it is better to say that she needs many, many things.
"White pillow, shall we make a bed?"
These days there has been some rain, which is more in line with the characteristics of tropical islands than when there was no rain for a month. Water supply is no longer the main problem for the two of them. There is no place to sleep when it rains.
"Okay, I will prepare now."
Bai Zhen has been very worried about Hua Mu's situation this time, watching her disappointed again and again, afraid she will collapse like last time.
But Missy asked her to make a bed, which shows that she still has demands. And as long as there is a goal, there is a motivation to live!
White Pillow is an absolute activist. Less than two hours after Hua Mu said this, she brought the materials back from the jungle.
Rather than making a bed, it is better to make a platform that can be far away from the ground, and there is no better material for making such a platform than lightweight and strong bamboo.
The white pillow this time selected is Congzhu, which has a certain flexibility and will be a little more comfortable to sleep.
Hua Mu didn't want to help, so he found something for himself, used the knotting method he learned last time to connect the vines, and prepared the white pillow for the rope.
After doing something, the time seemed to pass quickly. The two spent two days and finally made a bamboo bed that was two meters long and nearly one meter and eight meters wide. The pillars of the bamboo bed are served by thick old bamboos, which are deeply buried in the mud by white pillows. The bamboo bed is about half a meter away from the ground, which can well isolate the moisture on the ground. Between the bed surface and the ground, the white pillow also made an extra shelf, which can be used to stack firewood or other debris.
The moment the bamboo bed was done, Huamu tasted a huge sense of satisfaction. This is the second item she participated in making after the bamboo raft, and instead of doing only a few things like the last time, she actually helped a lot.
The white pillow carefully polished the cut surface of the bamboo, and repeatedly insisted that there were no bamboo thorns, and then paved with palm bark, hay and canvas. Except for the canvas used for the ceiling, half of the rest was used as bed sheets.
The canvas is thick and rough, which is naturally not as good as the fabric that Huamu used to sleep, but it is much better than hay and banana leaves.
Hua Mu lay down on the bed and couldn't help but exhale, feeling the sinking of the body and the rebound of the bed surface. This is the environment for sleeping. How did she endure before?
"Miss, do you think it's okay?"
White Pillow nervously waited for Hua Mu's evaluation, but Hua Mu waved towards her.
The sentry bent over unknownly, and the elder lady took her arm and pulled it—it didn't move.
"You know if you lie down by yourself!"
Hua Mu is so angry that he can't move a surprise!
"Ah? Oh oh!"
White pillow kicked his shoes busy and climbed into bed, but hesitated when he wanted to lie down. Hua Mu couldn't see it anymore, and he fell over her.
"What are you hesitant to do!"
The weight of the two made a slight noise against the bamboo bed, but the bamboo bed was very firm and did not fluctuate.
The white pillow was pressed down by Hua Mu, lying down honestly.
"How is it? Quite comfortable?"
Hua Mu was very proud, and he would take this bed back when he went back.
"Well, very comfortable."
In fact, White Pillow didn't really care how to feel the bamboo bed. As long as Hua Mu was on her, her attention could not be concentrated elsewhere.
Hua Mulai rested on her, and involuntarily began to touch the smooth skin of the sentry.
"Although it is very comfortable, you are still my cushion. Don't try to escape this duty."
Based on the sentinel's brain circuit, Hua Muke did not doubt that she would say something like sleeping in a hammock!
The author has something to say: I almost forgot.
Hua Mu: Is it easy for me? Obviously an arrogant, why should he be lured?
The two are ready to start farming mode.
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