Chapter 43: Equipment increasing

Hua Mu understands that no matter what the expectation has no effect on the rescue, the only thing they can do is to survive first and live a good life. Check the wolf smoke and the help icon every day to ensure that there are ships or planes passing by, and they can be found immediately.
Making a bamboo bed allowed Hua Mu to taste the sweetness. During the process, she not only temporarily forgot her troubles, but also solved a lot of problems after doing it well, making life on the deserted island a lot more comfortable.
Hua Mu officially decided to start to improve the living environment.
Having a place to sleep, the environment to be improved afterwards is still the toilet environment. To be honest, she has endured it for a long time.
It is not difficult to survive on a tropical island, even ordinary people will not starve to death, not to mention that she also has an almost versatile sentry. The proper temperature, abundant water source and abundant food make the two not to worry too much about keeping warm and food, and naturally they have a lot of free time after they settle down. It would be unreasonable to take these time to be in a daze, or to look forward to rescue, and to lose one's life.
Hua Mu expressed his thoughts to White Pillow, who naturally supported 10,000. As long as she can make Missy happy, she is willing to do anything.
"Let's make a toilet first, like a chair, now tired of squatting."
The communities in the tropical jungle change very quickly, and the microbes decompose very quickly, so you do n’t have to worry too much about the disposal of excreta. Anyway, it will return to the earth and become a nutrient soon. But every time I bring grass and ash, I change the place every few days. In the broad daylight, my bare buttocks and squatting often are not convenient.
Hua Mu wanted to do it long ago, a toilet with a wall and a seat.
"Um ... where do you think it is better to build?"
Making a toilet is not as simple as making a bamboo bed. The main difficulty is not the toilet, but the location and disposal of excreta.
The toilet should not be too close or too far from the shelter, nor too close to the jungle.
Huamu has been thinking about this for a long time. "How about it being built on the on the left? Near the banyan tree. There is ventilation, but the wind is not too big, and there are few insects. You can also use bamboo as a pipe, put ... ... cough cough into the low pit in the jungle next to me. I counted the distance, as long as a bamboo is almost the same. "
"Use iron plates or bamboo for walls and ceilings. That's right. It's best to collect rainwater on the ceilings. Install a water storage tank on the toilet-I think it's good to use bamboo, so you don't have to carry water ! "
Hua Mu showed unprecedented enthusiasm, and White Pillow couldn't help but be full of energy.
"Miss, your idea is very good, let's do this! After the toilet is built, we can also add such a roof to the shelter."
"Okay, but the amount of this project must be huge. Maybe we will go back in time."
White Pillow smiled, "Of course it is better."
The two said they would do it. White Pillow was responsible for preparing the materials. Hua Mu first selected the best location.
From the place where the two are stationed, head towards the island. If you turn right on the hillside, you will head towards the west side of the island. As a part of the mountain, the terrain here is generally high. If you want to explore the mountain, it is undoubtedly better to choose the path here.
Although Bai Zhen didn't plan to explore the jungle in detail for the time being, he also roughly searched to the west, and was lucky to find several bread trees five or six kilometers away from the two.
Picking from here saves a lot of time compared to crossing more than half of the island.
Huamu picked a good location, delineated the area with branches, and then went back to the beach to choose materials that could be used. Bai Zhen Qian Dingwan asked her not to get too close to the jungle, and she did not know how to take her own life to take risks, so she has been very cautious. The parts removed from the hull vary in style, there are many types of shipwrecks, and the age span is also very large. Some metal plates have a thickness of more than ten centimeters, while others can only be regarded as metal sheets.
The main material for the construction of the toilet is bamboo and wood, and the ceiling is made sloped, lined with iron sheet, and the rain will naturally flow down the eaves. As long as the cut bamboo is fixed under the eaves, a simple water collecting device is completed.
The water storage container can be directly made of bamboo. According to the frequency of rain today, as long as half the volume of a wall is used to hold water, the two generally do not encounter the embarrassing situation of needing to lift water.
Hua Mu planned very well. After picking out a few pieces of usable iron sheet, the white pillow also transported the material to the designated place.
After adding breadfruit as a staple food, the sentinel's energy and physical strength were significantly improved. During the days when I first came to the island, because the food was only some seafood, most of it went into Huamu's stomach. The white pillow was so thin that the muscles were thin and the cheeks were sunken. Although it looks more sophisticated and dangerous, Hua Mu feels overwhelmed.
Even after she expressed her wishes, White Pillow didn't take the initiative to catch any animals other than fish. Of course, the sentry may have other considerations, but Hua Mu still feels that the other party is worrying about himself.
"Miss, do you think it's better to make a toilet first or put up the frame of the building first?"
This is a difficult choice to choose bare or tired.
"Let's bury the pipeline first."
Since I chose to do it, Huamu is extremely excellent. Of course, the body of the toilet can only be made of bamboo or wood, but in order to facilitate the flushing of excrement by the water, the lower part needs to be made of metal or ceramic. White Pillow once picked up a ceramic wash basin and used it right here. Hua Mu has been hung around this pile of broken copper and rotten iron in recent days to see what can be used. The idea of ​​making a toilet was also due to seeing the flash of light in this wash basin.
"Let's bury the pipeline in the direction of the hillside. The toilet part is made of this washbasin."
As long as Huamu is not affected by emotions, she usually has a plan for doing things. Of course, she can only say a rough concept and idea at most, and the actualization of these depends on the practical experience of the sentry.
"I understand."
The White Pillow is an absolute activist and immediately starts to act.
The location chosen by Hua Mu is indeed not far from the low-lying pits, but the pipe can not be solved by a whole bamboo. In the tropical rainforest environment, using bamboo to make pipes can never last too long. In particular, these bamboos have not been processed yet, and at most they persist for a month.
Although White Pillow desperately hoped that the two would return to a civilized society before the pipeline was damaged, she had to consider replacing the pipeline due to her cautious personality.
Therefore, the pipeline must not be made of a whole bamboo, but divided into bamboo segments of about one to two meters. The joints are fixed with bamboo wedges and then wrapped with iron sheet.
As for the wash basin, a certain degree of expansion needs to be done near the drain, otherwise there is a danger of clogging.
Hua Mu didn't understand why the white pillow cut the bamboo, and inquired inquiringly, and the answer given to her by the other party made her deeply aware of the sentinel's deliberations.
Of course, the white pillow is not a type of bravery and no conspiracy. It is just because the task often encounters unexpected situations, so in addition to the plan made in advance, it is more necessary to adapt to the skills. This also led her to believe that instinct is better than thinking in detail. After all, there are times when danger is never given to others.
But this does not mean that she made a decision without thinking, but that experience and instincts helped her to speed up the process of thinking and react between electro-optical flint.
Coupled with the white pillow's cautious personality, unless you can get a greater return, otherwise you never take risks easily.
Of course Hua Mu never thought that the white pillow was the kind of brainless person, but the other party was too slow in some aspects, so she couldn't help but classify her as "stupid".
The bamboo is cut with a multi-functional saber. As one of the most practical things on the white pillow, the saber really helped the two people a lot. However, whether it is a dagger or a saber, it is not an advantage for cutting trees. Even if the white pillow is not slow, Hua Mu is still tired for her.
"Is there no bigger tool? Have you ever picked anything like an axe or saw?"
The white pillow didn't lift, "I have picked up a few fire axes, but the wooden handles are gone, and the axe is badly rusted. I don't care about the elder lady, I can get it right away."
"The wooden handle is gone. Can the axe be rusted?"
"It's okay ..."
"So why not do it?"
"Uh, because, because I don't think it's necessary."
White Pillow stopped the job at hand and looked at Hua Mu anxiously.
Yeah, of course it doesn't seem necessary to the sentinels, after all, it's someone who can cut bamboo with that kind of short knife. But if she has a tool like axe, she can help too! As a manor, Hua Mu not only chopped wood, but even learned to saw wood.
Although it's not so good, it's right.
"Now stop the job at hand, let's go to see if we can make some tools at hand!"
The so-called sharpener does not cut woodworkers by mistake. Why does this sentry not understand such a simple reason? She recalled what she said before, and White Pillow was not witty at all, and people who didn't know how to be "lazy" were not witty, she was stupid!
Hua Mu ordered, White Pillow did not dare to follow, and turned out some iron bumps, iron bars, and iron pieces from the pile of scrap iron, which made Hua Mu stunned.
"What is this?" The two near-cuboid iron bumps, which could not be seen in their original form, were completely a marine shellfish museum.
"It's a fire axe."
"what about this?"
"It should be saw blades and saw blades."
"Isn't this everything?"
"Can you grind them well?"
"it should be OK."
"How long will it take?"
"One or two days."
"So why not make the tool first? It's just a day or two!" If you have these, she can help early!
The white pillow lowered her head and stopped talking. She thought that she was just stupid Hua Mu and suddenly reacted.
This is the purpose of the white pillow. Without the tools at her disposal, she can only do light physical tasks even if she wants to help.
The author has something to say: seeing many people talking about weight problems yesterday, let me explain today. Dabai ’s height is 180, the weight was originally 62 kg, and BmI is 19.1. This is based on the height of Goddess 175, and 58 kg after weight gain ( Originally 50 kg), BmI18.9, plus the chest part to set. But Dabai lost a lot on the desert island, so she said about 60 kg.
Miss 163 is tall and has a weight of 39-40 kg. This is a normal proportion among women in the entertainment industry. I have said many times before that the lady has kept this weight in order to look good on TV, so it is deliberate.
Afterwards, the two will gradually gain weight on the desert island, just sauce.
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