Chapter 55: Memories

Huamu's life so far can be roughly divided into three stages, things for children before the age of six, childhood from the age of six to twelve, and adolescence from twelve to eighteen.
The two iconic events that divide the three stages, one is her aunt, the successor to the current queen, and the other is the awakening of the ability to guide.
Grand Duke Hua Jian was a male guide. He had married an ordinary woman against his father's will, so he completely lost the right of succession to the throne, and was downgraded from prince to duke. He was only allocated to extremely shabby property. As the daughter of such an unfavorable grand prince, the newly born Hua Mu is actually not favored by most people.
But when the queen inherited the throne, she made the promise of the country and restored her brother's inheritance, she jumped from an ordinary lady of nobility to heir to the throne.
When she was a child, she didn't understand what this meant, only knowing that everything had changed since following her aunt at the succession ceremony. Carefree life is gone, and my father began to become more and more busy, and my aunt did not accompany her as often as she used to. Various courses overwhelmed her, and her grievances and anger made her six-year-old rashly plan a run away from home.
Because she was too young, she didn't remember the specific circumstances. The only thing she remembered was the tears of her father's tears of joy and the suffocating hug of her aunt ... and the incontinence of more than a month.
Since then she has begun to learn etiquette and knowledge, and strives to correct herself and fulfill her obligations. But there is still a hint of expectation in her heart: if the mother is an ordinary person, then at least half of the probability that she will not wake up. And ordinary people will automatically lose the right to inherit the throne-this was told by her disgusting cousin.
But just as the physiological period will finally come, her awakening period is not late. The symptoms of the wizard's awakening are much less obvious than those of the sentinel, and are generally less painful. However, the relative duration is usually longer, and sometimes it is too slight to be separated from ordinary diseases.
Of course, if Huamu was in the Duke's Palace at the time, even a little injury or small pain had already attracted the attention of the Duke. But destiny is such a coincidence that when Hua Mu was awakening, he was participating in the summer camp. She tolerated slight fever and discomfort, and when the teacher noticed her situation, the awakening was out of control.
Without the guidance of an adult guide, Huamu's mental body ran around away from the picture, firstly triggering the union of two young sentries who were serving as guards at the time. The sentinel's mental body quickly got out of control, chasing the black unicorn in a near-crazy posture. Fortunately, the chief of the guard at that time was an experienced guide who immediately took anesthesia against the two sentries.
Huamu was urgently sent to the main tower of the Imperial City, but this decision caused a greater tragedy.
Hua Mu still remembers the fear, the rioting sentinel and the spirit body, their crimson eyes and the fervent desire in them left a huge shadow on the heart of the 12-year-old child.
Sentinel is terrible, is a creature without reason and morality. The two young guards whom she used to call her brother affectionately even wanted to lick her toes with her tongue.
She still remembers that sick feeling!
The cordial and loyal people suddenly turned into gangsters, turned into lowly beasts that could not be bound by morality, betrayed her trust and dependence, and looked at her with indecent eyes.
Shameless sentry!
Hua Mu suffered from awakening while being overwhelmed by fear and anger. And when the car drove into the tower, when nearly 80 sentries surrounded the whole car, but a group of spiritual bodies began to run away, when the guide of the fellow kept asking her to control the unicorn, when she heard about When combining hot and matching words, Hua Mu was overwhelmed by shame and self-doubt.
Is it her fault?
Not the sentries, but her fault?
Even the least experienced sentinels, more than eighty are enough to capture an ambulance in a short time. The guide in the car resisted even less than two minutes, and the windows and doors were broken one after another.
Hua Mu didn't know what it was like to wait for her to end. At just twelve, she even had a suicidal thought in a flash. If everything is her fault, it will surely become a scandal of the royal family.
The two guides in the car were unable to appease so many sentinels at the same time even if they were experienced. The only thing that delayed the time was the battle between the sentries. In order to obtain the right to match with the guide, this group of sentries are almost out of human nature, competing like animals.
Hua Mu was hidden by the guards under the ambulance bed, where she spent the longest three minutes of her life. The roar of the spiritual body, the shock of the ambulance, the wailing of the sentry, everything seemed to be in chaos.
It was a wolf howling that ended the chaos.
The wolf is a very strict species of the social class, and has the characteristics of cunning, cruelty and patience.
Hua Mu didn't like wolves, covering her ears and trembling under the bed.
The bed sheet was lifted, and Hua Mu was scared, not afraid to open his eyes. But the other party did not move further for a while, and she finally looked at the person in anxiety and fear.
Kneeling outside is a woman. Although her figure is a little too tall compared to the average woman, the bumpy body is undoubtedly a woman.
The female alone makes her feel full of security.
"You, who are you ..."
She heard herself ask in a trembling and pathetic voice.
The other party replied: "I am the sentinel of Neta, come here to protect you."
Stereotypical and boring tone.
"Are you a sentinel?"
For Huamu, sentinels have become the most dangerous existence.
"Do you want to do too much to me?"
The other party seemed to be shaking, but his tone was firm.
"No, I will never offend you."
The incident called "The Dump of the Tower" six years ago still exists as a legend in the sentinel circle. Nearly eighty young sentries were sent to various branches after this incident No punishment for returning to the imperial capital within ten years.
That time happened to be a holiday. These people were almost all the sentries who were staying in the tower at that time. In addition to the few teachers who had joined together, even some teachers who had just begun to teach were also recruited.
Bai Zhen once heard that this matter was mentioned by his predecessors, but his fears were overwhelming. Although the royal family issued a password and even took some measures to block the news, after all, there are no impenetrable walls in the world, and White Pillow heard the incident from various places.
As for her-she remembers that she was not in the tower. But what did you do? She couldn't remember it well — it was very rare for her.
Now, the white pillow finally realized the terrible force that caused the "dumping of the tower". Especially when the unicorn began to cry, she finally failed to resist the temptation.
The white wolf seemed to be unable to withstand finally, reaching out the tip of his tongue and carefully licking the tears on the unicorn's face. The nearly three meters of the white wolf almost wrapped the unicorn in his arms and ironed the fur of the unicorn with the lingering and gentle licking method.
Luna gave a shock and immediately responded, shaking her tail and happily starting to respond to it. When the tips of the rough and flexible tongues touched each other, the bodies of the two spiritual bodies glowed brightly. Luna loved the big white wolf licking, and the crisp and numb, not tired.
Hua Mu also likes it.
The contact between the mental body and the mental body is almost equivalent to direct contact with the nerve, not to mention that the two are currently in a stage of reverse dependence, and the comfort they feel is more intense, but that is not simply comfortable, more gentle, more Comfortable, more reassuring.
It's as comfortable as a sentry holding her, making her a cushion, and giving her a massage. Exhausted fatigue and pain just disappeared under the lick, and all you can feel is pleasure except for pleasure.
The tail flicked involuntarily, and itchy ears and horns. She tilted her head subconsciously and asked the other party to lick it. The white wolf embraced her whole and licked her hard.
Ears, nose and horns, neck, back and stomach, every inch of the body seems to be licked.
Apply a little more force, then a little more.
But the white wolf didn't seem to hear her cry, tirelessly and restrained forbearance-even the wolf body was still so white pillow.
Although Huamu felt a little inadequate, she felt inexplicably relieved.
It wasn't her fault. When White Pillow knelt in front of her and said that she would never offend her, Hua Mu finally gained self-affirmation and redemption.
The incident was not the fault of her awakening, the white pillow is the best proof. She did not offend her, and even protected her. Why can't other sentries do?
Ah, if it is now, it is possible to be offended.
Hua Mu was so sleepy that he felt comfortable, and the fatigue that first entered the picture usage ability finally broke out after reassuring.
"White pillow ..."
But why are you like nothing happened? That is obviously you. Did you forget it? Still really don't care?
If at that time it was just because of loyalty, what about now?
Hua Mu suddenly took a breath as if suffocating for a long time, and sat up from the ground. There are no giant wolves and no unicorns, only him on the beach.
There was no snow, no mountains and no caves. She was back. The stupid Luna attacked her from behind without any defense.
Hua Mu stumbled up and hurried towards the shelter.
The sentry was still lying on the bamboo bed with no movement, and there seemed to be no signs of waking up. Hua Mu sat down on her knees and tested her heartbeat for the white pillow.
Even if it is much faster than the average state of ordinary people, body temperature has also rebounded significantly.
Hua Mu was very happy and patted her face: "White pillow, wake up!"
She felt like she had a dream, and the details in many dreams became very blurry at the moment of waking up, but she was very certain that she had gone to the other party's spiritual picture.
She did it! She managed to bring the white pillow back!
"White pillow, white pillow!" Hua Mu shoved the sentry anxiously and excitedly, just when she wanted to open the other person's eyelids to check the situation, a pair of powerful hands suddenly hugged her tightly in her arms.
The author has something to say: those who sleep while coding, modify orZ later
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