Chapter 60: weak

"Oh, anyway, don't worry about these now, take care of your body first ... don't you want to go to the toilet?"
Hua Mu simply broke the topic.
"……I go."
The courage that the white pillow finally swelled couldn't help but decline again, and exhausted. Because this is really an unsolvable proposition, even she who is used to making plans early has to evade temporarily.
The sentinel's body is indeed weak, and he needs support even when walking. If it were n’t for Hua Mu ’s days on the island, she might have been struggling to come out, and she might have been crushed.
Although it has become too thin, it is still not a heavyweight compared to Huamu, a small weak chicken.
"Miss, can you? Am I heavy?" Hua Mu only reached the shoulder of the white pillow. It was a good fit to be a cane.
Hua Mu was tired and half dead, but said on his mouth: "What weight is heavy, you, you are too light, eat more."
The road was usually two minutes, and the two of them walked for ten minutes this time.
"Okay, okay, I'm waiting for you outside." Hua Mu secretly determined while panting, after which she should exercise well.
White Pillow looked utterly silent, and finally entered the bamboo shed silently.
Mom, she's exhausted!
Hua Mu sat on the stone not far away, rubbing his arms and rubbing his legs.
The white pillow back is like the back air, how good is her physical fitness?
But that's right, the thinner the muscles of this silly big guy, the more obvious the muscles will be. Alas, I've lost a lot of weight, and my chest is small. I'm going to have to gain weight.
She thought about a bunch of missing ones, but the white pillow didn't come out. Because it was too long, she thought that the other party fainted because she was too weak.
"White pillow, are you okay? Didn't you faint?"
"... No, I didn't faint."
White Pillow didn't answer immediately, but it didn't seem to faint.
"So what's wrong with you? Diarrhea or constipation?"
Hua Mu really did not expect that oneself who was still using the elegant vocabulary of defloration two months ago was able to say such vulgar words one day. Although she has a lot of vocabulary because of reading those little yellow ... cough cough essays, she really speaks only a handful of times.
To be honest, she didn't need to pay attention to words and deeds to make her feel a little bit cool.
"No, it's not ..." White Pillow's voice revealed an indifferent taste.
"Huh? What's wrong? Couldn't the legs come out softly? It's okay to ask me to come in and help you ~" By making Bai Zhen rely on her, Hua Mu not only did not feel trouble, but also felt very satisfied.
This always omnipotent sentry also has a weak side, and also needs to rely on her. The need to take care of her makes Hua Mu feel very fulfilled.
"No ... Missy, I, my physiology is over ..."
Physiological period ... Of course, the white pillow has a physiological period! As a mature woman, is this not normal?
Hua Mu wasn't actually curious about why he was so angry when he was alive with pain. But because the White Pillow is a sentinel, this does not seem to be strange.
However, now that she has reached her physiology, Huamu can't help but feel a sense of equality.
Suffer everyone suffer together!
"Cough, then I'll help you get one ... Just the kind of tape you made? Just three of them haven't been used, you can use them."
The more pitiful the white pillow, the more gentle Huamu can't help.
"... Well." At this point, there is no other way for White Pillow. After the interruption of the guide element, Hati's deep sleep finally broke the state of the body entering an emergency task, and the physiological period could not be interrupted.
Her physical weakness is not only due to forced endurance combined with heat, but also because of the side effects of long-term tasks.
Hua Mu helped the white pillow to bring the monthly affairs belt, and also helped her to boil hot water. How did Bai Zhen take care of her, she took care of it back.
This is the first time she has been so confident and so fulfilled since she came to the island.
Bai Zhen originally wanted to slowly carry out some rehabilitation training, but unfortunately her plan was disrupted during the physiology period, she had to give her body enough rest first.
In addition to guarding tasks such as white pillows, sentinels usually have at least half a month's vacation after completing their usual tasks, in order to allow the body to fully recuperate.
White Pillow knew this.
But letting Hua Mu get in and out for herself really makes her anxious, so it has always been a worried look. Especially when Hua Mu also wanted to help her deal with the used monthly affairs belt, she was almost forced to die.
Hua Mu was very sorry to be rude and reciprocal, only to see the other party's appearance of being rather obedient, and finally let her go.
After three days of rest, the sentry was finally able to walk around on his own. But Hua Mu still didn't let her do physical work, and she lost her temper as soon as she did it.
"The patient should look like the patient, and should rest well during the menstrual period. You see, I don't lie down all the time, how can I change you?"
White Pillow really wanted to say that it was unusual in itself to lie down as soon as the menstrual period, but thinking of Hua Mu's habit, he finally changed his utterance silently.
"Miss, I'm really okay, there is no problem with firing and chopping wood."
"Firewood is enough, and I can make fire, not bad for eating or water. Why are you looking for something to do? Are you free?"
It was indeed very idle, so idle that she was filled with guilt.
White pillow grimaced, "It is my duty to let you work without me resting, protecting and caring for you."
Huamu chopped the axe in his hand on the stake, disdainful: "If you want me to say, there is no reason for the patient to work. I think you look down on me, this is discrimination."
This hat is too big, and the white pillow is helpless: "No ... I don't have such an idea!"
Hua Mu sat down opposite her, raised her arms and wiped her sweat.
"You have the idea that I am weak, so I don't let me do anything."
"No ..." Although Bai Zongkou said this, he couldn't help but reflect on whether he really had such a thought. I have to admit that she cherishes the longing for Hua Mu, but she really thinks that the other party is delicate and should not do these rough work.
Isn't this what it should be? She is a mistress, a royal family, and even a future queen. How can she do these things?
In the past, Hua Mu couldn't quite understand what the sentry was thinking, but now he doesn't know why he saw it through at a glance.
"Look, what do you think?"
"But, but I should take care of you, my duty is ..."
"Regarding duties, why didn't you want me to do this alone when you wanted to die?"
White Pillow was ashamed, "But that's a last resort ..."
"Whether it's a last resort or not, you're acknowledging my ability to live alone. If so, why should you treat me special? Don't you look down on me?"
White Pillow was quickly distracted by Hua Mu. She didn't understand that she had done so before, why not now.
"I just don't want you to work so hard ..."
"Then do you do it yourself?" Hua Mu felt that she should give White Pillow a lesson. In the past, she would probably be angry and half dead, but now the sentry is so pitiful, her patience has skyrocketed a lot.
"White pillow, why do you keep protecting me so hard, even willing to give your life?"
When Hua Mu asked this question, he had already guessed what kind of answer the other party would give, but he still had some expectations deep in his heart.
"This ... because you are my master and the future leader of this country, it is my responsibility to protect you." This is naturally a very important reason, but Baizheng has other reasons to say it.
"So, is it out of loyalty to the country and the royal family?"
Hua Mu really wanted to paste the sentinel's face with sand. It took a lot of effort to endure.
"So to be precise, the object of your loyalty is the country. The reason why the royal family is important is also because we contribute to the country and its subjects. If my aunt and father practice it, would you still protect us?"
"This ... this is unlikely to happen under the current system."
"Yes, because there is now parliamentary decentralization, the royal family can't be alone. But this is not impossible. How much is my cousin eager to recover □□ and □□ Do n’t you know?

"Of course, those don't have to worry about it for the time being. What I want to say is that I am nothing on this island. Is there a country here? What difference does it make to the current environment for me to be a member of the royal family? Did the island make any contribution? You became my because of my identity, based on my status and value in the Sheng Dynasty Empire, but here ... I am neither necessary nor qualified to be protected , Then what are your responsibilities? "
"This is only temporary, and you will always be in my heart ..."
Huamu raised her hand to stop her saying, "I don't care what you think, but I have my dignity. I have been relying on you for the past two months, but the longer I can see the hope of going back, don't I Have you lived on you all the time? What repays you? "
"I, I don't need to return, you don't care about this ..."
Hua Mu frowned, "Why don't you need it? Why can't I care? I not only care, but also hate this feeling. To tell you the truth, because you were so powerful before, I have been afraid to say these ideas , I ’m also subconsciously dependent on you. But now I wo n’t, and I feel more relaxed. "
White Pillow never knew that Hua Mu had such an idea, and panicked: "You really don't have to feel burdened for it, that's what I am willing to do."
"Why don't you feel the burden? Who are you from?"
"I am your guard."
Hua Mu waved his hand, "I don't have any salary to pay you now, so you are no longer my escort. Don't call me Missie again."
White pillow was shocked! What is she going to do as the guard of the mistress?
The author has something to say: Hua Mu: really stupid!
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